I can summon myself

Chapter 68 Zuo Guang

Bai Chen's master, Zuo Guang, is a tall, strong man.

He has a square face and neatly combed black hair.

At this time, Zuo Guang stood in front of the French window, looking at the tall city wall across the sea. His expression of yearning, remembrance, and recollection kept changing in his dark eyes.

The city wall in front of him was a thousand meters high. It was made of black iron mixed with various high-level spiritual metals and had a black-gray appearance. It stretched out beyond the field of vision.

Zuo Guang knew that its length exceeded 10,000 kilometers, protecting the entire island.

The island behind the city wall was called the City of All Spirits. It was not only a holy place in the hearts of researchers like Zuo Guang, but also a holy place in the hearts of all mankind.

There were various research institutes with heaven-defying academic masters, as well as the controller training camp that billions of awakened people dreamed of, and the most central was the spiritual portal leading to various space nodes.

Of course, for him, there was also his past.

"Old Zuo, Old Zuo?"

Zuo Guang turned around and saw the old professor in the same room pointing at his laptop.

On the laptop screen on the bedside table, a new email was flashing.

Zuo Guang opened it and said, "Old man, my junior's paper will definitely scare you to death!"

Seeing the email from Zuo Miao.

A smile appeared on his stern face.

Bai Chen, his most worried disciple, finally grew up.

Just when he was about to take a peek.

The door was pushed open by the vice president of Yanyu College.

Colleagues from the college squeezed in.

The four-person room where Zuo Guang was was suddenly overcrowded.

"The review results are out. Our college, like the past three hundred years, still has not obtained the qualification to enter the city wall to participate in the core-level academic conference."

The vice president with gray hair shrugged.

There was not much frustration on his face.

Since Wu Laoguai retired.

In the past three hundred years, Yanyu College has been empty-handed in the ticket review meeting held every ten years, just like now.

In fact, among the 156 colleges in the entire Jiangnan region that are eligible to participate in this world-wide ticket review meeting, only the Jiangnan Region Awakener Management Association’s own son, the Jiangnan Region Psychic Research Institute, passed the review.

The other 155 were wiped out like Yanyu College.

The reason why the Psychic Research Institute, as the only seedling, was selected was not because of how strong their academic masters were, but it was just barely passed for the sake of the Jiangnan Region.

Zuo Guang’s colleagues, like the vice president, had expected this result long ago. Although they were regretful, they were not painful.

Zuo Guang sighed.

Can you say that Yanyu College didn’t work hard?


For this ticket, the college sent all the elites that could be sent. Except for the old principal who was in charge of Yanyu City, the team at this moment gathered all the strength of the college. So much so that even the normal teaching tasks were postponed to the second half of the year.

But Yanyu College’s opponents are not just their peers in the Jiangnan region.

They are competitors all over the world.

Although as the pillar of the college, Zuo Guang is recognized as having the style and ability of the young Wu Laoguai back then.

But compared to the opponents of the old principal's era.

Today's peers are much more brutal.

The emergence of psychic power has produced countless geniuses who rely on psychic mutation.

But compared to the Ivy League schools that have grown like snowballs, the old and famous schools with endless top students like TOP.

Whether in terms of background or strength, the gap between Yanyu College and them has not narrowed, but has widened over time.

Yanyu College, which is mainly composed of the indigenous residents of Yanyu City and at most a small number of outstanding students from Jiangnan City, is compared with the top colleges that have inherited the blood of Wu Laoguai, who started stronger than Wu Laoguai, and have absorbed generations of geniuses from all over the world.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

No matter how strong Zuo Guang's personal strength is.

He can't lead everyone.

"Pack up your things, buy some souvenirs, and get ready to go home."

The vice principal's words won a lot of approval.

They have been out for three months and they all miss home.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, is Professor Zuo Guang in this room?"

A pleasant female voice came from outside the door.

The colleague closest to the door opened it.

A tall, well-dressed, bookish woman stood at the door.

Next to her, a young man who looked 70% similar to Zuo Guang, with colorful hair and hip-hop clothes, chewed gum impatiently.

"Old Zuo, who are they?"

The colleagues looked suspiciously between Zuo Guang and the young man.

This guy is too much like Zuo Guang.

"Let's go, let's go."

The vice principal who knew about it shouted to everyone to leave the room.

Soon, only Zuo Guang and the mother and son were left in the room.

"Where's Miao'er? Why don't you bring her here?"

The woman stared at Zuo Guang with a bad face. She was Zuo Guang's ex-wife, Zuo Miao's mother, Muse.

"She doesn't want to come."

Zuo Guang's reaction was indifferent.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief.

If Zuo Miao saw him like this, he would definitely be beaten with a big iron stick.

"Dad, why are you still in this crappy academy?"

"The City of All Spirits, isn't it great?"

"If my elder sister was in there, she would have already broken through the 100% matching level."

The young man Zuo Leng took out a black space card from his pocket.

"This is the money I saved from working for three years. Dad, give it to my elder sister when you go back."

Zuo Guang took it and slapped the young man's green-haired head.

"If Xiao Miao sees you dressed like this, I will beat you with a big iron stick."

Zuo Leng curled his lips.

He walked to the French window with Zuo Guang's notebook, leaving the conversation space to his mother.

Muse raised her hand.

A spiritual soundproof cover enveloped her and Zuo Guang.

"I saw that your Yanyu College's thesis was led by you. The research route is correct, and the idea is also quite in line with the taste of the reviewers. But it is too superficial. Your Yanyu College does not have the hardware foundation for in-depth research in your thesis."

Zuo Guang was silent.

Muse glared at him with a look of disappointment: "Even if you don't consider yourself, can you bear to let Xiao Miao suffer with you in an academic desert like Yanyu City?"

"It hasn't broken through 100% matching degree yet, and it's still hanging out with a rubbish hunting group whose leader is only level 7."

"A good girl, but she can play with a big iron stick. Is there anyone who educates her like you?"

Her voice rose eight degrees.

Zuo Guang remained silent.


Muse slapped the head of the bedside table heavily, and a clear palm print suddenly appeared on the surface of the cabinet made of psychic alloy.

The bookish air on her body disappeared and was replaced by the sign of turning into a female Tyrannosaurus.

The young man Zuo Leng shrank himself into a ball.

He finally understood why his father wanted to divorce his mother.

Even if Aunt Ye didn't intervene, who could stand a mother like a female Tyrannosaurus.

"Junior brother's thesis?"

Zuo Miao's junior brother should also be his junior brother, right?

Although Zuo Leng didn't think the so-called thesis could be very exciting.

But compared to the possible domestic violence that might be happening before his eyes, he chose to watch.

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