I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 297 A thousand consecutive draws! The super heaven-defying blood drink is born!

Legend, in the path of sealing demons...


Qin Sheng appeared here...

It's still time in the game, eight o'clock in the morning!

Although he stayed in the hotel last night, it did not delay him from entering the game.

It's just that entering the game last night was very dull. I spent a day fighting monsters with Yujie in the Demon Sealing Path, and then went out to sell some things, but didn't go anywhere.

Come up again today, I guess it will still be an ordinary day.

After all, if you level up here, you won't have conflicts with others.

The only thing that excites Qin Sheng is to destroy the enhanced white wild boar and the rainbow demon pig guard to see what good things can come out.

Continuing to set fire and kill all the way, when an enhanced white wild boar was maimed, it finally mutated!

Violently strengthened white boar!

Four thousand blood volume!

Qin Sheng also disabled it and did not continue to attack it. He kept it, maybe one day it would become the ultimate.

There are currently two violently enhanced white wild boars, and the chance of mutation is much higher.

This map of the Demonic Path is still a bit small.

If it were a secret passage on the upper level, or a large map like the Overlord's Hall, at least one or two heads would be mutated throughout the day.

However, Qin Sheng was satisfied.

Just make the map smaller, at least this place belongs to you.

Oh, I should also add Yujie.

Speaking of Yujie, this girl decided to chat privately, "Prodigal Son, I can't come to your place today."

"Oh, okay." Although Qin Sheng was very surprised why she suddenly stopped coming.

But I didn’t ask why, there was no need.

If she wants to talk, she will. If she doesn't want to, asking further will only embarrass everyone.

However, Yujie smiled and said:

"My godfather said he has time today and wants to take me on a mission. Will you come with me?"

"Doing a mission? Is it from the Unknown Dark Palace or the Demon Sealing Valley?" Qin Sheng's eyes moved.

Yesterday, the bosses seemed to be busy, and no one took him to do the task. Today, if someone takes him, he is naturally willing to follow.

Yujie: "Of course it's from the Demon Sealing Valley. The Unknown Dark Palace cannot be teleported quickly, which is very troublesome. You need to go there yourself."

Qin Sheng: "Okay, when are you going to fight the big monster, take me through it."

Small monsters are easy to talk about, but big monsters, such as the leader of the Rainbow Demon, are really difficult for small forces and ordinary people.

However, if you spend money, someone will definitely take care of it.

After the agreement was made, Qin Sheng continued to clear monsters out of boredom.

In fact, he was a little confused.

When completing quests in the Demon-Sealed Valley, Yujie could come over first to clear monsters with him, and then ask the former Xie Yi to pull her over when a big monster appeared.

Maybe she has other things going on...

Qin Sheng could only think like this.

On the other side...

In the imperial palace of Tingyu City, many people gathered here at this time.

They are all players wearing the Demon God Realm series and holding the Fury Slaying Dragon Slayer and so on!

These are some of the elites of Tingyu City!

In the past, Xianyi brought Yujie to formally get to know each other with these people.

"Xiaoyu, from now on, you can take time out to fight monsters with your brothers every day and get used to each other.

Don't hang out with that kid all day long and not do anything serious. "Zeng Yanyi said while introducing.

"Dad, what does it mean to hang out together? Do you think my level has dropped?" Yujie rolled her eyes.

Zeng Yanyi looked at her carefully and nodded, "Not bad, your level has indeed been upgraded very quickly.

Isn't it because you book the game every day and take him to level up? "

"What are you talking about? He takes me to a place with few people to practice every day, hehe." Yujie chuckled.

The former Yan Yi didn't believe it: "A place with few people? Is there a place with few people in Fengmo Valley? How can you level up so fast without booking the venue?"

Who are you fooling? "

"That place, there are few people anyway, I won't tell you where it is, haha." Yujie was very proud.

Zeng Yanyi glanced at her, too lazy to argue with her.

Do you want to level up so quickly if you don’t reserve the venue in Sealed Demon Valley?

What about dreaming?

There is no place in the entire Demon Sealing Valley that he is not familiar with. There are so many people everywhere, and the venue is not reserved, haha...

Later, he introduced his elites and elders to get to know his daughter.

Finally, let them form a team and go to the bakery in the Demon Sealing Valley to practice leveling.

Before leaving, he kindly reminded:

"Don't you ask him to come with you? He'll be downgraded later."

Yujie shook her head, "No need, he has his own place to level up and is no slower than us.

Wait until there is a leader or something, then call him. "

Her daughter has said so, and the memories of the past have gone with her.

On the other side, Qin Sheng was leveling alone.

Without Yujie, he suddenly felt a little boring...

I had no choice but to play my favorite songs and listen to them.

At this time, what he was listening to was "Love Song of the West Sea".

"Since you left, I have lost my tenderness...

I still remember that you promised me that you would not let me lose you, but you followed the migratory bird returning south and flew so far. Love is like a kite with its string broken, unable to hold on to the promise you made..."

This is an extremely sad love song. When it first came out, Qin Sheng didn't listen to it very much.

Until last year, my wife suddenly started playing it at home, and when she listened to it again, she felt deeply.

He didn't think of his first love or other women, because with Lin Shuya, he had nothing else to ask for.

I liked this song at that time and it just resonated with me in a certain way.

A feeling of time passing by and never being able to return to youth again.

Perhaps that period was also the most depressing time in his life.

His father is ill, he has a mortgage, his children are in school, and he is unemployed. All kinds of negative emotions hit him, making him unable to escape.

I just want to go back to my youthful and carefree days...

And without the love song part of this song, you can really hear the helplessness of time passing by and never coming back...

As others have said,

When I first heard it, I didn’t know what I meant by the song, but when I listened to it again, I already understood the meaning of the song...

When the song ended, Qin Sheng unnaturally played it over again. While he was listening, Feng Yingxiu suddenly came over for a private chat.

"Prodigal Son, where do you level up?"

"Uh, Demon Sealed Valley."

"Which map? I'll come and play with you."

Feng Yingxiu's tone was calm, as if she had forgotten her previous unhappiness.

"This...I'll team you up." Qin Sheng was silent for a moment, but decided to bring the other party in. This is a dead end. Once you enter, you cannot get out. As long as you don't tell her how to enter, there will be no problem.

Besides, you can also test whether the other person is really good to him.

If she spreads the news that there is a hidden map in the Demon-Sealing Valley, then don't interact with it in the future.

As for whether someone will find him here, as long as he and Yujie don't tell him and he is more careful, who can find him?

It just so happened that Yujie wasn't here either, so he still needed someone to set fire to and buy medicine.

After adding Feng Yingxiu to the team, Qin Sheng teleported her over.

"Huh? Tongxin Trail? Are you killing on Tongxin Trail? Why are there so many monsters here?

Why is there no one else? "

As soon as Feng Yingxiu arrived and looked at the surrounding environment, she asked in surprise.

"Haha, look where this place is again?" Qin Sheng asked with a smile.

"Wow! The Demon Sealing Way!"

“This is not a concentric trail!!”

"What kind of place is this? Is there a place like this in the Demon Sealed Valley?"

Looking at the map name displayed on the map, Feng Yingxiu was completely shocked.

Qin Sheng: "Haha, this is a secret hidden map. I discovered it. How about it?"

"Hidden map? Oh my god! This, this, this..." Feng Yingxiu was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

This world has been open for more than ten years, and players have come to the Demon Sealing Valley for more than ten years!

There is actually a hidden map that has not been discovered by others!

This is incredible!

The prodigal son actually discovered a hidden map, no wonder the level rose so quickly!

So what does it mean if he tells me now that he is willing to bring me in?

Isn’t this just trusting yourself enough?

It turns out that I still have a place in his heart...


"Does Yujie know this place?" Feng Yingxiu suddenly asked.

"Yeah." Qin Sheng nodded.

"Oh." Feng Yingxiu heard this, a little disappointed, but also a little expected.

That girl sticks to his side every day, it would be strange not to bring her in.

Looking at this place, there is also the enhanced white wild boar that is being burned by the wall of fire in the distance.

Feng Yingxiu's heart also became lively. This place is indeed a good place for leveling and treasure hunting.

I must not reveal it, otherwise the prodigal son will probably hate me for the rest of his life.

Having made up her mind, Feng Yingxiu began to help set up the fire wall and spawn monsters.

During the leveling process, after visiting the entire map, she never asked Qin Sheng how to enter this place.

Because she was afraid that if she made a mistake, as long as she didn't know it, how would others know?

But she couldn't help but ask another question:

"Do these two doors lead to other places? Is there also a Yanyuan Temple inside?"

A place that looks very similar to here is called the Concentric Path, which leads to the Yanyuan Temple.

What about here?

Qin Sheng: "There are death doors on both sides, and you can't get out."

"Oh, I didn't expect that the Demon Sealing Valley has such a magical place. Will it have other hidden maps?

There are also those Cang Yue Island and Chi Yue Canyon. Are there any hidden maps? "

Feng Yingxiu guessed with a smile.

"Well, who knows? I can't even enter Cangyue Island, so how do I know if it has a hidden map?" Qin Sheng said casually.

However, his thoughts started spinning rapidly.

Are there hidden maps of Cang Yue Island and Chi Yue Canyon?

After pondering for a moment, he really thought of two places.

One is in the Bone Demon Cave,

There is another thing. If it is true to the legend outside, then there should be a secret passage in the city of Tucheng.

Point of no return! ! !

There are powerful red moon monsters inside!

Access to the daylight door!

Bairimen has the ultimate map, Chiyue Canyon!

It's just that it's a bit difficult to find a road of no return in a place as big as Tucheng.

This is not like outside legends, where you can choose to enter directly from the public notice board.

This is a huge city!

It would take him most of a day to walk around the city!

Not to mention the entire city was frantically searching for it!

If you really want to go through it one by one, you probably won't be able to do it for three to five days.

And there is another problem, that is, he has not yet opened the map to the White Gate.

It is said that if you want to open the White Sun Gate map, you need to kill the Bull Demon King and others in Cang Yue Island.

Is it possible to sneak past the Day Gate via the Point of No Return without opening the map?

Qin Sheng doesn't know...

So, it’s hard to do...

Forget it, there is no time to explore the point of no return for the time being, so upgrade here first.

Anyway, the upgrades here are quick and there are bosses to kill, which is pretty good.

Thinking about what was on his mind, Qin Sheng guided Feng Yingxiu, and the two of them divided the work and cooperated, while one person set aside the fire.

At the same time, he also specifically told Feng Yingxiu that the two violently enhanced white wild boars would be maimed at most, but not killed.

"Why?" Feng Yingxiu blinked and asked in confusion.

"Haha, you said if we keep beating it half to death, will it continue to mutate?" Qin Sheng did not directly say that this thing would mutate, but just asked in this way.

"Well, it seems possible!" Feng Yingxiu's eyes lit up and her breathing became a little rapid.

Transform into the ultimate enhanced white boar, what will happen?

Excited, she finished slaying the mobs and then started beating the two violently enhanced white boars!

But something embarrassing happened.

Feng Yingxiu's equipment is still too inferior. Zuma's set still lacks a demon bell and a dragon bracelet.

He was also holding an ordinary bone jade scepter!

I guess I don’t have many attribute points, and I don’t know if the upgrade parts of the equipment have been strengthened.

Therefore, let alone fighting the violent enhanced white wild boar, even if she fought the ordinary enhanced white wild boar, she would only take away more than 10 drops of blood at a time!

Instead, she was hammered by the violently enhanced white wild boar, knocking out one-third of her health, and she was so frightened that she ran away.

Boom boom boom…

Qin Sheng's thunder and lightning skills followed closely!

Each time, he took away more than 300 health points of the violently strengthened white wild boar!

He quickly grabbed the hatred of the violently strengthened white wild boar, turned around and hit Qin Sheng.

But each attack only hit Qin Sheng twenty or thirty drops of blood!

Compared with Qin Sheng's nearly a thousand blood volume, it is simply negligible.

Just add a group healing technique to yourself, and you're done.

"Wow! Prodigal, your attack power is so high?!" Feng Yingxiu said in surprise.

In the previous killing of mobs, Qin Sheng always killed the monsters instantly. She didn't know how high the damage would be.

But now when fighting BOSS, the damage will be compared and it will come out!

It turns out that he is already so powerful and has dual professions. Alas, I am getting further and further away from him...

On the contrary, Yujie seems to have dual professions, so her attack power shouldn't be lower than that of the prodigal, right?

When her thoughts came to this, Feng Yingxiu felt a little depressed for a moment...

Seemingly seeing through the other party's thoughts, Qin Sheng smiled and said:

"Don't be envious. With this professional skill book, you can also have dual professions."

"Oh, how can it be so explosive! Who is like you, even a scarecrow will explode." Feng Yingxiu felt nothing but envy at this time.

The two were playing monsters and chatting, and Qin Sheng, who was bored, started the lottery.

Yesterday, he didn't even smoke because he was thinking about resource allocation.

He Jianhong contributed more than 500 demon-slaying points to him, and Xiaoyu and Xiaoling contributed 110 points.

Other cultivated evolvers contributed more than 40 points.

Yesterday there were more than 700 points!

And there was a lot of accumulation today. He Jianhong contributed more than 400 points, and including others, the total was more than 600 points!

Now he has 1,115 demon-slaying points in two days!

Looking at these more than a thousand demon-slaying points, Qin Sheng was filled with happiness!

A hundred times ten draws in a row,

What can be extracted from this?

Let the lottery begin!

"Ding dong, the system prompts that you have thousands of demon slaying points and can perform thousands of continuous draws!

Is it a thousand draws? "

Thousands of continuous draws? !

Just pump it a thousand times in an instant?


Qin Sheng was just about to start the lottery, but he discovered something painfully.

That is, his three packages may not be able to contain a thousand draws.

The three packages originally contained a lot of potions, plus a bunch of messy things.

If you really perform a thousand consecutive draws, you will definitely not be able to pretend.

What to do?

Ten separate draws?

It seems inappropriate!

After all, in his impression, a large-scale extraction would definitely produce something better than a small-scale extraction.

For example, if you draw one draw at a time, there is a high probability that only experience points will be produced.

But if you guarantee ten draws in a row, I will definitely give you a piece of equipment.

This piece of equipment is most likely to be top quality.

This means that the more you smoke at one time, the more you give!

Therefore, of course Qin Sheng wants to do a thousand consecutive draws!

Also, he wanted to see if he could still increase his ordinary attribute points.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Sheng, who felt a bit itchy, simply gave all the medicines and random items in the package to Feng Yingxiu.

"Wow! So many? I can't hold it anymore." Feng Yingxiu opened her mouth wide with a look of surprise.

"I also picked up some other equipment."

"It's okay. At worst, you can go back to the city and sell it later."

Seeing that there were only some things brought in from the outside world, Qin Sheng began,

A thousand draws in a row!

"Congratulations on gaining 3,500 experience points!"

"Congratulations on gaining 3800 experience points!"

"Congratulations on getting 1 point of normal attribute scroll."

"Congratulations on getting a knight bracelet!"

In the blink of an eye, a thousand consecutive draws were completed!

Qin Sheng only heard a few prompts clearly, but nothing else!

There is no way, there are too many things, the system is like a machine gun, it reads too fast.

Qin Sheng opened the package excitedly and looked at it.

First is the experience value!

Experience value: 2,100,000 (bound)

My day! The experience value is over two million!

If there are tens of thousands of demon-slaying points, if you draw them all in one go, wouldn't that be more than 20 million experience points?

Next is the attribute scroll.

This time, a total of 120 1-point attribute scrolls were drawn!

Qin Sheng couldn't wait to try to use one, but it still worked!

This made him so happy!

As long as the extracted ones can still be used, that’s fine!

Naturally, the experience points were exhausted, and the attribute scrolls were added to agility, magic dodge and accuracy as usual.

In this way, the gap between him and ordinary elite players has been shortened again!

Now he has reached about 340 points for all three types!

This level has already caught up with the trashiest elites!

I can probably catch up with ordinary elites tomorrow!

After checking the attribute scrolls, the highlight is naturally the equipment.

As a result, the first item was awesome!

Blood drink:

Attack 3-19, magic 3-10, Taoism 0-5, accuracy +8, agility +1, attack speed +1, strength +1...

My day!

What kind of perverted equipment is this! ?

Qin Sheng was almost dumbfounded!

This blood drinking attack, magic and Taoism are all increased by 5 points!

Exactly 3 points more!

Agility, attack speed and strength are each increased by 1 point!

Among these attributes, the most important thing is that it has 1 more point of attack speed!

A weapon that increases attack speed? !

This is good stuff!

After wearing it, the attack speed is faster than others!

He still remembered the last time he heard someone say that a bone jade scepter that increases attack speed by 1 point could be sold for a billion dollars!

How much is a perverted blood drink that adds 1 attack speed worth?

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"

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