I can summon myself

Chapter 567 Is he the demon body you summoned from the long river of time and space?

"My Lord, the upper demon leaves keywords in the lower demon's soul body through blood and other means. Sensitive words are actually a very common method among demons."

The demon lord Bai Chen, who was covered in black smoke, appeared in front of Bai Chen. The semi-transparent him was not the third resident of the Qiwu Keyboard, but a new function of the Qiwu Keyboard, the temporary worker Bai Chen.

These temporary workers Bai Chen are like one-time projections. They can be used to clarify doubts, to fight, or to cosplay Bai Chen himself. The duration of their existence depends on their consumption and purpose.

At present, the void spiritual energy in Bai Chen's Qiwu Keyboard can only sustain the demon lord Bai Chen for less than ten minutes.

However, for a peak demon like him, it is enough to stabilize Nana's current situation.

While injecting demonic power into Nana's body, he analyzed to Bai Chen: "This lowest-level succubus in front of us is obviously planted with sensitive words by the superior in the abyss world where she is. The crested ibis that has been reborn as an egg is the key to activating her sensitive words."

"From this, I can further infer that her superior demon in the Demon Abyss is not a fire demon, otherwise there is no reason not to activate her keywords when she repeatedly enters and exits the dead volcano and goes deep into the embers."

"But the problem now is that there are too many types of superior demons in the Demon Abyss that like to eat phoenix chicks and phoenix eggs. Based on her current situation, I can't judge what kind of superior demon behind her is."

"However, due to the limitations of the earth's heaven, this kind of superior demon that can leave keywords in the body and soul of the lower demon will not appear in person, and even a projection is unlikely. After all, the superior demon also has to save face. How can he do things like running errands in person?"

Bai Chen's mouth twitched. This reason is very good and powerful.

"So, after receiving the keyword space information stimulated by Nana's vitality."

"Even if the upper demons knew the existence of Nirvana's national treasure team, they could only send Xinda and Yan Shuishui's quasi-high-level myths to the earth."

"Based on my personal experience, the more likely situation is that the upper demons who want to eat the phoenix chicks will find a way to buy the five national treasures in your hand."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that the greedy ones will be those demon cubs who have not been beaten by the abyss. These guys who rely on their respective backgrounds do not know what it means to be a demon honestly. You just need to roll up your sleeves and beat them up."

Demon Lord Bai Chen snapped his fingers, and a mark exclusive to him fell on Bai Chen. A breath of the Demon Lord spread to Snake Hair Type 5 with Bai Chen as the center.

"It's really the Demon Lord!"

Sally's voice was full of shock.

Demon Lord Bai Chen looked in the direction of the voice: "Brain Demon Clan? I, you are lucky to have such a brain demon cub that I have been feeding since its infancy."

He snapped his fingers again.

A pink crystal containing many secrets of the brain demon clan and many inheritance information appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Sally controlled the exoskeleton and walked out from the corner of the garden. Her emotions were full of desire for this crystal.

Bai Chen smiled slightly, picked up the brain demon inheritance crystal and threw it directly.

Sally took it in a hurry, and happily put the crystal carefully into the storage compartment of her exoskeleton.

"Thank you, Master!"

Bai Chen smiled and said to Demon Lord Bai Chen: "How is Nana now?"

Demon Lord Bai Chen snapped out five egg-sized succubus inheritance crystals.

"Under normal circumstances, even if she doesn't die, she won't live long because of the lost vitality. But who can blame her for being so lucky to meet you, the deity, and work for you?"

"These are five advanced inheritances exclusive to female succubi."

"No matter which one, it can make her reach a higher level of life level like your bird."

"However, there is a small side effect, you will know it when the time comes."

"I'm leaving, the deity. If there are any demon cubs coming to cause trouble, you can summon me at any time to teach these cubs and their families how to be demons."

After that, the demon lord Bai Chen disappeared in front of Bai Chen.

"Master, is he the demon body you summoned from the long river of time and space?"

Sally asked timidly.

Bai Chen's mind moved, and this explanation was not bad.

"Just treat him as it is."

"Wow, master, you are so amazing."

At this time, Nana, who was lying in front of Bai Chen, moved her fingers. Although she didn't wake up immediately, Bai Chen felt that her vitality had completely stabilized.

Although the demonic power that Demon Lord Bai Chen poured into her body was not much, the level was definitely Demon Lord level.

Although in terms of grade, Demon Lord is similar to Cloud Lord God of Destiny of Azure Sky World.

But even if all Cloud Lord Gods of Azure Sky World came together, they would probably fall collectively.

For Nana, a female succubus of the lowest level, his power is the supreme elixir that can cure all diseases.

Bai Chen asked Sally to open the passage door.

The teachers and students who were waiting for the results around Snake Hair Type 5 rushed in with big strides.

Although Nana has not been on the dead volcano island for a long time. But everyone in Yanyu College likes this female succubus who can make a living with her beauty and figure, but chooses to move bricks and make money with her strength like the four doctors A, B, C, and D.

"Boss, how is Nana?"

Dr. A was full of worry.

"I figured out what happened." Bai Chen briefly explained to everyone the meaning of the Demon Lord Bai Chen's upper demon setting keywords and sensitive words in the body of the lower demon.

The anger rushed straight to the foreheads of teachers and students.

"Nana was born as a spy for the upper demon without knowing it?"

"This abyss is too cruel."

"The upper set keywords and sensitive words for the lower, and when the trigger scene is encountered, the lower uses life force to transmit these keywords and sensitive words back to the upper. This is too much!"

"In other words, these uppers may send their minions to our dead volcano island to cause trouble at any time?"

The teachers and students of Yanyu College all had red eyes.

Looking at Nana who was still unconscious.

A, B, C, and D burst out their attitudes from their teeth: "Fuck the stinky demon!"

"Dare to hurt our Nana like this, we must teach these dogs how to be demons!"

Everyone's angry roar echoed in Snake Hair Type 5.

Nana, lying on the bed, slowly opened her eyes: "Boss, am I still alive?"

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