I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 155 Woma Guards! Awesome ancient treasure map!

Legend, in the Woma Hall...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sheng and Yu Jie followed suit, Gaara in the sand waterfall, Dawn in the snowy night, Tiantian Asher and Mingyue Zhuxin, the five of them have been practicing here for more than two hours...

The number of people in the same group has dropped a lot!

From the original eleven people, the number was reduced to seven, and the others flew away.

There are seven people, including a level 40 veteran, a level 40 mage, and a few around level 30. In the Woma leader's hall, as long as they don't fight with others, there will be no problem.

After all, the mage can kill them all with just one hell of lightning!

In other words, a level 40 mage can gain a foothold here by himself!

No one else is needed at all!

But there are many other guilds here!

If there are fewer people, others may bully you.

Sharing experience points among seven people is a lot, and each monster can get an average of about 40 experience points.

Every time they refresh, they can kill about 50 monsters!

You can get about 2000 experience points!

The refresh here is fast, it can be refreshed in a few minutes!

It refreshes about 18 times an hour!

In other words, you can get 36,000 experience points in one hour.

Of course, this is ideal.

All must be brushed!

In fact, there are a lot of people practicing here. Fortunately, the place where they are located is one of the large areas occupied by Tingyu City. Other forces will not come to snatch it, otherwise it will be more difficult.

If converted in this way, it would be almost 30,000 experience points per hour.

Just like that, Yujie asked him if he was a little slow in leveling.

"Haha, it's already very fast, not bad." Qin Sheng kept applying poison to monsters whenever he had the opportunity, just as a way to practice his skills.

Yujie smiled slightly and didn't say much. She just picked up things and occasionally shocked monsters.

In fact, the fight against monsters is basically done at dawn on a snowy night!

Gaara Sandagaki just summoned the dog and threw it away, not caring about it at all.

Holding a cigarette, bragging and farting...

The big guys can brag, but Qin Sheng doesn't dare to rest.

Every time it refreshes, she works very hard to kill the scattered monsters around her, and Yujie follows Dian.

Occasionally, he would add blood to Xueye Shuguang and Gouzi. Although he felt that there was no need to add blood, he would still do it.

If someone else takes you to level up for free, you definitely can’t stand still.

Let others see you working.

As for the equipment, gold coins, potions, etc. that exploded, he picked up nothing but gold coins.

I am afraid that others will misunderstand me when I pick up equipment and potions.

But picking up gold coins is different, they are divided equally.

On the contrary, Yujie picked up the things without any scruples, which made Qin Sheng want to remind him, but in the end he said nothing.

Because he found that a few people in Shining at the End had a strong dog-licking attitude towards Yujie.

Beauty, you really smell good wherever you go!

In this case, let Yujie take advantage of it.

As soon as it was lunch time, Qin Sheng was not stingy.

They took out all kinds of delicious food and filled a big table.

He even invited the brothers from around Tingyucheng to come over to eat and drink together...

Naturally, everyone has a great impression of him...

Some people even kept joking about whether he and Yujie are in a relationship, and when will they get married?

Regarding this issue, Qin Sheng always pretended to be deaf and dumb.

He is a man with a wife and children.

But I can’t say that here! Because he deduced a painful fact from the previous chats between Yujie, Feng Yingxiu and everyone else.

He must not say that he has a wife and children in the outside world, otherwise it will be over.

After all, in the eyes of others, the newcomers who came in at this time were all eighteen years old...

It’s hard to do...

A few hours later, Qin Sheng and others, who were leveling up, suddenly saw several players from nearby Tingyucheng attracting a different monster.

This is an extremely strong-looking mutant monster that looks a bit like an upright goat.

However, it just looks a bit like it!

Others are different!

He has strong dark red muscles and a big nose ring on his ferocious face.

Hold two weapons of different styles in each hand!

Black barbed flame demon sword!

White broadsword!

It is the loyal guard of Lord Woma!

Woma Guard!

A little BOSS!

The blood volume is the same as that of the evil pincer, one thousand!

However, it is different from the evil pincer.

Its defense is not as high as that of the Evil Pincer!

But its movement speed and attack speed are much faster than the Evil Pincer.

Qin Sheng remembered that in the external computer legend, his wife's level 18 mage met the Woma guards on the second floor of the Woma temple and was too frightened to fight.

After all, the HP of an 18th-level mage is too low. If he moves improperly when attacking, he will definitely fall down with two swords from the Woma guard.

But if you don’t fight the Woma guards, wouldn’t you miss it?

Helpless, Lin Shuya had no choice but to ask Qin Sheng, whom she didn't know at the time and was sitting next to him and playing the legendary game, for help.

If a girl asks, Qin Sheng will of course be willing to help.

Controlling Lin Shuya's horn, he called Woma to escort him while running.

Run a few times and recharge!

You also have to avoid the various mobs in the corridor!

There was no way, when I saw the big monster, I didn't have time to clean up the small monsters, otherwise it would be troublesome if someone came over.

In addition to fighting monsters, he also explains how to fight in real time.

As a result, Qin Sheng relied on his superb operation to defeat the Woma guard and explode a ruby ​​ring among the monsters.

This time, it was also the first time the two got to know each other in a real sense.

It can be said that Qin Sheng completely conquered Lin Shuya with his superb skills.

However, after that night, Qin Sheng didn't see each other for a long time.

Because he didn't have a mobile phone at that time, and he didn't dare to ask for a QQ number.

It wasn't until I saw her name in the guild that I contacted her again.

At this point, I joined QQ, often booked nights, and later started to move to small hotels...

Seeing the Woma guards, Qin Sheng's past with his wife flashed through his mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, the one who lured Woma's guards over shouted for him and Yujie to join the team and completed the task.

After Qin Sheng and the others joined the team, everyone swarmed forward!

More than ten people attacked, and within ten seconds, the Woma guards were destroyed!

Equipment, potions, etc. were exploded all over the place.

There are layers upon layers, and I don’t know what has exploded.

Qin Sheng didn't go to grab it, and he didn't bother to look. He turned around and attacked other monsters.

You must be content as a person, otherwise it will be bad if you cause others to resent you.

While fighting monsters, I continued to reminisce about all the things I had with my wife, such as watching a movie together and going to a small hotel for the first time...

In his recollection, he had actually been struggling with one thing.

That is whether to confess to my wife that I have this cheating finger.

But no matter how he thought about it, Qin Sheng felt that it would be better not to tell his wife and son for the time being. It's not that he doesn't trust his wife and the others, but if one more person knows, there is more risk of accidental exposure.

He believed that his wife and son would not talk nonsense, but sometimes they might be exposed inadvertently.

For example, drinking too much with friends...

Or others use children as threats...

Or threaten in other ways...

Waiting for factors...

In short, the more people know, the more dangerous it is...

Anyway, it’s not like he treats his wife and others badly. If he has good equipment and skills, he will equip them for them as soon as possible.

They are around me every day, and they are all in the same department. They will know about any tasks, and it doesn’t matter whether I tell them or not...

And the eldest daughter is far away from him, so there is nothing he can do.

She has to let her know that she has a strong father behind her, otherwise she won't dare to ask him for help if something goes wrong...

"I actually don't want to explain this, but some people always say that the protagonist should not hide it from his wife. This is the last explanation. My wife will know sooner or later."

And when they saw that Qin Sheng did not go up to grab anything and attract the monsters, the people who came over were very convinced of Qin Sheng's behavior.

Only Yujie greeted Qin Sheng happily, "Prodigal son, come here to pick up something."

"Haha, no need, I'll just do a mission."

Just as he was talking, Feng Yingxiu suddenly came over for a private chat.

"Prodigal son, where are you playing?"

"The Hall of Lord Woma."

"Ah, where did you go? It's so dangerous." Feng Yingxiu's voice rose unnaturally.

"Haha, I have a big boss to take care of me."

"Really, I'm envious." Feng Yingxiu was really envious.

She is only level 28. If she can level up in the leader's hall, her upgrade speed will definitely be great.

It's a pity that no one wants to take her...

It’s not that no one is willing to take her. There were big guys who were willing to take her in the past, but after taking her a few times, they always made some weird requests...

Unwilling, Feng Yingxiu could only participate in the guild's leveling activities in a disciplined manner.

It's just that guild leveling activities generally have a lot of people, so upgrading is slow.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Unless she pays someone...

After being envious for a while, Feng Yingxiu said: "Then let me go to the second floor and see if there is a chance to dig out the ancient treasure map."

Mentioning the ancient treasure map, Qin Sheng also remembered this matter.

So he said to Yujie: "Aren't we going to dig up the ancient treasure map?" As he said this, he looked at Shining Yu Mingyan and the others.

The meaning is obvious. There are ready-made big guys here. If they help, they can probably dig it out.

Yujie's eyes lit up and she looked at Gaara Sunagawa and the others with a smile.

"Um, where is your treasure map?" Gaara Sunagata asked with a little headache.

Yujie: "Woma's second floor."

"Then we don't have enough people. We need at least a few more people at level 40.

Otherwise you might get beaten.

Mainly because the level is too low and you can't hold it for 30 seconds. "

"Yes, it will be very troublesome if others see you digging and causing trouble." Shining also reminded in the end.

After a final discussion, we decided to level up first, and then go digging when we no longer plan to level up.

In the blink of an eye, it’s eleven o’clock in the evening...

During this period of time, Qin Sheng and the others did not encounter the Woma guards again.

But I met an elite flame Woma.

And he didn't know how many top-quality pieces of equipment had been dropped.

Because he didn't pick up a single piece of equipment during the whole process.

I heard Yujie and Shining Yu Zhiyan shouting and picking up two little gems.

Of course, his experience value has skyrocketed by more than 300,000 during this period!

For a single profession, you can level up with 300,000 experience points.

It’s a pity that he has dual careers!

At least he has to practice leveling like this for another night before he can level up.

But Yujie has upgraded!

Already level 23!

At this point, Yujie said she was too sleepy and wanted to go back to rest, so Gaara and Gaara Sunagawa finally planned to go back.

Before going back, they planned to help Qin Sheng and the others dig for treasures.

So, he called a few more level 40 players from Tingyucheng to come over.

A group of eleven people returned to the second floor in a mighty manner!

Arriving at the second floor, Yujie first told her the coordinates of her treasure map.

The experienced Sandagaki Gaara pointed out the general direction.

Everyone flew over randomly, and more than ten minutes later, everyone gathered together again.

However, there is a team of over 30 people at the location of Yujie's treasure map.

"Give me a moment, let me borrow the venue, and I'll blackmail you in two minutes."

Under the intervention of a group of forty-plus level bosses, these thirty-plus level people obediently stood aside and watched from a distance, not knowing what they were going to do.

It wasn't until Yujie took out a hoe that she suddenly realized that she was going to dig up a treasure map.

Soon, Yujie's 30 seconds to dig up the map came up, and she successfully dug out the ancient treasure map.

Seeing this, Qin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that these people are very honest and did not take advantage of the opportunity.

"Did you find anything good?" everyone asked.

"No, these little top guys are at a loss!" Yujie said depressedly.

Tiantian Duster: "Haha, it's normal. After I dug a few times, I also suffered a huge loss and sold them all."

Gaara Sandagaki: "You have to dig out more than ten of these things at once! Otherwise, if you dig one or two, you will get rich. Dream on!"

"Where's yours? Brother Prodigal Son." Shining Yu finally asked.

"Um, it's in the upper north corner."

Everyone flies randomly again!

After flying around for a while, Qin Sheng suddenly saw Feng Yingxiu leveling up with a few Ace of Spades players here.

One of them is an old acquaintance and is tired of reading.

"Hey, are you still practicing here?" Qin Sheng asked in surprise.

"Ah, Prodigal, have you finished leveling over there? Come, we will take you." Feng Yingxiu said happily.

"Um, someone helped me dig up the treasure map. Have you dug up yours?"

Feng Yingxiu: "I've finished digging, haha. I dug out a kitchen knife and stored it."

"Ah, congratulations. I'm going to dig for treasures first. I'll come back to you when I have time." Qin Sheng chuckled and gave everyone beer and drinks before leaving.

More than ten minutes later, he finally brought Yujie and others to the vicinity of his treasure digging spot.

Fortunately, the people doing the leveling here were the people from Tingyucheng, so they gave up their position after saying hello.

Qin Sheng started digging fearfully.

"29, 28, 27..."


"Congratulations on gaining 120,000 experience points!"

"Congratulations on getting an attribute scroll!"

"Congratulations on getting an alliance pass token!"

"Congratulations on getting a memory helmet!"

"Congratulations on getting a blue jade necklace!"

"Congratulations on winning one hundred thousand gold coins!"

Six items in total!

Gaining 120,000 experience points at once is awesome!

Qin Sheng's eyes widened when he saw it!

Unfortunately, ancient treasure maps are rarely sold.

Anyway, every time Qin Sheng is in the trading place, he hardly sees anyone selling.

In other words, someone was selling it, but it was bought as soon as I shouted.

Otherwise, if you have money, buy more to mine and upgrade the leverage.

However, he wouldn't be able to dig it out without anyone's help.

If others are willing to help this time, they may not be willing to help next time.

Unless he continues to improve magic dodge and agility, but without adding magic and Taoism, he will never be able to kill people...

Therefore, he was also very confused...

While thinking, he happily looked at the contents of the package.

The first is an orange-yellow hat with a hint of red in the middle.

There is a circle of small red gems on the top and the ancient hero's knot.

Memory Helmet:

Attack 0-1, defense 3-4, durability 7-8, weight 7.

Hidden attributes: The helmet in the memory set can exert powerful special abilities when combined with other parts to form a set.

Requires level 26.

This is an excellent memory helmet.

It adds 1 point of attack and 1 point of defense, which is not bad. You can sell him, or keep it for your wife and them to use in the future.

Through this helmet, Qin Sheng also saw that although the memory suit was brand-name equipment, it had no hidden attributes unless it was made into a set.

The next item is a blue necklace.

Blue Jade Necklace:

Attack 2-4, accuracy +1, weight 1, durability 7-8,

Requires level 23.

This is also an excellent necklace, adding 2 points of attack and 1 point of accuracy.

It's better than the Memory Necklace that attacks 2-4 because it's a little more accurate.

Leave it alone for now, and then upgrade it to a higher level so that it can be used by your family.

Once the ancient treasure map was dug out, Qin Sheng's experience points were still more than 150,000 short of being upgraded.

Practice tonight, it’s almost as good as not upgrading.

"Haha, are you done digging? Did you find anything good? How much experience did you get?" Yujie asked with a chuckle.

"No, just a memory helmet and some attribute scrolls. I dug up 120,000 experience points."

"Twenty thousand? That much? I only dug out 70,000!" Yujie said depressedly.

Shining in the end: "Haha, with the memory helmet, 120,000 plus experience points, etc., you basically won't lose. Let's go, go back..."

Qin Sheng did not go directly to Feng Yingxiu and the others, but followed them back to the city.

He has a lot of good things on him. Let's store them first to avoid heartache if he dies.

After returning to the city to store his things, Qin Sheng bought two more packages of super blue potion, and then flew towards the Woma Temple again...

If others are willing to bring it for free, you will have to pay for the potion yourself. You can’t be too stingy...

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