I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 470 The law that cannot be changed! Level 66! The super attributes of violent monsters!

In the legendary game Dragon City...

call out!

Qin Sheng came to the pet master again, preparing to hatch the leader of Tower Woma.

"Hello, it takes 60,000 soul points to hatch the leader of Tavoma."

Sixty thousand soul points?

It takes 50,000 soul points to hatch the Demonic Dragon Leader of Darkness, and this one costs 60,000, which is about the same.

Qin Sheng first decomposed 30,000 ordinary monster souls to obtain 60,000 soul points, and then hatched the leader of Tavoma.

After the hatching was completed, Qin Sheng used it to replace a fantasy dragon pet.

Only then did I check its properties.

Leader of Babel Tavoma (pet):

Attack 0-110,

Magic 0-110,

Taoism 0-110,

Defense 0-110,

Magic defense 0-110,

Increase physical strength by 50%,

Add 110 to metallicity,

The wood attribute is increased by 110,

Ice attribute increases by 110,

The fire attribute is increased by 110,

The earth attribute is increased by 110,

Wind attribute increases by 110,

Damage increased by 55%

Damage reduction increased by 45%,

Critical hit rate increased by 1%,

Increase critical hit resistance by 1%,

Accuracy is increased by 100, agility is increased by 100, and magic dodge is increased by 120%.

(Can be upgraded 16 times)

Awesome, much stronger than the Dark Demon Dragon Leader's pet, and it also has an extra wind attribute.

Just when Qin Sheng was wondering whether to sell the extra Illusion Touching Dragon God pet, he suddenly thought that he didn't need to sell it, he still had use for it.

The Demonic Beast Illustrated Book of Fantasy Touching Dragon God's pet is full of upgrades and cannot be upgraded anymore, but he has not yet confiscated the Babel Tower Warma leader's pet.

Anyway, when he fights monsters, he can only summon one monster pet, so he can definitely include the leader of Tavoma in the monster guide.

That way nothing goes to waste.

Why not include the Dark Demonic Dragon Cult Leader?

It's very simple, because there is a difference in strength between the two.

Qin Sheng would definitely choose the leader of the Dark Demonic Dragon, who is handsome, strong, and possesses the paralysis attribute.

He did whatever he thought of, and Qin Sheng immediately included the leader of Tongtian Tower Woma in the Demonic Beast Illustrated Book.

Wearing another Illusion Touching Dragon God again, this time, the strength has greatly increased again!

Because the leader of Babel Tower Woma did not replace any pets.

Unlike the Star King Divine Equipment, although it is strong, the God of War equipment it replaces is also strong.

Therefore, it only improves those attributes that are more than those of the God of War.

But now, it is equivalent to adding all the attributes of a Babel Tower Warma leader's pet.

Can the strength not skyrocket?

While experiencing the surge in strength, Qin Sheng couldn't help but lament the gap between himself and those big guys again.

The Future 2 Dimension that the Lord of Babel Tavoma was just selling was only level 80, but he actually said that he and his brothers had filled up the illustrated books of the Lord of Babel Tavoma.

This thing can be upgraded 16 times!

One at a time, plus 17 original ones!

Each one adds the same attributes!

How terrifying is this strength?

Not to mention the level 85 fat man and the others.

Maybe they are more than level 85. After all, he has been here for a long time, and others are also leveling up.

He also keeps playing treasures to improve...

Especially the monster pets here, the BOSS pets are so abnormal!

With each bonus, the damage is doubled!

And the monsters above the Tower of Babel are BOSS!

This means that if you include any monster above the Tower of Babel, its strength will skyrocket!

So to what extent will the strength of the top bosses reach?

If you don’t know some things, you still don’t think others are great.

And as you improve yourself, you will be able to feel the horror of others more and more.

This needs to be pursued...what the hell...

Qin Sheng complained and returned to the source of all evil to continue killing monsters...

In the blink of an eye, more than two days have passed...

In the past two days, other than the continued explosion of spiritual energy, nothing major happened around the world.

There is a small incident in the great eastern country, but it has caused a lot of discussion and excitement among people across the country.

This little thing is:

Qin Shenjun, the patron saint of the East, provided countless mutated animal meats to ordinary people across the country for free.

For ordinary people, this is simply a shocking joy!

The world has changed greatly for so long,

Everyone knows that eating too much mutated beast meat can improve their physique, speed up their evolution, or transform them into practitioners suitable for cultivation.

It's just that the meat of this mutated beast is difficult to handle.

The most common first-level mutated beast meat is very expensive, and ordinary families cannot buy it frequently.

I can only buy it to improve my children.

Not to mention the more advanced mutated beast meat.

But now, Qin Shenjun wants to distribute it nationwide for free!

For ordinary people, this is even happier than winning the jackpot!

This is enough to change their lives!

So, for these two days, the whole country celebrated with fireworks shooting into the sky...

However, just the next day, Ye Long, Li Zhenghao, Huang Mei and others found Qin Sheng.

They discussed another matter with Qin Sheng.

About the changes in the world after people all over the country become evolvers or cultivators in the future.

Qin Sheng threw one to the two of them, and Ye Long quickly lit it for him.

Then he carefully organized his words and said:

"Master, we know that you have great wishes. You hope that all people can live a better life and evolve and practice. However, have you ever considered this question?"

Qin Sheng blew out a smoke ring, nodded, and motioned for the other party to say something.

Ye Long continued: "Leader, don't blame me for speaking harshly. If everyone can evolve and become a cultivator, then who will do the low-level work?

After they all become evolved, who is willing to do the dirty work?

For example, sanitation workers, farming, etc... Has the leader considered this issue? "

Qin Sheng was silent.

Of course he could understand what the other person said.

A mature society is a very complex structural system.

Involving all aspects.

If someone sits in an office and works, someone must face the loess and their back to the cultivated land.

Someone has to do these jobs.

It is impossible to say that since everyone is an evolver and a cultivator, there is no need to eat, right?

You don’t have to work anymore, right?

There’s no need to go through the sewer, right?

If your cultivation is high, you can go without eating for ten and a half months, but if your level is low, you can't.

Then, problems arise.

After maintaining law and order, the original evolvers and cultivators can be aloof and have various privileges without having to do dirty work.

These tasks are done by ordinary people.

But now that everyone has become an evolver and a cultivator, who should do these menial tasks?

It was this point that was considered above, so Ye Long and the others were asked to communicate with Qin Sheng.

After being silent for a while, Qin Sheng said slowly:

"It's very simple, just push it up. Evolvers also have different levels and different talents."

At this point, Qin Sheng didn't say any more, but Ye Long and the others understood.

It’s nothing more than raising the foundation.

In fact, Qin Sheng wanted everyone to be equal, but the actual situation was simply unrealistic.

Ordinary people are divided into illiterate people and doctoral students.

There are high and low levels of evolvers!

This is destined to mean that the resources that everyone obtains are different...

These two days, that's all.

But Qin Sheng thought about this matter for a long time, because when he was a child, he had the ultimate dream.

He dreams that one day, after he takes over the world, everyone will be a billionaire, everyone will have no worries about food and clothing, have endless money, and will not have to be so miserable or tired.

But when the day finally came, he found that there was nothing he could do.

Unless everyone can become an immortal being, there will be no distinction between high and low.

Otherwise, this is the law of biology, and no one can change it...

Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't do anything.

If he does it, it will change a lot!

At least, he can help everyone break the shackles of life!

The original average life value is only 80 years old, but after evolution through practice, it can be increased to 120 years old, 150 years old, or even more!

At the same time, he also started their path of cultivation and evolution!

Let more people who originally had no hope have a more colorful and uncertain future.

Have more time to cross realms and levels...

Therefore, when Qin Sheng figured out this level, the worries that troubled him disappeared, and his thoughts became more clear.

Just like the first feudal king, although he failed to achieve equality for everyone, at least he liberated the slaves.

Allowing them more freedom and human rights is progress.

After thinking about it, Qin Sheng even had a new goal.

For example, if everyone is elevated to the realm of golden elixir, what kind of existence will the East become?

Of course, all this must be based on his own strength.

In the era when spiritual energy is revived and gods fight, there is no strong person, but it is also a pot of fragrant fat.

For example, mutant beasts will plunder everything from practitioners and evolvers.

Practitioners can eat the flesh of monsters and mutated beasts to strengthen themselves.

They can also eat practitioners to strengthen themselves!

The weak eat the strong!

This is an eternal law!

Therefore, Qin Sheng cannot retreat and has no way out. He can only continue to strengthen himself.

Because he has family behind him and his own tribe.

This is the enlightenment after improving one's cultivation level.

As someone else said,

A hungry person only thinks about one thing, and that is how to eat.

An ordinary person considers how to improve his wealth and marry Bai Fumei...

Full, warm and lustful...

A sect leader considers how the entire sect can develop and grow.

The leader of a country considers the direction of the country.

And a race master considers the development and continuation of the entire race...

Qin Sheng was in this position at this time, so he thought more...

In fact, he didn't know why he had these thoughts, but when he stood on the top of the East, these thoughts came naturally...

Maybe this means standing higher and seeing further...

This is something that has troubled him in the past two days, but in the game, he climbs the Tower of Babel every day and runs back and forth in the Demonic Dragon Palace, the source of all evil, the fourth floor of the illusion, the point of no return.

He didn't go to the Great World to get equipment appraisal, because he found that just entering would consume ingots.

It's better to go there after accumulating more, because he heard that the players over there have warehouses in the city, so he can get more at one time.

Of course, he didn't improve anything else.

Currently, his strength is enough for him to be used on the current map.

It only took a few swords to kill the leader of the Demonic Dragon of Darkness, but he still wanted to kill an airplane?

In the past two days, Yujie, Feng Yingxiu, Wolf King Totem and the former Xie Yi have improved a lot.

They have hatched all the ordinary monster pets and upgraded them all.

At the same time, I learned the Execution Magic, reached 5 points on the Lucky Necklace, and hatched and upgraded the Fantasy Dryad and Fantasy Touch Dragon God pets respectively.

It is very simple to do this. Everyone only needs to sell two fantasy tree demon souls, and then get some tree demon souls each. It is enough.

Of course, Qin Sheng would not be stingy about this.

With his current explosion rate and monster spawning speed, he can spawn at least 150 or more Illusion Dryads and more than 100 Illusion Touching Dragon Gods every day at the Source of All Evil.

To gain so much, of course he had to promote others.

The stronger your teammates are, the faster they kill monsters!

Yujie was okay and just followed him to pick up things.

But Feng Yingxiu, the former Yan Yi and the Wolf King Totem were each played on the map above the north of the third floor of the fantasy world.

They haven't made a map for a long time, and they just have to cover the wall of fire, burn monsters, and keep picking up things. This all requires strong strength.

In addition to these enhancements, all three of them are also qualified for the title of Demonic Dragon Warrior!

It has an explosion rate of 300% and a corpse whipping weapon!

This greatly improves their efficiency in farming mobs and exploding souls!

On the other side, Dongfang Bubai, Favorite Xinbao and others also all matched up with the title of Dragon Warrior and corpse-whipping weapons.

This also increases their soul-refreshing speed a lot.

It's a pity that they haven't reached level 60 yet, otherwise the strength of the monster souls would skyrocket immediately due to these arrangements.

In addition to these teammates, my wife is also making rapid progress.

She is already level 52 and has entered the source of all evil!

At the same time, she put on the level 50 flame magic clothes that Qin Sheng gave her.

This fearless lone wolf and others were stunned!

I don’t know where Lin Shuya’s flame equipment came from.

When they asked about their doubts,

Lin Shuya smiled and replied: "I said that my husband and I can communicate across the mainland. Do you believe the equipment he gave me in private?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

After being stunned for a while, Xinyuehu said happily: "I believe it! Just say that Brother Luangzi gave you this equipment through the air, and I will believe it."

"Don't believe it? Where does this title of Demonic Dragon Warrior come from?" Lin Shuya smiled and showed off the title of Demonic Dragon Warrior.

This confused everyone.

Could it be that the prodigal brother and his wife can really communicate secretly?

And when Lin Shuya gave each of these more than ten brothers a set of flame equipment, everyone was completely shocked!

This kind of high-level 50 equipment can't be exploded even after they fight many bosses.

Only Brother Prodigal had so few of them back then.

But now Lin Shuya took out more than ten sets at once!

And she was brought up with one hand while everyone watched!

I have never seen her fight monsters at all!

Coupled with her weird super-fast leveling speed, she has four professions!

All these things, if she said that no one was helping her secretly, they wouldn't believe it at all!

Unless this sister-in-law is the biological daughter of the person who makes this game!

After everyone was shocked, Shining Yu finally took the lead and laughed: "Haha! It seems that the prodigal brother does have a mysterious connection with his sister-in-law.

From now on, we will follow my sister-in-law's lead and drink spicy food. "

Qiu Feng: "That's right! Quack, quack, quack!"

Light Sky Day: "Haha! That's right!"

Dear Sky: "Plus one!"

Others echoed.

Nowadays, although everyone doubts the origin of these things, no matter how they come from, what does it matter?

This is simply a world without human jurisdiction!

No one cares where your stuff comes from!

They only recognize you if you have it!

Just have it!

Who cares about the rest!

Even if someone thinks there is a problem, what can he do?

Apart from envy, jealousy and hatred, there is nothing you can do!

Therefore, this is the reason why Qin Sheng dares to equip everyone in large quantities.

Next, Yujie took the opportunity to issue Qin Sheng’s instructions:

"Completely occupy the Unknown Dark Palace, Sabak Treasure Pavilion, Dragon Slaying Palace, the eighth floor of the fantasy world, the King's Forbidden Land, the seventh floor of the Bull Demon, the Demon Altar and the Demon's Lair."

Needless to say, the point of no return and the source of all evil must be firmly controlled.

Of course, a place like the Unknown Dark Palace does not mean that it needs to be occupied all day long.

Just clear the place one hour before the Dark Palace Chicken refreshes.

Same goes for Demon Lair and Demon Altar!

As for the players’ tasks, this one is simple!

Anyone doing quests can join their guild, team, or alliance form.

Just stay away when fighting the BOSS.

With super equipment, of course we must firmly control the back garden of District 6.

This is only preliminary.

After Qin Sheng returns to reality this time, give Lin Shuya something more and completely control the old world!

Let the whole old world have only one voice and only one guild!

This is Qin Sheng’s final plan!

My wife's business is developing smoothly, and Qin Sheng's business has also improved.

His daily necessities, etc., are sold very expensively.

At first, many people had the intention of just watching the excitement, and if they could get some free money, it would be a good idea.

But after they tasted it, they were quickly conquered by these delicacies that they had never tasted before.

Whether it is cola, beer, liquor, milk tea, ice cream, spicy strips, instant noodles, chicken feet, delicious dried fish and other high-tech products, they all have a fatal attraction for these people.

This attraction is the same as the meat that Qin Sheng takes out of the game.

In the outside world, people are used to eating high-tech and rugged things, and when they taste the natural delicacy, they regard them as treasures.

In the gaming world, the selling point of these high-tech gadgets is not their materials, but their various tempting flavors!

This is very attractive to them.

This is just like the fried pebbles dish in the outside world, which is to stir-fry pebbles and add various seasonings.

It sells for about ten yuan a serving, just for the taste!

The same reason!

To put it bluntly, the biggest advantage of external food is its various high-tech flavors!

So, even though these things are expensive, there are always people eating and drinking them.

The newcomer is reluctant to eat, but the old man is reluctant to eat it?

Not to mention three meals a day, but it’s good to buy some and try it occasionally.

It can be seen from the income that these things are becoming more and more popular.

On the first day, Qin Sheng only earned 100 diamonds. By the third day, he had earned more than 5,000 diamonds.

And as one spreads to ten, ten spreads to a hundred!

I believe this profit can be greatly increased!

All I can say is that there are too many rich people in this world.

You must know that those masters all have the three major titles of Marfa!

Plus corpse-whipping weapons!

Then if they kill random monsters in the Great Thousand World or another world, even if they don't explode as many as Qin Sheng, they won't be too few.

Killing a monster and exploding a few things always pays off!

Any piece of Thunder series equipment is worth 2,000 diamonds. How can I still have no money for food and drink?

It was precisely after understanding this factor that Qin Sheng dared to set the price so high.

Seeing the business boom, Qin Sheng also began to wonder whether he should sell some in player cities in the world.

Only those who can live in the world are rich!

Take your time first, and after your products have gained a reputation, you can then sell them in the world. You will definitely be able to settle in easily without having to waste much time talking.

This is what happened these two days.

At this time, Qin Sheng was fighting a violent illusion tree demon!

When this thing was about to burn to death, it mutated!

Qin Sheng first got stuck with the corpse-whipping effect.

As a result, beating the violent illusion tree demon is just one blow.

As the violent tree demon falls!

A system prompt sounded immediately!

"The corpse whipping was successful!"

With a ding, two things exploded from the ground!

Violent tree demon soul!

Damn it!

Two of them explode at once!


Before Qin Sheng excitedly stepped forward to pick it up, a white light also lit up!

He finally upgraded!

Unknown Prodigal Son: Level 66, Taoist priest

(Hidden professions: Mage, Warrior, Assassin are only visible to themselves)

Experience value: 23465-28 billion

Fortunately, the experience value still increased by 500 million and 500 million.

Qin Sheng happily picked up two violent illusion tree demons, and Yu Jie also walked over excitedly.

"Prodigal! You are so awesome!"

"One shot, two shots!"

"Hehe, just so-so!"

Qin Sheng smiled and then looked at the experience value prompt.

While he was talking like this, his wall of fire burned many more illusory tree demons to death.

He wanted to see if the number of wells in the fantasy dryad had decreased.

After all, it used to be that as the level increased, the experience points gained became less and less.

Fortunately, not really!

This made him feel at ease. At least he could level up one more level in this source of all evil!

Not long after, the Demon Dragon Palace was refreshed again.

Qin Sheng was sent to fight the BOSS again!

After the beating, everyone finished dividing the spoils. At this time, Tang Ruoxuan came over.

He smiled on the team channel and said, "Look what this is?"

Everyone took a closer look and were instantly surprised.

Donghuang Taiyi: "Damn it! Demonic Dragon Warrior Soul! When did you explode?"

"Hehe, just now, I picked it up." Tang Ruoxuan said with a proud smile.

Lemon is not sour at all: "It's awesome!"

Romantic Noble: "This one soul is worth all my equipment!"

Everyone is talking about it!

"Haha! Prodigal! You use it first!" Tang Ruoxuan traded it to Qin Sheng.


Qin Sheng was not polite and accepted it.

The opponent wasn't level 60 yet, so of course he used it first.

It is estimated that even if he reaches 60, he will be provided first.

call out!

Qin Sheng returned to Magic Dragon City and went straight to the pet master.

After asking about the evolution price of the violent illusion tree demon, Qin Sheng was completely shocked!

"One hundred thousand soul points!!!"

It actually costs 100,000!

Fortunately, he originally had a lot left, but in the past few days, everyone has exploded a lot, and even the elite explosions of Tang Ruoxuan and his men have been concentrated in his hands.

So hatching this is no problem.

Decompose ordinary monster souls!


After the hatching was successful, Qin Sheng happily went up to check the equipment.

Raging Dryad (Pet):

Attack 0-200,

Magic 0-200,

Taoism 0-200,

Defense 0-200,

Magic defense 0-200,

Increase physical strength by 100%,

Add 200 to metallicity,

Add 200 to the wood attribute,

Increase ice attribute by 200,

The earth attribute is increased by 200,

Wind attribute increases by 200,

Thunder attribute increases by 200,

Damage increased by 100%

Damage reduction increased by 60%,

Critical hit rate increased by 2%,

Increase critical hit resistance by 2%,

Accuracy is increased by 150, agility is increased by 150, and magic dodge is increased by 150%.

(Can be upgraded 22 times)

"Kneel down and beg for a monthly ticket"

Thanks to: The future 2D boss for the reward of 120,000 starting coins! ! 》

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Good night!

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