I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 224 A plan to make a fortune! Flatterer!

Legend, in the Pig Cave Maze...

A white tiger tooth necklace with a lucky bonus of 2 was thrown away by everyone. This scene made Qin Sheng tremble with excitement.

These people don't know the value of the Lucky 2 necklace, so naturally they don't know the secret of the Lucky 9.

In the legendary game, the characters' luck increases by 9, and their swords have maximum attack power!

But people in this world don’t know!

For the first time, Qin Sheng felt a little superior to being a legendary hardcore player.

Previously, the various special maps that Qin Sheng was familiar with, such as the Corpse King's Palace, did not bring him any advantages.

Because others had known about it for a long time, this made him feel somewhat unbalanced.

I feel like I, a hardcore player, have gone blind in vain...

Until today, the secret of luck finally gave him a surprise.

However, have others really not studied the secret of luck?

It is very difficult for ordinary people to get a lucky plus 9 for a character.

Because of all the equipment, only weapons and necklaces can increase luck.

However, the basic attributes of weapons and necklaces generally do not bring luck.

Qin Sheng seemed to remember that he only had 1 point in Xiaoyaoshandai?

As for necklaces, none of them come with any necklaces.

In external legends, only the best memory necklaces, white tiger tooth necklaces and lantern necklaces have a chance of having lucky attributes.

As for whether this is the case here, Qin Sheng doesn't know.

Because he has also seen beings that were evaded by magic, and where is the devil bell.

But no matter which one, it requires the best to appear.

In outside legends, if ordinary weapons want to produce luck, they can only drink blessing oil.

Drinking a bottle has a chance of gaining 1 point of luck or receiving 1 point of curse.

Or invalid!

When it increases, luck goes up!

When you are cursed, your luck decreases!

If you are not lucky, the weapon will directly become a curse plus 1, plus 2 and so on.

And curse is the opposite of luck!

The more powerful the weapon's curse is, the greater the minimum attack chance it will have each time it attacks.

That is to say, the probability of reaching the lower limit is greatly improved.

The highest is curse plus 10!

At this stage, Daodao's attacks are all at their lowest limit!

Qin Sheng remembered that if he killed the half-beast leader of the White Sun Gate, he would have a chance of dropping a perverted weapon.


Attack 15-0!

In other words, the minimum limit of this weapon is 15, and the maximum limit is 0.

It's the opposite of normal weapons!

Many Taoist players once regarded him as an artifact!

Because the output of Taoist players usually only relies on soul fire talismans and babies. In many cases, Taoist players have to go up and chop them down.

When it comes to slashing, the performance is unstable and there is no physical skill to attack powerfully.

Therefore, for this Rakshasa, as long as the curse is added by 10, the sword can exert an attack power of 15!

Therefore, it has become a magical weapon pursued by many Taoist players.

At that time, many Taoist murderers were also born, almost all of whom used Rakshasa to kill trumpets and increase curses.

Kill the player and the weapon has a chance to increase the curse!

In fact, Qin Sheng heard that in the unknown dark palace, there are abnormal weapons that are more powerful than Rakshasa!

Those are the legendary three divine weapons of the Dark Palace!

For example, he knows a magic weapon called Downfall,

Attack 30-0!

It’s also the opposite!

This requires adding 10 points to the curse to exert its maximum power!

In short, luck and curse are relative forces!

And because drinking blessing oil will have three modes: increase, curse, and invalidation, so if you want to increase a weapon to the top 7 points of luck, it is really a test of character.

Qin Sheng remembered that in the server he played back then, there were only a few Lucky 7 weapons in the entire server!

In order to pursue the lucky 9, many people have raised the price of blessing oil to millions of gold coins a bottle and are crazy about buying it.

In this way, there are not many Lucky 7 weapons produced in the server.

Some people settle for the next best thing. Since it's hard to get 7 points for a lucky weapon, it's easier to get 5 and 6 points.

Just get a lucky 3 or lucky 4 necklace.

This makes a Lucky 3 necklace extremely expensive!

In those days, it took tens of thousands to win.

Those with a lucky 4 or above are even more expensive!

But even with such a sky-high price, there are very few necklaces with Lucky 3 and above.

Players who can collect the lucky 9 sets are still very rare in the server.

There was a BUG later, and the blessing oil could be copied, which caused the server to become flooded with Lucky 7 weapons.

There are more players with luck 9 now!

But now, players in this world don't know the power of Yun 9, so there is more room for maneuver.

For example, buy necklaces with a fortune of 2 or above, and buy blessing oil!

Wait until you have eaten and drank enough, then reveal the secret of Luck 9.

At that time, you can make a lot of money.

Looking at the Lucky Plus 2 white tiger tooth necklace in the package, Qin Sheng smiled happily.

With this necklace, if you get Lucky 7 in your weapon, you can get Lucky 9.

It's just that weapon transport 7 is difficult...

Huh? wrong!

Qin Sheng seemed to have thought of something...

I opened the equipment bar and took a look, then opened another equipment bar and took a look!

! ! !

Depend on! !

I have dual careers!

Then if you wear two lucky 2 necklaces, isn't that 4 points of luck?

There are two weapons. It’s not too much to add 3 points to any one, right?

It shouldn't be difficult.

After all, not to mention others, many of these people present have weapons that add 3 or 2 to their luck.

Two necklaces, two weapons, easy to get lucky 9!

Thinking of being able to unleash his maximum attack right away, Qin Sheng was so excited that he almost jumped up!

But immediately a new problem came!

It stands to reason that in this world, there are many dual-career bosses and second-generation rich people.

There is even the sadness of Starry Night, who is a third-class person!

As for their weapons, is it normal for two weapons to get lucky 4 and 5?

Especially the three professions and three weapons, if you add them together, you’ll get 9 points!

But why do they still not know the secret of luck?

Is it because there is no hidden attribute like Lucky 9 here?

Or are there other reasons?

No matter what, I'll make a lucky 9 with two sets of equipment first, and then I'll know after trying it.

Qin Sheng made up his mind and immediately asked everyone if they had any blessing oil. If so, he could buy some.

"Brother, do you want blessing oil? Yes, I have two in the package for you."

The legendary Master Shizi generously threw out two bottles of blessing oil.

Qin Sheng hurried forward to pick it up, "How much does a bottle cost? I'll give you the money."

The legendary time is short, "Haha, this thing is useless. Drinking it just adds some luck to the weapon, but I don't see any use.

Only sold one bottle for 50,000 gold coins.

Just don’t give it. "

"Okay, thank you, boss."

Qin Sheng thanked him and felt happy.

A bottle of blessing oil only costs 50,000 yuan. If this special girl’s lucky nine attributes really exist, how can she make a fortune?

After all this time, who among these big guys doesn’t have a dragon-slaying soul-hungry staff, a battle of judgment, and the like.

If you can really get 9 sets of luck, this blessing will take off!

Not to mention too much, one million gold coins per person is not too much for the big guys.

Next, while fighting monsters, Qin Sheng was thinking about how to get blessing oil.

The most suitable thing is to ask Mu Shuihui to help collect it, since he usually collects it anyway.

Will not arouse suspicion.

As for the Lucky 2 necklace, you can go to the store and ask.

I don’t know if Mu Shui has any in his hands...

Having made up his mind, Qin Sheng immediately chatted privately with Mu Shui:

"Brother, do you sell blessing oil?"

"Yes, how many bottles do you want?"

"How many bottles?"

"Fifty thousand gold coins."

"Ten bottles, please." Qin Sheng hesitated and said tentatively.

"Ten bottles? Brother, why do you need so many? This thing is useless. At most, I can add some luck to your weapon to make it look better.

Five bottles are enough for you. "

Maybe he was very familiar with Qin Sheng, so Mu Shui kindly reminded him of this trivial matter.

"Ah, really? No, just order ten bottles and give them to me when the time comes."

"no problem."

Seeing Qin Sheng's insistence, Mu Shuihui naturally had no objection and was actually happy.

Mosquito legs are also meat...

In the end, Qin Sheng did not let Mu Shuihui help him purchase a large amount of blessing oil.

Because he felt like he couldn't do it.

For a businessman, he is very sensitive to market conditions and various business opportunities.

If he asked Mu Shui to help him acquire a large amount, it would definitely arouse the other party's doubts.

Maybe follow suit?

If the other party doesn't understand the situation, he might ask other people what the blessing oil is for.

Then, when the time comes, one will pass it on to ten, and ten will spread it to a hundred!

The entire market might know that someone is buying blessing oil in large quantities!

By that time, not only will the price of blessing oil be skyrocketed, but many people will also secretly stock up on it.

After all, this thing is not expensive, and if a boss hoards blessing oil worth billions of gold coins, it is just like playing around.

Therefore, Qin Sheng decided that this thing could not be discussed.

Just stock up on your own secretly.

Anyway, there are so many merchants in the market, so just take turns buying one every day.

In the blink of an eye, it was 12 o'clock in the evening, and Yujie and the legendary Shi Shao and others returned to the city to rest.

Of course Qin Sheng will not return to the city and will continue to level up monsters here.

Without the guidance of the masters, after he changed his equipment and added points, he was able to play much faster than before.

Put up the fire wall, and I can burn more than 60 drops of pig every time!

A hellish thunderbolt can also blow up a black wild boar with more than 100 drops of blood!

Just three squirts and it’s done!

After blasting the surroundings, he rushed into the surrounding monsters, not even bothering to set fire to the wall.

The lightning from hell exploded!

If there was time to set the wall on fire, Qin Sheng could finish it.

The red wild boars were crippled by three blasts. As for the black maggots and wedge moths, the hell lightning will do much less damage to them.

After three hell lightning blasts, a lot of their health will be destroyed.

Qin Sheng only needed to add two bursting flames to send away the pig monsters and wedge moths with residual blood.

In other words, Qin Sheng only needs five attacks to clear a circle of monsters around his body.

There is no way, mainly because the damage of the hell lightning to wedge moths and black evil maggots is too small.

If it were the same as the red wild boars, Qin Sheng would only need three, or at most four, to finish the job.

But this efficiency is already very high, after all, it is a group killing of monsters.

Later, in order to speed up the efficiency of killing monsters, Qin Sheng simply put all the maze yurts he was in on the wall of fire after killing the monsters.

Anyway, he was using peaceful mode, so it would be fine if others came in.

And his magic power is very high at this time, plus the blessing time of the equipment, the fire wall can burn for about six minutes without any problem.

In this way, when the monsters are refreshed again, Qin Sheng's monster-killing efficiency will increase linearly.

As soon as those monsters came out, they were immediately burned in the sea of ​​fire and screamed.

Everyone wanted to attack Qin Sheng, the culprit, and everyone who could see him rushed towards him.

Move wildly in the sea of ​​fire!

He couldn't be seen in the distance, and he was spinning around in the sea of ​​fire like a headless fly...

When Qin Sheng finished cleaning up his surroundings, he didn't continue to spawn monsters, but his experience continued to refresh!

Add 350 experience points!

Add 220 experience points!

It’s all about burning black evil maggots and wedge moths to death!

And those black wild boars, red wild boars and scorpion snakes have basically lost half of their blood!

Bang bang bang...

Qin Sheng no longer had to attract monsters or not. He walked towards the pile of monsters. The thunder from hell would explode from time to time. He could finish it with two swipes!

Soon, all the monsters refreshed this time were cleared!

For the first time in the small maze of Pig Cave, Qin Sheng cleared all the monsters before refreshing them.

This speed of spawning monsters is almost catching up with other people's monster spawning speed.

While waiting for the refresh, the fire wall went out in some places, and Qin Sheng made up for it.

Wait for the monsters to refresh and continue...

After two rounds of killing monsters, someone finally entered the yurt maze.

What came in was a group of individual players without a guild.

The highest level is only level 40, and the lowest is level 30.

More than thirty people!

The equipment is not very good, half of them hold wands and kitchen knives, which are extremely ordinary.

There are also people holding Ningshuang, Subduing Demons, Yanyue, etc.

The leader was a level 40 warrior named Mo Yanyan, wearing a Zuma suit and holding a staff of judgment.

It's the only one in the lineup, and the others no longer have Zuma weapons.

As soon as this group of people came in, they were immediately surrounded by a sea of ​​fire and monsters.

Then I heard the sound of fighting monsters in the distance...

"Boss, it sounds like there are only a few people spawning monsters." A younger brother said.

Mo Yanyan: "Oh, let's go over and see who it is."

They couldn't get past the monsters, so they cleared them away.

And because these monsters were burned by Qin Sheng's wall of fire first and then continued to burn, even if they killed these monsters, the experience points would still belong to Qin Sheng.

Soon, Mo Yanyan and others killed all the monsters with low health around them and arrived near Qin Sheng.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Qin Sheng kill a bunch of monsters by himself from a distance.

Instant frying!

Scarlet Demon Moon: "Fuck! Alone!"

Menghuang turned around and said, "Oh my God! What a powerful magic power!"

Lost Lone Wolf: "Nah! The damage of his hell thunder is higher than the damage of my lightning movie!"

Never fought for it: "Boss, he is alone. Should we fight him off and seize this territory?"

Moon Stepping Mushroom: "I'm going to steal your uncle! Didn't you see how high his magic power is?"

Yuewu Glacier: "That's right, with your small body, you were killed by a thunderbolt!"

Guangming Shengli: "This guy must be a second-generation high school student!

If you go and kill others, it would be great if they don't kill you! "

Everyone was shouting...

Qin Sheng naturally noticed this group of people, glanced at it, and immediately knew what was going on.

Kill the monsters here...

"Wow! Boss Prodigal! That's awesome! So awesome! Can we follow you?" Mo Yanyan shouted directly.

After saying this, everyone was stunned.

Depend on!

What's going on, boss?

A level 40 person should follow a level 34 person?

Even if someone is a second-generation high school student, there is no need to do this, right?

Even Qin Sheng was a little confused and wanted to refuse, as it seemed a bit inappropriate.

After a moment of silence, he still said: "Okay. But I have to level up now and I can't take you with me.

If you really want to hang out with me, you can find the Wolf King Totem and join the wolf clan. "

"Okay, okay, let's contact Brother Wolf King now."

Mo Yanyan agreed happily and did not leave, but directly chatted privately about the Wolf King Totem.

"What? You, a level 40 expert, want to join our wolf clan?" Wolf King Totem was also a little confused after hearing this.

"Well, aren't you welcome?"

"Welcome. You can find the Prodigal Brother to join the club. Is he around?"


After ending the call, Mo Yanyan waved his hand:

"Brothers, help the prodigal brother kill the monster."

Everyone worked together and quickly cleaned up all the monsters.

Later, Qin Sheng inexplicably pulled all the people into the guild while waiting for the monster.

As soon as they joined the guild, everyone was a little dumbfounded when they saw that the highest level of the guild, the Wolf King Totem, was only level 35.

They all tried to persuade Mo Xianyan on the team formation channel.

"Boss, we have joined a small guild."

"Boss, how about we quit the guild? This kind of guild has no future."

Mo Yanyan laughed: "What do you know? What I value is not this guild, but the unknown prodigal brother.

Although this prodigal brother is not of a high level, he has dual professions. Can this guild be any better in the future?

If we join the guild before it develops, we will be the heroes. If we join the guild when it grows, who will value you?

Just like if we join a big guild now, we are just cannon fodder.

But it's different here. I have the highest level, and the equipment, well, it's the best at the moment.

There must be many places where the guild needs to rely on me.

I am the big brother in the guild!

When guilds rise in the future, will the benefits be less?

Quack, quack…”

After saying these words, Mo Yanyan burst into laughter.

"The boss is wise!"

“The boss is awesome!!”

"Haha, boss, I am too small!"

At this point, Qin Sheng accepted a group of younger brothers into the wolf clan.

In order to please Qin Sheng, Mo Yanyan stopped leaving and took his younger brothers to help Qin Sheng protect the law and fight monsters.

Anyway, Qin Sheng set fire to the monsters and burned them first. After the monsters came out and were burned, they would kill them.

When he was free, Mo Yanyan even took out a pack of cigarettes and handed beer to Qin Sheng.

"Boss, Prodigal Son, here's a pack, and here's the wine. It's ice cold. It's super refreshing."

This almost killed Qin Sheng.

Hey, isn’t this familiar recipe something I often use?

He is still a little used to people licking him and flattering him now...

Fortunately, he quickly adjusted his mentality and adapted.

He was not stingy, and brought out more food and drinks to entertain everyone, and everyone suddenly started to smile.

Next, Mo Yanyan and his gang were here to support the scene, and it was past 12 o'clock in the evening, so Qin Sheng's leveling had been going smoothly.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the morning that I met a group of old friends.

Sunk in the Abyss, No One Can Be Young Again, One Person's Seasons Like Autumn, and Paradise Killer, among others.

This group of people came in under the leadership of a group of big guys from Sun Never Set City, probably looking for a place to level up.

After coming in, the Paradise Killer was instantly happy when he saw Qin Sheng and his gang.

Immediately he shouted loudly and excitedly:

"Boss, they are our enemies, especially the unknown prodigal!"

"Oh, kill!"

The leader, a level 41 Taoist priest, waved his hand, and instantly a group of people rushed towards Qin Sheng and the others with ferocious smiles.

Qin Sheng also saw the Paradise Killer and others, so as soon as the other party took action, he immediately changed the attack mode to the guild attack mode.

The next moment, the young man, the Paradise Killer, and others suddenly realized that their blood volume was dropping like crazy.

Especially the fastest players will lose their health very quickly.

"Damn it! What kind of will-o'-the-wisp wall is this? Isn't it too powerful?" A man named Shiji Ruqiu screamed.

He has only leveled up to level 32 during this period!

There is no way to walk in this sea of ​​fire, so I can only drink ten thousand years of snow to hold on.

The young man said: "Fuck! Do they have any masters? This magic power is too terrifying!

Add, add, add…”

The Taoist priests and mages with slightly lower levels were in a difficult situation and did not dare to move. They could only drink the instant healing potion and the powerful golden potion, and then shout loudly to the Taoist priests...

Only a few senior warriors and mages rushed to the front despite thousands of years of snow and frost.

"You all get in the back! Stay away from me."

Qin Sheng gave an order and went up to greet him.

"No, we want to fight side by side with the prodigal boss!" Mo Yanyan shouted and followed.

"Fight them!"

Others also went up to kill him!

Qin Sheng was speechless and stopped caring about them. When the enemy approached, he immediately shot at them!

Zi La La...

The level 40 warrior who was the first to bear the brunt was instantly bombarded by Flash Film and lost about 300 drops of blood!

He was shocked!

The two level 35 Taoist priests following him were instantly killed!

Equipment potions randomly spread all over the place...

Ni! Abnormal!

This scene shocked everyone instantly...

"Begging for a monthly ticket!" I have had a cold for several days and have been coughing. It got worse tonight and I will probably have to go to the hospital tomorrow. 》

Thank you guys for your subscription and reward voting!

Good night!

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