I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 274 [285] Beast Master talent, I want it

The people from the Huang family and the Lei family started a big battle. Dozens of ferocious beasts fought together, roaring and boiling the mountains and forests.

At a height of 100 meters, two angry pterodactyls collided together, spilling countless blood.

Lei Zhan's eyes were cold and stern, he looked away from the sky, looked at a group of figures not far away, and shouted: "Huang Tiansheng, do you dare to fight with my brother?"

Among the members of the Huang family, Huang Tiansheng narrowed his eyes, as if his arm was injured, and his face was not good-looking, but he didn't care about the Lei family's provocation at all, he whispered: "The Ouyang family has arrived, be careful Beware of that woman."

"Yes, brother Tiansheng." Huang Tianbao hesitated for a moment: "Is Lin Xiawei still chasing him?"

"I'll chase it myself." Huang Tiansheng had a cold face, as if he was very angry just now.

Huang Tianbao didn't dare to persuade him. After Huang Tiansheng left, he raised his eyes to see the ready-to-movement of the Lei family, and said with a sneer, "The Lei family doesn't even have a decent person now. I really don't know how they messed up!"

Without Huang Tiansheng, now Huang Tianbao is the backbone of these people.

Everyone in the Huang family was waiting for his intention.

"Lei Zhan, I'll count to three. If you don't get out, I'll make it impossible for you to get out of here." Huang Tianbao glanced sideways, and the two dragons above his head were still fighting together.

However, it is obvious that the Huang family is superior in fighting fierce beasts in the mountains and forests.

"Huang Tianbao, when my elder brother arrives, we will all be dead!"

Lei Zhan turned his head and left.

Seeing Song Que not far away, he frowned for a moment, then snorted coldly, thinking that he was here for a joke, and retreated on the spot.

Song Que grinned at him, and said with a smile to Pei Jinye: "The Huang family and the Lei family were fighting for the title of the number one beast-monitoring family in Xizhou before, but now it seems that the Huang family is even better. .”

Pei Jinye turned his head to leave.

Song Que said unexpectedly, "Are you leaving now?"

"Otherwise?" Pei Jinye said without turning his head: "The Huang family was bullied like that by you before, if we meet again now, there might be a few lives lost."

"What are you afraid of?" Song Que grinned and said, "It's only Huang Tianbao who is interesting, and the rest are so-so."

Pei Jinye didn't make a sound yet.

There was a sudden noise in the forest, and dozens of ferocious beasts ranging in height from three to five meters rushed over baring their teeth, and a wave of dust rose up, making the grass-chewing group behind Pei Jinye turn pale.

"Song Que, I heard that you made things difficult for my brother today? I won't bully you because there are too few people. Now you go to my brother's place and kneel down to admit your mistake. We will turn this matter over."

When Huang Tianbao's voice came, almost his entire body appeared above Song Que's head in the air, with dozens of ferocious beasts under him, and the angry pterodactyl standing up behind him.

The situation is pressing.

Song Que just grinned foolishly: "Miss said, if you come here, no matter what happens, it's fate."

He looked at Pei Jinye: "Brother, do you want to eat dragon meat?"

Pei Jinye looked up and down seriously, and then slowly asked doubts: "Is it delicious?"

"It should be good to bake, sprinkle some cumin..." Song Que grinned.

Huang Tianqiang interrupted before he finished speaking: "Song Dog, where is the momentum you used to overwhelm me this morning? Dare you be tougher."

"I dare, but did your Huang family take it on?" Song Que said indifferently, "Everyone says I'm a wild dog, but you're wrong, even if I'm a dog, I'm still a mad dog, and a mad dog can bite people... …hey-hey."

Song Que smiled evilly: "That will kill people."

Huang Tianqiang's expression turned ugly.

As for Huang Tianbao's cold expression: "I don't care if you are a wild dog or a mad dog. I have already given Ouyang Lianyi face, since this step is not going down, then there is no need to go down."

He turned around, waved his hand and said, "Let's treat it as a meal."

The voice fell.

More than a dozen ferocious beasts that were already salivating immediately roared and rushed over.

The earth shook and fell apart!

The rocks splashed down, and the dust swept over like waves.

Behind them were the members of the Huang family watching the show with sneers, as if the scene at this moment was common to them, but there was still a little more joy and pride in the revenge of the revenge.

"Damn, your Ouyang family didn't say you offended the Huang family!" The expression of the black-haired young man who was chewing grass roots changed drastically.

Song Que just grinned: "When the time comes, I'll give you a piece of dragon meat."

The black-haired young man was stunned for a moment, cursed a lunatic secretly, and couldn't allow him to think too much, immediately grabbed the double-axe from behind, and began to fight together.

Song Que turned his head to see Pei Jinye, but was suddenly taken aback.

"Where are people?"

Just now, the big brother Pei Jinye was still by his side, why did a wave of dust blow up and he disappeared?

Could it be that it was blown away?

Just as Song Que was about to look for it, a big rhino had already charged over him. With a roar, the muscles on his two arms grew rapidly, as strong as tree trunks, and he hugged the big rhino's horns suddenly.

shout angrily.

It seemed to be as powerful as an ox, and directly picked up the big rhino.

This scene made everyone in the Huang family dumbfounded.

"Why is this guy's strength so amazing???"


Huang Tianbao didn't pay attention to people like Song Que.

With the angry pterosaur in itself, it can be solved easily.

It's just that he just heard the exclamation behind him, before he could look away, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, his hair stood up instantly, and he disappeared from the spot.

"Oh, what a pity."

Pei Jinye shook the cloth on his fist, and he almost crushed half of this guy's body, but unfortunately, the opponent's reaction speed was extremely fast.

It's just an elite from a big family.

Compared with those so-called elites in Dapeng City, the word elite finally has the feeling of being valuable.

"Are you... the person next to Song Que?" Huang Tianbao looked suspiciously.

He himself had no impression of Pei Jinye.

It was only because I was standing a little closer to Pei Jinye that I had a short impression.

What's more, he was only about 100 meters away, and he didn't say that his memory had faded to the point of completely forgetting.

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Almost as soon as Huang Tianbao stabilized his figure, Pei Jinye had already shot again.

He has always been a vigorous person.

Those children of the Huang family who are not even worthy of their names will not get any important information even if they swallow them.

What's more, the scene of the battle between the Huang family and the Lei family just now is still vivid in my mind.

It seems that those children don't even have the ability to control beasts.

So this Huang Tianbao was the only "bright spot" among this group of people.

"court death!"

Seeing this unknown mysterious young man rushing towards him, Huang Tianbao sneered, raised his hand, and a huge monster on the battlefield was instantly shifted in front of him.

The huge beast leg fell to the ground and crushed the ground directly.

He slammed into Pei Jinye fiercely.

That is at this time.

Pei Jinye, who was close at hand, didn't change his expression, and there was an extremely cold brilliance in his eyes.

King Kong! glaring!

Suddenly, an incomparable force erupted from him.

Almost no effort to blink.

The previous invincible behemoth directly exploded to pieces, and the blood mist dispersed.

Huang Tianbao's complexion changed wildly, he couldn't believe his eyes, looked at Pei Jinye in disbelief and shouted in shock:

"You! How is it possible! Who are you?!"

This is definitely not a situation that ordinary warriors can do.

Upper Three Realms?


At this moment, Huang Tianbao's hairs stand on end, the feeling of being in control has disappeared

Begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a recommendation ticket~

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