I can summon myself

Chapter 546 Acting crazy and stupid won't save you

As the light of space psychic energy lit up on the self-service transmission platform, Bai Chen left Space Station No. 1314.

However, Xiao Buzhi still got the promise that he would come back.

The next moment, Bai Chen returned to the half plane where the brain control hall was located with the help of the star sucking worm leader.

Tai Chi 888's performance continued.

This robot, which looked like an artificial mental retardation, started various role-playing.

Human, non-human, with gender, without gender.

Natives of the Azure Sky World, outsiders from other worlds.

This thing fully demonstrated that as long as there are enough templates in the memory database, from the creator of the world to the green paramecium, it can cosplay for everyone to see.

"My Lord, I have a bold idea."

"These things played by Tai Chi 888 are not the memory information stored in the brains of this brain pillar hall?"

"The Martians and other three aliens mixed the "personality" memories inside these brains together as the experience package for Nuwa to condense the divine thinking. By experiencing the various "human" lives of countless creatures, Nuwa was sublimated from countless reincarnations and finally trained into a supreme existence that could fool the natives of the wild islands."

The idea of ​​Bai Chen from Lanxing made Bai Chen's mind move: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Although the brain control hall in front of him looks completely unrelated to the Franklin artificial god plan created by the Ivy League on Earth.

But putting aside the phenomenon and looking at the essence, the artificial god projects of both sides actually use the beliefs, visions, and nagging of all living beings to make the divine core that absorbs these things grow step by step, and condense the "godhood" from the incense of billions of creatures, and finally become an artificial god that controls everything in the world.

Don't look at the Martians as enemies of the earthlings.

But from this project, there is not much difference in the way of thinking between Martians and Earthlings.

Although the details are very different, they still go the same way in the end.

"If this is true, it further proves that the Martians may have a higher level of technology than the Earth, but not so high that it can produce a difference in thinking mode. Secondly, the psychic technology of the Martians' allies, the Rock Tribe, and the Shadow Humans will not be much higher than that of the Earth, and they are all within the range of the evil gold's dimensionality reduction attack."

"At the same time, it also reveals that Nuwa did not dare to attack everyone directly under the threat of Ao Fei, James, and the Compound V Corps, but could only rely on bullying Tai Chi 888 to act crazy and stupid. Her own combat power is also relatively limited."

"At least, it does not fully match her power to command the entire Savage Islands."

"Artificial gods, after all, are the product of the development of brain control hall technology. In terms of pure combat power, they should not be as good as the True Cloud Gods of the same level."

Immortal King Bai Chen once again demonstrated his ability as a detail-oriented immortal king, and found all the flaws exposed by Nuwa from this incident.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that this Nuwa is also a traditional old bitch from the Blue Sky World, deliberately using this information to mislead us, making us think that she is not strong enough."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows: "Just give it a try and you will know."

He walked towards Tai Chi 888, which was beating him with a mechanical arm, and finally stopped two meters in front of it.

"Nu Wa, playing crazy and stupid won't save you."

"The safe zone of Space Station No. 1314 is not your reliance."

"That's right, we earthlings will not break the sign of the East Earth Psychic Association."

"But you seem to have forgotten one thing, that is the battleship at the alien headquarters!"

"We can drive this battleship that has nothing to do with earthlings, disguised as Martians defined as war armor by the association to break Space Station No. 1314, and forcibly snatch away the half plane where you are stored in the space resource storage center."

"By then, whether it is the East Earth Psychic Association or the various races watching in Space Station No. 1314, they will only point their spearheads at the Martians who are pretending to be gods, and no one will think that this is what we earthlings did."

Tai Chi 888 instantly returned to normal.

"You are shameless!"

A cold female voice came from its voice system.

Everyone knows that the real core of the brain control hall, Nu Wa, has finally appeared.

Bai Chen said calmly: "In your memory, didn't the Martians instill negative labels and definitions of Earth's two-legged beasts, such as mean, shameless, cruel and violent?"

"I am just showing an image that fits your perception now."

After a pause, he continued: "I won't say any more nonsense. With your wisdom, you should be able to understand the feasibility of us, who have the alien headquarters in our hands, pretending to be Martians and making trouble."

"Whether you continue to act crazy and stupid, or hang up and pretend to be gone, it will not stop our determination to completely control you and your half plane and take it away."

"If you listen obediently, we will not pit your creator for the time being. If you resist stubbornly, we will completely expose the Martians to the key attack range of the East Earth Psychic Association."

"You decide how to choose."

"Of course, you can also choose to destroy the entire brain control hall on the spot."

"We spent a lot of time and effort and got nothing, and we were furious because of your self-destruction. We will definitely put the account on the Martians, your creators."

"You may not see it then, but the Martians will definitely understand what a real Earth psychopath is, a mad dog outsider."

"Now, make your choice."

After that, Bai Chen walked to the control console in the hall, found a chair and sat down, took out a bottle of happy water and gulped it down.

He said to the teachers and students: "I will take you to the 1314th Space Station later. This place is the real display of the power of the East to the Blue Sky World."

"The concept of the safe zone in the online game was actually created by the East Earth Psychic Association."

The eyes of the teachers and students of Yanyu College lit up at once.

The members of the California Consortium and the Compound V Regiment also gathered around Bai Chen and began to listen to Bai Chen's introduction to the 1314th Space Station.

The old dragon Ao Chi said in surprise: "I know about the space station, but I didn't expect that the current space station has become so rich that it uses fragments of small worlds?"

Bai Chen nodded: "If you don't consider the location factor, Space Station No. 1314 is a small city with everything, although it is not large in area."

"Earth two-legged beasts, destroying a city, aren't you afraid of feeling uneasy!"

Nu Wa's voice was full of gnashing teeth.

"What do the Martians do have to do with us?"

"Such a large alien warship is of course the evil deeds of the aliens with pus on their feet."

"We only attack the city, not kill people. The loss of the space station must be attributed to you Martians."

"It's funny. When we Earth two-legged beasts go crazy, we will start a world war. Isn't this perfectly in line with your cognition?"

Before Bai Chen opened his mouth, the teachers and students confronted Nu Wa.

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