I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 137 The flood is ruthless! Help!

Is there a sudden flood in the mountainous scenic area in northern Chuzhou? !

Qin Sheng was shocked!

Qin Sheng knew that place.

The mountains are not very high, but they are shaded by trees, and there are a few small rivers winding down the far northern mountains.

It hasn't rained recently, and the water in the river is not deep.

It's been too hot recently, so many people take their families and children there to escape the heat and play in the water.

Therefore, that place is highly recommended by people on various app platforms, and it has still become an internet celebrity check-in point.

Especially now that it's more than July, elementary and middle schools are on vacation, but only high schools and kindergartens are not on vacation yet.

This way, there will be more people.

Could it be that all the small rivers were flooded?

Did he hear that some of them were flood discharge ditches?

If a flood really washed down from the mountain, how many people would be trapped?

Moreover, it also said that there might be demons.

My wife and son must have received this message. As the people in charge of Chuzhou, they will definitely go.

Then you have to go and see it yourself.

Anyway, there is an invisibility ring. If you can beat me, then fight. If you can't, then run away!

Just be careful, it shouldn't be a big deal.

With his mind racing, Qin Sheng quickly turned off the air conditioner, opened the door, and prepared to go there randomly.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ah Huang coming back with a cabbage in his mouth.

"Damn! Where did you go to serve cabbage?"

Woof woof woof...

Ah Huang spit out the cabbage and circled Qin Sheng as if asking for credit.

"You stay at home, I'll go rescue people." Qin Sheng said this and wanted to leave, but Ah Huang bit his trouser leg.

"Okay, I'll take you with me."

I just don’t know if we can become invisible together.

Qin Sheng picked up Ah Huang, rushed to the mirror, and became invisible!

Yes, everyone and the dog are gone.

"Stop shouting and fly with me!"

After locking the door, Qin Sheng simply used teleportation in the room.


Qin Sheng disappeared with Ah Huang!

at the same time……

In Class 8 of Grade 3...

A sudden shock shocked Qin Ming, who was taking Chinese class.

Sitting in the back row, he secretly checked the Shenlong watch in his hand, and his expression immediately changed.

Get up instantly,

"Tell the teacher, I have a stomachache."

The Chinese teacher with glasses glanced at him and waved, "Go ahead and be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole classroom exploded!

The classmates burst into laughter!

Do you still need to be careful when going to the toilet?

Qin Ming ignored them. Just as he was about to leave, a boy with glasses stood up and pointed at him.

"Report to the teacher, I just saw Qin Ming peeking at his electronic watch, and then his expression changed drastically, and he was in a hurry to go to the toilet. I very much doubt that he was faking it.

He probably sneaked out without knowing what to do.

If you don’t believe it, you can check his electronic watch. "

After Wang Ye finished speaking, he looked at Qin Ming with a proud expression.

He has a good relationship with Ye Feiyu and is his lackey.

Ye Feiyu is still lying in the hospital. The other party told him to keep an eye on Qin Ming.

Now that he had the chance, of course he would bite Qin Ming.

However, the Chinese teacher in class waved his hand and asked Qin Ming to leave.

After Qin Ming left, he slowly came to Wang Ye.

"Student Wang Ye, please be careful in class and don't look around.

You're playing with your phone here, do you think I don't know?

take it out! "

"Ah, you can take out my phone, but why did you let Qin Ming go without checking it?

Just because his grades are good?

Do you think it is fair? "

Wang Ye took out his cell phone with an unconvinced look, but looked at the Chinese teacher provocatively.

Chinese teacher: "Yes, he has good grades. I can ignore him even if he sleeps in class.

Don't talk about going to the toilet now.

But if your grades are poor and I don't care about you, your parents will be sad.

In the future, you may go to the construction site to move bricks.

I confiscated my phone first and will pick it up in my office after school. Please concentrate on it from now on, do you hear me?

Don't let your youth down. "

The words left Wang Ye speechless. He opened his mouth, handed over his phone, and sat down.

The teacher is indeed right.

With good grades you can indeed do whatever you want.

But what he didn't know was that the Chinese teacher didn't let Qin Ming go out because of his good grades.

A few days ago, the school held a top-secret meeting for all the teachers of Class 8, Grade 3.

The content of the meeting is:

Classmate Qin Ming has a secret mission to protect the safety of people's property.

Therefore, whenever you ask for leave during class, it must be approved.

This was a great shock to the teachers at the time. No one had ever thought that a student had a special identity.

Today was the first time that he encountered Qin Ming asking for leave.

Therefore, he approved it without hesitation and blurted out a warning at the same time.

Be careful...

After praying silently, the Chinese teacher continued the class.

On the other side...

After Qin Ming rushed out of the classroom, he also saw his mother coming out in a hurry.

"Mom, the scenic spot in the northern mountainous area is a bit far. How can we get there?"

Lin Shuya, "Move over in an instant! Haven't you learned how to do it in the past few days? Otherwise, why don't you go there? It might be dangerous."

"Mom, we are about the same strength. If you can go, why can't I?"

"Okay, come with me."

Knowing that she couldn't convince her son, Lin Shuya rushed back to the office and took out two masks.

Then he rushed to the stairs of the rooftop. There was no surveillance in this place.

"Remember, after you go there, your mission is to save people. If you encounter danger, leave first.

Random scrolls are a good thing to save your life.

Also, don’t use those skills in front of others unless absolutely necessary.

Just use Shangqingdian's tricks.

By the way, do you know how to use the map on the Shenlong Watch? Don't fly so fast that you can't find your way. "

Qin Ming nodded, "Yes! I just looked at it, and there is a map of instructions for this mission on it."

"Okay! Let's go!"

The two of them screamed and flew away using teleportation!

Moving in an instant, Qin Sheng had made arrangements for them a few days ago.

After the two acquired this skill, they secretly practiced it in extracurricular interest classes, and now they are no strangers to it.

On the other side...

Half an hour ago……

In the northern mountain forest scenic area of ​​Chuzhou...

A winding river seven or eight meters wide lies among the mountains and forests.

Because the water level is very low, the river bed is exposed in some places.

Many tourists who come to escape the summer camp along the river, set up tents here and play by the river.

The further downstream you go, the more people there are...

Those who play in the water, those who swim, those who play mahjong in the water...

There are people everywhere…

Several team building tourists were walking in the woods along the riverside when suddenly a phone rang.

Xiao Ming answered the phone and his expression suddenly changed.

"What are you talking about? It's raining heavily upstream and there's a flood coming?!

Understood! "

After hanging up the phone, he immediately said to his colleagues:

“No, it’s raining heavily upstream, and the flood is coming!

Call them up! "

When everyone heard this, they immediately shouted at the people playing in the river:

"Everyone is coming up! The flood is coming!"

"Come up quickly! There's a lot of water coming!"

Several people ran and shouted all the way. Many people who were playing in the river listened and began to pack up their tents and prepare to go ashore.

There are also many people who simply ignore it.

Xiao Ming and the others were so anxious that they jumped up and down. They left people here to continue urging, while they sent people running and shouting below.

At the same time, the scenic area administrator here also received the notice.

They all took loudspeakers and shouted into the river:

"All the water players in the river are coming up. The flood is coming! Come up! Come up! Come up!"

"Those who play in the water and those by the river, come up! The flood is coming!"

After some people heard it, they came immediately.

But there are still some people who are indifferent and still playing in the water.

When everyone saw it, this was not bad, and one of the administrators shouted in a heart-breaking voice:

"Please, come up, I will kneel down for you, okay?"

But there are still some people who are unwilling to come up.

The administrator had no choice but to report to the superiors while continuing to urge everyone to go ashore.

More than twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye...

Those who were playing in the river, those who were watching the scenery on the shore, and those who were eating at roadside snack bars, suddenly heard a huge roar!

The man playing in the river still looked confused, but when he knew what it was, his expression changed drastically.

Pushing hard towards the river:

"Come up! Come up quickly! The flood is coming! The flood is coming!"

"Come up! The flood is coming!"

"Run! The flood is coming!"

Everyone who was playing in the river hurriedly came ashore, but there were still some people who packed their things leisurely or walked slowly to the shore...

At this moment, countless turbid river waters came rushing in, carrying stones, branches, various tent garbage, etc.!

Apparently, someone upstream had abandoned his stuff and ran away.

When everyone who was still in the river saw this, they were so frightened that they quickly ran to the shore!

However, the speed of the flood was very fast. In just a few seconds, the water had filled the entire river bed, and waist-deep water roared down!

Those who haven't landed yet quickly find a big rock nearby and stand on it.

But immediately they felt something was wrong, the water level was getting higher and higher.

People on the shore were also anxious and called the police one after another.

There were still people trying to figure out how to save these people, but the river was too fast and it was useless.

Soon, two minutes later, the water flow became stronger and stronger, and some people standing on the big rocks could no longer stand.

At this moment, a lone girl was the first to be unable to stand, and was instantly swept away by the current and rolled into the flood, with only her head exposed!

Everyone onlookers all exclaimed in horror!

Many people prayed for the girl, shouting in their hearts that Bodhisattva would bless her!

But no one has any other choice!

Seeing that only one hand of the girl was exposed, and everyone couldn't bear to look at it, suddenly, the girl's whole body seemed to be lifted up by an invisible force, and she flew to the shore and landed lightly on the ground!

This confused everyone!

What's going on? !

Has the Bodhisattva really appeared?

At this time, other people still in the river seemed unable to stand, and were washed into the water by the rapid current...

But immediately they flew up one by one and landed lightly on both sides of the bank.

"My child!" a man shouted!

He didn't hold him, and the child fell into the flood and was submerged.

But the next moment, a native dog jumped out of the water, biting the child's collar, jumped onto the shore, and gently placed the child next to the man.

Then he jumped into the water again and continued to bite his collar to save people...

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