"You are courting death! Do you think that if you destroy this group of people, our Evil God Temple will give up this world?"

Netherworld roared angrily, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out.

Chen was silent.

Of course, he knew that the Evil God Temple was not a sect that was so easy to give up. If he killed these cultivators, he might anger the Evil God Temple even more, and he might send a stronger one to the lower realm next time.

But what if he knew? If this group of people is not destroyed, the lower realm will not be able to bear it now.

If one day the lower realm is destroyed by the evil temple, he will have nothing to do.

He can only ask for a clear conscience, at least he has worked hard to save this world.

You Ming saw that Chen Chen's eyes were very firm, and his heart was half cold, knowing that a battle would be inevitable today.

As the disciple of the Hall Master of the Evil God Temple, he is not an indecisive person. Since he has decided to fight with all his strength, then it is good to fight!

As soon as he thought about it, he clasped his hands together, and the pitch-black long sword roared out from behind him. The power of these two laws was attached to the long sword, and it had reached the edge of the power of this world just after the force was exerted.

Chen Chen looked at the black long sword calmly, the strongest power in this world can only reach the peak of refining virtual.

And it is impossible for Peak Refinement to hurt him no matter what, all he has to do is to hold back this Netherworld.

"Lord Nether, save me!"

"Why can't you rush out of this damn formation!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

There were cries for help, anger, and dying screams all around.

Chen Chen was indifferent, and You Ming was also extremely calm.

The next second, his long sword roared out directly and shot towards Chen Chen.


After half an hour.

Chen Chen and You Ming have not yet come out with the result, and most of the seven or eight hundred cultivators in the surrounding area have fallen, and the vast majority of the remaining ones are cultivators at the peak of phantom refinement.

However, at this moment, they were also on the verge of falling. Some monks began to beg Chen Chen for mercy, and some wanted to blew themselves up and die with Chen Chen.

However, no matter what they did, they couldn't shake Chen Chen in the slightest.

You Ming's face was extremely ugly. For half an hour, he thought of various ways to save some of the disciples of the Evil God Temple, but no matter what he did, he was stopped by the person in front of him.

This made him unable to believe that the person in front of him was a monk in this world.

How can there be so many people in this world? It is almost as good as the arrogance of the upper realm!

Seeing that more and more monks were falling, he gave a low drink and stretched out his hand. A force of devouring came out of his palm, and the power of consciousness left by the fallen monks in the sky began to gather towards him.

This is the Mystic Swallowing Tome that only the disciples of the Evil God Temple are qualified to cultivate!

Chen Chen frowned slightly when he saw this scene. After hesitating for a moment, he also reached out his hand, and a force of devouring ten times stronger than Netherworld came out. He gathered away.

Even some that are about to be swallowed and absorbed by the Nether are no exception.

You Ming was greatly shocked to see this, who would have thought that this person in front of him would actually swallow the Mystery Tome, and his cultivation was several times higher than his!

"Who are you?"

Nether asked in shock.

Chen silence was silent, just quietly absorbed the power of divine consciousness, and it didn't take long for him to absorb the power of hundreds of spiritual consciousnesses.

However, now that his spiritual consciousness has reached the state of integration, these hundreds of illusory spiritual consciousnesses are of limited help to him.

He didn't speak, but You Ming thought of going somewhere else, and showed a sudden realization.

"Did you get the inheritance of the previous palace master!"

Chen Chen was surprised when he heard the words, but strictly speaking, he did get the Evil Emperor's inheritance.

You must know that he did not learn it through cultivation slowly, but directly absorbed the Evil Emperor's memory, so it was very proficient in the use of the Holy Light from the very beginning.

"It's no wonder you have so many tricks... So it is! So it is! Strictly speaking, you are also a member of our Evil God Temple, why should you fight against our Evil God Temple!"

Nether asked again.

Chen Chen listened to this and said lightly: "I can't help it. This world is where I was born and raised. I just want to protect this world."

Netherworld heard the words and said nothing.

Although in his heart, this world belongs to the Evil God Temple sooner or later, but he can understand the actions of the person in front of him.

The Evil God Temple controls a large number of small worlds, and almost every world will riot at intervals, and several monks similar to the person in front of them will appear.

The only difference is that the person in front of him is much stronger than those people, and he is also related to the previous palace master.

"Senior brother save me!"

There was another scream from the side, and then the cultivator who asked for help was hit by the spiritual energy of the formation and fell on the spot.

You Ming glanced at the fallen junior brother, and then looked around.

At this time, only a few strong people were left to resist.

Seeing this scene, he took a deep breath. The remains of the temple master had already been obtained at this time. He couldn't do anything about this person in front of him, and he couldn't save the other monks. In that case, what was he doing here?

Thinking of this, he shouted at Chen Chen: "Dare you tell me your name?"

Chen Chen smiled indifferently and replied loudly, "Hehe, I can't change my name, I can't change my surname, my surname is Yuan, and my name is Qingtian!"

"Okay, Yuan Qingtian, one day, we will meet again."

After Nether said that, he slashed out with a sword. With this sword, he directly exerted all his strength, and the space was cut into a huge crack.

There was a sudden roar between the heavens and the earth, and a large number of thunders rushed in, penetrating the formation, and slamming on You Ming.

Nether's face didn't change, he just stared at Chen Chen, but after a few breaths, he flew up in place.

The killing formation is powerful, but after all, it cannot stop the rules of heaven and earth.

Chen Chen saw this scene and did not stop it. He had long known that the apprentice of the Evil God Temple Hall Master was not so easy to kill.

Even if this Netherworld does not ascend, there are probably still seven or eight ways to escape from this killing formation.

After the ascension of the Netherworld, the other cultivators in the upper realm were completely desperate and began to frantically beg for mercy.

Chen Chen glanced at them, and after a few flashes, the world was clean, leaving only the shivering evil spirit on the ground and Zhang Ji with a complicated face outside the edge of the big formation.

Chen Shenluo went to Zhang Ji's side, removed the big formation, and said, "There are still some fish that slipped through the net among the cultivators from the upper realm to the lower realm. They must be found and destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise a large number of living beings will inevitably die."

"Brother, I understand, I will contact you to pay attention to these."

After Zhang Ji finished speaking, he took out the communication token and started the communication.

"Zhang Ji, are you about to step into the virtual world?"

Chen Chen patted Zhang Ji's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Yes... But compared to my eldest brother, I'm still far behind."

Zhang Ji smiled a little far-fetched. After seeing what his eldest brother did just now, he thought that he might not be able to catch up with his eldest brother in this life.

This made him a little disheartened.

You must know that he found a lot of opportunities to reach this state, and what about the big brother? I haven't heard much about the big opportunity, but I have achieved the current achievement abruptly.

This reminded him of a sentence.

You can't go far by luck... Only by working hard can you reach the pinnacle of life.

Big brother is a good example.

"The lower realm is done, follow me to the upper realm, the upper realm will have more opportunities, and you and my brother will have a chance to fight side by side."

Chen Chen encouraged.

He has asked Jin Shengzong to prepare a lot of magic weapons in the upper realm. In addition, he has a lot of spirit stones. As long as he is willing to spend the spirit stones, he can have a lot of resources in a short time.

With these resources, he believes that it will not take long for his friends to become masters.

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