I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 219 Battle in Sand City!

Battle of Sabak!

Countless guilds compete for control of Shabak!

Once obtained, you will have endless wealth!


"Other city lords should have a lot of income, right? Do they still need to rob Sabak?"

Qin Sheng was a little confused about this.

After all, the fight is about money!

After a Shabak hegemony is won, hundreds of thousands of people participate in the battle, which must consume countless gold coins.

Let’s talk about income, such as Happy City!

Qin Sheng felt that the income of this city was more than that of Shabak City.

After all, when it comes to buying potions, the potions in Shabak City are a little cheaper than those in other cities.

The only special thing may be the weapon upgrades.

It’s not enough to make so many city lords jealous, right?

"Haha, brother, you don't know something about this."

After finishing a glass of wine, I took a sip of beer to moisten my throat, and then smiled:

“There are ten major cities in the League.

Tucheng, Shabak City, Tingyu City, the city where the sun never sets,

Happy City, Dongfang City, Xiaoyao City, Hainabaichuan City, Marfa Brothers City, Demon City!

Except for Tucheng, every player city can sell houses and rent shops.

The potions in player cities are also cheaper than those in Tucheng and Biqi City.

But the cheapest one is Shabak City.

Players in Shabak City go to Shabak City to buy potions 30% cheaper than in normal pharmacies like Tucheng, but other players can only buy potions 15% cheaper.

Don't underestimate this 15% gap. Many players are trying to break into the Sabak guild.

And, most importantly, all league-level player cities will automatically pay a 3% tax on their daily total income to Shabak City.

Think about it, how much do the eight major player cities pay to Shabak City every day?

What a huge expense this is? Who is not jealous? "

My day!

Qin Sheng was dumbfounded when he heard that he had finished his joy after a glass of turbid wine.

It turns out that the eight major player cities still need to pay taxes to Shabak City every day.

3% in each city, eight is 24%!

That income is indeed considerable!

In addition, Sabak City itself has high incomes, so their income is definitely ridiculously high.

No wonder the No. 1 Legend was so happy when the Zuma avatar was revealed.

Others who heard it for the first time were also shocked, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

After a while, Wolf King Totem sighed:

"Your sister! No wonder when I was chatting with others before, someone said that the one who conquers Shabak conquers the world. That's how it is."

Fearless Lone Wolf: "Mom, this Shabak City eats the blood of eight other families. No wonder one family is the only one."

Yujie: "Tsk, tsk, how much delicious food can they buy with the money they make every day? I guess they won't be able to finish it all in their lifetime, right?"


“Haha, actually it’s not as profitable as you think.

It is not that simple to occupy a Shabak city.

The Marfa Cult now owns Shabak City, but their guild alone cannot defend Shabak City.

Therefore, Castlevania and the City where the Sun Never Sets are their allies.

Tingyu City, Xiaoyao City, Dongfang City and Marfa Brothers City are their opponents.

Happy City and Haina Baichuan City are almost neutral cities.

In addition to the confrontation between cities, they also attracted a large number of top guilds.

For example, the B of Hearts is closely related to Sabak City, the Ace of Spades is closely related to Tingyu City and others, etc.

It is not easy to win over these guilds. It should require a lot of money and so on. "After a cup of turbid wine, Yu Huan said happily, and Qin Sheng and others listened with great interest.

Indeed, there are so many players. If you want to defend a city with huge interests, it will definitely not be possible to rely on just one guild.

It is as strong as Starry Night's Sadness. Even with the addition of three professions, he probably won't be able to withstand a real attack by a group of top bosses from cool professions.

At this time, allies are extremely important.

"How about it? Do you want to see what it's like to siege a city?"

Seeing that everyone was very interested, he suggested again after a glass of wine.

"Um, do you want to fish in troubled waters?" Qin Sheng asked speechlessly.

This guy kept suggesting it, probably because he wanted to go, but it was hard to ask.

“Haha, yes, think about it, a lot of people will die when attacking a city, and a lot of equipment and items will definitely be dropped.

As long as we can pick up the same Chiyue brand, I basically won't have to worry about food and clothing in this life. "After a cup of turbid wine, I was so excited that my saliva flew everywhere!

I feel dizzy as soon as I get on the boat: "Come on, it's not that easy to pick up."

"Hehe, it all depends on luck. When I attacked the city last time, I picked up a dragon pattern sword. Otherwise, where did I get this equipment?" He said with a proud smile after finishing a glass of turbid wine.

"Damn, it's so fierce!"

Everyone looked envious and their eyes lit up.

"Haha, but if you want to pick up good things, you must choose a good place to lie down."

After finishing a glass of turbid wine, he began to explain his own experience, "When you go to lay the corpse, wear a piece of cloth and rubbish. It is best to rush to the road where the two armies must fight.

For example, at the Shabak City Gate, there is a corridor when you open the city gate. You can only enter the city through the corridor!

This corridor is where the battle is most intense. If you can lie down there, you can probably pick up a lot of good things.

There is also the resurrection point in Shabak City, which is also a place where the war is fierce.

This place is difficult to enter, but you can fly in randomly.

Of course, everything depends on luck.

If you're unlucky, a bunch of people will die around you, and it's useless if no equipment falls on you.

The siege begins immediately. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The last siege was more than half a month ago.

If you don't go, I have to leave first. "

Xinyuehu: "Fuck! Make money like this, go ahead!"

Wolf King Totem: "We must go!"

A group of people clamored to go, and even Qin Sheng was excited.

If you can get a few good things, it doesn't matter if you miss a few monsters.

Anyway, the siege usually lasts two hours, and you can come back when it's done.

However, he still asked when the siege would end.

Two hours later, I finally felt relieved.

But he asked one last question:

"I'm telling you, you guys are either from Tingyucheng or Ace of Spades. Don't you need to participate in the siege?"

After a glass of wine, he said: "Haha, we are not members of the elite, it doesn't matter whether we go or not.

However, if you go, you can get siege medicine. "

So, a group of people stopped fighting and went back to the city to change their equipment.

After Qin Sheng returned to the city, he first took off all his equipment.

Then, I bought two silver bracelets that increased agility and put them on, and then wore a tiger tooth necklace that increased magic evasion by 20%.

Then he went to Mu Shui and took out two junk blue crystal rings that increase agility.

Equipped with equipment that increases agility and magic evasion, making it harder for him to die.

In fact, putting on these equipment would definitely be much inferior to his original set of top-notch Wal-Mart equipment.

Just like that silver bracelet with Agility 5, it is worth several silver bracelets.

It's better than nothing, Qin Sheng just hopes to rush to a more intense place.

Finally, he took a wooden sword and began to move instantly, flying towards Shabak City.

At this time, it was already past eight o'clock, and the siege of Shabak had already begun.

In the entire Shabak City, countless Shabak City players, as well as Castlevania City, Sun Never Sets City, and Hearts B players, etc., have long been prepared.

Especially in the palace, on the steps of the palace, and around the resurrection point, there are Wuyang Wuyang's people and horses, so densely packed that they can't even squeeze through.

In addition to here, other important places are the major pharmacies in the city, as well as the city gates, city walls, jewelry stores, and several secret passage exits...

These important strongholds are also heavily guarded!

In addition, there are groups of patrols in the city, patrolling the entire city and hunting down enemies who come in randomly.

The fighting in the city is currently scattered, but the fighting at the city gate has become fierce.

At the city gate, countless players from Tingyu City and Marfa Brothers City have surrounded the city gate.

The mage on the tower kept throwing walls of fire and hailstones downwards!

And the mages under the city are at a bit of a disadvantage!

They couldn't lay fire on the tower, they could only smash ice, roar and use thunder and lightning...

Taoist priests from both sides were behind them, adding blood, defense, and magic defense to these people...

And this is actually all a small fight!

The real danger still comes from those top bosses!

At this time, on the steps of Shabak Palace...

Xingye Sadness, who was already level 40, stood on top and glanced sharply below!

On the left stands the coyote who cut down the retraining,

There are three ants standing on the right side walking sideways!

There are also a group of top bosses standing next to him!

Everyone was holding cigarettes in their mouths, squinting their eyes, and looking serious.

Despite the large number of people, this city is not easy to defend.

Both the city gate and the resurrection point may fall at any time.

The most fundamental reason is the existence of teleportation rings and memory sleeves!

Nowadays, some top bosses have teleportation rings and memory sets, not to mention those city lords.

Any city lord is extremely powerful!

If the other party has a teleportation ring and a memory sleeve, he can teleport to any place in Sabak City except the palace at any time!

Including important palace steps, resurrection point and pharmacy entrance.

As long as they are teleported over, they can instantly kill a large group of people and pull them over at any time!

This is the scariest place!

If the outer city gates were lost, they would not be as destructive as this one.

After a moment of silence, Xingye asked sadly:

"Where do you think they will end up?"

Cutting down the re-training coyote, "It's hard to say. They may clear the tower, or they may come to the resurrection point, or even directly on this step."

"Yes, maybe they will teleport to a certain corner of the city and bring in a group of people first." said the three ants walking sideways.

Everyone talked a lot.

In the end, Xingye nodded sadly and said, "Well, it's possible. We have deployed manpower in other places. Let's guard the last step here."

The siege party might rush to the palace gate at any time, but he didn't dare to be careless.

Therefore, the most elite ones were placed at the entrance and inside the palace.

The second is the resurrection point.

During the siege, after the Shabak player's defender dies, it can only be resurrected at the resurrection point of Shabak City.

And there is residual blood when it comes up!

If the resurrection point is occupied by the attacker, this will undoubtedly be a fatal blow.

After all, if the attacker dies, he can be resurrected in Tucheng and rejoin the battle.

And the resurrection point on your side is occupied, which means that all players who die and are resurrected will be easily killed again.

Without the addition of fresh troops, the defenders will be slaughtered sooner or later.

While everyone was chatting, suddenly, a subordinate announced loudly on the alliance channel:

"Boss Xingye, what's wrong, City Lord Tingyu, City Lord Dongfang and more than ten masters are attacking the tower at the gate of the city! Please support!"

Xingye's sadness: "I know, don't worry about them! Let the brothers stand up if they can, and withdraw if they can't."


How to support?

If he dares to leave this place, others will be able to teleport here in the next moment. When the time comes to break the palace gate and enter the palace, that will be trouble.

Don't look at hundreds of thousands of people attacking the city, but in fact the most important thing is their high-end combat power.

There is no way, the gap between high-end combat power and others is too big.

It is not a problem for any high-end combat power to kill a large group of players instantly.

Therefore, the only option is to guard the steps of the palace, the resurrection point and the pharmacy.

For the rest, if you should give up, you have to give up!

On the other side, on the tower of Shabak City, the former Yan Yi, Dongfang Invincible and the First Legend were killing people here!

Dozens of them all had teleportation rings and were teleported here at the same time.

Although the surrounding Shabak players launched fierce attacks on them, it was to no avail!

Many people can't hit them at all!

The only ones who can hit them are a few alliance guild bosses from Sabak City!

But how can a few people face more than ten people?

Besides, others don't kill them first, but instead focus on killing other players around them.

One person and one ice roar!

It will cause death and injury!

The ground is filled with all kinds of potions and equipment...

The few remaining alliance bosses from Sand City fought against each other for a few times, but they could only fly away!

The tower was easily captured!

Then countless players from Tingyu City and Mafa Brothers City rushed to the city gate.

Zi La La...


Click, click, click...

It was a wild bombing at the city gate!

The total health of the city gate is 200,000!

The defensive power is also amazing, but it doesn't restore blood, so it can't withstand the attacks of players!

In less than ten minutes, the gate of Shabak City was blown open!


Countless allies from Tingyu City rushed in!

After passing the city gate, there is a city gate tunnel of more than ten meters!

Zi La La...

Zi La La...

What greeted everyone was a vast expanse of white light...

The Shabak Mage players who have been waiting here for a long time fired a volley of lightning movies!


With a burst of screams, a large number of players were shot to death immediately!

Countless equipment potions dropped on the ground again with a clanging sound...

Boo hoo hoo…

Former Yan Yi, Yu Xiaoyao and others were teleported directly behind the Shacheng mage, and the ice roared out like crazy!

The surrounding area immediately cleared up!

Soon, the passage was opened!

Countless Sand Attack players rushed in along the passage and instantly clashed with the Sand City players waiting outside!

People keep falling down, and people keep rushing up!

At this time, the former Xianyi, the first legend, Yu Xiaoyao and Dongfang Bubai and others did not participate in the fighting inside, but stood on the tower and looked towards the palace.

There is no way. There are hundreds of thousands of players in the entire city. They go in to kill. How long will they kill?

Therefore, they no longer participate in this kind of battle, but are thinking about how to make a surprise attack, enter the restricted area, snatch the resurrection point, etc...

At this time, Qin Sheng had just randomly arrived outside Shabak City. He was speechless as he looked at the dense army of sand attackers and civilians rushing toward the city in the distance.

Not to mention the sand-attacking army, this civilian army obviously had the same idea as them and wanted to fish in troubled waters.

He even saw several wolf players wearing civilian clothes. Obviously, for this kind of thing, the wolf clan should be mobilized in full force.

There are so many people trying to squeeze in. He wants to queue up and sneak in. Will he have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

And if we continue to fly, this special alliance province is really too big. If we want to fly directly into Sabak City, the chance is really very, very small.

When he was playing the outside computer legend, it was difficult to fly into Shabak City randomly, not to mention that it was so many times bigger?

In short, when he was in a hurry and didn't want to fly into Shabak City, he could always fly in from time to time, but now it was extremely difficult to fly in deliberately.

Not to mention flying into the city, even flying near this sand city, it took him a long time.

Keep flying?

But is it too difficult?

Just when Qin Sheng was hesitating whether to continue flying, Wolf King Totem suddenly shouted excitedly in the team:

"Holy shit! I just randomly went to the resurrection point of Sabak City!

It was so cool to be killed by these birdmen from Shabak! "

After a glass of wine, I said: "Damn it! Are you so lucky?

I haven’t flown near Shacheng yet! "

I feel dizzy as soon as I get on the boat: "Hey, I still have about ten minutes to run to the gate of Shacheng."

Yujie: "Hehe, I've arrived at the gate of Shacheng too!"

Xinyue Fox: "Your sister! Why are you so fast? I'm still flying around randomly too!

Damn it, I just finished flying randomly and didn't even fly near Shacheng.

It made me go back to the city to buy some random items. "


Qin Sheng thought about it and decided to follow the army into the city.

It should take more than ten minutes to get in, assuming no one kills him.

So, he blended into the army of civilians!

The civilian army and the sand-attacking army in front had long been in contact, but the sand-attacking army did not kill them.

After all, these gangsters are beneficial to the siege army.

At least it can be used to block knives.

Another thing that makes the sand-attacking army not want to kill them is that there are too many of them. If they kill a few more, they will become famous!

During the Shabak battle, the siegemen and defenders will not be famous no matter how they kill them.

But these are not civilian players from the siege alliance. If they kill them, they will become famous.

Therefore, siege players generally do not kill them.

As for the Wolf King Totem being killed by the players defending the city, they deserved it.

The resurrection point is an important place, no matter who comes, they will be killed.

On one side, Qin Sheng followed the army of civilians and rushed towards the city. On the other side, Zeng Yanyi, the First Legend and others finally took action.

call out! Phew…

Former Yan Yi and the First Legend took six people and used teleportation rings at the same time to teleport to the surroundings of the resurrection point instantly.

This place is already a sea of ​​fire!

As soon as they landed, the eight of them immediately smashed out a large piece of ice and roared!

All the players hit by them immediately lay down!

But before the former Yan Yi and others were happy, the surrounding players also launched attacks on them!

Crash...ice roars!

Zi La La...Fast Light Movie!

Puffy... Soul Fire Talisman!

Hufufu... the dog squirted wildly!

Drink, drink, drink... the fire roars!

Under the attack bombardment of a group of elite players, more than half of them hit them immediately!

The blood volume is reduced by 10!

The blood volume is reduced by 15!

The blood volume is reduced by 16!

To the former Yan Yi and others, these attacks were just like scratching an itch.

But the key is having more people!

Hundreds of people hit you. If one person hits you with 10 drops of blood, you will still lose a thousand blood!

How many times can you lose thousands of drops of blood?

Former Yan Yi and the First Legend immediately drank the healing medicine while frantically smashing out ice and roaring.

Every time it hits the target, everyone's ice roars will fall down at the same time, ensuring that the people inside will be killed in one attack.

In the blink of an eye, they smashed a huge area!


In an instant, eight people used eight sets of memory sets to attract eighty elite players!

As soon as these elite players came over, they immediately formed a group of eleven and cooperated with Zeng Yi and others to launch a frantic attack on the surrounding enemies!

Large swaths of enemies continue to fall!

But at this moment, hoo hoo hoo...

Eight people appeared behind the eighty people at the same time, and the leader was the coyote who cut down and retrained!

They also roared at the elite players who were attacking the city!


In an instant, the elite players were also killed and injured!

The equipment dropped like crazy!

Dharma Ring, Holy War Bracelet, Staff of Judgment, Blood Drink, etc...

As soon as the equipment is released, both sides grab the equipment first!

What a mess!

This made the Wolf King Totem lying next to him extremely envious.

"Num! Kill me a little more! Kill me a little more!"

I don’t know if his prayer had any effect, but the bosses from both sides instantly got into a melee and started to kill him...

Seeing that the resurrection point was in danger, Xingye waved his hand sadly, and two more top bosses teleported over to help.

And at this moment, hoo hoo hoo...

Behind Xingye's sadness, more than twenty people suddenly appeared!

It was a group of top bosses led by Dongfang Bubai who teleported over.

As soon as he landed, various skills were thrown at Xingye's Sadness and others!

Xing Ye's Sadness and others, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately counterattacked, and a fierce fight broke out between the two sides.

And the players around them suffer!

Except for elite players, ordinary players will definitely die as long as they are enveloped by the ice roar.

And even elite players cannot be attacked by several people at the same time, otherwise they are very likely to die directly.

During the attack, Dongfang Bubai and others continued to recruit people, entered here, and fought a war of attrition...

At the same time, in a corner of Shabak City, several people landed with a whoosh.

They are also the masters of sand attack!

In the past, Yan Yi and Dongfang Bubai were holding each other down at the resurrection point and the entrance to the palace. They took the opportunity to come here and started to attract a large number of people!

There are six of them, and they can pull sixty at a time!

This speed is still very fast!

After pulling in ten waves of people in a row, there were already more than 600 people here!


At this time, the patrolling Sand City players finally discovered them and rushed over like crazy!

The two sides fought together instantly...

"Begging for a monthly ticket!" 》




PC game!


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