I can summon myself

Chapter 569 You are a good Bai Chen, you are a cowardly foreign lord

"The natives of the Azure Sky World are indeed a bunch of cowards. So what if the Arcanist Alliance? Shouldn't they just admit their mistakes and pay the money? If they can't cure the Earth foreigners, can they cure you natives?"

"If we can't solve the problem, then we can solve the easiest party to bully in the problem-making. This is the way we Martians solve problems."

"Unfortunately, this trip is still not perfect. The Earthling lord of the Maple Sugar Grassland next door is so cowardly that we are very upset that we didn't get to eat his Naniu."

"But then again, if the group of softies from the Misty Rain Academy next door know what's good for them, they should honestly offer their Naniu!"

The anti-sky myth army of the Wild God Islands swaggered through the airspace of the Azure Sky Empire. After making the Arcanist Alliance kneel down and call them daddy together with other alien legions, both the leading aliens and the anti-sky myth natives of the Wild God Islands were full of confidence.

In their view, except for the foreigner Prell, who was born with Earth mental illness and could not be dealt with for a while, the natives of the Azure Sky World were no longer worth mentioning.

Even though Bai Chen is an Earthling and has a smaller courage than a mouse, they can bully him as they wish.

Some of the Shadow Humans who love Nai Niu have already figured out how to show off their muscles to Bai Chen and his gang of cowards from the Misty Rain Academy.

Under the gaze of the natives of the Azure Sky Empire, they once again crossed the border and came to the Maple Sugar Grassland, Bai Chen's territory.

"It's still the same as when we left, no grass elves and no Nai Niu."

"This lord is even less courageous than the native arcane masters. Although the native arcane masters are dogs, they dare to bark at us a few times, but this Bai Chen has not dared to show his head until now."

"Forget it, forget it, let's spare these cowards for now, let's go home first, and I don't know if Nuwa has prepared food and drink for us."

After confirming that the Maple Sugar Grassland was still dead silent, the army of the Wild God Islands quickly passed through the Maple Sugar Grassland and arrived at the Maple Sugar Coast.


"Why is the fleet still on high alert?"

Silvio, the alien leader of the army, swooped down on the fleet that was cruising in the open sea and maneuvering in a zigzag pattern at high speed.

As the distance got closer, the aliens soon found traces of the battle on the ships.

"The attack came from the sky?"

"The fleet was hit by a meteorite?"

"If it was really a battle, attacking from the sky alone would be a bit against common sense."

The alien warriors came to the fleet flagship.

Before they even had time to speak, the captain took the initiative to tell them that they could not contact the headquarters.

"I don't know what happened on Sailor Island. Since our fleet was attacked by various firecrackers and enveloped by a strange spiritual energy, we have been unable to contact Nuwa. It was not until yesterday that this strange spiritual energy completely disappeared. I was originally going to send someone back to the headquarters to find out, but now that you have returned with the army, it's just right to go over and see what's going on."

The alien warriors nodded.

After leaving behind a hundred natives of the myth of the sky, they took the remaining natives on their return journey again.

As soon as they entered the range of the Wild God Islands, they deployed the detection array.

"There are no signs of large-scale conflicts of arcane or other psychic powers."

"There are no traces of the war."

"The appearance of each island is normal, and the activities of the natives on the islands are normal."

As the information that everything is normal was transmitted back.

The tense nerves of the three tribes of alien warriors gradually relaxed.

"Maybe the people at the headquarters are lazy."

"The sneaky robot Tai Chi 888 is probably slacking off again."

"With Nuwa, a super-powerful man-made god, there is no way our headquarters could have any problems!"

"Nine out of ten, the guys who stayed at the headquarters felt bored and ran to the nearby Sailor Port Happy."

Suddenly, a shocked voice came from the army's communication channel.

"Where is the statue of the god worshipped by our tribe?"

"Where is our temple?"

"Who the hell stole the stone tripod used by our tribe for bathing?"

The natives' shouting and cursing against the myth of heaven continued.

When the alien warriors landed on an island where the statue was taken away. What the teachers and students of Yanyu College were worried about finally happened.

"Yes, it was the foreigner named Bai Chen next door!"

"He sent a little female dragon to rob everything he saw, even the stone fetus under the sea that we used as a backup statue!"

"The little female dragon is not a human, and the foreigner next door is even less a human!!!"

"She said that the Wild God Islands are all the property of the foreigner Bai Chen, and she will take whatever she likes!"

Facing the sobbing complaints of their own tribesmen.

The indigenous anti-sky myths in the army were completely angry.

They worked hard to fight outside, but when they looked back, they saw that their old nest was visited by a little female dragon sent by the damn foreigner Bai Chen.

What made them even more unacceptable was that the one who allowed the dragon to do evil was Bai Chen, whom they thought was cowardly and despised all the way.

"We can't just let it go!"

"The foreigner dared to blaspheme our faith!"

"GTMD Bai Chen, GTMD Yanyu College!"

The indigenous anti-sky myths roared angrily.

The faces of the alien warriors were extremely ugly.

There is no doubt that the bald natives and the bald temple in front of them are like a resounding slap in the face. They think they have subdued the arcanists and can now dominate the big world of the blue sky. Walking aliens.

"Good for you, Bai Chen, good for you, a cowardly foreigner lord..."

"You are the real old cunt."

"You deliberately pretended to be timid in front of all forces to make us put down our vigilance against you, but secretly took advantage of our army to go to our hometown to buy up the inventory for zero dollars, even the food used by the indigenous people for worship. I won’t even let go of the statues!”

"It seems like another Earth dog that can't grow any grass wherever it goes."

Suddenly, the expression of the alien leader Silvio changed drastically.

"Let's go back to the headquarters immediately!"

Other powerful aliens also reacted.

Until now, their headquarters has not come out to deal with the aftermath, which means that there must be a bigger problem on Sailor Island, so that even the only Supreme Nuwa of the Wild God Islands has not come forward to appease these indigenous believers.

The alien warriors soared into the sky and rushed to Sailor Island, where their headquarters was located, as fast as they could in their lives.

A quarter of an hour later, when Bai Chen used the ancestral dragon emblem to carve out a huge crater on the mountaintop, it appeared in Silvio's field of vision.

This 700-year-old high-level god-defying myth from Mars Tai Chi Academy stumbled and almost fell from the air.

The powerful aliens behind him all had their eyes protruding from their sockets. No one could believe what they were seeing.

The natives who came with them were also confused.

"Who am I? Aboriginal?"

"Where am I? Sailor Island!"

"But where is our headquarters? Where is the all-powerful goddess Nuwa in our faith?"

A great rage arose in Silvio. He let out a roar that echoed through the sky: "Bai Chen, Yanyu Academy, I'm not done with you!"

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