I can summon myself

Chapter 98: Gathering Day End

"Bear, furry bear's bear."

"You know the wingspan, you've seen the speed."

"The power system is kept secret, the endurance is kept secret, the combat effectiveness is kept secret, and the psychic matrix array is kept secret."

"The only thing that can be said is that every screw of our bear was made by our teachers and students of Yanyu College."

The old weirdo said with a smile.

He glanced at Bai Chen, signaling to Commander Bai Chen that it was time to introduce himself.

Bai Chen shook his head.

A conversation between him and the old wizard appeared on the public channel.

"Old principal, don't look at me. I told you a long time ago that I am not a commander." As soon as Blue Star Baichen said it, a large number of Blue Star's top commanders came to work for him.

If I go to Mao Baichen's apocalyptic Zerg breeding farm and place an Zerg King at random, I will be an insect swarm-level existence.

Even the relatively unspectacular 233 Earth Baichen is a national treasure that becomes a phoenix through trivial matters and big things.

After all, Bai Chen also has so many of his own identities.

It would be too low to go into battle by himself, he shouldn't do such hard work as commanding.

Wouldn’t it be nice to paddle behind the scenes?

The old weirdo looked astonished.

The big guys in the academy couldn't understand Bai Chen's choice at all.

Now is the time to step onto the stage of Gangnam Region. Why wouldn't classmate Bai Chen, a great hero of Misty Rain College, be unwilling?

"Do you want to keep a low profile?"

The old wizard murmured loudly.

It made the big guys on the rooftop roll their eyes.

Who is this guy who is not a commander? Would anyone want to command such a powerful bomber?

Poppies from Jiangnan and Maggie from the Brood curled their lips. They wanted to see if this guy was really unwilling or if he was pretending not to want to play tricks in front of everyone.

"Senior Brother Tian Gang, are you coming?"

The melon eaters pricked up their ears.

Tian Gang? I have never heard of this name at all.

"I can not."

Tian Gang couldn't help waving his hands.

It's just enough to be the supervisor. At least he has experience in this field.

Can you command a Bear bomber?

He is a layman who knows nothing at all.

"It's very simple, we joined the battlefield, we found the enemy, we moved towards the enemy A, and the enemy played GG."

This time, not only the one hundred and fifty-five colleges were full of sourness, but also the gossips, the bosses, the air traffic controllers at Jiangnan Airport, and even the old wizards and college bosses were all affected by Bai Chen's metaphor. It made me dumbfounded.

"Does this guy think of this as a game?"

Maggie ground her back molars.

Bai Chen's Bear bomber certainly looks like that.

But you can't be so arrogant.

Poppy frowned: "Huh, arrogant."

The big guys on the rooftop looked at each other.

Such an out-of-touch guy.

They no longer knew what to say.

What was even more speechless was Tian Gang's serious response: "I believe in junior brother, but I am a little airsick."

Bai Chen's eyes twitched.

He turned to look at his senior sister.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Zuo Miao pushed Mo Qianxing out.

"Conductor, professional."

Bai Chen nodded.

Why did he ignore Captain Mo Qianxing?

He gave a questioning look to the old wizard and the college bosses.

The old man and the others exchanged glances, with meaningful expressions written on each other's faces.

He looked at Mo Qianxing, the idol of thousands of young people in Yanyu City, and then at Bai Chen.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the old wizard's face.

He smiled and said: "We have no objection." "Qianxing Commander, please."

Bai Chen handed the microphone to Mo Qianxing.

"Captain Qianxing? Who is this?"

"Can Misty Rain Academy stop being so funny? You haven't even chosen a conductor yet?"

"Why do I feel that the name of Captain Qianxing sounds familiar?"

Just when everyone was thinking hard.

Mo Qianxing looked helpless and said, "I am Mo Qianxing, the temporary commander of Yanyu College."

As soon as she finished speaking, violent cheers erupted in the Bear bomber.

"Commander Qianxing?"

"Great, our commander is Mo Qianxing."

"Junior Bai Chen, although you are handsome, good and powerful, we senior brothers still prefer Qianxing Command!"

"Commander Qianxing, we love you!"

The cheers of the students of Mist and Rain Academy resounded through the sky.

"Mr. You, this is very interesting."

"Haha, Captain Mo Qianxing and classmate Bai Chen are really the strongest combination in our Yanyu City."

"Interesting, interesting."

The people in the Yanyu aircraft team kept winking.

They didn't expect that Mo Qianxing was also on the Yanyu Academy's bomber.

And he was pushed to the commanding position by Bai Chen.

Compared to Yanyuren's joy.

The heads of the one hundred and fifty-five colleges on Jiangnan and the Brood had very ugly expressions.

There is only one Mo Qianxing who can make the people at Mist and Rain Academy willing and cheering.

That is the genius known as Chong Ji who only appeared in Yanyu City in decades.

In terms of age, she is about the same age as Poppy and Maggie.

But their combat ability and commanding ability surpassed these two academics in more than one way.

Although she is not a top academic.

But with its ferocious appearance, the Bear bomber looks like a weapon made for combat.

There is no need for a top student to command.

"Old Witch, you have gone too far."

"When did Mo Qianxing become a member of your Yanyu Academy?"

"Don't you feel ashamed to let outsiders command your Yanyu Academy?"

In another building, the cunning Jiangnan elders began to fight back.

With just three sentences, they separated Mo Qianxing from Yanyu Academy, and pointed out the fact that Yanyu Academy asked for foreign aid in front of the onlookers.

"None of your business."

Old Wu pouted.

"Who said Qianxing is an outsider? She is a family member of our academy, understand?"

Zuo Miao grabbed the microphone and shouted.


The heartbreaking sounds of countless single dogs wailing in the Bear bomber.

You see the charm of my Qianxing, right?

Zuo Miao said to Bai Chen in a proud voice.

Feeling that the time was right, she continued to pick up the microphone: "Lin Yaya is my sister, Qianxing is Lin Yaya's sister, so she is a family member of our academy, nothing wrong with it."

The students who were fooled by Zuo Miao had nothing to say.

And Yu Meiren and Maggie challenged Mo Qianxing almost at the same time.

"Commander Mo Qianxing, since all the colleges are here, let's decide on a commander-in-chief."

"If you want to save people, appearance alone is not enough."

The two of them had a glow of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Yes, the Bear bomber is indeed extremely cool.

The name of Mo Qianxing, the insect princess, is also well-known.

But not a match.

To see who is better.

They will never bow their heads.

Whether it is Jiangnan or the Gonggong Federation, whether it is a spectator or the teachers and students of the 155 families.

At this moment, everyone is full of energy.

No one wants to give up easily.

Mo Qianxing looked at Bai Chen.

Wu Laoguai and the big guys of Yanyu College also gave him the decision-making power.

Bai Chen smiled slightly.

"Commander-in-chief? Who cares?"

"We came here because we have to go through this process."

"We won't accompany you now."

Bai Chen didn't want to waste time.


Four powerful psychic steam engines spewed out black smoke. This war machine, which shocked the whole audience, flew away at a maximum level flight speed of 950 kilometers under the stunned gaze of everyone.

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