I can summon myself

Chapter 532: First meeting in the psychic age - Part 1

"The bastard shell on the alien is much harder than the Iron Man suit of your California consortium! Ordinary methods can't cut through the full-coverage armor on these guys!"

Zuo Miao called on Doctors A, B, C and D to move the bricks, and he operated on the alien's white armor like a tiger. In the end, he had to give up the idea of ​​using brute force to break open the armor and reveal the appearance of the alien.

"There is a complete matrix inside this kind of armor. If you want to break through the armor's defense, you must first crack the matrix. Of course, if you don't care about casualties, you can activate the small fist card and try it with a supernatural fist of the mythical level. The defensive power of this armor.”

The Godly Willow who followed Bai Chen to the alien headquarters on Sailor Island danced its branches.

It has been confirmed that the difference between these armors and the Iron Man suit of the California Consortium is not the special material, but the matrix inside the armor.

"Now we don't have time to test the properties of these tortoise shells."

"Nana, tie all the aliens up with animal skin ropes."

Bai Chen threw to the succubus a large bundle of mythical black animal skin ropes purchased from the Bronze Dragon Chosen One in the Temple of Wealth.


Nana ran to the nearest alien, and "plucked" the statue-like alien from the place where it was when time was magnified, like pulling onions on dry land, and then threw it into the open space next to the old dragon.

The unlucky alien turned into a parabola and fell heavily to the hard ground.

The succubus followed suit.

Soon, the three groups of aliens captured by the old dragon and the white armored aliens in the passage were all thrown into one position by her.

A hill made of aliens appeared in front of Bai Chen.

After confirming that there are no stray aliens around.

Nana walked to the "hill" and began to tie the aliens together hand to foot, head to tail.

At this time, James's voice came from the passage.

"Boss, you have to come over and take a look."

Bai Chen walked towards the mountain wall.

Teachers and students also followed behind him.

"This passage was actually made from local materials and dug directly from inside the mountain."

"I thought it was going to be some kind of high technology, but it turned out there wasn't even a sign, it was just an ordinary passage."

Amidst the complaints from teachers and students, Bai Chen quickly reached the end of the passage about 100 meters away.

I saw a strange door at the end of the passage.

The surface of the door has a luster that looks like gold but not gold, and looks like jade but not jade. Its surface is covered with countless irregular small pits, as if it had collided with something.

"My dear, this is a bit like the shell of a starship!"

Blue Star Bai Chen recognized the nature of these collision marks at a glance. They were the result of high-speed collisions between starships and countless tiny meteorites in the starry sky.

In addition, there are obvious traces of high-speed entry into the atmosphere and air burning in the inconspicuous corners of the door.

"Just break down the door!"

Bai Chen said to James.

Teachers and students stepped back.

The Compound V battle group formed several human walls in front of them.

After confirming that everyone in Yanyu Academy was protected, James took out a big golden stick.

Spiritual energy from all directions began to converge on the stick, and power fluctuations at the level of mythical gods could not help but rise on the surface of the evil gold stick.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

A gap appeared in front of everyone, and the time amplification field of the old dragon outside the passage poured into the gate along the gap.

Before the two aliens in front of the door could react, they followed the footsteps of the aliens outside the passage and were magnified by time and turned into new "statues".

James poked the big evil gold stick into the gap, and with the force of his hands, the door was pried open by a large gap.

Then, he held the door body with both hands and pushed it hard to the side.

The door was completely opened by him.

Without waiting for Bai Chen's instructions, he, fellow countryman Walter and the others rushed in with a swift stride.

"Boss, this looks like a spaceship!"

“But now it’s all covered by Senior Ao Mayfly’s time amplification field!”

Bai Chen entered the gate surrounded by teachers and students.

As Blue Star Baichen judged, the alien's headquarters is a huge starship.

Walking in the all-metal passage, Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

"Why does it feel like I was visiting a one-to-one replica of the Earth Space Station before the age of psychic energy?" Wang Botang couldn't help but look around, and the more he looked, the more inexplicably familiar he felt.

"Yes!" The old weirdo Wu patted his forehead: "This place is full of ergonomics! So not only does it not have any sense of restraint, but it feels like everything is just right and smooth. Look at the size of this passage. With these space layouts, this must be a Mars spacecraft built by Martians based on the human body! "

Suddenly, Walter, the fellow who was exploring the road in front of Bai Chen, let out an exclamation.

"Human, human!"

"Fellow humans who don't wear armor?"

Bai Chen's mind moved, he accelerated his pace, and soon arrived at a large cabin at the end of the passage.

Three men and two women, a total of five human beings who had been transformed into "statues" by the time-magnified field came into his sight.

Different from the aliens who were dressed in tortoise shells, they were all dressed in black tights, showing their original appearance.

The oldest of the three men was in his early forties, a very strong yellow-skinned man. One of the other two was in his early thirties and had a typical Eastern appearance, while the other was a white man in his twenties.

As for the two women, one had blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs, and the other was a black woman who was 1.8 meters tall and weighed 280 pounds.

But they were all normal humans with two legs, two hands and a head, and no messy edges or corners could be seen on their appearance.

"Four awakeners and one primary controller!"

Zuo Miao quickly judged their strength.

Bai Chen took out the Heavenly Dao Fake Letter Card that could block time magnification, and just when he was about to stick it to the yellow-skinned strong man at the controller level who was leading the group.

Wu Laoguai stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, let's set up the camera first."

"Well, after all, this is the first meeting between Earthlings and Martians since the psychic era, so there should be some sense of ceremony."

Mo Qianxing set up the camera.

Jobs and a group of directors of the California consortium changed their clothes and put on makeup in front of Bai Chen.

Even Zuo Guang carefully hung the emblem of Yanyu College on his chest.

When everyone was ready.

Bai Chen used the Heavenly Dao Fake Letter Card to remove the time amplification field on the yellow-skinned strong man.



"Who are you?"

"How did you get in?"

"What are you going to do?"

The strong man with wide eyes immediately took a defensive posture.

A breath of heaven-defying myths rose from the teachers and students beside Bai Chen.

"Hello, fellow Mars countryman, we are Yanyu College in the East Earth Jiangnan Region of the Earth, I am Bai Chen!"

Bai Chen raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

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