Legend has it that at the entrance of Woma Temple, Qin Sheng met several other friends...

Huitoucao, a level 40 warrior holding the Staff of Judgment, the Heavenly Demon Armor, and a top-quality Zuma set, belongs to Tingyu City

Qiu Feng, a level 36 mage, holds a bone jade scepter and a Woma suit, belonging to the Ace of Spades.

Xiaoyao Dao, a level 43 mage, belongs to the Ace of Spades.

Tianya Little Ronin, a level 30 warrior, a kitchen knife, half a Woma suit, and belongs to the Ace of Spades.

To the mountains and rivers is like wine, level 34, kitchen knife, half a Woma set, belonging to the Marfa Dynasty.

Murong Xinglan, a 42nd-level Taoist priest, has a dragon-patterned sword, a Tianzun Taoist robe, and a top-quality Zuma suit, and belongs to the Mafa Dynasty.

These six people were friends he made while leveling up.

I met him last time when I followed Feng Yingxiu to the Palace of the Corpse King.

Anyway, Qin Sheng has many friends in his friend column now.

He is generous.

If you ask them shamelessly, you can always find a few people who are willing to help.

Besides, it’s not like he asked others to help him in vain.

It’s not who you guide to level up.

Many people would be happy to bring someone who is generous.

At this time, some of these six people did not know each other.

It wasn't until Qin Sheng arrived that he realized that everyone was waiting for the same person.

Qin Sheng smiled, poured cigarettes and water, and introduced them one by one.

"Damn it! Brother Prodigal Son, you want the six of us to not form a team to take you. Do you have the money ready?" Murong Xinglan asked with a smile.

Qin Sheng: "Well, with one or two people leading it, the territory is too small and the experience points are not that much.

I don't care about money, what I want is to be able to level up quickly. "

Huitoucao: "Hey, that's such a big tone. It's a pity that you can't go to the pig hole maze, otherwise we will give you all the money in an hour."

Qiufeng: "If you have a chance, go to Zhuqishaomozi to level up quickly."

Xiaoyao said: "No, it's better to go to the Demon Sealed Valley to level up quickly. You can clear out all his gold coins in half an hour, quack quack!"

Little Ronin from Tianya: "Haha, I'm here to make up the numbers anyway. Brother, prodigal son, you won't favor one over the other, right?"

To the mountains and rivers is like wine: "We can make up the same number, so don't miss mine."

Qin Sheng: "Haha, anyway, I have already agreed with you, and the people who pull will share equally."

No one cared about it, they were all here because of his face.

Besides, if you recruit more people, it will expand your territory a little more, which is about the same.

That's how this game is, everything depends on strength.

At this time, Huitoucao smiled and said: "Which brother has a fire? Lend me a fire."

Qiu Feng: "Haha, don't you have one?"

"Where do I have it?" Huitoucao asked doubtfully.

"Fire, can't you? Hey, look at me."

Qiu Feng held the cigarette in his left hand, gestured with his right hand, and fired a small fireball.

As a result, the small fireball flew past the cigarette and hit the bottom of the tree.

But the cigarette was lit by him.

"Haha! Did you see it?" Qiu Feng said with a proud smile.

"Oh, let me try."

Huitou Cao holds a cigarette in one hand and a staff of judgment in the other, and a blast of fire hits the cigarette and blasts out!

The cigarette was indeed lit!

He cheered with excitement.

"Haha, interesting."

Others also found it interesting, and held out their cigarettes one after another to let Huitoucao light them one by one.

Everyone had fun for a while and then set off.

After everyone discussed for a while, they decided to go to the third floor to take a look.

There were seven people, including three level 40 leaders, and it was late at night. We went down to grab a place and see if it worked.

Mainly because Qin Sheng would not be killed by a monster.

If it were another level 25 player, maybe they wouldn't bring it.

After flying down randomly for an hour, everyone gathered at the entrance to the third floor of Woma.

Here, there are also players in twos and threes around who are leveling up.

However, it was not like last time when thirty or forty people gathered together.

Xiaoyaodao took the lead and walked over with his shield, but no one took action against him.

Only then did everyone else follow suit and enter Woma Three.

There were many monsters at the entrance, but no one.

From a distance, I heard various sounds of fighting monsters coming from the darkness...

"How about we do it at the entrance? Refreshing here should be the fastest, right?" Huitoucao suggested.

Qin Sheng didn't say anything, he just blasted a few bursting flames and smashed all the monsters around him.

Those monsters immediately attacked him in groups!

The close Woma warriors and Woma generals were waiting to hammer at him.

The dark warrior breathed fragrance at him from afar!

Waves of invisible arrows shot over.

Xiaoyao said with a thunderbolt from hell, most of the monsters were cleared away: "It's good, but I'm afraid some cheap people will bully the prodigal brother."

The autumn wind roared over with ice, instantly clearing the dark warriors.

Several pieces of equipment and some potions dropped on the ground with a clanging sound.

Qin Sheng picked them all up.

Tianya Little Ronin: "Yes, anyone above level 35 may kill the Prodigal Brother instantly. There are so many people coming and going here, it's too dangerous."

Murong Xinglan said, "Go close to the wall and go deep to the right. A wave of people from our guild are going back.

We're just handing over. "

Qin Sheng: "Haha, okay, okay, let's go!"

Everyone ran to the right and ran deeper against the wall.

Why not go to the wider lot in the middle?

Because there are too many people!

The Hall of the Leader of Woma, as one of the fastest refreshing places in the legend, there are still a lot of people leveling up here.

And because of the existence of the Woma leader, the level of those who level up here is not low.

There are people who lead teams of more than 40 levels, starting at level 35, and very few who are at lower levels.

Everyone pressed against the wall and met other teams along the way.

There are fellow guilds, allied guilds, and hostile guilds...

However, if the leader of Woma and the guards of Woma do not appear, generally hostile guilds will rarely take the initiative to fight.

Unless one party is stronger!

Or they have grudges against each other.

It's impossible to jump into a fight as soon as you see a hostile guild. It's not necessary.

Another main reason may be that everyone is cautious.

After all, there are attribute scrolls. Even if someone's level is not higher than yours, you may not be able to beat them if they are only a few levels apart.

Just like Qin Sheng, if you fight him at level 30, as long as you are not a second-generation high school student, you really can't fight him.

Soon, about twenty minutes later, everyone finally arrived at the place Murong Xinglan mentioned.

He greeted a group of people from the Marfa Dynasty, and those people immediately planned to leave and go back to sleep.

Of course Qin Sheng would not miss this opportunity and came forward to offer cigarettes, water and wine...

Show great courtesy...

Make friends……

Whether it's useful or not, you'll know now...

As soon as those people left, Qin Sheng and the others took over the territory, and they were surrounded by people from the Marfa Dynasty. For Murong Xinglan's sake, they would not do anything to them.

Therefore, Qin Sheng began to practice leveling here with peace of mind.

The Woma leader's hall refreshes very quickly, and can be refreshed in about three minutes.

Qin Sheng can gain about sixty monster experience each time!

You can get about 15,000 experience points!

In just one hour, Qin Sheng gained 300,000 experience points!

It's absolutely terrifying!

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