I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 206 The terrifying Qin Sheng! Level 33!

Legend, it is already six o'clock in the evening, at the entrance of the Pig Cave Maze...

After Qin Sheng arrived here with the two girls Yujie, there were still a few people who had not come and had to wait.

But when they came, they all became extremely envious when they saw Qin Sheng riding a motorcycle with two beauties in tow.

It exploded instantly!

Qiu Feng: "Damn it! Brother Prodigal Son, it's okay! I'll hug you from one side to the other."

Xingchen o Dahai: "What is this? It can also run with people!"

No matter what, m: "That's called a motorcycle, and it's been very popular in the trading area these days."

Essay World: “Damn, it turns out the motorcycle they were talking about looks like this!

It looks, how should I say, very cool. "

Mingyue Zhuxin: "Haha, isn't it? In the restaurant these days, the most talked about thing is the motorcycle of the Prodigal Son Brothers."

After a glass of wine, he said: "Haha, I heard that the scary Amumu made it and sold it to the prodigal brother, haha, I guess he regrets it to death."

Dingfeng Yeyu: "Yeah, but it's very strange. When we asked him about it, he said he wouldn't sell it. He was so arrogant."

Huitoucao: "Oh my god! I've heard in the past few days that someone has brought a car. It turns out this is a car. Take me for a walk. They didn't come anyway."

Essay World: "Take me, take me!"

Helpless Qin Sheng took several people to have a good time amidst the shouts of everyone.

At the same time, I was feeling emotional in my heart.

The other person's world is really a deformed world, not even a car.

However, from the few words I heard them chatting before, it seemed too normal to not have a car.

All I can say is that that world is not normal...

What a bunch of poor people...

While having fun, everyone else soon arrived.

Naturally, they are inevitably curious about motorcycles and are envious of them...

Without wasting any more time, everyone entered the maze.

"Which way to go?" the old man Wuyu asked.

No matter what, m: "Whatever, just don't go to the 7th floor anyway, there are too many big guys there."

So, a group of people randomly found a hole and wandered in.

However, no matter where you go, there are people, usually more than fifteen or six.

The strength is almost the same, and it’s not easy to grab it from everyone’s perspective…

All we can do is keep wandering around.

At this time, Qin Sheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, find someone who is hostile and we will rob him directly!"

"Just grab it?" Everyone was speechless for a while.

There are more than ten people on other people's side, and there are more than ten people on my side, so it's not easy to grab them.

If they are a group of players over 40, it will be almost the same.

But most of the people here are over level 30, which is difficult to deal with.

So, Qiu Feng hesitantly reminded: "It's not easy for us to rob it, right?"

"It's okay, I have everything." Qin Sheng laughed.

After adding the last attribute scroll and fighting with the second-generation high school student, he had a clear understanding of his own strength.

It is estimated that ordinary level 40 players today cannot hit him at all, even if they are stronger, they probably can't.

Besides, fighting over territory is all about seeing who gets what.

If you fight someone else wearing a luxurious red moon suit, you will end up blind.

Look for soft persimmons!

Seeing that the employer was so confident, everyone didn't bother to persuade him.

Anyway, if you can't grab it, you can't blame them if you are killed back.

After everyone walked around again, Qin Sheng finally selected a target.

It’s none other than the sun never sets on the city!

Qin Sheng had long been holding back his anger because the other party's president had hacked him, and some second-generation high school student from Sun Never Set City had also made plans for him.

Now when he sees the sun never setting on the city, he wants to kill him!

There are about twenty people in this yurt where the sun never sets.

There are six of them at level 40. In terms of equipment, the best one is a level 41 warrior with a staff of judgment and a full set of Zuma sets.

Everyone else, Zuma has all the sets!

"It's just them!"

Qin Sheng said with a smile in the team that they haven't officially leveled yet. He and most of the people are still in a team, which is convenient for private chat.

"Are you crazy? Our gay players are almost the same as them, but there are more of them than us. Can we win?" He fainted and was speechless as soon as he got on the boat.

"Yeah, you wouldn't drag us into a fight specifically, would you?" Qiu Feng asked in pain.

Huitoucao: "It doesn't matter if you fight, but you have to pay compensation if you drop something, hehe."

Qin Sheng touched his nose, showed a relieved expression, and said with a smile:

"I'm going to kill for a while first. If the killing is chaotic, you take the opportunity to rush in! Nothing will happen. If I die directly, you don't need to avenge me, just go back to the city."

"What? You go first?"

Except for the two girls Yujie, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Before anyone could react, Qin Sheng had already rushed forward.

At this time, there were some monsters on the other side of the yurt, and those people were killing them.

Qin Sheng rushed over and exploded with flames directly hitting the pile of monsters.

This immediately caused dissatisfaction among others.

"Fuck, where did this idiot come from to snatch monsters? Kill him!"

"Dare to snatch our monster? Kill him!"

What do legendary players hate most?

Players who grab bosses, equipment and monsters!

Amidst the shouting, those who were close to Qin Sheng directly hit Qin Sheng with a bunch of attacks.

But the next moment, exclamations rang out.

"Nah! My thunder and lightning can't hit him!"

"Fuck! My assassination won't work either!"

"Oh my god! Doesn't Ice Roar even lose blood?"

Amidst the shouting, Qin Sheng deliberately approached everyone, and soon everyone was discredited.

What shocked these people even more was that there was a big boss with Zuma tricks in the team, and the Fiery Sword Technique still failed!

Not only could they not believe their eyes, but Qiu Feng and others who were following behind were also dumbfounded.

While everyone was stunned, Qin Sheng began to fight back!

Facing a group of Taoist priests and mages without shields, a flash of light passed by!

Zi La La...

The blood volume is reduced by 330!

The blood volume is reduced by 325!

The blood volume is reduced by 335!

The blood volume is reduced by 150!

After equipping Blood Drink in the second career column, the power of Qin Sheng's Flash Movie is terrifying!

A 20% increase in power is no joke!

This flash of light penetrated seven or eight people in an instant!


There was a scream, and all the Taoist priests below level 37 and magicians without shields in this straight line lay down!

The shielded mage was also beaten to a low level of health!

Equipment potions dropped randomly on the floor, and some unlucky guy popped out a platinum ring and a life necklace.

This immediately attracted a group of people to rush in and grab it!

Even the one with residual health rushed over despite the tens of thousands of years of snow!

The two pieces of equipment were far away from Qin Sheng and he couldn't grab them, but they didn't stop him from killing people!

Zi La La...

Zi La La...

Two more flashes of light passed by!

Lay down a few again!

The equipment continues to explode!

This time, Qin Sheng picked up a handful of purgatory.

Qin Sheng went on a killing spree, and several of the opponent's level 40 players were so angry that they surrounded him and threw skills like crazy.

But it’s of no use to birds!

A level 40 mage had an idea and wanted to use the resistance fire ring to push Qin Sheng to the wall!

As a result, the person was not pushed away, but was hit by Qin Sheng with two flashes of light, and his blood was left in an instant!

Fly quickly!

The savage charge of the level 40 warrior hit him, but it was still useless!

In the blink of an eye, he was beaten away by Qin Sheng again!

That fast light movie is like a life-threatening laser. Wherever it is pointed, people are turning on their backs, and ghosts are crying and wolves are howling!

The team of more than 20 people was killed by Qin Sheng in a blink of an eye. Some were dead and some escaped!

Qin Sheng was absolutely crushed like a god from heaven.

Everyone following behind was stunned and completely stunned!

At this time, the opponent was dead and flying, and only three warriors were left to attack Qin Sheng frantically. Finally, someone hit him, but the damage almost made him doubt his life!

The blood volume is reduced by 60!

But this mage has more than 200 HP!

If you hit once, you will miss the next few hits!

Instead, Qin Sheng's flash of light made him fly away!


At this time, Huitoucao and others, who were acting as spectators, finally rushed forward!

Hit it with a skill!

A great soldier didn't expect that there was a group of people behind him and was killed on the spot!

The bell rang loudly, and a power ring fell out!

I fainted as soon as I took the boat and picked it up!

There was also a living warrior who didn't even think about it, just screamed and ran away!

There were only corpses, potions, and a few pieces of equipment left on the ground, one of which was a ruby ​​ring.

But Mingyue Zhuxin and others didn't go up to pick it up!

The strength shown by Qin Sheng was really scary!

Players below level 40 are just chopping melons and vegetables in his hands!

Even a level 40 person can't hold it for a few times!

It’s so fierce!

The equipment on the ground was all exploded by Qin Sheng, how could they dare to pick it up?

Qin Sheng picked up all the things with a smile and took a quick look. They were not bad. The five ordinary pieces of equipment were also of the highest quality.

The ruby ​​ring and purgatory are ordinary, which are also very good.

"Langzi, you are awesome!" Yujie was the first to praise, stepping forward to pick up the potion.

"Prodigal, you're so handsome!" Feng Yingxiu was unwilling to lag behind.

"The prodigal brothers are mighty!"

“The Prodigal Brothers are so awesome!”

Others are flattering and follow suit!

But everyone’s eyes were filled with shock and shock!

It can be said that the nameless prodigal was brought up by some of them personally.

They watched the unknown prodigal grow up step by step!

But isn’t this growing too fast?

After a round of crazy flattery, he got dizzy as soon as he got on the boat and said with a smile: "I picked up an ordinary power ring, brother prodigal son, how do you divide it?"

Qin Sheng: "Let's divide it equally. We also killed the great warrior together."

"Okay, the market price of the power ring is 90 million gold coins. There are sixteen of us, and each of us is worth 5.62 million!

Are there any brothers who want to use power rings themselves? "I felt dizzy as soon as I got on the boat and asked with a smile.

Naturally, mages and Taoist priests would not want it.

As for warriors, there is no need for big warriors, but little warriors cannot afford them.

"Then let's go back and sell the points later." He said with a faint smile as soon as he got on the boat.

Next, Qin Sheng was in a group with the two women, and the others were divided into two groups to help them fight monsters.

Once the monsters are refreshed, the yurt will be filled with them.

Qin Sheng and the others burst into flames, and the others followed closely and attacked.

In fact, it was just the dawn of a snowy night and a glass of turbid wine, combined with the ice roar attacks of several archmages.

Everyone else basically endured being attacked by monsters while watching the show.

After clearing a place, these idle warriors and Taoist priests separated and pulled monsters over from all around.

In this way, Qin Sheng and Yu Jie don't have to move at all and can just keep killing monsters.

After clearing a round of monsters, Qin Sheng offered everyone cigarettes and water, and said he would pay them for their hard work first, but everyone refused.

Qiu Feng held a cigarette in his mouth and drank a cold beer, "Haha, brother prodigal, don't mind the strength just now. We have each earned more than five million, so we don't need this hard work."

Xingchen o Daidai Gulu took a big sip of Coke and said, "Hey, I'm a little suspicious that I'm just here to make up the numbers. How dare I ask for hard work?"

Essay Tiandi gnawed on spicy sticks: "Yeah, don't mention the hard work, we are all brothers."

Since no one wanted it, Qin Sheng didn't force it.

So, continue to level up...

And because they were all familiar with each other, everyone discussed and settled the bill every hour.

Although most of them are not as powerful as Qin Sheng, the most important thing for leveling up is the number of people.

Otherwise, Qin Sheng would be here alone, and even if others couldn't kill him, they would still annoy him to death.

Also, when Qin Sheng spawns monsters, he definitely doesn’t have many great mages to help him do it quickly.

It is estimated that Qin Sheng will be refreshed before he finishes playing.

Therefore, you still have to spend money to reserve a venue for leveling.

At least I'll save you from disturbing you and help you fight monsters and level up.

When settling the bill, Qin Sheng paid for both of them, and Yujie also paid, which was his share in return for the Blood Drinking Sword.

Here, by killing a wave of monsters, Qin Sheng alone can gain 960,000 experience points.

If divided among three people, he can gain 320,000 experience points per hour.

But it also costs a lot of gold coins, which costs 6.4 million for two people every hour.

She paid Feng Yingxiu's share herself.

It was eight o'clock in the evening, and although there were a lot of people coming and going, seeing that there were so many people like Qin Sheng, they didn't bother them.

By this time, Feng Yingxiu and Yujie had also upgraded one after another.

Both of them have been upgraded to level 34.

Qin Sheng was almost interested.

It was not until twelve o'clock in the evening that Qin Sheng finally upgraded to level 33.

Unknown Prodigal Son: Level 33, Taoist priest

(Hidden profession: Mage, visible only to yourself)

Experience value: 66.88-6.4 million

The experience value increases rapidly again!

After two more levels, Qin Sheng can get the Bone Jade Scepter and learn Hail Howl.

Unfortunately, at this time, these big guys are all going back to the city to rest.

"Prodigal son, aren't you going back to rest?" Yujie blinked.

Qin Sheng shook his head, "No, I'll practice for a while."

"Okay, go back and rest when you are tired. I booked a room at the Huanglong Inn, Room 13, double room. If you want to save money, just come and see me." Yujie chatted secretly.

"Okay, I'll do it if you can." Qin Sheng said casually.

A group of people flew away, and in the end only Feng Yingxiu was left.

"Why don't you leave? Staying up too late is not good for your health." Qin Sheng said casually.

"Let's go? Where to go? Besides, I'm not in good health and I might die." Feng Yingxiu shrugged indifferently.

"Okay, it's up to you. When someone comes to grab the territory, you just fly away randomly and I'll deal with them."

"Who are you looking down on? I can also fight well.

Someone helped you upgrade before, but now you dislike me? "Feng Yingxiu curled her lips dissatisfied.

"That's not what I meant. It's just that the level of people who can come in here is very high, and you don't have a magic shield, so you can easily die if you are targeted." Qin Sheng explained.

"Oh, you still care about other people's life and death." Feng Yingxiu came over, with a burning taste in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that if you die, you'll be in trouble if you come back."

"Hehe, right?"

"Of course, by the way, stand in this corner, otherwise the monster will kill you later."

Qin Sheng asked Feng Yingxiu to stand in a corner of the yurt. There was a pillar like a lighthouse next to this corner, but there was no light.

Feng Yingxiu stood at the end, and Qin Sheng summoned a skeleton. When the skeleton came to wait for Yingxiu, Qin Sheng froze it.

He himself stood on the other side, and then added defense, magic defense, and invisibility to Feng Yingxiu and himself.

The little mage Feng Yingxiu is too fragile, and it will be difficult to deal with it when surrounded by monsters.

After all, he couldn't clear out the monsters in a short time.

Be prepared to refresh soon.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

Egg egg…

Hum hum hum…

Puff, puff, puff...

Boom boom boom...

Black wild boars, red wild boars, scorpion snakes, black evil maggots, wedge moths, they are all there as far as the eye can see...

Qin Sheng started to set fire!

Feng Yingxiu first smashed the flames and smashed the wedge moth to death!

Then the hell thunder exploded, bombarding the surrounding monsters.

Those black boars, red boars and other monsters were attacked by her and wanted to come and hammer her.

But the skeleton baby is invisible and can't get through.

The only thing that can be seen is Qin Sheng, who set fire to them and revealed his whereabouts.

As a result, countless monsters attacked Qin Sheng!

But all attacks are ineffective!

Then, Qin Sheng's hell thunder exploded!

Zi La La...

Zi La La...

The black boar, red boar and scorpion snake were killed by two people in a few blows!

As for the evil black maggots that were blown away by the lightning of hell and lost little health, they had already been rolling around in Qin Sheng's wall of fire and were burned to death.

"Stay still, I'll lure the monster over."

After clearing away the monsters around him, Qin Sheng gave instructions and threw a lot of fire walls outside before rushing outside.

Soon, he attracted a large number of monsters.

Those monsters chased him desperately in the sea of ​​fire, howling and screaming as they were burned.

The wedge moths and black evil maggots were gone before they reached Feng Yingxiu.

The remaining black boars were also burned to death before they could reach her.

Qin Sheng’s wall of fire is so perverted!

With more than 40 HP burned each time, these monsters only have more than 300 HP at most, less than 400, and a small number of 500 mutant pigs.

But after passing through the sea of ​​fire, they were all burned to death before they could run far.

Seeing this, Feng Yingxiu didn't wait any longer, ran out, and went to the other side to help lure the monster over.

However, running in high heels was a bit awkward for her.

Qin Sheng was also speechless as he watched this girl wearing super shorts, black stockings, and high heels running around attracting monsters.

Fortunately, this was in a game and there was no pain. Otherwise, if I had to run in high heels all night, my feet would probably be ruined.

As Qin Sheng and the other two attracted monsters, countless monsters followed them to the fire wall in the middle.

The burned blood was lost wildly, and he screamed.

In order to speed up the efficiency, Qin and Sheng directly exploded with thunder from hell without waiting for the other party to be burned to death!

As the monsters continued to fall, a lot of things exploded on the ground.

Equipment potions are everywhere!

"You pick up things and check to see if there are any top ones, and I'll lure the monsters."

There are so many things, it would be bad if you don’t pick them up, look at them, and refresh them.

Qin Sheng simply asked Feng Yingxiu to check the things on the ground and attract the monsters himself...

"Begging for a monthly ticket. Join the group attack today. There are few updates. I will write more tomorrow."

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Good night!

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