I can summon myself

Chapter 579 Time flies

In the blink of an eye, it is already twenty years later.

"Yes, I, Al, are honored to announce to everyone that the number of arcane awakened people in Europa this year has exceeded 133.3 million, officially surpassing the number of newly awakened people in the Earth that has officially exceeded the number of newly awakened people in the Earth, which has been receiving benefits every year for the past twenty years. The most civilized.”

"Now, please allow me to solemnly introduce to you my youngest and most outstanding closed disciple, Mu Lingxi from Dongtu Yanyu City."

"Twenty years ago, she came to Europa to study. She was still an ordinary arcane awakener. But now, with the help of the Demon Abyss, which has been completely integrated into the earth's heaven, she has become the youngest person to defy the heaven in the history of Europa. ! At the same time, she is also the youngest of the people of Dongtu’s generation, even though the legendary Long Yi is now only a titled legend, she is far from being able to catch up with my disciple!”

Mu Lingxi, who was wearing a purple arcanist robe, exuded arcane spiritual energy fluctuations that could only be seen by powerful men who defy mythology.

One, two, three, four, and finally five physical spheres condensed with arcane spiritual energy floated above her head.

As countless flash lights lit up.

The news that Mu Lingxi became the youngest person in history to defy the gods spread throughout the earth.

"Junior brother, isn't this your ex-girlfriend? She actually defies the myth!"

At the headquarters of Mist and Rain Academy, Zuo Miao, who was a twenty-level master, handed the Mist and Rain Academy newspaper with a photo of the arcane energy ball above Mu Lingxi's head to Bai Chen.


Bai Chen's reaction was indifferent. After being upgraded from the 25th level Awakener to the 25th level Controller, he now has no idea of ​​advancing to the Heaven-defying Myth.

On the other hand, Mo Qianxing, who has reached level 22 and is currently in retreat, has begun to advance to the level of Heaven-defying Myth.

"Bai Chen, my ancestor has something to do with you."

Twenty years later, Wu Huanger, whose appearance has not changed and has become a title legend, opened the door of Bai Chen's office.

Due to the bad taste of an unnamed old wizard, a 100-meter statue of Bai Chen was erected in Yanyu Academy. The top of this ancient god whose body is a statue stitching monster is where Bai Chen's office is.

According to what the old man Wu and the teachers and students said.

In this rapidly changing earth, you can see the light of Bai Chen's office on top of the statue every day when you look up. For all the teachers and students of Yanyu College, this is the greatest confidence in their hearts.

Even though the academy has the national treasure Phoenix Squad every day and the little dragon who steals things from the cafeteria from time to time and makes Gordon furious, Bai Chen is still the Dinghai Shenzhen who makes everyone feel at ease.

"Your best friends are incredible, Wu Huang'er, what do you think?"

Zuo Miao pushed the newspaper in front of Wu Huang'er.

"no idea."

Wu Huang'er's face was expressionless.

Twenty years have passed, although Mu Lingxi has become a myth. But to the Misty Rain Academy, where dragons and crouching tigers are hidden, her speed is nothing.

Not to mention Wang Botang, who was already a legend five years ago, the foursome are A, B, C and D. She is the foodie senior who is recognized as having the most talent.

With the help of Bai Chen, Tie Hanhan, who was considered impossible to become a controller in this life, relied on the divine core brewed from the anger accumulated over the years since childhood, Became a mythical and irascible foodie.

And Bai Chen's number one maid and the maid's sister are mid-level mythical powerhouses who have been in the realm of heaven-defying myths for eight years.

Mu Lingxi's achievements are amazing.

But the gap between people is wider than the gap between people and huskies. Compared with those around Bai Chen, she is nothing.

As for Yan Shuishui, Xi Nuowei, and Lan Pimei, who are still staying by Bai Chen's side, any one of them can make Mu Lingxi's Al instructor feel the fear of being hanged.

Bai Chen was teleported to the Old Monster Wu's laboratory by the statue suture monster.

At this moment, in Wu Laogai's laboratory, three old acquaintances, Wu Qingmei and Lao Huang Erhuang, had been waiting for a long time.

"Classmate Bai Chen, when will you fulfill your duties as special advisor to the Genius Center?"

"According to our regulations in the East, you should have at least four heirs now."

Lao Huang's joke made Bai Chen roll his eyes angrily: "But come on, you can actually do such a thing as forced breeding. Haven't my contributions been enough over the years?"

Erhuang chuckled: "Contribution is one thing, but the number of descendants is another. If you feel that there are not enough people now, we have many admirers for you in our Genius Center."

"Didn't those old dragons from the Dongtu Dragon Clan say that as long as you accept Long Yi, they would be willing to give you the geniuses of various tribes, including the Dragon Clan, who started out as mythical beasts, as bed warmers?"


I found that Bai Chen's attitude was as determined as ever.

Wu Qingmei glared at Lao Huang, then Erhuang glanced at him and said the reason for his visit: "After twenty years of tracking by our genius center, we finally found the Martian spies on the earth."

Bai Chen became interested.

The sorcerer named Frankenstein also became energetic.

"Tell me, is it the old shady arcanists in Europa, or the Gotham Consortium, which I've seen has been doing a lot of things lately?"

Wu Qingmei nodded, then shook her head.

"It's them, but it's not just them."

"This is a mysterious alliance composed mainly of the hidden giants of the Eastern Earth."

"These former seniors from the Genius Center, the Eastern Earth Psychic Association, are not willing to share the system of the Psychic Age with ordinary people. They believe that the Martian system in which weak people are never allowed to stand up and are only worthy of being used as dry batteries is better for Eastern Earth. s Choice."

"So, they colluded with the high-level Martians headed by Taiji Academy, and provided the European arcanists with a method to use the Demon Abyss to increase the psychic strength of the European arcane environment, provided the Gotham Consortium with a high-tech ancient civilization relic called the Death Star, and provided various methods to summon the gods of the Olympus Temple, the Nordic barbarians, the Indian Mayan ancient gods, the origin of human civilization, and other organizations that have been on the stage for the past 20 years."

"The biggest traitor is none other than these Eastern predecessors who treat ordinary mortals, ordinary awakeners, and controllers as ants."

"As far as I know, the Mysterious Alliance not only has Eastern human predecessors, but also former bosses from the Eastern Dragon Clan and other divine beasts who do not agree with the current Eastern order."

Wu Qingmei looked sad.

In this secret force called the Alliance of Reformers, there are many predecessors she regards as elders and idols.

"My Lord, it seems that it will be difficult to overturn them."

Lan Xingbaichen said solemnly.

"Just a bunch of old antiques."

Immortal King Bai Chen sneered disdainfully.

In the past twenty years, he has reached the level of the main god of destiny among the gods in the clouds of the Azure Sky World.

And the upper limit of the current earth's heavenly way can only be so.

Bai Chen said calmly: "Everyone has their own aspirations. They have their choices, and we also have our ideals."

"Now that we have figured out the identity of the Martian spy, let's take the initiative to confront them!"

Wu Qingmei, Lao Huang, and Er Huang nodded heavily.

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