I can travel into the legendary game

There are too many things going on today, so I’m going to take a day off, sorry!

As title.

I go back to the village early in the morning and instruct the excavator master to do what he wants to do, but I have to keep an eye on him for fear of digging too much, among other things.

Alas, I was busy until around 12 noon.

I went to the city at around two o'clock in the afternoon to pick up the children.

As a result, there were so many students that I couldn't get a taxi. I didn't get on the bus until 6 p.m.

Because I was not at home in the afternoon, the decoration master directed the excavator and other things throughout the process.

I treated someone to a meal in the evening and thanked them, and I just came back now.

I really don’t have time to write...

I should be able to update normally tomorrow, I will try my best to write more to make up for today’s loss.

Thank you again for your support, no need to wait today, go to bed early, good night.

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