I can summon myself

Chapter 552 Bai Chen's plan

The next day, the genius center bosses who cosplayed as the leaders of the temples joined the mahjong team.

After discovering that Wu Qingmei, whose eyebrows could be raised into two lines, was also a mahjong master, the aliens accepted them very calmly.

And the relevant authority was also transferred to Wu Qingmei by Bai Chen.

"Whether there are people with great power secretly cooperating with the Martians or the core layer of the genius center is playing a big game, it has little to do with us. The bookish boss took the initiative to bear the risk of the Martian spy for us."

Bai Chen looked relaxed.

Some gossips only add to the smile, but big news like Martian spies may not only kill people, but also be the tip of the iceberg of a terrifying secret.

Being able to hide the sight of the genius center bosses such as the bookish boss in the face of the trend of the earth trying its best to get in touch with Mars.

Bai Chen didn't even need to say more.

Wu Laoguai, Zuo Guang and other high-level people in Yanyu Academy automatically made up the fact that the existence of Martians might be a shocking secret of the level of a tiankeng.

"That's right, we should let these big guys in the Genius Center fight for us."

"The answer is important, but life is more important."

"The key is that the Martians and Martian spies have nothing to do with our Yanyu Academy. Although the related little secrets are very interesting, I really can't see what benefits we can get from them."

In the final analysis, the scale of Yanyu Academy is too small and the gap with the Martians who are related to the fate of mankind to some extent is too big.

After discovering that the benefits are not visible but the water is definitely deep as Bai Chen said. Everyone unanimously agreed to follow Bai Chen's arrangement and push Wu Qingmei, Shu Juanqi and other big guys in front of the Martians, while Yanyu Academy and Bai Chen hid behind the scenes.

"These hundred aliens, including their headquarters warships, can be transferred to the Genius Center if necessary."

"And the three half-plane resources we have obtained, whether it is the Martians, the Shadow People's family assets looted from the Wild God Islands or the ore collected by the Rock People in the Blue Sky World, still belong to us."

"I am still going to let Sally replace the most important brain control hall and the Martian man-made god Nuwa."

"When Sally completely controls the relevant technology and all the divinity of Nuwa, she will package the brain control hall and Nuwa's replica and sell them to the Genius Center."

Bai Chen said the plan he discussed with Wu Qingmei and others overnight.

The Martians must be transferred to the Genius Center. The first two of the three half-planes belong to Bai Chen in terms of both reason and emotion.

And the man-made god Nuwa is related to the big secret of the Martians.

The big guys are willing to give Bai Chen enough time. After Bai Chen lets Sally replace Nuwa with skin and bones, he will bring the Brain Control Hall and Sally's copycat Nuwa back to the East to use as bait to lure out the Martian spies.

Of course, neither the Martians nor the Brain Control Hall Genius Center will accept it for nothing, but will compensate Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy for the losses with resource premiums such as the East Earth Psychic Association points.

"If calculated according to the current price, this time we can sell the Martians, the Brain Control Hall, and the copycat Nuwa for the price of two to three real Cloud Gods."

As soon as Bai Chen said this, Wu Laoguai and other high-level academy executives suddenly breathed a lot heavier, and everyone's face was full of excitement about making a fortune this time.

"It's more cost-effective than killing gods!"

"Not only is it a net profit without any cost, don't forget that we can also get the full set of technology of the brain control hall, as well as the real Martian man-made god Nuwa."

"The genius center is really generous."

"It seems that transporting Martian humans is a very promising job."

Wu Laoguai rubbed his hands excitedly: "Just do what you want, Bai Chen, don't change a word."

Zuo Guang asked with concern: "Does Sally need our help to invade the brain control hall?"

Bai Chen nodded: "The relevant plan has been outlined, but it requires a lot of supporting work. When Sally has designed the relevant tasks, you will definitely be busy."

Just like using the ancient god client to issue the master's tasks to the natives in his territory. On the dead volcano island, Sally also began to issue various tasks to teachers and students, and the effect was quite good.

This time, he also chose to mobilize the power of the entire Yanyu Academy in this way to lay a solid foundation for Sally to invade the brain control hall.

"How to invade?"

Wu Laoguai suddenly entered the state of Frankenstein, and Zuo Guang and others also became serious and serious.

After all, although Bai Chen's mechanical girl is a mysterious brain demon, she is far behind Nuwa, the only supreme being behind the thousands of beliefs in the Wild God Islands, in terms of strength and level.

The difficulty of invading the brain control hall system where Nuwa's body is located and successfully replacing her is actually beyond their cognitive limit.

If Bai Chen hadn't confirmed it himself, they would even think that this was a fantasy of a snake swallowing a whale.

"Start from two aspects."

"First, on the material level, add Sally's free neurons to the divine material and divine essence that Nuwa needs."

"Secretly add these free neurons that only Sally can activate to the resources needed by Nuwa's brain control hall, and use the brain control hall's own circulation system to silently enter every brain in the brain column."

"The number does not need to be large, but all these free neurons have the ability to proliferate rapidly. Once the time comes, Sally will use the divine substance nutrient solution in the brain column to catalyze these free neurons into weapons that can affect every brain and attack the system where Nuwa's body is located from the inside of the brain column."

"Second, it is the spiritual level. I need all the teachers and students on the dead volcano island, all the Western coolies, to use the Tiandao fake letter card to disguise themselves as the natives of the Wild God Islands, and take the opportunity to pass the added faith designed by Sally into Nuwa's divine core."

"When the time is right, launch an attack together with the free neurons in the brain column."

Bai Chen talked freely in front of Wu Laoguai and others.

After they understood and digested it, he continued: "Of course, considering the gap in strength between the two sides, it is impossible to take down Nuwa with this attack."

"So, there is only one purpose for this attack, which is to permanently leave Sally's mark in the hardware of the brain control hall, the Nuwa divine core, which involves the software of the divine realm."

"Once the goal is achieved, it means that Sally has placed a permanent anchor point inside Nuwa."

"We can use the advantage of more divine essences and rely on the thickness of our wallets to provide Sally with a steady stream of support, and forcibly eliminate the huge gap in level and strength between Sally and Nuwa."

"As one grows, the other shrinks, and finally achieves the goal of Sally replacing Nuwa. And Nuwa herself will become a part of Sally, from the artificial god of the Martians to the divine core of the mechanical girl that can be used by us."

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