I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 208 What is the secret? !

Legend, in the seventh floor of the Pig Cave...

The seventh floor of the Pig Cave is where the outside computer legends hunted treasures in their early days.

The boss in the pig cave, the white boar, is a good boss. He has a pig's head, stands and walks, holds a meteor hammer, and is all white. He is also called Xiaobai enthusiastically by the players.

Xiao Bai can break out the three divine weapons, the Staff of Judgment, the Bone Jade Scepter and the Dragon Pattern Sword!

Secondly, there are all kinds of Wal-Mart brand-name equipment!

Zuma’s brand-name equipment will not drop!

In addition to equipment, it will also explode all skill books.

Top skill books such as "Summon the Divine Beast", "Fire Sword Technique" and "Hail Howl" will all explode.

At the beginning, the White Boar's explosion rate was extremely high, Woma's brand-name equipment, and even the Three Divine Weapons were relatively easy to obtain, and the Pig Cave became a paradise for everyone to hunt for treasures.

Especially Pig Seven!

Novices can be found everywhere here.

One swipe is a big piece!

However, not all white wild boars will explode. Most of them are water pigs that don't explode anything!

At most I will give you a few bottles of powerful solar water, a few piles of five hundred gold coins, or one or two blue jade necklaces, skull helmets, etc...

But this is pretty good.

After all, blue jade necklaces can also be sold for gold coins...

It is precisely because of its various explosion rates that Zhuqi became a holy place for all treasure hunters at that time.

There was no way, the Chiyue Canyon was a forbidden area at that time!

It is also difficult for Zuma to gain a foothold above the seventh floor!

Only Pig 7 is suitable for most people to go down.

Later, with the opening of the Demon Sealed Valley, Cangyue Island and other maps, Zhu Qi became more and more popular, and gradually, it finally became a place that no one cares about...

But at this time, Zhu Qi in this game made Qin Sheng see again what it means to have more people than monsters!

Following Eternal Walking Soul and others, passing through waves of people, Qin Sheng and the others struggled to find the territory.

But there are people everywhere...

You can't fight and rob, right?

It seems hard to grab because there are a lot of large sizes here.

Players of more than 40 levels can be seen everywhere, wearing the Demon Armor, holding the Staff of Judgment, and a full set of Zuma suits.

Qin Sheng even saw more than a dozen large players wearing full Chiyue suits encircling a large area and leading a 30-level trumpet.

That trumpet mage, tsk tsk, has just reached level 30, and is already a full set of magic gods, drinking with blood!

Obviously, this should be a rich man, or a second-generation high school student.

Moreover, there are not just one or two such people, but several.

Just when Qin Sheng thought it would be difficult to find a site, Eternal Walking Soul and others came to a small room in the upper left corner.

It's very close to Xia Zhuba.

In this small room, there were originally more than a dozen people from the Heroes Club.

When he saw Eternal Walking Soul and others, he immediately greeted them warmly.

"Haha, you're finally here. Damn it, you've been up all night. If you don't come, we can hardly keep our eyes open."

Eternal Traveling Soul: "Haha, here we come, bring a few new people."

It turned out to be an all-night shift...

Qin Sheng couldn't help but nodded. This was the only way. Otherwise, if he really wanted to seize the territory, it would be more difficult here.

If you mess with a big boss's son or daughter, you might be hunted down by the boss all over the server.

Even though the Eternal Souls and the others are here, the group of people from the Heroes Guild who were originally here have not completely left.

There are several liver emperors left behind!

No one else is afraid of death, and it’s hard for others to say anything, so they can just keep playing.

The worst case scenario is death...

After these few people stayed, there were more than twenty people.

There are about a dozen of them at level 40.

Although Qin Sheng is not familiar with everyone, it does not prevent him from building relationships.

Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, spicy sticks and melon seeds were given out, and the female players even gave away stockings and shoes.

In an instant, he became one with everyone and became brothers...

This is true in every world.

Even if you don't know each other at first, as soon as the wine is served and the gifts are given, there is no one who doesn't like them.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face.

Not to mention giving gifts...

In the real world, Qin Sheng's previous life was too old-fashioned, or in other words, he had nothing to give to build relationships.

There is no other way. If you want to build a relationship, the most direct way is to give monetary gifts, treat guests to dinner, etc.

And what kind of family did Qin Sheng originally come from?

There are three children, and one of the parents is sick.

In this case, where does he have the money to build a good relationship?

Before falling in love and getting married, I would surf the Internet with others every day, treat others to dinner, and buy whatever I saw. If one person was full, the whole family would not be hungry.

The most exaggerated moment was when he invited a former friend to stay up all night for half a year.

That friend is also very interesting. I know that he pays his salary on the 15th of every month.

Come find him when the time comes!

Qin Sheng invited him to play Legend all night, with cigarettes, drinks, and meals all included!

That person lives and eats in an Internet cafe...

Half a month later, Qin Sheng ran out of money, and the friend withdrew...

Later, after meeting Lin Shuya, Qin Sheng ignored him.

It’s clear that money can only be spent on girlfriends. Occasionally, a meal is fine, but not more.

The other party was not happy, saying that Qin Sheng had changed and their friendship was gone.

Finally got angry...

Regarding this situation, his wife just said that he was stupid and was being treated as a villain.

However, Qin Sheng also had his own ideas.

No matter what you say at that time, it was quite fun to team up with that person to kill legends every day.

It’s just that money goes fast.

What makes me depressed is that I am not willing to spend money on the other party later, but the other party complains about it.

It's as if I feel sorry for him...

Thinking of this, Qin Sheng became very angry, and simply cut off contact with the other party completely, and stopped communicating with each other forever...

Since Qin Sheng got together with Lin Shuya, he would still spend money on her at first.

But since having children, everything has changed.

The cost is too much...

Especially during that time, my wife insisted on being with Qin Sheng and was unwilling to abort the child.

This made the mother-in-law's family completely furious and broke off relations with Lin Shuya.

Once the relationship was severed, Lin Shuya had to have a baby on the one hand, and continued studying later on.

After that, Qin Sheng was responsible for all the expenses for the children and the food, clothing, housing and transportation for his wife to go to school.

How could he possibly engage in human relations under such pressure?

Every day after get off work, I rush home.

Even when his colleagues invited him to a dinner party at a restaurant, he didn't dare go.

Because after you go there, sooner or later you have to invite others to eat, and you can't always eat from others.

I don’t dare to go to other people’s dinners, let alone treat my boss to a meal.

I can't afford it if I don't have money.

Gradually, although the relationship between him and the chef and manager of the hotel still existed on the surface, in reality, it was very weak.

Because of his wife and children, life is stressful, so he has never dared to change jobs.

He worked there for ten years, but in the end, when several new restaurants were opened, no one thought of mentioning him as the new head chef.

The last time, even an apprentice whom he taught personally was promoted to be a supervisor.

And that year, when business was relatively slow, he was eventually fired by his boss.

It's not that he didn't do a good job, or that he was lazy.

To put it bluntly, interpersonal relationships are weak.

Those who flatter others and invite people to dinner every day get promoted very quickly.

Just say that his apprentice invited the leader to dinner every three days, and all his wages were there.

How does this compare?

It's impossible for him to do this...

Therefore, when it came to layoffs, others even dismissed him as an old employee and fired him first. He would rather leave an apprentice behind him who would be paid less.

Precisely because he had suffered enough losses in interpersonal relationships for half his life, after Qin Sheng entered this game, he would win over anyone he could.

Just some tobacco, alcohol, drinks and melon seeds?

How much is this worth?

This means that if you have money in your hands, you can talk about anything.

As someone else said,

When you are rich and powerful, friends come to you uninvited!

When you are a poor man, if you open the door at night, no thieves will come...

In short, Qin Sheng now wants to maximize his interpersonal relationships...

Whenever he goes out, no matter where he goes, someone will say hello to him, "Hello, prodigal brother," and this relationship should be about the same.

The refresh of Zhu Qi is very fast, similar to that of Woma Hall 3, once every three minutes.

Therefore, before everyone had finished smoking a cigarette, a large number of monsters spawned.

Here, almost every time it’s a big hit!

This time, among the many wedge moths and black evil maggots, two tall and strong white pigs finally appeared in Qin Sheng's small house.

White boar!

Everyone's eyes lit up and they immediately went to fight!

These large trumpets were smashed down with a roar of ice, and all the wedge moths and evil black maggots were killed!

All that’s left is the white boar!

This white wild boar has a total of one thousand HP!

The key is, here in Te Meow there are all large sizes!

One person will be hammered to death!

Nothing exploded at one end!

And after the other end lay on the ground with a squeal, there was a loud bang and a loud bang!

The experience value is increased by 110!

The experience value is increased by 110!

Even Qin Sheng on the outside had a pile of things under his feet!

It's a pity that it's all powerful solar water and gold coins!

He stepped on it unconsciously, his eyes turning rapidly, trying to see if there was anything good.

But there were so many people present!

It was not his turn to take another look, the ground was already licked clean by everyone...

However, it's very strange. Why can Mao be picked up even if he's not from his own group?

Qin Sheng asked curiously.

"Haha, brother Prodigal Son, you don't know something. There are several team formation modes." The eternal wandering soul smiled.

"What? Several kinds?" Qin Sheng was dumbfounded.

Eternal Walking Soul, "Well, the lowest is the eleven-person team.

The second is a large team, the number of people can be increased to 110 people, and only a few team captains need to agree to form a team.

But the captain must be level 35 or above.

Beyond is the guild team, whose number can be increased to a thousand people.

That requires a team with level 40 or above.

Finally, there is the guild alliance team, which can reach tens of thousands of people.

This requires a guild leader to form a team. "


Qin Sheng was speechless for a while...

Along the way, this was the first time he heard that there were so many types of teams.

In the past, when the big guys led him, they always formed a small team.

In addition, he was less than level 35 and could not organize a large team, so he thought that it would only be an eleven-person team at most...

"So, we are actually all on the same team?"


"No wonder I always have experience bonuses. I thought you could control the monsters so accurately." Qin Sheng was speechless for a while...

Next, there is the boring process of waiting for spawning and killing monsters...

With these big guys here, basically once the monsters are spawned, they will be wiped out in less than ten seconds.

The same goes for the monsters outside the small house. After the fight, everyone was standing or sitting, drinking drinks, smoking, eating spicy strips and melon seeds, chatting, chatting, and doing nothing.

Basically, the boast is that on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, so and so is on which map, and what kind of top-notch equipment is obtained after beating the BOSS.

Or one day when I was running a map, a flying corpse suddenly flew over and I made a huge fortune...

Or go to Happy City to find a girl...

Or maybe digging for a treasure map and finding something great...

Speaking of treasure maps, Qin Sheng had asked others.

If you want to dig up the origin treasure map, it will usually appear on the seventh floor of Zuma, or on Pig Seven, deep in the Sealed Demon Valley, deep in the Bull Demon Cave, and other more dangerous places.

Qin Sheng couldn't go to these places at the moment, so he simply didn't check where the two origin treasure maps were dug.

It’s hard to scratch your itch for free…

Let’s talk about it later when we become stronger...

Qin Sheng can also integrate into the chats of these people.

Aren't you just bragging?

Who wouldn't?

So, when everyone asked Qin Sheng what adventures he had, Qin Sheng laughed:

"I didn't have any adventures. I just entered the game and hit a scarecrow and exploded a dual-career scroll shortly after I entered the game."


your sister!

Can we have a good chat?

What kind of adventure is this?

After a moment of silence, the eternal wandering soul shouted:

"Grandma! I'm going to kill the scarecrow later, and I won't stop until a dual-career scroll comes out!"

"Well, actually, this is not my greatest adventure." Qin Sheng said that he would not stop talking if he was not surprised.

"What? Isn't this the greatest adventure? Is there anything bigger?"

Everyone's curiosity was instantly aroused.

"It's a secret, hehe."

The greatest adventure is naturally that I traveled through time by myself, but I can’t say that.

"Tch! Pull him down, you braggart!"

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"I absolutely don't believe there is anything greater than having a double career."

Everyone booed, but Qin Sheng just smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, Eternal Walking Soul came over for a private chat:

"Brother Prodigal Son, what adventure did you have? Tell me about it. Just tell me in private. I will never tell anyone."

"No, this is my secret."

"No, the biggest secret is that you are in the third profession. Tell me now."

"I really can't say."

"If you don't say it, then don't say it out loud. It's making me feel uncomfortable now." The eternal wandering soul said depressedly.

He has been obsessive-compulsive since he was a child, and he only half-obeys what he is told, which almost drives him crazy.

If Qin Sheng hadn't been his employer, he would have wanted to kill this guy with a verdict.

"I lied to you. There is no bigger secret than dual professions." Qin Sheng replied with a bit of pain.

"No, my intuition tells me that you really have a big power in your heart.

Because there was no fluctuation in your eyes when you spoke just now, it was obvious that this was your normal speech and you were not lying.

Come on, tell me quickly, what is your greatest adventure?

Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. "

"There really are no secrets."

"No, you do!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll knock you down." Qin Shengdan walked to the other side in pain, just in time to clear the monsters.

When everyone finished fighting this wave of monsters, the eternal wandering soul came over and chatted privately without giving up:

"Brother, what is your highest power?"

"My wife came home today, well, you know, there are few updates..."

Thanks to the big guys for your subscription, reward, recommendation and monthly support!

Good night!

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