I can summon myself

Chapter 85: Fel Energy Potion

"Seven people were seriously injured, four of them in critical condition."

"Although the remaining children only suffered minor physical injuries of varying degrees, the brain-eating spiders gave them a huge mental impact."

"Their mental state is terrible."

Originally, the old village chief wanted to use a steam airship to send the boys and girls back to the Lin family compound immediately.

But after checking, I found that everyone had a huge shadow on the steam airship.

They didn't even dare to look at the airship that caused Lin Jiutian's death and made them suffer so much.

And their physical condition was obviously unable to cross the vast mountains and return to the Lin family compound on foot.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, please continue to help me."

The old village chief said sincerely.

The people of Linya Village alone cannot take care of so many children who are physically and mentally injured.

"No problem at all."

Even if the old village chief doesn't speak.

Bai Chen would not just watch these naughty children continue to suffer.

"There are some plants around here. I'll see if I can use the life essence to make some potions that can calm their nerves."

"As for the external injuries on their bodies, there's nothing I can do about it."

Whether it's Blue Star Bai Chen or 233 Earth Bai Chen, just like Cat Bai Chen, they all belong to a high-tech world where psychic technology far exceeds that of his own earth.

As long as they don't die on the spot, the biomedical technology in their world can save people. Even if they are missing an arm or a leg or a broken spine, which is a serious injury that cannot be healed on earth, as long as they are thrown into the medical cabin, another one will be born three to five days later. A hero resurrected with full health.

Therefore, Bai Chen's experience has no prescription for treating trauma.

On the contrary, it calms the mind and improves the matching degree in areas related to the spirit.

Bai Chen, who has the above version of his own experience, can be regarded as a true psychic old Chinese medicine doctor.

"Lin Houhou, Lin Yaya, please tell Mr. Bai Chen what output is available around here."

The old village chief recruited the brother and sister.

Although he didn't think Bai Chen could turn decay into magic, he still called the brothers and sisters who were most familiar with the area to express his respect for Bai Chen.

“We have some medicine but not necessarily enough.”

The three girls of Mo Qianxing opened their respective space equipment and took out the trauma medicine used by the hunting group and the Crested Ibis Park walking wild.

There are both traditional psychic chemical pills and external ointments that look very evil at first glance.

"Thank you, you guys have been a big help."

The old village chief and everyone quickly assessed the severity of the injury.

With the help of the three girls, treatment for the naughty children began.

On Bai Chen's side, the brother and sister drew together and marked out the main plants in a two-kilometer radius around the volcanic lake.

233 One of Earth's own calming prescriptions came in handy.

This is a herbal formula named Fel Potion.

"Senior sister, please communicate with your mutant spider eggs and ask the spiders to go down the mountain to find something."

Bai Chen pointed out the patterns of the plants he needed to Zuo Miao.

"Junior brother, you don't know how to kill people."

In fact, Zuo Miao, like the old village chief, felt that it was unreliable to rely solely on the plants around the peak where the volcanic lake was located to appease the naughty children who were frightened by the brain-eating spiders, because if these plants were really useful, they would be able to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains. There is no reason why the mountain people of Linya Village who live halfway up the mountain should not know this.

However, from beginning to end, they did not come up with any earthly formula that could calm the nerves.

This change of direction proved her judgment.

That is, the plants around here are most likely just plants with no medicinal value.

"Definitely not dead."

Bai Chen said firmly.

He had tasted the life essence of the brain-eating spider, the main ingredient of the evil potion.

There is no functional difference at all from the insect life essence of Earth 233.

Although this life essence is completely unable to improve human strength like those in 233 Earth's own experience, 233 Earth itself still discovered its use, which is that it can be drunk as a soothing tea after being mixed with plants.

They even applied for a series of patents specifically for this purpose and handed them over to 233 Earth’s Happy Water Factory for manufacturing.

Sold pretty well.

So there is definitely no problem in terms of security.

"It may taste unpleasant but it's absolutely not harmful."

"By the way, let the spiders catch some prey."

"Okay, I'll go down there."

After learning about Bai Chen's plan, the old village chief also sent out six other people besides him and the two brothers and sisters.

When the color turns fish belly white.

Zuo Miao and others returned home with a full load.

She placed a backpack full of plants in front of Bai Chen.

Six strong men from Linya Village carried the second senior brother with four black-faced tusks, each weighing at least two hundred kilograms, to the lakeside and skinned and gutted him on the spot.

"how to do?"

Mo Qianxing and Zhu Huan came to Bai Chen's side.

"Remove the outer skin of the branches and leaves and only want the core inside."

"Have the core and life essence together into pieces, throw them into a large pot, cook them for half an hour, let them cool, and then feed them to everyone."

"You can drink too."

233 The formula of the earth is simple and crude.

As soon as the green mixture was put into the pot, it turned into an evil color similar to trauma ointment.

No wonder it's called evil potion.

Bai Chen scooped a spoonful for himself and took a sip.

"That's what it tastes like."

He drank the whole bowl without changing his expression.

"I'll try."

Lin Monkey volunteered.

As soon as he took the evil potion into his mouth, his facial features wrinkled up like a bitter melon.

"Bitter, so bitter."

"Brother Bai Chen, you are cheating!"

The forest monkey, whose intestines turned bitter green, screamed.

The bitterness rising in his mind made him jump on the spot.

But within thirty seconds his eyes became brighter.

"I feel like my spirit is a lot lighter."

Lin Hou said seriously.

The old village chief and a group of strong men drank a large bowl one after another.

As Lin Hou said, whether it was the exhaustion of a sleepless night, the pressure of the brain-eating spiders, or worries about the physical and mental condition of these naughty children, as soon as Bai Chen's evil potion entered their stomachs, their negative mental emotions disappeared. begin to dissipate.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I shouldn't doubt you."

The old village chief used honorifics with an apologetic look on his face.

"Stop talking about this, give them medicine now."

Bai Chen picked up the spoon.

"In order of heavy first and then lightest, feed everyone according to the portions I assigned."

Everyone worked together to boil all the plants into evil potion.

After giving it to the naughty children.

Soon, their long snoring sounded from the bonfire set up by the lake.

Bai Chen's evil potion made the frightened and frightened people fall asleep.

"The most serious critical injury number, she is now stable."

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, thank you."

"There are three more, thank you."

Under the leadership of the old village chief, everyone in Linya Village performed the most respected ancient ceremony of the Lin clan to Bai Chen and the other four.

"Old village chief, don't be like this. No one will ignore death. We just did what we could."

"It will be dawn soon. I suggest that we take them to the airship while they are asleep and take them back to the Lin family compound."

Bai Chen's suggestion made the old village chief slap his forehead.

"Yes, yes, you finally got these naughty kids to sleep. Let's start now."

"Lin Monkey, you first ride your flying mount back to the Lin family compound to report the news."

"Let them prepare to free up the yard for follow-up treatment of these naughty children, and more importantly, prepare the most grand ceremony to welcome Mr. Bai Chen and other distinguished guests who saved the future of our Lin family."


Lin Hou followed the order and left.

Bai Chen and the three girls Mo Qianxing exchanged glances.

In fact, they don't want to bother the Lin family in the past.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, three noble ladies."

"If we, the Lin family, do not repay our kindness, whether it is an old man like me or a little girl like Lin Yaya, we will never be able to hold our heads high as a human being in this life!"

"Brother Bai Chen, three sisters, let's go together."

The yellow-haired little girl prayed softly.

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