I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 431 Dongfang Invincible’s gift! The assassin profession is here!

In the legendary game...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sheng and the others blocked the attack of six major heavy armors and heavy armor envoys with countless monsters.

But the Dark Palace Divine Weapon never exploded again!

They don't know if Xingye's sadness has exploded, but judging from the feedback from the undercover agents, it hasn't happened yet.

Because no one said it.

Although the Dark Palace Divine Weapon did not explode, other things, Qin Sheng and the others did explode!

The 410% explosion rate is no joke!

Qin Sheng killed an ordinary dark skeleton elf and exploded three pieces of holy war armor and five Zuma weapons. Can you believe this?

This kind of explosion rate makes everyone dumbfounded!

In the past, when they killed ordinary dark skeleton elves, they would only explode one holy war armor at most!

Even if you kill twenty or thirty times, you may not get one.

But now Qin Sheng can kill the ordinary dark heavy BOSS at will, and he can reveal at least one or two pieces of the Heavenly Demon Armor series.

It's absolutely terrifying!

It can only be said that the additional issue of explosion rate in this world is completely different from the legendary explosion rate in the outside world that Qin Sheng understands.

Among outside legends,

Assume that the initial explosion rate is one in a thousand!

Then increasing the explosion rate by 100% is two thousandths!

And here, increasing the explosion rate by 100% is really doubling the explosion rate.

Not only is the chance higher, but the items you can explode with practice are doubled!

This is the scariest place.

However, Qin Sheng is happy to accept this model.

After all, he is the only one who can achieve such a violent explosion rate.

Of course he hopes the more the merrier.

If others had such an explosion rate, and he didn't, he would probably be as angry as Coyote and others who had to cut off and retrain.

"Ding dong! The system prompts that the leader of the Holy Domain is leading countless monsters..."

Following the system prompts, another wave of monsters arrived.

Qin Sheng didn't bother to snatch Xingye's Sadness and others this time, he would kill his own anyway.

Of course, the elites who arranged it also exerted great power.

Wherever there is a BOSS, rush up and grab it.

As long as he was the one who poisoned it first, he would immediately call Qin Sheng to clean it up.

Qin Sheng can kill monsters in just one second!

All ordinary BOSS, including the newly spawned Sanctuary Leader with a HP of 180,000, are also available in a matter of seconds!

If the opponent is destined to evolve, it will automatically evolve after one strike.

In the past, when Qin Sheng fought like this, he was afraid that the attack power would be too strong and he would not be able to evolve if he was instantly killed.

Later it was discovered that this was not the case at all.

As long as a monster can evolve, even if you kill it with a knife, it will still evolve if it should.

Therefore, without any scruples, Qin Sheng had a full-level fusion teleportation ring with unlimited teleportation, and he could clear the BOSS one by one.

Seeing Qin Sheng's explosion rate, Tang Ruoxuan and his gang became cautious when fighting monsters.

Why be cautious?

Of course, I was afraid of accidentally killing the old monster, because their attack was too high.

Qin Sheng can kill ordinary BOSS instantly, and they can do the same.

Even if the elites hit ordinary white wild boars, it would still be a matter of seconds.

Let alone them.

Therefore, everyone did not even put up the wall of fire for fear of burning the old monster to death.

And because he no longer had to think about robbing Xingye's sadness and their monsters, Qin Sheng concentrated on teleporting back and forth on his own one-third of an acre of land and other places.

The thrill of exploding something is awesome.

Even the White Wild Boar, the King of Corpses, was not spared and Qin Sheng killed them all himself.

Kill a white boar, and as long as it explodes, you can get the Staff of Judgment or something like that.

He kills so fast, can Qin Sheng not do it himself?

Anyway, it's all a matter of one blow, there's no need to run back and forth, just keep teleporting.

And every time he killed a BOSS, Qin Sheng just picked up a few good ones and left immediately.

Most of them will be left for the brothers.

This caused everyone to become even more enthusiastic and spread out throughout the city to wait for the BOSS.

In fact, the BOSS at the resurrection point and the steps of the palace are the most concentrated, accounting for half of the entire siege monsters.

Qin Sheng first cleaned up other places, and then returned to clean up the resurrection point and the stairs.

Because Qin Sheng and the others were here from the beginning, no one dared to rob these two places.

When the siege has reached this point, ordinary players can no longer stay, and the only ones left are the elites and city lords of the major guilds.

Naturally, they did not dare to grab the BOSS that Qin Sheng and his Shabak League players grabbed first.


Qin Sheng used another lightning technique to kill a holy leader instantly.

With a sound of a bell, the leader of the Sanctuary exploded three No. 43 medals and one No. 41 medal.

There are also plenty of Rods of Judgment and more.

This kind of explosion rate makes people look straight up.

Qin Sheng didn't let go of the medal either. He hadn't mastered the attack and Tao skills yet.

Besides, even if he gets it all, his family will still need it.

Therefore, the amount he needs is extremely huge.

And those titles too.

If each member of the family wears nine titles, their strength will definitely crush the Avatar.

There are also all the major divine rings!

It would be a bit too deep to match my family members with full fusion divine rings...

With his thoughts at this point, Qin Sheng felt that he had a long way to go.

Of course, the premise of all this is how rich Qin Sheng is.

Everything should meet his needs first.

Only if he becomes stronger, my wife and the others will be safer.

With his thoughts and monsters on his mind, Qin Sheng would go back to the warehouse from time to time to store a large amount of equipment.

Soon, there were three ultimate Holy Domain Leaders left in this wave, two Ultimate Dark Palace Chickens, one Ultimate Red Moon Demon, and one Ultimate Two-Headed King Kong.

Five ultimate white boars...

Qin Sheng and the others should kill the Ultimate Dark Palace Chicken first.

During the killing, Qin Sheng still ordered everyone to retreat except the city lords and Yu Jie.

Qin Sheng didn't want those elites to get this kind of dark palace divine weapon.

There are also many elites here who were originally from Sabak City.

There must have been a lot of spies mixed in.

If they let their spies pick up the secret weapon of the Dark Palace, they would be in great trouble.

However, knowing that there were spies inside, why did Qin Sheng still accept those elites?

The main reason is that Qin Sheng is not afraid of their betrayal.

Even if all the elites who joined Qin Sheng's Shabak City turned against him, what would happen?

If they also apply to attack the city, it will be useless if all these people turn against them.

Because Qin Sheng can make people despair by guarding the city alone.

Not a single chance.

Therefore, Qin Sheng is not afraid.

As for buying equipment now, these people can also get some.

Qin Sheng didn't care anymore. Compared with the huge benefits of Shabak City, this little effort was nothing.

But the Dark Palace Divine Weapon is too important, so all the elites must get out of the way.

As for the city lords in the alliance, Qin Sheng was embarrassed to ask them to get out of the way.

Therefore, whether you can find it or not depends on your destiny.

After killing two ultimate dark palace chickens in a row, a lot of things exploded.

There are three career tokens and dual career tokens.

But Qin Sheng just didn't see the magic weapon of the dark palace.

He had no choice but to promise benefits,

"Whoever picks up the Dark Palace Divine Weapon, I will exchange it for a new title and a new skill book."

"Haha, I didn't pick it up. If I did, I would get it all for you first." Feng Xue said with a smile.

Zhou Xiangbo: "Yes, I will give it to you first if I have it."

Tang Ruoxuan: "I didn't pick it up anyway."

Everyone said they didn't pick it up, and Qin Sheng couldn't help it whether he believed it or not.

Next, kill other ultimate monsters, various divine rings, three-professional tokens, dual-professional papers and explode...

But the four professions and assassin skill books still cannot be released.

This made Qin Sheng seriously doubt whether Xing Ye's sadness had ever learned the assassin profession...

If a bunch of Ultimate Ksitigarbha comes later and they still can't explode, he's going to curse!

After all this wave of ultimate monsters were killed, the faces of the city lords all lit up with excitement.

What a great harvest!

Although their equipment points were full, they were still very motivated after hearing that the New World needed a lot of Zuma and Chiyue equipment.

Do more to avoid trouble there.

Everyone thinks this way.

As a result, prices have skyrocketed again.

The price of Zuma's equipment dropped from the previous price to a minimum of 60 million gold coins, and then it was bought frantically by everyone, with the price rising to 90 million gold coins.

It seems that the price is still rising.

Such an unpredictable market caught Qin Sheng unexpectedly.

If I had known that I would have bought in large quantities when the price was low, I would not be able to make a fortune now.

But at that time, everyone was on sale, eager to fill up their equipment positions.

There were hundreds of thousands of elite elders behind them, and everyone thought that the price of this thing would continue to drop due to them.

Who knew that after Shabak's siege, Xing Ye's sad and dark palace minister Shao and others would leave directly.

Qin Sheng naturally did not expect that he collected a large amount of resources before leaving.

Qin Sheng has no regrets about missing the opportunity to make money.

He doesn't study market economy, and he can't see through other people's minds.

Missing out is normal.

This thing is like when he was poor, his wife always complained about him because he didn't have a loan to buy a house when he first started working.

Otherwise, if the house price skyrockets later, you can make a lot of money.

But where did Qin Sheng have those thoughts at that time?

There are really very few ordinary people with such forward thinking.

Don't talk about him, it's Lin Shuya's own family.

Although the capital chain almost broke at that time, it became very rich after it stabilized.

I don’t see my father-in-law going to Hengzhou and Beizhou to buy a lot of houses.

If they had put all their net worth back then, their net worth would be at least several times greater now.

Why do you need to work hard for nearly twenty years?

Just lie down and win...

Of course, house prices in Chuzhou are already more expensive than those in Beizhou and Hengzhou.

Because this place has become a holy place in the hearts of people across the country.

The world's first person is here, which is enough to make the housing prices and land here the highest in the world!

There are even many top foreign wealthy people who have spent huge sums of money to buy houses here, settle down, and prepare for their retirement.

The recent commotion in Chuzhou is also quite big.

There are many resources tilted down from above.

The roads in Chuzhou were renovated and all kinds of unfinished buildings were demolished and rebuilt.

The appearance of the city is undergoing tremendous changes.

If it weren't for the wall outside Chuzhou City, they would probably have gone out to the entire fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh rings of Chuzhou...

Some time ago, someone from above actually asked Qin Sheng whether he wanted to demolish the city wall and expand it.

Was rejected by Qin Sheng.

It is impossible to dismantle the wall that you have worked so hard to build to resist monsters.

Chuzhou and its surrounding areas are safe because of his presence. What if one day he is no longer in Chuzhou?

Therefore, Qin Sheng would definitely not agree to such a thing.

I was thinking about my thoughts and chatting with everyone. Soon, Ksitigarbha came up again with a wave of monsters.

But this time, after killing the Dark Palace chickens that followed, there was still no Dark Palace magic weapon.

However, when Qin Sheng and the others defeated the first Ultimate Ksitigarbha, they finally got a surprise.

With Qin Sheng's final blow, the Ultimate Ksitigarbha fell down screaming, and a large number of equipment potions burst out.

And a dazzling golden light almost blinded everyone's eyes!

too bright!

Qin Sheng, who had been prepared for a long time, was naturally not caught out because he had his eyes opened and was prepared.

call out!

Qin Sheng teleported over and picked up something.

Four career tokens!

Finally, a hard-to-find good thing was released.

Although he has this thing, Yujie and Feng Yingxiu don't have it yet.

It's a pity that my family can't use the three professional tokens here.

He had wanted to arrange it for them, but it didn't work.

Just when Qin Sheng finished grabbing it, the sharp-eyed romantic aristocrat was the first to exclaim:

"Damn it! Four professional tokens!!!"

Wolf King Totem: "Awesome! Finally one came out! It's not easy."

Zhou Xiangbo: "Hey, do you want to sell it? Make a price."

Yun Feifan: "Dividends! Dividends!"

"Hey, I have a fourth profession. If any of you want it, you can exchange it for the Dark Palace Divine Weapon." Qin Sheng said with a smile.

As for dividends?

There is nothing to separate. Now he kills an ultimate monster and explodes a lot of things, but he can't even pick up a few.

Those people picked up three professions, two professions, and the divine ring didn't even say they wanted to share the dividends.

The main reason is that everyone has filled up the equipment parts and pursues less.

For Xian Yi and the others, they now only need the Dark Palace Divine Weapons, four professions, new skill books and titles.

The title of Venerable Mafa and King,

"Level 4 Fiery Sword Technique" and "Multiple Summons"!

But these are currently monopolized by Qin Sheng.

As for the Touch of Darkness Dragon God Token that can reveal the title of Venerable Mafa, everyone has long suspected that it did not explode at the point of no return.

Because they saw Qin Sheng fighting many evil tree demons there, and they didn't even use the token to summon the Dark Touch Dragon God, nor did they use the token to enter the source of all evil.

The city lords in the alliance have discussed privately whether they should continue to search for potential hidden maps.

But in the end I didn’t go looking for it.

So what if you find it?

Falling out with an unknown prodigal?

I can't beat him if he falls out, so why bother...

It's better to just buy it from an unknown prodigal.

When they heard Qin Sheng said that he would exchange the secret weapon of the Dark Palace, everyone showed bitter faces.

Neither did they.

The First Legend sighed: "It seems that I can only get this fourth profession when I go to the New World."

After saying this, the eyes of everyone who were originally depressed suddenly lit up.

Yes, it’s difficult to get the fourth career here, but it shouldn’t be difficult in the New World.

Qin Sheng's balls ached after hearing this.

This guy stopped anyone who wanted to exchange the Dark Palace Divine Weapon with just one sentence.

If someone really owns it, others may not necessarily replace it.

Because the city lords all know that there are no secret palace weapons in the New World.

This was not spread by Qin Sheng.

Maybe it was Xianchen Moran who said it, or maybe it was Fatty who said it, who knows.

In short, in their minds, the current Dark Palace Divine Weapon may be worth more than the fourth profession token.

There was nothing Qin Sheng could do about this.

I can only hope that I am lucky enough to get two more blasts.

While everyone was making noise, they successively destroyed the remaining Ultimate Ksitigarbha Kings.

But the assassin profession is still not released.

However, other things come out very harshly.

When the last Ultimate Ksitigarbha appeared, two Tyrant Blades appeared!

Qin Sheng grabbed one, and the other was grabbed by Tang Ruoxuan.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'll run faster, hehehe..." Tang Ruoxuan proudly put on a new weapon.

Everyone looked jealous.

They all asked Qin Sheng if he could change to another Tyrant's Blade?

"I want to increase the price in exchange for the Dark Palace Divine Weapon."

Qin Sheng's words made everyone speechless.

The man with a big name said bitterly: "Without the Dark Palace Divine Weapon, you wouldn't have brought out this good thing, right?"

Qin Sheng smiled and said: "Hey, let's take a look first. Anyway, I will trade with you if you have them. If you don't have them, I will give you Yujie and Feng Yingxiu."

After saying this, everyone immediately exploded.

Zhou Xiangbo: "Damn! It's inhumane to be of the opposite sex!"

Lemon is not sour at all: "I'm so sour again!"

Dongfang Bubai chuckled softly: "There are two of them, but do I have one?

One more is not too much, I am also a beauty after all. "

After saying that, she gave Qin Sheng a wink.

Yujie and Feng Yingxiu next to them rolled their eyes, while the others showed knowing smiles.

The Wolf King Totem shouted directly: "Brother Prodigal! You are so awesome!"

Xinyuehu: "Plus one!"

Fearless Lone Wolf: "Plus one!"

After a rest, the system prompted again that the Dark Red Moon Demon was coming with an army of monsters.

This time, until the end of the fight, we still didn’t see the Dark Palace Divine Soldier coming out.

It made Qin Sheng very suspicious that it had been picked up by someone and he didn't see it.

But he can't drive everyone away.

Except for the lack of the Dark Palace Divine Weapon, there are quite a few good ones out there.

The fourth career token exploded again, but this time it was picked up by Feng Xue.

This guy was so excited that he threw out 100 million gold coins and 100 million gold coins on the spot!

Twenty billion was lost directly!

"Big Brother Fengxue is mighty! Are there any more?" Wolf King Totem was so excited that he followed suit.

He picked up at least a third of what was lost due to the wind and snow!

I just closed my eyes and threw them out, but many of them ended up being thrown at the feet of the Wolf King Totem.

"Yes, come on, keep going!"

Feng Xue laughed, but this time it was a million gold coins thrown away!

Everyone happily gathered around him to pick up money. Anyway, the monsters were all over.

But at this time, Dongfang Bubai came to Qin Sheng.

Looking at Kuai's pretty face, Qin Sheng felt a little sore.

Next to them, Yujie and Feng Yingxiu frowned, becoming jealous.

Qin Sheng was about to step back when Dongfang Bubai clicked on the transaction column.

The bell rang, and a golden fallen magic weapon was placed!

"The ultimate dark palace just now was so exciting, hehe." Dongfang Bubai said with a smile.

"Ah, what do you want?" Qin Sheng asked in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Dongfang Bubai would be willing to contribute a secret weapon from the Dark Palace.

This gift is a bit expensive!

With this fallen magic weapon, he could not only synthesize the strongest magic weapon before, but also synthesize a high-level dark temple magic weapon.

Therefore, can he not be happy?

"You can give it to me." Dongfang Bubai exhaled and smiled.

Qin Sheng placed a four-profession token and gave her the title of King of Marfa and a book of "Multiple Summons".

If the other party is willing to give him good things, Qin Sheng will naturally not be stingy.

"Enough, enough, is it too much?" Dongfang Bubai said cheerfully, adding another paralysis ring.

Qin Sheng: "Haha, okay, I'll give you something good later."

The two of them went deep into the transaction and continued to wait for the monsters to be spawned.

Next, the Dark Touch Dragon God appeared with an army of monsters.

This time, when he killed the last Ultimate Dark Touch Dragon God, he exploded two more four-class tokens.

It was grabbed by Xin Bao and Zhou Xiangbo who loved it the most.

In addition, a lot of titles such as the title of Venerable Mafa and the "Fourth Level Fiery Sword Technique" were released.

After all, more than ten Dark Touch Dragon Gods appeared at once!

Every one of them, no one dared to take action and only let Qin Sheng come and kill them.

The result is that every time one is killed, at least two titles of Venerable Mafa and two "Level 4 Fiery Sword Techniques" will be released.

The ordinary Dark Touch Dragon God has at most three titles and three skill books at one time.

The explosion of the Ultimate Dark Touch Dragon God was even more severe.

The most powerful one broke out six titles and six "Level 4 Fiery Sword Techniques" at once.

When the news reached the ears of Xing Ye and others, everyone was shocked.

"Oh no! We killed the best Ultimate Dark Touch Dragon God to get a title and two skill books.

He exploded six books and six!

What kind of explosive rate is this? "The secret minister is very angry!

Gunfire Thunder God: "It's so annoying! I suggest you don't let the news come over there.

Just in case I can’t stand it anymore. "

Three ants walked sideways: "That's right! Comparing people to each other is so annoying!"

Coyote who cut off and retrained: "I fucking hate people with good luck! They all deserve to die!!!"

Although this wave still didn't produce what Qin Sheng wanted, everyone was still very happy.

"Level 4 Fiery Sword Technique" and "Title of Lord Marfa" are still very tempting.

Especially the title of Venerable Marfa, wearing it can increase the explosion rate by 20% and a lot of damage.

Really good.

And this wave of ten or twenty Dark Touch Dragon Gods appeared, and Qin Sheng's explosion rate was high.

Tang Ruoxuan was lucky enough to grab all the titles in one go.

If you're unlucky, there's nothing you can do if you don't grab one.

Anyway, Qin Sheng won't care.

Qin Sheng didn't know whether they would receive dividends or something afterwards.

After resting for ten minutes, the last wave of monsters, the ten thousand year tree demon finally appeared.

This time, Qin Sheng still didn't see the shipment of the Dark Palace Chicken. He didn't know if anyone had secretly grabbed it.

The appearance of the ten thousand year tree demon directly ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

Many people want to have the title of King of Marfa and the new skill book.

When Qin Sheng defeated the ten-thousand-year-old tree monsters, all the city lords were extremely happy.

In the end, Qin Sheng was unhappy because once, he didn't even get a title or skill book.

"I don't care! To fight the ultimate thousand-year-old tree demon, I want to pick up three good things first!" Qin Sheng put forward his opinion!

"Okay! I agree!" Dongfang Bubai was the first to agree!

Favorite Xin Bao followed closely behind.

The two people's statements left everyone speechless.

In the end, everyone passed it. After all, Qin Sheng's request was not excessive.

Without him, these monsters wouldn't be able to explode so many good things.

Next, when he killed the ultimate ten-thousand-year-old tree demon, Qin Sheng took away the three most valuable items without any courtesy.

And when he finally killed an ultimate ten thousand-year-old tree demon, a red light finally rose into the sky!

Overwhelmed all light beams!

Assassin career scroll! ! !

Qin Sheng's priority was transferred to him with a hiss, and he grabbed it...

"Kneel down and beg for monthly tickets"

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