I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 109 Save people! The Qin family’s troubles!

After breakfast, Lin Shuya took her son to school on a small electric donkey as usual.

Qin Sheng drove a large truck to take his little daughter to the kindergarten.

On the way...

"Dad, I had a strange dream last night." Yiyi rolled her big black eyes.

"What dream?"

"I'm thirsty."

Can you change the routine?

Qin Sheng was speechless, but he still took out a bottle of breakfast milk and handed it to his daughter.

Suck, suck, suck...

After taking a few strong breaths, Yiyi said mysteriously: "I dreamed of grandpa again last night, and he taught me kung fu again."

"Oh, Yiyi, please don't fight in school, do you hear me?"

"Okay." Yiyi nodded.

On the other side...

Lin Shuya drove the eDonkey carelessly, thinking about her dream last night.

She actually dreamed of that god-like man again.

Not only did he teach her the exercises, but he also taught her two skills.

What shocked her even more was that she recognized those skills.

"Poison Technique"!

"Soul Fire Talisman"!

Isn't this a skill in the legendary game?

What made her feel even more incredible was that the man also gave her random teleportation scrolls, city return scrolls, potions, etc...

Oh my god, how could I have such an adventure?

Is it because I occasionally play Legend with my husband?

Is this my golden finger? She occasionally read novels, but she never thought that such an adventure would happen to her.

Legendary skills...

He gave me the "Healing Technique" the night before yesterday, and the "Poison Technique" and "Soul Fire Talisman" last night!

You won't teach me "Summoning Skeletons", "Invisibility", or even "Summoning Divine Beasts" tonight, right?

When her thoughts reached this point, Lin Shuya became excited.

The speed of the eDonkey has been improved a lot.

If my husband, who often plays Taoist priests, knew that I had such an adventure, what would he think?

Legend is his favorite!

One day I will show off my healing skills in front of him?

He will definitely be surprised and envious...

Thinking of her husband's shocked expression, Lin Shuya was happy.

Forget it, I can’t let my husband know.

Otherwise, if the whole family has changed but he has not, how sad will he be?

His little mutation is pretty good too...

Yes, I started to change together with my children.

So did they get skills imparted?

Thinking of this, Lin Shuya asked her son: "Xiao Ming, did you gain new abilities last night?"

"Wow, Mom, you are so powerful. It can be seen from this. My strength seems to have increased a lot." Qin Ming also looked excited.

"Have you acquired, um, learned any skills?" Lin Shuya organized his words and said.

Qin Ming shook his head, "No, I just dreamed that an old man taught me the exercises, and then it disappeared.

But I felt a growth in strength. "



The two were chatting when suddenly the car in front stopped moving.

There was a commotion ahead...

The two of them looked forward curiously, but the traffic was so congested that they couldn't see ahead at all.

However, at this time, the two of them were no longer what they used to be. Listening carefully, they immediately heard the voice in front of them.

"Ah...it hurts!"

"Help! A child was crushed under the car."

"It hit his foot!"

"One, two, three, lift it hard!"

"No, the car is too big to lift, it's too heavy!"

"Some more people!"

"Come here and help! Quick, quick, quick!"

"All women and young men should give way and let others carry them!"

"Mom, there seems to be a car accident ahead!" Qin Ming said worriedly.

"I heard it, let's go! Let's carry the car to the sidewalk." In fact, she could carry it alone, but she kept a low profile if she could.

However, the mother and son carrying the electric donkey over the railing still attracted curious looks from others.

But the reaction was not big. After all, it was normal for two people to carry a small eDonkey.

At this time, there were no people on the human-shaped passage, and they all ran to the front to watch the fun.

Only some small e-donkeys passed by.

As soon as Lin Shuya gave the gas, the little electric donkey ran very fast and soon reached a crossroads ahead.

Suddenly I saw a large car filled with some sand and soil. One of the rear wheels was pressing on the leg of a five or six-year-old boy. Blood was flowing out. The little boy was crying in pain!

An electric car was crushed and scrapped next to it, and a young woman was in a state of confusion, screaming in front of her child.

"Help, save my child!"

"Save my child!"

An environmental protection man next to him was directing a circle of people around him to lift the car, but the car was too big and too heavy.

Can't lift it at all!

"Mom! Let's go help too!" Qin Ming got out of the car and ran over!

Lin Shuya followed closely behind!

Two people arrived, but there was no room left!

It was packed!

Everyone is getting ready to work hard!

"Give it! Let's do it!" Qin Ming patted the two young men on the back.

The two people looked back and felt angry.

"Little brat, stop making trouble and go play!"

Qin Ming didn't care about them. He grabbed their arms with both hands, easily pulled them away, and stood up.

Lin Shuya took the opportunity to follow,

Just then the environmental protection uncle shouted, "Lift it!"

this time!

A miracle happened!

The car was lifted!

The young woman quickly took her son out!

The right foot is a little twisted and bloody!

But she seemed to be frightened, her feet were shaking and she could hardly stand.

"Send to the hospital quickly!"

Lin Shuya took the child and called around: "Is there anyone kind? Please send him to the hospital."

But at the same time, her hand holding the child's buttocks was glowing.

A healing spell was input!

"I'll deliver it!"

"I'll deliver it!"

There are a lot of people around rushing to give it away!

At this time, a traffic police car approached.

"Let's deliver it!"

A handsome traffic policeman hurriedly ran over to pick up the child, took the young woman with him, and drove away...

The driver was controlled by the traffic police.

"I'm wronged. I was driving normally, but I was just turning. They were too close and I couldn't see them." The driver cried out.

"Specifically, we will check the surveillance, please cooperate."

The people around continued to watch the excitement, while Lin Shuya took her son away on a small electric donkey.

Behind them, the two young men who were pulled away by Qin Ming looked thoughtfully.

"Brother, that little kid just now was so strong that he pulled us apart in one go."

"Yeah, being able to lift the car this time probably has something to do with him."

"Forget it, let's go, this kid has met a noble person."

The two people's low-pitched conversation was not heard by others...

On the way, Qin Ming said excitedly:

"Mom, look, I'm doing well."

"Well, it deserves praise."

Lin Shuya chuckled.

But thinking about what happened just now, she didn't know if her healing technique could cure the little boy. Originally she could have released a few more healing spells, but she also had her own considerations.

If the little boy is cured directly by releasing a few more healing spells, it may cause trouble for her.

After all, she had held a child before, and others might suspect her.

She didn't know what the world's attitude was towards mutants like her.

But it’s also good to be cautious, at least it can save you a lot of trouble.

She is doing well now.

My husband’s career is booming and his life will get better and better in the future.

Although she has gained some superpowers, she feels scared from the bottom of her heart compared to the huge unknown external power.

What scares her the most is of course others treating her as a guinea pig for research...

Nothing is impossible.

As a teacher who has read a lot of history books, she understands the darkness of human nature very well.

However, when she watched the little boy suffer, her love overflowed.

Couldn't help but help.

Therefore, using a healing technique to cure most of the injuries is the best result.

This way, the little boy wouldn't be too seriously injured and crippled, and she wouldn't have to worry about being exposed.

The facts did develop according to her ideas.

When the little boy was taken to the hospital and examined, the doctors were surprised to find that he only suffered some superficial injuries.

It only takes a few days to cultivate.

"Doctor, are you sure? Such a big car is crushing his feet.

At that time, it seemed that everything was a little out of shape. "The child's mother asked uncertainly.

When it comes to the health of her children, she is naturally more cautious.

"It's okay. The whole body has been checked. It's just a skin injury. Maybe the child's bones are relatively soft, so it's just the flesh that's pressing down?" The doctor organized his explanation.

"If you don't believe it, you can go to other hospitals for examination..."

Naturally, the child’s mother didn’t believe it, so she took her child to another hospital for examination, but the result was still the same…

"Thank God, Bodhisattva bless you..." the child's mother prayed devoutly...

On the other side, Qin Sheng didn't know that his wife and son saved a little boy on the road.

After sending his daughter to school, he drove to the deli.

He took some cut pieces of meat out of the car and entered the store.

This is naturally to deceive others.

It proves that he purchases goods from time to time.

While the meat was braised, Mr. Huang called.

"Mr. Qin, I have contacted some friends here and they are very interested in your meat.

Come and quote me a price. "

"Okay, two hundred and one kilograms of chicken,

Venison and mutton are both three hundred.

Two hundred fish and five thousand one catty of rice. "

"Five thousand one catty of rice?" Mr. Huang's voice was surprised.

"Is it cheaper?" After selling rice several times, Qin Sheng had already checked online.

The best rice in the country can be sold for tens of thousands of pounds!

My kind of rice is definitely not as good as the other's. Why is it only sold for 500 kilograms?

The only one in the country!

Anyway, add a zero, whether you like it or not.

Mr. Huang: "Well, it's a bit expensive. Although the price is cheaper than the best rice in the country, they are all certified."

The implication is that everyone else is a brand, but yours is not a famous brand. If it is sold at such an expensive price, others may not recognize it.

Qin Sheng: "There's not much rice, it's a specialty. Well, that's what you told them anyway.

If you are really afraid of being cheated, you can eat first and then give money and let them compare for themselves. "


Seeing Qin Sheng's persistence, Mr. Huang didn't say much.

Besides, he had eaten that rice before, and it tasted absolutely amazing.

Compared to the most impressive 10,000-yuan rice in the country, that is crushing.

It seems that I have to waste more words.

At 10:30 in the morning, Qin Sheng opened the business on time.

There was already a long queue outside.

Such delicious and expensive braised pork has already become popular among friends in Chuzhou City in the past two days!

Therefore, there was a huge queue.

After all, some delis sell braised beef for more than a hundred pounds per pound. This deli does a great job, and it is not unusual to sell it so expensively.

Coupled with the national gold-lettered sign hanging at the door, everyone was reassured about the health situation.

An hour later, all the braised pork was sold out!

Qin Sheng received 110,000 yuan this time!

He was happily tidying up and cleaning the shop. At this moment, he suddenly found that his parents were already standing outside.

At this time, my father had become much tougher and his face was red.

In high spirits!

"Dad, Mom, when did you come?"

"We were here early, and you arrived before it opened. Business is good."

The old couple laughed and came up to help pack things.

They were happy from the bottom of their hearts to see their son's business booming.

My son finally has a future...

In the village, because the son returned home last time and paid off all the external debts, the couple could walk in the village with their heads held high.

Debt-free and light-hearted...

And when others learned that their son's delicatessen shop was making tens of thousands a month, they would praise Qin Sheng for being promising, really good!

The old couple were overjoyed all day long.

But troubles came soon.

Several relatives gathered together, taking turns coming to borrow money.

Where can the old couple borrow money?

I can only deny that my son's business has just started, the mortgage has not been paid off, and I have to treat illnesses...

But the others didn't care. Seeing him shirk the situation, they all left with a gloomy face.

Some people even say that when Qin Sheng's father fell ill, they lent money to Qin Sheng's family.

Now they have money, but they refuse to borrow it!

Anyway, Balabala said a lot of harsh words, which made the couple feel uncomfortable.

No, I really couldn't stand the harassment today, so I quickly took a car and came to the city to find my son.

Now that their son's business is doing well, the old couple are embarrassed to say anything.

However, Qin Sheng observed carefully and said with a smile:

"Dad, is something wrong? Just tell me if you have anything."

Father Qin: "Well, it's your uncles who know you've made money and want to borrow money."

Qin's mother: "Oh, it's all my fault. I couldn't hold back. I shouldn't have said nonsense."

Qin Sheng was silent for a moment and said: "Oh, look, who lent us the money in the first place? Ask them how much they want to borrow?

Let's borrow it if it's between three and five tens of thousands.

If you want to borrow more, see what the specific matter is.

If the family was not in difficulty at the beginning, and they were not willing to lend it to us, and it was not a matter of life or death, there would be no need to worry about it. "

Favor debts are the hardest to repay!

Since relatives want to borrow money, it's okay to return the favor.

"Ah, do we have money to borrow?" The old couple looked surprised.

"Fortunately, I made some money."

"Then I'll ask them carefully later and make a total."

After solving this problem, the old couple became obviously much more relaxed.

"Dad, go home and eat first. I will take you to the hospital for a physical check-up later."

My father is here to check to see if the uremia is gone.

Go home, cook, and the old couple are full of praise for the meal.

Later, Qin Sheng took his father to the hospital for examination.

After the test results came out, the whole family was overjoyed.

There is nothing wrong with Father Qin's body at all!

Very healthy!

After sending his father and the others back to their residence, Qin Sheng drove to stock up and prepare things for the evening.

There is not much money to be made from clothes in a short time, and he still has a lot in his warehouse.

This time, he is going to wholesale something awesome that will definitely sell out!

"Eight thousand words presented!" It’s equivalent to adding an extra chapter! Asking for a monthly ticket!


Reward from the leader of the former Big Brother Xie Yi!

Asking for a monthly ticket! 》

Thanks to other big guys for their reward votes!

Recommend a book: Rebirth of the Millennium Player

Good night!

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