I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 213 Go to the Zuma leader’s house!

Legend, in the Tucheng safe zone...

Qin Sheng, wearing an invisibility ring, shuttled flexibly among the monsters, picking up pieces of equipment from time to time.

Unfortunately, those who died were basically accounts below level 35, and the equipment and other items they dropped were not very good.

There is no way, after the character dies, the equipment dropped depends entirely on the character.

But most characters usually don't reveal much about their equipment.

Even if it breaks out, how many pieces of equipment can players below level 35 have?

For players above level 35, it is a bit difficult to die.

For example, if a level 35 mage comes back with a shield, the surrounding monsters may not be able to kill him.

This time is enough for them to run away randomly.

In other words, the trumpet dies quickly!

Large size is not necessarily the case!

Unless you come back with low health, or die in the wild, return to the city and resurrect now!

In short, Qin Sheng had a great time picking up things here.

From time to time, he picked up a piece of good equipment, which surprised him again and again.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and there were more and more Taoist players here.

When there are too many people, it will be useless no matter how fast Qin Sheng’s internet speed is.

As soon as the equipment exploded, those large players with levels over 40 rushed in desperately!

The mutated mythical beasts blew at them, and they drank healing potions and waited.

In this way, Qin Sheng's gains will not be so great.

An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye, and finally, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding dong, the belief of the resentful spirit has dissipated, and peace has returned to the Marfa Continent."

This should be the activation time for the prayer set?

Qin Sheng casually summoned a skeleton, and sure enough, the skeleton could no longer mutate.


Qin Sheng was speechless as he looked at the mutant beast skeletons filling the street...

There are mutant monsters everywhere here, and these monsters have not disappeared.

Is it up to players to clean it up?

Just when Qin Sheng was thinking about this, he saw groups of guards with broadswords appearing out of nowhere in the streets and alleys.

Click, click, click...

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

As soon as the sword guards appeared, they frantically attacked the mutant beast skeletons!

The light of the sword flashed and he was chopped to death.

All are killed instantly with one knife!

The number of monsters on the street is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then decreasing...

After taking a few glances, Qin Sheng stopped caring and teleported to the warehouse, where he inspected the harvest.

There are more than two hundred pieces of ordinary top-quality equipment, and only two pieces of super-high-quality equipment.

Taoist Helmet:

Attack 0-1, magic 0-2, Taoism 0-1, defense 1-5, magic defense 2-4.

The original attribute of this equipment is only defense 1-2! Magic defense 2-3.

There’s a whole lot more here!

Among them, the most valuable attribute is Magic 2, which has 3 more points of defense and 1 more point of magic defense.

This mage wears well.

Others may think the extra attack and Taoist attributes are useless, but Qin Sheng doesn't think so.

It fits him just right.

After putting it on, he looked at the next piece of ultra-high-quality equipment and fell into deep thought.

Sturdy Gloves:

Defense 0-5, Taoism 0-2, agility +2.

This means that the equipment does not have so many fancy attributes, but everything is awesome!

The original sturdy gloves only increased defense by 2.

There are 3 more points of defense, 2 more points of Taoism and 2 more points of agility.

This piece of equipment is awesome, its defense power is extremely high!

It's just that it's not appropriate for Qin Sheng to carry it himself.

How about putting it on my little daughter Yiyi?

Among all the family members, he is most worried about his youngest daughter Yiyi.

Because she was too young, Qin Sheng did not dare to teach her any skills such as fireball and lightning.

It would be bad if she was afraid that she would mess up and cause some damage.

So, it seems feasible to wear a piece of equipment with extremely high defense.

It just so happened that he also got a pair of sturdy gloves with defense 5 and magic defense 2 this time, so he made a pair for his little daughter.

The above are all top-quality ordinary equipment, and Qin Sheng, the top-quality brand-name equipment, also got a few pieces.

Magic 4, a Sibei bracelet that protects 1!

This one is equally awesome!

The basic attributes are a little more magic and defense than the Dragon Bracelet equipped by Zuma.

Depending on the hidden properties of the Dragon Bracelet, Qin Sheng directly changed it to an ordinary top-quality Sibei'er bracelet.

But the original silver bracelet with 5 agility and 1 magic is still on her.

This one is really a bit perverted. Compared with the ordinary high-quality Sibei bracelet, Qin Sheng feels that it is more appropriate to wear it.

Next item,

A dragon ring with 6 attack, 2 defense, and 1 agility!

This ring is also awesome, but it's a pity that the mage equipment Qin Sheng wants can be used by his wife for main attack.

The last piece turned out to be a top-quality Dzi bead necklace. .

Road 7, exactly plus 1!

Added 2 points of Taoism and 1 point of accuracy to create the best brand-name necklace!

It's a pity that Qin Sheng doesn't use this, and it's not suitable to give it to his family.

Qin Sheng thought about it for a while and decided to change it to a mage's top-quality brand-name equipment.

After checking it out, he immediately contacted Mu Shui.

"Brother, the amount is a bit big this time, can you swallow it?"

Qin Sheng asked with a smile.

"My day, I was in a restaurant just now, and I saw that you enjoyed picking it up and made a fortune. It's a pity that I'm not a Taoist priest."

Mu Shui looked envious and regretful, and then said:

"Of course it's okay to swallow it. Most of the ones you have here are just ordinary top-grade ones, which are not even comparable to a Zuma brand."

The two started trading, Qin Sheng kept some equipment that could be replaced by his family, and sold the rest.

This time, more than 52 million gold coins were sold.

Next, Qin Sheng wanted to exchange the top-quality Dzi Bead necklace for a top-quality mage.

"Haha, I actually have one here. Can you take a look at this?"

A piece of equipment was placed horizontally.

Ruby Ring:

Magic 0-5, agility plus 1, poison avoidance plus 10%...

Added 1 more point of magic, 1 more point of agility and 1 more point of poison avoidance.

After a moment of silence, Qin Sheng shook his head,

"Well, I seem to be at a bit of a disadvantage. Taoist equipment is more expensive than mage equipment, right?

What's more, mine adds 2 points to the main attribute, so avoiding poison doesn't seem to be of much use to you. "

"How can it be that poison avoidance is not useful? After you put it on, you have a chance to avoid the paralysis effects of wedge moths, moon demon spiders, etc., and you can also avoid Taoist priests' poisoning techniques." Mu Shui argued with reason.

"Haha, brother, the Taoist priest's poison can't kill anyone. Besides, how many people will use their precious attribute points to avoid poison?

This is simply a useless attribute, okay?

If I trade mine for yours, I will definitely suffer a loss. "

Qin Sheng's expression said that you can't fool me, which made Mu Shui's balls ache.

This poison evasion attribute is indeed a useless attribute. As the nameless prodigal said, few people would click on this attribute.

Therefore, this attribute is incomparable with the main attribute, as well as agility, dodge, and accuracy.

"Well, let's do this. I'll give you three million gold coins."

"At least five million, right? You have to know that brand-name equipment has more good attributes, but the price gap is huge."

The two bargained for a while, and finally Mu Shui paid Qin Sheng 4 million gold coins.

After changing it, Qin Sheng happily changed it into an ordinary ruby ​​ring.

Qin Sheng's assets have reached more than 220 million.

This may seem like a lot, but in fact, it's not enough for him to exchange for three pieces of ordinary Zuma equipment.

Not to mention having to buy dog ​​books and stuff...

There are also three professions that will be opened later. With the three sets of equipment, how much will it cost if they all use Chiyue equipment?

Billions of dollars simply can’t stop it...

What other equipment upgrades are there...

You also need to hire someone to book a venue for leveling up...

There are so many places where you need to spend money...

Therefore, more than 200 million yuan is not money at all.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Sheng started selling outside things in the city.

Beer, drinks, melon seeds, stockings, etc...

And he has one more place in the city for sale this time.

That's Happy City! The two previous sales to them were just high heels and stockings.

All kinds of snacks and drinks are not sold to Happy City.

According to Zhou Xiangbo, their Happy City sells a lot of melon seeds, beer and drinks.

After all, all the guests who come to play have to eat and drink.

However, it would be very expensive if he went to stores in other cities to buy it.

When Qin Sheng asked him if he wanted these things, he naturally wanted them, and he wanted a lot.

So, I ordered a large batch from Qin Sheng.

The price is more expensive than what Qin Sheng sells wholesale to stores, so Zhou Xiangbo is suitable.

Qin Sheng is also suitable.

First, I walked around Tucheng and sold something worth 10 million gold coins.

As Qin Sheng's reputation for supply is getting better and better, his items are selling faster and faster.

Just one earth city sold 10 million gold coins!

After the Tucheng was sold out, Qin Sheng moved to the vicinity of Happy City in an instant.

I took out my motorcycle and after a few minutes of beeping, I arrived at Happy City!

Now that he has a motorcycle, he can go much faster.

In the past, when we arrived near a big city, it would sometimes take twenty or thirty minutes to run there.

Not at all now!

It only takes a few minutes at most...

When we arrived at Happy City, the mutated beasts and other beasts here had long since disappeared.

Girls soliciting customers are everywhere...

"Brother, come and play!"

"Brother, would you like to play?"

After rejecting invitations from a bunch of people, Qin Sheng finally met Zhou Xiangbo at the city lord's mansion.

"Haha, brother prodigal son, have you brought everything?"

Zhou Xiangbo's eyes turned green when he saw Qin Sheng.

"Of course, check it out."

Qin Sheng took out sack after sack of stuff...

Immediately some girls came up to place orders...

After some transactions, Qin Sheng sold 20 million gold coins here.

Except for keeping some for relationship building, all the others were sold out.

They could all be released, and the wealthy Zhou Xiangbo swept them all away.

Now, Qin Sheng's gold coins reached 250 million!

Once they are all sold out, Qin Sheng doesn’t have to go to Beach City to sell them, which saves trouble.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Zuma Seven and defeat the leader of Zuma."

Zhou Xiangbo, who was in a good mood, invited.

The unknown prodigal son became more and more interesting to him and helped him solve many big troubles.

The previous high heels and suspender stockings,

All kinds of drinks and food now.

Saved him a lot of money.

Although he makes a lot of money, who can be unhappy?

"Okay, can we bring more people?" Qin Sheng thought of Yujie and the others.

"Okay, you can bring, um, seven or eight people. You let them wait in the safe area first. After the team is formed, we will go first. When we get to the Zuma leader's house, I will use the memory trap to pull them.

Otherwise it would be too easy to die on the road. "

"Thank you, Boss Zhou!"

The excited Qin Sheng immediately contacted Yujie, Feng Yingxiu, Wolf King Totem and the others.

After some contact, Qin Sheng called:

Yujie, the wind-filled sleeves, the heart-moon fox, the totem of the wolf king, I am so tired that I can only read a book, the fearless lone wolf, I get dizzy as soon as I take a boat!

Eight people!

The other familiar tiger-skinned civets and Yiren couldn't bring them with them because they didn't buy the tokens for the Demonic Sealing Valley.

If you take it with you, it will be a white discharge. It would be better if you take it with you and you will get dizzy when you take a boat.

Make a favor.

More than ten minutes later, Qin's son Zhou Xiangbo met outside Zuma Temple.

This guy still wants Qin Sheng to take him down to Zuma Seven on a motorcycle.

Qin Sheng didn't have any objections, so the two of them got on the motorcycle and entered the Zuma Temple.

It was beeping all the way!

Despite the large number of people and the lack of traffic, motorcycles traveled smoothly.

Even when he met Qin Sheng's opponent, Qin Sheng rushed over before the opponent could react.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Sheng led Zhou Xiangbo from the lower left corner of the fourth floor of Zuma to the fifth floor of Zuma.

The fifth floor of Zuma is different from the previous four floors!

Its entire map is like a large zigzag corridor map.

It’s just that there are many more circles in this word “hui”!

The place where Qin Sheng and the others entered was in the middle of the character Hui.

On the sixth floor of Zuma, there is a small room in the northernmost left corner of the outermost circle of the fifth floor of Zuma. After entering, you can enter the Zuma maze and Zuma Pavilion by entering the door inside.

Qin Sheng drove there with Zhou Xiangbo on his bicycle. Along the way, there were also players everywhere.

And because this place is all corridors, players along the way were exclaimed by the strong light of the motorcycles.

"Grass! What is it? My eyes!"

"Where does such a strong light come from? Ni, I can't see it!"

Amid the scoldings of the crowd, Qin Sheng led Zhou Xiangbo and fled, driving over as fast as possible.

Soon we arrived at the upper north corner,

Naturally, you can’t ride a motorcycle when you come here.

After Qin Sheng put away the motorcycle, Zhou Xiangbo used a memory sleeve to pull over nine top female players above level 45.

All of them are from the Holy War Armor Series plus the Red Moon Set!

Eleven people entered the Zuma Pavilion!

Here, there is also a small house with more than ten monsters inside.

Horn flies, wedge moths, Zuma archers, statues...

But no players are leveling here!

The main reason is that there are no abnormal monsters in this map, and the refresh speed is extremely slow. Who would level up here?

Except for those who go to Zuma Seven, there are also people who come here to finish their shopping, but others don’t come at all.

There is also a pharmacy in Zuma Pavilion, but I don’t know the way and can’t find it at all.

As soon as everyone came in, all the Zuma monsters around them were activated.

He screamed and launched an attack on everyone!


Zi La La...

Without Zhou Xiangbo's intervention, the others blasted out hailstones and hellish thunder, instantly clearing away the surrounding monsters.

Qin Sheng looked at this place,

The Zuma Pavilion where he is located has four doors!

Enter a door at will and you will enter the next Zuma Pavilion!

Just like a pig hole!

This is a maze!

Those who don’t know the route can’t get down to the sixth floor of Zuma!

"Follow me. If you follow me closely, if you lose me, I'm too lazy to pull you."

Zhou Xiangbo smiled and took the lead to enter the left side. Qin Sheng followed closely!

After entering, there is another Zuma Pavilion!

This time Zhou Xiangbo went up!

After walking upward three times and walking to the right again, Qin Sheng and the others finally walked out of this place!

Up left, up, right!

This is how to navigate the Zuma Pavilion maze...

After walking out of here, everyone finally came to an empty hall...

"There are a lot of things going on during the National Day, but there are a few updates.

It’s a new month, please give me a monthly pass!

Finally, I wish you all a happy National Day”

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Good night!

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