Legendary game world, on the third floor of the Ice and Snow Temple...

Qin Sheng, Yu Jie, Dongfang Bubai, An Ji Zhen Luemeng and others met the Ice and Snow Queen here!

This Snow Queen is so fierce!

Although she is slim and beautiful,

But she held a huge golden hammer that was taller than herself, and hammered everyone crazily!

Every time the hammer is hammered out, a golden halo will ripple out!

Everyone within a hundred meters lost blood one after another!

And this is not the most perverted thing!

The most perverted thing is that this golden ripple also has a freezing effect!

The probability is extremely high!

That guy, not to mention being frozen every time, but one of the two attacks was definitely frozen!

This high frequency of freezing made everyone angry, but there was nothing they could do about it.

In the past, when everyone beat the Snow Queen, they would sneak around her, shout one, two, three secretly, and kill her instantly.

And now, because I have to wait for Qin Sheng’s final blow,

So we can't do this anymore and wait for Qin Sheng to explode something good.

But, this way, it will be difficult to kill!

At this moment, Anji Zhenluo Meng shouted: "Prodigal! Silence her! Silence her!"

"I know! What a shame! She froze me as soon as I landed on the ground!"

Qin Sheng is adding blood in the distance at this time!

He tried to teleport several times, but the Snow Queen's big hammer moved too fast!

It is estimated that there are about 20 attacks per second!

In other words, she hit the sledgehammer 20 times in one second!

There are 20 freezing opportunities!

The freezing effect is not impressive!

As soon as Qin Sheng teleported to her, he was frozen by her and couldn't be touched at all!

It’s useless to fly through the air!

Because the golden ripples are not a circle, but spread towards the entire space!

He shouted simply:

"Everyone, please exit first and let her calm down!"

Boo hoo hoo…

Everyone retreated far away!

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the Snow Queen finally calmed down!

"Just wait, Anji Zhenluemeng and I will go and kill you! Boss, after you are frozen, fly away by yourself, don't let her keep using her big moves!"

After Qin Sheng gave the instructions, he and Anji Zhenluemeng secretly teleported to the Ice Queen.

The two shouted one, two, three, and started at the same time!

An Ji Zhenluo Meng didn't dare to use the assassin combo, he was afraid of beating the Snow Queen to death.

He just did a Sky-Opening Slash, but the Snow Queen went crazy!

Now it's also a Kaitian Slash, which is okay, and it still has half of its health!

He didn't do anything again! Fly directly!

There's no point in staying!

At the same time, Qin Sheng simply assassinated him!

Click, click, click...

The Snow Queen was not paralyzed, frozen, or silenced!

Instead, he was hammered crazily by the opponent's huge hammer!

Qin Sheng seemed to hear a voice among the banging noises.


"Eighty!" "Eighty!!!"

Qin Sheng quickly teleported away, and after the Ice and Snow Queen couldn't find the target and calmed down, she went over to assassinate her and add combos!

After going back and forth several times, I finally killed her!

The corpse whipping was successful!

With a jingle, a large amount of equipment potions and some souls fell on the ground.

There are more than 9,000 items, which would dazzle a normal person’s eyes!

What's annoying is that no one in the distance can clearly see what happened.

After two bells, the prodigal son had picked up everything.

"Holy shit!!!"

Players who saw this artifact for the first time couldn't help but complain!

Others just take it for granted!

Next, Qin Sheng shared the advanced equipment and souls with everyone.

Seeing the Ice and Snow Queen's soul, Qin Sheng's eyes moved slightly and asked: "Is this queen's pet more powerful?"

"This pet must be awesome! Hehe! You must keep one, quack quack..." Anji Zhen smiled very cutely.

His wives immediately roared at him and smashed the output.

Yujie, Feng Yingxiu and Dongfang Bubai also gave Qin Sheng a blank look.

What is this man thinking?

Can't you see the three of us?

Still thinking about the Snow Queen?

Qin Sheng laughed, he was just asking.

There are no additional ideas.

Next, Qin Sheng and others spent more than half an hour in the Ice and Snow Temple, and finally completed the task here.

Then, they came to the door of another map with a whoosh.

Temple of Taichu!

This temple was built opposite Taichu City, facing each other from a distance.

From the outside, it looks extremely majestic!

The walls are carved with countless runes and various strange patterns.

After Qin Sheng took a few glances, he followed An Ji Zhen Luemeng inside.


Qin Sheng appeared in a palace, which still looked similar to the Flame Palace in the Demon Sealing Valley.

It’s just that the palace scenery and decoration are different.

Upon entering, Qin Sheng and others immediately encountered a large number of monsters.

Taichu warrior, Taichu mage, Taichu guard, Taichu marksman, Taichu divine beast...

These monsters attack everyone crazily!

Qin Sheng, Anji Zhenluemeng and his wives are fine and can handle it.

But Yujie, Feng Yingxiu and the others were killed instantly without any surprise!

Taking advantage of the moment when the three people were resurrected, Qin Sheng, Anji Zhenluemeng and others took action one after another!

Meteors and fire rained down like crazy...

These Taichu monsters were immediately killed!

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of equipment potions fell on the ground, and were picked up by Qin Sheng and others in the blink of an eye.

This made Anji Zhen's cute wives' eyes turn red!

They all shouted:

"Prodigal son! If you have that artifact that picks up things, you must give priority to us!"

"That's right! Brother prodigal son, you must remember that my husband is rich!"

Qin Sheng: "Haha! Definitely!"

An Ji Zhen was speechless for a while, but he was still very happy when he heard Qin Sheng said yes.

It would be really cool to be able to switch to an artifact that can be picked up over a large area.

After instantly killing the surrounding monsters, Yujie, Feng Yingxiu and the others finally stood firm.

"Prodigal son, it's really dangerous to follow you." Dongfang Bubai complained.

"Haha! It's okay, I have a lot of experience! I'm almost upgraded!" Yujie pursed her lips and smiled.

Nowadays, there are romantic nobles, Memories of the Past and Lemons Are Not Sour at All in Leiyan Cave.

And those people are also very strong, so it’s effortless to brush them!

Therefore, the three of them were liberated.

Follow Qin Sheng for a walk to gain experience.

Qin Sheng also left them alone.

After all, he now has a good relationship with the big guys in the Eternal Alliance. All the equipment they buy at the BOSS House, except the top-notch ones, will be given to him.

It’s okay not to give it.

Tang Ruoxuan and Wolf King Totem were lying there, teleporting people, picking up things along the way.

Who can pick it up faster than the two of them?

Therefore, Qin Sheng naturally had no objection to the fact that the three girls wanted to follow him to see what they were doing.

Next, since there was no one from the Alliance of Kings to cause trouble, Qin Sheng kept killing monsters himself and revealed more things.

Anji Zhenluemeng and his five wives hold the battle!

Yujie and the others shouted to come on, listened to music, drank Sprite, and nibbled on melon seeds, not to mention how comfortable they were...

Killing the monsters here is not difficult for Qin Sheng, it only takes seconds anyway.

However, I heard that after entering the Holy Realm, the difficulty of monsters has increased a lot.

Although it's not as good as the monsters in the BOSS house, they can't be killed casually.

As long as Qin Sheng completes his reincarnation in the Taichu Realm, he can enter the God Realm.

Behind the God Realm is the Holy Realm!

There are still two big maps, so you can catch up with big guys like them!

Just thinking about Qin Sheng makes me a little excited!

But in fact, Qin Sheng felt that he might be able to catch up with the big guys without going to the Holy World.

Because his various artifacts have many bonuses, they can make up for it a lot.

If the Thunder Flame Divine Cave is not discovered, Qin Sheng feels that at most he can be almost as good as those people after entering the God Realm and equipping himself with equipment.

But there's a problem!

That's the matter with the golden attribute scroll!

The evasion rate of these bosses is also quite high!

Qin Sheng can hit the nine-star vice president, but he is not sure about these big guys!

The specifics will only become clear later.

Next, Qin Sheng and An Ji Zhenluo Meng and a few others were farming monsters in Taichu Temple. If there were elite monsters, they would be farming them. If there were no elite monsters, they would be farming ordinary monsters.

It brushes very quickly...

And ordinary monsters can also produce ice and snow equipment, and elite monsters can also produce Taichu equipment...

But the higher-level divine equipment and sacred equipment cannot be exploded yet!

You have to defeat the violent BOSS or above here to explode!

Qin Sheng is not in a hurry at this point, just take your time. Anyway, if you keep brushing, there will always be something.

Not long after, Qin Sheng and the others were teleported to the fifth floor by people from Mocheng!

The BOSS here has been refreshed!

Taichu Emperor!

The style of the Taichu Emperor is so cool!

Wearing the hazy Taichu Divine Armor, wearing a golden cloak, and holding the Taichu Emperor Spear!

Twenty pairs of wings spread out behind him, which was very oppressive!

As for his fighting ability...

With the experience of the Ice and Snow Queen, Qin Sheng asked first.

Anji Zhen smiled slightly and said:

"His normal attacks all have range attacks, and the number of attacks per second is 22!"

This makes Qin Sheng’s eggs hurt!

After everyone discussed it for a while, they still used the old method.

Anji Zhenluemeng went over to chop him a few times first, hacking Taichu Emperor half to death, and left the rest to Qin Sheng himself to beat slowly.

It’s said that you should fight slowly, but it’s not too slow!

Qin Sheng went back and forth, and it took less than a minute to empty out the remaining blood!

There was a tinkling sound and it exploded!

There was no whipping corpse this time, but the explosion was still very powerful.

There are several pieces of ice and snow equipment and Taichu Divine Equipment...

The most important souls are naturally many.

After defeating this BOSS, it will be easy to deal with. Qin Sheng and the others will go around killing elite monsters in Taichu Temple. If there are none, they will kill ordinary monsters to complete the mission...

After more than three hours, Qin Sheng's mission was finally completed!

Later, he returned to the city excitedly and completed his reincarnation!

Seven turns completed!

The added attributes after completion are still the same as before, this seems to be fixed.

Qin Sheng was so excited that he took out new equipment and put it on!

Eternal Life Bracelet (hemp):

Attack 800-100, magic 800-1000, Taoism 800-1000, defense 800-1000, magic defense 800-1000.

Accuracy +900, Agility +900

Hidden properties:

1, damage increased by 300%, 2, skills increased by 300%,

3. Defense and magic defense are increased by 250%. 4. Damage reduction is increased by 220%. 5, Accuracy adds 900, 6, Agility adds 900.

7. Magic evasion increases by 3500%. 8. Increase physical strength by 90%.

9. The number of gems that can be inlaid is 13.

10, blood-stealing increases by 35%, 12, elemental attributes increase by 90%.

Resurrection Ring (full)...

Identify attributes...

Precious stones……

Required level: level 86, turn 7

Note: It is said that after wearing this equipment, you can live forever... After all, it is just the fantasy of the world...

The properties of immortality equipment are much stronger than the previous reincarnation equipment.

After Qin Sheng put on the four sets of immortality equipment, his strength increased greatly again!

But he was actually dressed a little awkwardly.

Why do you say this?

Because of the previous reincarnation equipment, he only replaced it after passing it on for six or seven hours.

This immortality equipment may be replaced after six or seven hours.

But there is no other way, not even if I don’t wear it!

Because after you enter an advanced map, if you don’t wear good equipment, no one will pity you if you die.

After replacing these equipment, Qin Sheng gave four more ultimate dark temple weapons (gods), all of which were enchanted with the Immortal Sword!

After finishing this, he came to Miss Pet Sister again and started hatching pets!

Although there are many monster souls in Taichu Realm, Qin Sheng has already collected them all in the past few hours!

In fact, it is easiest for him to collect monster souls now!

As long as you kill the monster souls you encounter, about 20 souls will explode!

The demand for the Demonic Beast Illustrated Book was instantly filled!

And what kind of monster can’t be encountered in six or seven hours?

Even the elite monsters have been brushed!

Therefore, Qin Sheng has not encountered any other Taichu monster souls except Violence and Ultimate!

As for the ordinary soul, he had previously sold some old-age phone radios, etc., and made a huge profit!

In addition to selling titles, selling monster souls from Thunder Flame Cave, etc., he now has no shortage of monster souls!

So, he hatched like crazy for a while!

He defeated all the pets in the Taichu Realm, except for the violent and ultimate ones!

As for the violent and ultimate ones, he actually has some, and that's all in exchange.

The same hatching is done!

The improvement was not over yet, Qin Sheng improved the soul bone again!

With the addition of these things, Qin Sheng's strength skyrocketed again!

Then, he was thinking, where should he go now?

Keep recycling equipment, it’s not enough for now!

I upgraded twice before and recovered all the equipment!

Although he had gained a lot in these six or seven hours, it would definitely not be enough if Qin Sheng wanted to upgrade two levels in a row to be reincarnated!

As for upgrading to a level first, Qin Sheng didn't want to summon Tang Ruoxuan and the others back.

So, he returned to the second floor of the BOSS house and continued to kill monsters with everyone!

Yujie, Feng Yingxiu and Dongfang Bubai went to the reincarnation world to kill monsters.

Yujie said: "Let's go get you some equipment and gain experience, haha!"

Qin Sheng: "Okay! Remember to bring the blessing necklace! Otherwise they may sneak attack you!"


At this time, Qin Sheng returned to the second floor of BOSS House.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately noticed the changes in the team.

Everyone is still in that crack!

There are already more than twenty people who can hold on to the monsters for a while longer!

Therefore, Xianchen Moran always brings in seven or eight monsters!

A group of people attacking collectively can paralyze or freeze many monsters in an instant.

After finishing a circle, step back a little further and let those people carry it!

They took the time to go over and kill for a while, then got out of the way!

But this is still very dangerous. From time to time, the monster will focus its fire and kill you instantly!

But everyone is still enjoying it!

Because they are not afraid!

There are people who help pick up the equipment, and there are people who are responsible for transporting them here for free. What are they afraid of?

As soon as Qin Sheng came back, everyone felt more relaxed...

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