I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 357 Special leveling method! Super abnormal dragon tooth!

Earth Star, above the endless sea...


Xiao Yu'er's heart was beating crazily, and she was breathing heavily...

At the same time, her eyes were a little confused at the moment...

Just now, that human could kill her if he tried harder.

Fortunately, this greedy human entered her body and wanted to turn her into a servant.

But in the end the soul was swallowed up inexplicably.

She didn't know what was deep in her mind.

Is the ancestor protecting you?

Or something else?

It would be fine if it was the protection granted by her ancestor, but if it was anything else, she shuddered and did not dare to think about it...

After this thought flashed away, she returned to reality again, and something even more incredible happened before her eyes...

The body of that bastard whose soul was originally devoured, fell into the sea under her induction...

But when she wanted to retrieve the other party's body and prepare to touch it, she looked over and found to her surprise that the body was missing!

Sensing the surroundings with spiritual thoughts...

Also without a trace!

Nothing is left behind!


What's happening here?

Isn’t the other party’s soul gone?

Isn't he dead?

Can this be gone?

Xiao Yu'er was completely dumbfounded!

Could it be that there is another enemy around?

With her thoughts at this point, she no longer dared to stay here and kept teleporting away.

At the same time, she silently kept thinking about the battle just now in her mind.

In the end, her memory was fixed on the scene when the human entered her body...

He saw himself deep in his mind...

I don't know what I thought of, but Xiao Yu'er's face turned red...

Then his eyes became fierce!

Damn it!

Good to die! !

On the other side...

Above the sky of Beizhou...


Qin Sheng opened his eyes!

At this time, he was invisible and suspended in the sky!


He was also breathing heavily...

I was actually killed!

Simply incredible!

You must know that the power of his soul at this time can easily crush a fake infant strongman like Hu Qiantian, that is, an ordinary strong man in the divine realm!

But even so, he was instantly killed by the terrifying soul power in Xiao Yu'er's body just now!

What exactly is that?

Is Xiao Yu'er's soul so powerful?


If her soul power was strong, she wouldn't have been nearly killed by him.

Was it an amulet given to her by someone else?

Or something else...

Various possibilities flashed through Qin Sheng's mind, but no matter what the situation was, it showed that there was a peerless strong man behind Xiao Yu'er.

The power that can kill you instantly must at least surpass the existence of Nascent Soul...

Become a god?

Fortunately, he had a resurrection ring this time, otherwise he would have been doomed.

He was also very lucky that the last time he fought with Xiao Yu'er, he didn't get really angry.

Otherwise, the resurrection ring would not have been available at that time, and it would have been doomed...

Also...if the cooldown time for resurrection has not passed in the future, it seems that we can't attack practitioners of the divine realm or big forces at will.

Otherwise, if this happens again, you will faint to death...

This can be regarded as a reminder to Qin Sheng.

Before, he had casually handled fake babies like Hu Qiantian, who had been practicing for hundreds of years, without any excitement in his heart. That was impossible.

This encounter directly poured a basin of ice water on him, which drastically cooled him down...

Qin Sheng lit one and thought slowly, summarizing the gains and losses of this battle. At the same time, he also checked to see if he was missing anything...

Fortunately, everything is there, even the clothes.

After a long time, he returned to Lin Shuya in Chuzhou with a hiss.

At this time, it was already past five o'clock in the morning...

As soon as Qin Sheng came back, Lin Shuya, who had telepathy, immediately stopped practicing.

Opening her eyes, she looked at her husband curiously: "Why are you back so early today?"

Qin Sheng said nothing, just hugged her...

This morning, Qin Sheng was very wild and tormented Lin Shuya several times...

In the end, I hugged her tightly, unwilling to let go...

a long time……

"Are you interested?"

The thoughtful Lin Shuya touched her husband's hair and spoke slowly.

"Well, I was killed just now and resurrected."

Qin Sheng's voice was very soft, but it made Lin Shuya's heart tighten.

She finally understood why her husband indulged herself so completely...

It turns out that I experienced a death...

"Don't be afraid, it's all over, it's all over..."

Rubbing her husband's back with heartache, Lin Shuya murmured comfort...

This scene reminded her of her husband sometimes having nightmares and holding her in his arms for comfort.

She sometimes has nightmares, too...

At this time, the two of them did not speak. After embracing each other for a long time, Qin Sheng slowly told about his previous experience.

"Such a perverted soul power? It killed you instantly?!" Lin Shuya looked shocked.

Her husband’s current strength can easily crush her.

And that pervert killed her husband instantly!

This gap made her feel desperate.

Realizing that his wife's body was shaking slightly, Qin Sheng comforted him this time:

"Don't worry, just give me some time and I'll beat her up."

The firm tone made Lin Shuya feel much more relaxed.

She looked at Qin Sheng with admiring eyes:

"Well, I believe you."

The two were silent again, quietly feeling each other's heartbeats.

After a while, Qin Sheng suddenly took out a storage ring and said:

"Honey, here, this is Hu Qiantian's storage ring. It has some spiritual stones. You can use it to practice.

By the way, see if there is anything in there that you can use.

There are also some elixirs, magic weapons, etc. You can deal with them as you watch. If you don’t understand, you can ask Liu Qianqian and the others. "

After Qin Sheng obtained this storage ring before, there were many things in it that he couldn't use.

However, he obtained thirty high-grade spiritual stones.

He is short of high-quality spiritual stones.

This is also very good...

"Liu Qianqian? Okay."

Lin Shuya put away the ring, thoughtfully...

Then, the next day, Qin Sheng didn't go anywhere except for a visit to the Evolver training camp.

At home, I practice the cultivation secrets I learned from the Supreme Being and Hu Qiantian seriously.

Although the legendary skills are powerful, it would be good to learn more spells.

Isn’t it a burden to have many arts?

As a result, he really discovered something remarkable in the cultivation secrets of these two fake infants.

First of all, among the tips given by Hu Qiantian, there is one trick that is good.

Earth element!

After learning it, you can control the earth element and escape from the earth.

This looks good.

Qin Sheng studied immediately!

After only watching it once, Qin Sheng learned it with the help of the incredible ability of the skill necklace.

In fact, this is similar to the rain control technique.

The art of controlling rain is to control the water element in the aura of heaven and earth.

As for the Earth Element, the requirement is to control the earth element.

This transformation is equally complex.

It would be difficult without long years of research.

After Qin Sheng learned it, he stretched out his right hand and held his breath while concentrating.

Slowly rotating the magic formula, countless earth elements gathered together.

In front of his eyes, a thick wall gradually formed.

With another wave of his hand, the wall disappeared.

He stretched out his hand again, and another earth sword appeared in his hand!


Qin Sheng's whole body glowed with a circle of yellow light, slowly blending into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sheng sank into the soil under the house.

He had a feeling that the soil was part of his body and could be manipulated at will.

And he didn't feel short of breath.

Because in the soil, the earth element is him. When the soil comes into contact with the outside air, it is the same as when he comes into contact with himself, so there is no problem with breathing.

As for controlling the soil, he didn't do it.

Otherwise, the house will collapse...


He quickly walked through the soil underground and soon saw a pile of steel bars.

There is no way to get through something like this, so we can only go around it.

After walking around under the house, Qin Sheng emerged from the floor of the room again.

Miraculously, no traces were left on the floor.

This is the brilliance of the earth escape technique.

Qin Sheng had a feeling that he could build a very solid villa with just a wave of his hand.

It’s still done directly in one go!

After practicing the earth element for a while, Qin Sheng began to learn another secret.

This is what the Supreme Bliss God left behind.

The name is also similar to his own.

When practicing, both parties use their mental skills and after performing these 360 ​​moves together, their breaths can become one!

Breath combined!

Achieve the goal of rapid cultivation!

After reading the introduction, Qin Sheng understood that this was a cultivation method between husband and wife.

But the first half is still a normal practice, but the second half of the exercises are very overbearing and even evil.

It's the kind of mentality that forcibly robs women of their skills...

The process is just like what the male compatriots think...

Just don’t mention it…

This kind of plunder is even faster. No wonder the Paradise Palace has endured for a long time.

Qin Sheng would naturally not use this.

Besides, even if he and his wife use the Bliss Mind Method, his wife can speed up her cultivation, but can he?

You need to try this to know...

Next, after Qin Sheng became familiar with the mental method, he chatted privately with his wife, and when she was free between classes, he sent her a message and showed her the "Bliss Gong" and "Tou Xing Jue".

"Earth Elements" was nothing, but "Ultimate Bliss Gong" made Lin Shuya's beautiful eyes sparkle.

"You study first, I'll go back."

Without saying a word, Qin Sheng ran away.

He had just experienced a great horror and now he didn't want to go anywhere.

Because the resurrection ring is resurrected for the second time that day, the resources required are doubled.

Although he has enough now, he doesn't want to waste it like this.

So I practiced various mental techniques and secrets at home, and became proficient in using "Tou Xing Jue" and other techniques.

In the blink of an eye, it was past ten o'clock in the evening. After putting Yiyi to sleep and moving her back to her room, Qin Sheng and his wife began to practice the "Bliss Gong".

When the two of them completed three hundred and sixty sets of basic movements at the same time, their auras instantly merged into one, and they started practicing crazily.

The countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth around them started to move crazily as the two practiced.

"Add 100 experience points!"

"Add 100 experience points!"

"Add 100 experience points!"

Damn it!

Qin Sheng was stunned when he heard the system prompt...

He can really practice in this way and increase his experience points.

The increase in experience points means an increase in his spiritual power and a rapid increase in his strength!

Before he could think about it, his wife had already exclaimed.

"Husband, my cultivation speed has doubled! What an amazing mental training method!"

"Don't be distracted!" Qin Sheng reminded.

At the same time, the time for increasing experience points is calculated.

I calculated it silently and found that it increased by 100 points per second.

If you calculate it like this, one minute is 6,000 experience points.

One hour is 360,000 experience points.

It looks good!

After all, he was practicing here and no one bothered him.

Apart from eating and sleeping, you can practice all the time!

At the end of the day, I have more than 8 million experiences, which is better than nothing.


He felt that this cultivation method could be improved...

for example……

He used a double experience scroll...

"Add 200 experience points!"

"Add 200 experience points!"

Depend on!

It’s really doubled!


This is not the limit...

The great thing about this set of techniques is that multiple people can run this set of mental techniques.

In this case, Qin Sheng naturally couldn't test it.

He can't bring a few women to practice together, can he?

How decent is that?

In addition, when learning this mental method, Qin Sheng also got a piece of information.

This mental method is actually just a middle-grade practice method.

For high-grade cultivation methods, the moves are doubled, and the cultivation speed is also doubled.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the Paradise Palace.

Where is it specifically? The answer given by the Supreme Bliss God is the world of cultivation.

Forget it, this can only wait until later.

At this time, Qin Sheng finally realized the joy of practicing in the outside world.

But in fact there are still many problems.

For example, he must practice with his wife or a woman at the same time before he can gain experience points.

This is a bit embarrassing!

You cannot practice alone!

It is impossible for his wife to accompany him to practice all day long.

She still has to go to work. Although she had already planned to stop having sex in another half year, it would still be half a year away...

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if his wife is willing to practice with him.

He also has to find time to go to the demon-slaying spot...

Therefore, this cultivation can only be practiced when nothing happens.

After practicing with his wife for an hour, Qin Sheng summoned Xiaoyu and Xiaoling.

Prepare for your daily routine.


These two are also women. Can they practice together?

This thought flashed through Qin Sheng's mind, but he immediately dismissed it.

You can only practice with your wife, forget about everything else...

After killing the two of them, Qin Sheng entered the game again...

I looked at the experience points gained from practicing outside just now, and sure enough, it has increased to here.

This made Qin Sheng breathe a sigh of relief.

It would be nice to be able to use it both ways...

He looked at the demon-slaying spot again...

There are currently more than 50,000 points...

This has been accumulated over the past few days.

If he hadn't used up 10,000 points in his death, he would have had more than 60,000 points.

After thinking about it, he decided to draw the reward ten thousand times first.

"Get 6000 experience points!"

"Get 6500 experience points!"

"Get 1 point of silver attribute scroll!"

This time, the experience value increased to more than 6,000 points, which surprised Qin Sheng.

In the blink of an eye, the 10,000th draw was completed!

Qin Sheng gained tens of millions of experience,

A bunch of scrolls and more…

As for equipment, he finally pulled out a good item.

Dragon Tooth:

Attack power 10-25, magic 3-13, Taoism 0-7, accuracy plus 12, luck plus 1, strength plus 3, agility plus 7...

This weapon...


What a big pervert!

Attack, Taoism, Magic, Accuracy and Agility have all been increased by 7 points!

There is also 1 more point of luck and 3 more points of strength!

Coupled with its terrifying hidden properties, it is definitely a killer weapon.

Qin Sheng immediately took out a pile of blessing oil and added it to Lucky Plus 5!

Then he changed a handful of blood and drank it!

The strength suddenly increased a lot!

In addition to this dragon tooth, there are two more red moon equipments.

A holy war ring with all attributes plus 5!

A Dharma God ring with all attributes plus 6!

They can all be used, which is pretty good.

Next, Qin Sheng went to sell a round of daily necessities, and also sold a lot of lottery items.

The package once again contained more than eight billion gold coins.

After possessing these gold coins, Qin Sheng was thinking about one thing.

That is whether you should accumulate 10 billion gold coins first so that you can get special ring fusion in the future.

But after thinking about it for a while, he quickly decided that he no longer wanted to do it.

Let’s improve our strength first.

So, he took Yujie and Feng Yingxiu, who had just woken up, to the trading market to continue upgrading their equipment.

After this upgrade, the magic, defense and HP of Qin Sheng's first equipment slot were all upgraded to 130.

The second and third equipment slots have been upgraded to 110.

The Taoist skills and attacks in the three equipment slots have been upgraded to 60!

The strength has increased again!

After the upgrade was completed, Qin Sheng was about to take his two daughters to Niu Liu's old place to play, when a voice stopped him.

Light Sky Day: "Boss, I have accumulated goods for several days. Come and collect them."


Soon, the two met in an inn warehouse.

Qin Sheng collected more than 500 million blessing oil from him in one go!

There were only more than 100 million gold coins left in the package.

This scene puzzled Yujie and Feng Yingxiu.

"Prodigal, why did you collect so much blessing oil?"

Qin Sheng chuckled and said: "Hey, I just feel that it is too cheap and the price may increase in the future. You can take it if you have nothing to do."

"Oh, okay, I'll accompany you!" Yujie smiled.

"Ah, I don't have any money, forget it, I'll get less." Feng Yingxiu sighed...

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