I can summon myself

Chapter 91: Let me build a flying machine

Bai Chengang has just finished explaining the purpose of Xinjuwen.

Tian Gang brought the latest news.

"Junior brother, there is no need to prepare for the experiment."

"Because there are so many colleges that have applied to the first tier, Jiangnan Region has opened up the qualifications to all the colleges that the delegation has lost contact with."

"We at Yanyu College have also been notified."

"But earlier, the Jiangnan Region requisitioned all the ships that could go to the ocean and we couldn't get there by sea."

Bai Chen frowned: "If you can't take the sea route, the only way left is the air route. Flying there is fast, but many of the special equipment I need are heavy and bulky. The whole set adds up to more than three hundred tons. Can the aircraft carry three hundred tons of additional weight? "

"Moreover, more importantly, my equipment requires spiritual energy output that far exceeds the upper limit of ordinary aircraft. Without enough spiritual energy, they simply cannot display their due strength."

The old wizard scratched his hairless Mediterranean head: "If it's a heavy load, we can think of a way. Can the psychic output be replaced manually?"

The worst case scenario is to hire a few high-level awakeners to use them as humanoid psychic engines.

"Artificial output requires a psychic ballast array, which requires a lot of extra weight and extra space. The key is that it requires special materials. We don't know where to get them. We don't have so much time."

After some calculations, Bai Chen denied the possibility of manual output.

"That would be difficult."

The old man Wu couldn't help but scratch his head.

Sun, Moon, and Star could not think of a better solution.

Bai Chen's new psychic powers are so powerful that they don't seem to be products of the earth at all, but relatively harsh conditions are required to bring their abilities into full play.

If there is a ship, with the load capacity of at least a thousand tons and powerful psychic power of an ocean-going ship, this will not be a problem.

But now if we want to take the air route, with the capabilities of the current aircraft, it is too difficult to meet all Bai Chen's conditions.

"It would be great if our academy had mythical creatures."

Zuo Miao made an even more unreliable suggestion.

If there were mythical creatures in Yanyu Academy, Bai Chen could set off with the mythical creatures now.

With the power of the mythical creature, it can directly embody Bai Chen's new psychic power.

"I, please build an aircraft."

Lanxing Baichen suggested.

"The larger and more complex the aircraft before the era of psychic energy were, the more they required the cooperation of countless people and several industrial chains. It was simply not something that one person could accomplish."

"However, in the era of psionic energy, the core of an aircraft is no longer the aerodynamics, flight control, and power of traditional aircraft. It is the psionic power."

"As long as the psychic energy is strong enough, even a brick can fly out of the earth, penetrate the subspace without damage, and fly into the new world on the other side."

"Since I was a child, I, Lanxing Baichen, have personally made various psychic aircraft ranging from the size of a fingernail to the tenth floor."

When Bai Chen "saw" Blue Star himself driving an excavator fifty meters long and wide, swaggering through the market at an altitude of 20,000 meters at five times the speed of sound.

He finally understood the meaning that if the psychic power was strong enough, anything was possible.

He said to the old wizard: "Let's build an aircraft that meets the requirements."

Even the old weirdo Wu who had experienced countless storms and waves and was revered as the Dinghai Shenzhen was also shocked by Bai Chen's new suggestion.

The three founders of Sun, Moon and Star and the old woman looked at Bai Chen with crazy eyes.

They admitted that Bai Chen had extraordinary talents in psychic arts.

Psionics and aircraft that can be used to make experimental instruments are two completely unrelated fields.

Moreover, Bai Chen’s job is to breed improved crayfish and control the national treasure.

A guy who raises crayfish and creates experimental instruments part-time actually wants to build an aircraft with a load capacity of more than three hundred tons and far exceeds the psychic output of ordinary psychic aircraft?

It would be impossible for even the top human geniuses in the City of All Souls to achieve such a cross-border feat.

Wu Huanger, who sneaked into the office at some point, did not speak.

But from the way she looked at the madman unabashedly.

This shows how dismissive she is of Bai Chen's delusions.

Only Zuo Miao and Tian Gang firmly supported Bai Chen's suggestion.

"Although I don't know how to make an aircraft, I support Junior Brother Bai Chen!"

Tian Gang's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Zuo Miao was even more succinct and concise: "Junior brother, we will do it if he wants. If the academy does not support it, our hunting group will do whatever it takes."

Wu Huang'er couldn't help it any longer: "You support me just because you say you do? The hunting group of the Qianxing Commander is not the hunting group of your senior brothers and sisters."

She didn't believe that Mo Qianxing would support this lunatic Bai Chen.


Zuo Miao sneered back at Bai Chen's ex-girlfriend and best friend.

She knew the bad things Wu Huang'er did during Bai Chen's dumping incident.

"How long does it take to build a demonstrator?"

To everyone's expectation, the old wizard chose to trust.

According to common sense, Bai Chen's suggestion of building an aircraft is neither logical nor consistent with his current strength.

It seems like a bit of a dream.

But Bai Chen has never been the norm.

After so many years of obscurity, he woke up, became a top student, became a man who controlled a national treasure, and possessed incredible psychic and literary creativity.

Bai Chen has already used countless examples to prove that he absolutely cannot be measured by common sense.

In this case, there is no reason why the old man Wu shouldn't let Bai Chen give it a try.

After all, compared to subspace, it is possible to create experimental instruments in subspace.

The aircraft is much more conventional.

"Give me the materials, A, B, C, D, and graduate students who have worked with the base before, and my aircraft will be in the sky before lunch today!"

Bai Chen, who gained experience with the Blue Star Baichen aircraft, was full of confidence.

"Okay. I will temporarily lend you the authority of my laboratory, and you can call on all the resources of the entire college."

The old weirdo took a deep look at Bai Chen and made a decision immediately.

As a top student among top students, he liked Bai Chen's invincible eyes that had everything under control.


Wu Huang'er was just about to say something.

She was banned again by the old wizard.

The sun, moon, and stars, the three founders' eyes were wandering. Regardless of whether Bai Chen could build an aircraft or not, his new psychic text completely proved his talent in this area.

"Classmate Bai Chen, if you need anything, just ask. If you need people, there are resources."

They expressed their support in unison.

"Okay, lend me an excavator first."

The smiles on the faces of the three people froze.

What the hell is an excavator?

To build an aircraft, do you need an excavator?

What kind of truth is this?

However, if you don't understand it, you won't understand it.

They directly called the largest excavator at the Baichen laboratory site.

The time soon reached noon.

When the excavator puffed out black smoke, it rushed to the college headquarters.

Bai Chen, with the help of A, B, Bing, Ding and a group of graduate students.

Two moment texts have been produced.

"Bai, classmate Bai Chen, are you planning to let this excavator fly into the sky?"

Whether it was the three founders or the old wizard who had inexplicable confidence in Bai Chen, after Bai Chen nodded to confirm.

They collectively went down.

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