I Can Track Everything

Chapter 577 Three and a half places

Chen Chen's clone was in Shenglong City. At this time, he also sensed the situation on the main body's side and couldn't help but frown.

He was worried not only about the misfortune that had happened to his body, but also about the masters from the Abyss Realm attacking Scorpio.

After hesitating for a moment, he informed the Lord of the Demon City about the situation in the vast desert through a summons token, and told his guess.

"Master, I think this matter may be related to the Ten Thousand Spirits Cauldron. Otherwise, there is no need for the strong men in the Abyss Realm to offend the true spirits in the True Spirit Realm."

On the other side, the Lord of the Demonic City looked at the communication token with a somewhat complicated look. Around him, there were several top powerhouses in the true spirit world. It was obvious that a group of people were discussing important matters.

"What happened?"

The white-haired Immortal Sect Master opposite asked.

The Demonic City Lord put away the communication token and said softly: "Those guys in the Abyss Realm not only killed the Water Qilin, but also went to trouble Scorpio. However, you and I both know Scorpio's strength, and those guys failed."

After saying this, he paused for a moment and then added: "This information came from my young apprentice Chen Chen. He has been practicing with Scorpio in the past year or two."

As for Chen Chen's guess, he didn't mention it, because not long ago he got the information that Shui Qilin was killed, and he already had a general idea of ​​the intentions of the monks in the Abyss Realm.

"No matter what, you must inform those true spirits and ask them to be careful. As for your little disciple... Alas, he ascended for too short a time, and his sense of belonging to my true spirit world is not that strong."

The master of the Immortal Sect shook his head and said.

The Demonic City Lord was silent when he heard this.

What a group of them got together to discuss today was actually not about the true spirit, but about the future of the true spirit world.

If the Hades Realm establishes the Hades Sect in the True Spirit Realm, it must recruit disciples, and it must recruit extremely talented disciples. The missing Qing Xuanming may have already arrived at the Hades Sect.

What will the Mingyuan Sect do next? As strong men who have lived for so many years, they all know it well.

That will inevitably lead to efforts to cultivate the geniuses of the True Spirit World such as Qing Xuanming, which will prove on the other hand that the Mingyuan Sect is stronger than the other sects in the True Spirit World.

The war between the two big worlds involves so many things that the winner cannot be determined by fighting, but more of a struggle for power.

The cultivators are selfish. If the power goes to the side of the Abyss Realm, then many cultivators in the True Spirit Realm will probably recognize the Abyss Sect. As time goes by, the True Spirit Realm will undoubtedly lose.

The most important things that can affect the general trend of the two worlds are two things.

The first is the number of top experts.

No matter who they are, they all like to be on the stronger side, and the number of top players is the most intuitive way to judge the strength of both sides.

Second, it is the ability of both parties to cultivate strong people and the various conditions for cultivation.

Any monk who has a pursuit likes to seek refuge in a powerful sect, not only because of the strong backing, but also because the powerful sect has more and better resources.

Now that the strength of the Abyss Realm and the True Spirit Realm cannot be changed, the two sides will definitely have to compete in the second aspect.

If the Abyss Sect proves that it is better to take refuge with them than to protect the True Spirit Realm, then how many monks in the True Spirit Realm are willing to fight side by side with several major sects?

Today, in order to deal with what might happen next, several strong men discussed a strategy to unite first and devote their efforts to cultivating several young juniors.

The Lord of Heavenly Demon City also mentioned Chen Chen. However, Chen Chen had just ascended a few years ago and entered Heavenly Demon City even shorter. The loyalty of such a monk was too low. If he betrayed after putting all his effort into training, the consequences would be disastrous.

If Chen Chen hadn't spent too many spiritual crystals in the previous battle, he would be embarrassed to mention it.

However, Chen Chen was eventually rejected.

No matter how much spiritual crystals you pay, they are only external things after all, and they cannot completely reassure the top experts. What's more, Chen Chen paid so many spiritual crystals because he wanted something.

Just now, the Lord of Tianmo City specifically mentioned that the information came from Chen Chen, in order to once again prove his young apprentice's loyalty to the true spirit world.

But several other strong men were indifferent to this.

The Demonic City Lord had no choice but to sigh softly.

The major sects only have so many top-notch resources, so they can only focus on cultivating two or three geniuses first. Compared to Chen Chen, there are too many other better choices.

"Let's not talk about the true spirit for now, let's continue talking about training the juniors."

The leader of Tianmen said leisurely.

The master of the Evil Temple on the side nodded slightly when he heard this, and then said: "Didn't those little guys from the Ming Suppressing Army perform well last time? They also killed the blood unicorn. I heard that Qionghua has recently broken through to transcend tribulation. It’s time, I think she’s a good choice.”

The master of the Immortal Sect stroked his beard and smiled, and said with some satisfaction: "Qionghua is indeed good. There is almost no one better than her, above the combined level and below the Mahayana level."

Listening to the conversation between the two, the others were speechless.

The two people had obviously discussed it. The old guy, the Master of the Immortal Sect, was too thin-skinned to recommend his own disciples, so the Master of the Evil Temple would do it for him.

However, although these two people seemed to have premeditated it, Fairy Qionghua is indeed excellent and has first-class talent. Needless to say, the key is to have a firm heart. In addition, Fairy Qionghua has grown up in the Immortal Sect since she was a child, and her ancestors have He is a monk from the Immortal Sect.

It is absolutely impossible for a monk with such a good foundation to betray the true spiritual world, and they have nothing to say about it.

"Since everyone has no objections, then Qionghua will be a suitable candidate. When the time comes, I will open the secret hall and treasure house of the Evil Temple to her. As long as it can improve her strength, I will not have any reservations, but she must first She made an oath of heaven, and everything can only be used for herself."

The Lord of the Evil Temple glanced around the crowd and said in a deep voice.

"The same is true for our Immortal Alliance."

"Tianji Palace will be open to her."

Finally, the Demonic City Lord also said seriously: "I will treat her as my direct disciple."

When the Immortal Sect Master heard these promises, he smiled calmly.

This is the first time in history that several super sects have jointly trained their juniors.

That girl Qionghua is really lucky this time. It may not be difficult to surpass him in the future.

Thinking of this, his anxiety from the battle with the Abyss Realm also became better.

Seeing the Master of the Evil Temple looking towards him, he coughed lightly and said quickly: "You Ming, a disciple of the Evil Temple, is also very good. Although he has not yet stepped into the Tribulation Period, he has accumulated a lot of experience. If he steps into the Tribulation Stage, he will definitely make rapid progress, and He has grown up in the Evil Temple since he was a child, and there is no need to question his loyalty to the true spirit world."

The strong men looked at each other after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

Netherworld is indeed good. The innate Taoist body was still a cultivation of the void a year or two ago. Recently, it has reached the peak of integration and is about to enter the tribulation.

What's even more powerful is that he has understood the law of devouring, which is one of the few laws that can promote rapid improvement in cultivation.

Even though his current cultivation is lagging behind Fairy Qionghua, the future may be different.

Seeing that no one objected, the head of the Evil Temple also showed a satisfied smile.

The Lord of Demonic City was not polite when he saw this and lifted his ninth disciple up.

At this time, other strong men also began to fight for opportunities for their apprentices. It was not until more than half an hour later that three and a half places were decided, namely Fairy Qionghua of the Immortal Sect, Youming of the Evil Temple, Zhang Teng, the ninth disciple of the Lord of the Demon City, and Tianji. Zong’s Zhou Tianji.

Among them, Zhou Tianji of the Tianji Sect only occupies half of the quota. That is because he does not need any substantial training resources and only needs to borrow the secret books of each sect.

In addition, the other three will be jointly trained by several super powers in the true spirit world in order to cope with the challenges from the underworld in the future.

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