I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 638 Fierce! Kill the BOSS instantly!

Legendary game, in Hongmeng world...

Qin Sheng once again sneaked in and followed the God Clan Princess and others to practice leveling in the suburbs.

When someone takes him, he is not in a hurry to do it himself. He just bribes the God Clan princess and others with various drinks and snacks from time to time.

For example, milk tea, sansho chicken feet, duck neck, duck intestines, spicy strips, ham sausage, etc...

Although these things contain a lot of high technology, it is undeniable that they taste really amazing.

In the outside world, many people may not dare to eat these things because they are afraid of various high technologies, but what does it matter in the game world?

Can you still eat and lose blood?

Therefore, even Shuya, who has never been interested in these high-tech products, couldn't stop talking after entering the game.

Even people who eat in the real world from time to time can't resist the temptation of this delicious food. How can the princess of the gods and others resist it?

The delicate little mouth of the princess of the gods never stopped, chewing chicken feet for a while, and devouring ham for a while.

He also licked his fingers from time to time, making Shen Feiyu and others look a little dumbfounded.

Princess, where is your image?

However, they saw the God Clan princess sweeping the crowd with milk tea. Everyone quickly looked down at the flowers and plants on the ground, and looked up at the sky.

Didn't see it, didn't see it at all...

Swallowing ham sausage in her mouth, the princess of the God Clan asked hesitantly:

"Prodigal, your human things are really good."

Just by eating these delicious snacks, the God Clan princess feels like she is leading the prodigal son to level up.

Otherwise, where can I enjoy it?

Qin Sheng laughed loudly: "Haha, we have countless delicacies in the world. If you come to my place another day, I will treat you to all the delicacies in the world."

"Okay! Okay! You said it, don't cheat!" The God Clan princess's eyes widened when she heard that there were more delicious food.

Qin Sheng laughed secretly when he saw it. It's okay if you have needs, but I'm afraid you don't have desires.

Next, Qin Sheng simply lay down on the grass and slept.

There's no need for him to fight monsters anyway.

Basically nothing explodes...

This made the God Clan princess feel a little itchy, but this guy really enjoyed it.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Sheng was upgraded again.

Unknown Prodigal Son: Level 6 Saint

Experience value: 2-100000

I have 100,000 experience points, and I want to upgrade, but it’s a lot slower.

Just when everyone was envious of Qin Sheng's rapid leveling up, Mo Zhentian appeared around them with the demon princess, witch and others.

"Old Demon, what do you want to do?" the God Clan Princess asked coldly.

Mo Zhentian didn't say anything, he just frowned and looked at the wall of fire all over the mountains and plains.

After a moment of silence, he said coldly:

"I just asked the Machine King, they didn't take the unknown prodigal son to level up."

The princess of the God Clan smoothed her hair and said, "Oh, you believe it when he says he didn't bring it with him. But you don't believe it when I say he didn't bring it with him?"

"Of course I don't believe it, your mouth betrayed you." Mo Zhentian said with a cold tone, staring at the ham in the mouth of the demon princess.

"What? We can't even eat something? Do we still need you to take care of us?" the God Clan princess said back with a guilty conscience.

The witch then answered: "Haha, I specially sent people to sneak around and watch you leveling up here. We have never seen you eat these things before.

Is this a human thing? "

Shen Feiyu spoke helpfully: "What a joke, do you still need to take care of the things we brought from the Protoss? You guys are so free."

The demon princess looked around and said, "The unknown prodigal son must be here. Otherwise, why would you, the god princess, be needed to take care of a new guy?"

After saying that, she just stared into the eyes of the God Clan princess.

He seemed to want to see something in her eyes.

The God Clan princess rolled her eyes at her,

"It's a joke, what virtue and ability is there for an unknown prodigal, and I, a saint from the divine race, need to take care of him personally?

The new guy I brought is my relative. Is it abnormal for me to bring him? "

When everyone heard it, they felt that it was indeed true.

While deep in thought, the God Clan Princess added: "Besides, you have also seen that his level has risen too fast.

Where do I need to take it?

I can't do it either.

If you want to fight, I will accompany you. If you don’t want to fight, get out! "

Having said this, the demon princess and others looked at each other.

Although it feels like the unknown prodigal is here, it's useless if he can't find him.

"What should I do?" the witch asked in the demon team.

“Let’s go, we can’t find him, are we really going to fight with this crazy woman?

Not suitable now. "

Mo Zhentian shook his head, "The Machine Tribe doesn't know whether they are telling the truth or lies.

Forget it, there is only one nameless prodigal.

It is impossible for the Gods to go to war with us because of him. "

After finishing speaking, he said to the princess of the God Clan:

"What the hell! You'd better tell the truth. Otherwise, we'll kill you until you can't leave the city! Hmph!"

Without saying a word, Mo Zhentian took the lead and left.

The demon princess, witch and others also threatened and then flew away.

"Fuck! What the hell! You just know how to come over and spray me randomly! But you don't dare to hit me!"

Shen Feiyu spat on the ground!

Looking around with disdain, he did it deliberately to show the demon spies lurking around.

Sure enough, a voice sounded from the void:

"What the hell, you gods are so awesome! How dare you insult us adults!"

"Haha, I just scolded you! Come and bite me if you don't accept it!" Shen Feiyu looked like he would bite me if he didn't accept it.

The man was so angry that he was shaking all over and wanted to take action to see the princess of the gods. In the end, he flew away.

The Demon Race is in an awkward situation now, being targeted by the Machine Race, and it is indeed difficult to start a war with the God Race.

Even if the unknown prodigal is hiding here, there is no point in staying here if he doesn't come out.

But in fact, even if they find the unknown prodigal here, do they really want to start a war?

Still an unknown...

Seeing the opponent fly away, everyone from the God Clan cheered.

Only the God Clan princess frowned slightly.

The overall strength of the Protoss is still quite different from that of the opponent.

And this affects not only the game world, but also the outside world.

She knows very well how terrifying a player in the top game world is to the outside world.

If you can't catch up with the other party, the impact will be too great.

It would be miserable if the other party came to the outside world of the God Clan in the future.

Therefore, while she was desperately trying to catch up, she also arranged for people to be in their holy world to lead players to level up and so on.

I hope the number will catch up soon...

Qin Sheng watched a good show, but fortunately there was no fight in the end.

It seems that this protoss really risked his life for himself.

After thanking the God Clan Princess and others, Qin Sheng could only take out a bunch of food to express his gratitude.

At this moment, the princess of the God Clan, who was smiling and eating spicy strips, suddenly changed her face and looked a little ugly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Sheng asked smoothly.

The God Clan Princess said: "I just received news that the Demon Clan just killed some of our people elsewhere. Fortunately, the equipment was not exploded."

"Ah, they want to start a war with you?" Qin Sheng asked.

The God Clan Princess shook her head, "No, it should be a normal fight, but it could also be revenge for just now."

"A normal fight?" Qin Sheng was stunned.

"Yes. Although we usually don't go to full-scale war with each other, there will be conflicts. Small-scale fights are normal."

Qin Sheng nodded, he understood.

This is equivalent to the original Alliance of Kings and the Eternal Alliance.

Next, Qin Sheng chatted with the God Clan Princess and the others to pass the time.

I learned a lot of information here.

For example, the mechanical tribe.

This race has a large number of people here, and it will attack anyone it doesn't like.

Last time we hammered the Gods, this time we hammered the Demons.

And because of the opposition between gods and demons, the gods and demons will not join forces to deal with the machines.

Therefore, they are more unscrupulous.

However, they controlled it very well and did not push a race to a desperate situation.

In this way, the two races of gods and demons will not join forces.

"Have you ever been to the plane of the mechanical tribe?" Qin Sheng suddenly asked this question.

The God Clan princess said solemnly: "I've been there before. Their technology is terrible and can fight us. We can't do anything to them, and they don't dare to cross the line."

"What? Has their technology developed to the point where they can compete with your Gods?" Qin Sheng exclaimed.


"Then why not stop their development before they rise?" Qin Sheng asked.

When these words came out, Qin Sheng felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the God Clan princess glanced at him and said: "Each race has its own way of survival. We God Clan controls all worlds, so we naturally respect every life."

Qin Sheng gave her a thumbs up.

But I don't feel sure in my heart.

He remembered reading a novel written by a great god, which explained the principles of the dark forest law of the universe.

It makes no sense, the Gods would just sit back and watch the Machine Race grow to the point of threatening them.

Besides, there are only those planes in the universe, and resources are limited.

Therefore, there must be something I don't understand.

Of course, he didn't ask stupidly.

It's just that I have a new understanding of the power of the mechanical race.

Chatting, fighting monsters, eating...

Qin Sheng played beautiful music again, which made the divine princess extremely happy.

She just loves listening to music, which makes her like Qin Sheng even more.

More than eight hours passed in the blink of an eye, and a white light rose!

Qin Sheng has been upgraded again!

Saint level 7!

The next level of experience requires 120,000 experience points!

Keep brushing...

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that a Hongmeng divine bracelet finally came out.

"You're lucky. I only took you to farm for two days and I got a piece of equipment."

The God Clan Princess, who was a little tired, picked it up happily with her eyes lit up.

"Haha, congratulations!"

Qin Sheng was delighted and was once again speechless at the explosive rate here...

Judging from the happy look, it probably takes them several days to produce a piece of equipment.

The God Clan Princess did not give this piece of equipment to Qin Sheng, and Qin Sheng did not say anything.

Others have already given him two items, so what else does he need?

It wasn't until six o'clock in the morning that Qin Sheng upgraded again.

Level 8 Saint!

The next level of experience requires 150,000!

Qin Sheng felt that the speed was still a bit slow, but the God Clan princess and others were already shocked to the point of numbness!

In just two days, the nameless prodigal son was promoted from a level 1 saint to a level 8 saint.

This kind of improvement, even with their help, would be terrifying!

If they had been leveling up on their own before, they wouldn't have been able to move up within half a year.

"Are you still going on?" the God Clan princess asked after feeling envious.

"No, you guys should take a rest."

Qin Sheng returned to the human continent.

The God Clan princess and others don’t have to go back to take care of others, because they have someone to take care of them.

But Qin Sheng couldn't do it. He had to quickly bring a few people over to strengthen the team.

As soon as he came back, he saw Xianchen Moran, Tang Ruoxuan and others already waiting.

"Let's go, I'll take you on a mission, haha."

Qin Sheng waved his hand with a smile, and in an instant, everyone was teleported to the holy world.

In the past two days, Xianchen Moran and the others set fire to a large area like crazy to upgrade, and finally reached level 108.

As for Tang Ruoxuan and Yujie, because they have the function of recycling scrolls, the entire guild is supplying them with equipment in large quantities, and there are bosses who lead tasks.

Although they have not caught up with Xianchen Moran's progress, they have already reached the fourth level of the Holy Realm, level 102.

Xingye's sadness is far from that.

Although someone has brought it, it has no recycling function, and there is no double experience scroll. His level has only just reached level 91.

It's really hard to catch up with others.

And those who love Xinbao, Chixiao, Lemon is not sour at all, Zhou Xiangbo, Donghuang Taiyi, Romantic Noble, Fengxue, Yun Feifan and others are much higher than Xingye's Sadness.

Because Qin Sheng gave them automatic recycling scrolls after going online today.

With this thing and the support of the guild, their level has improved extremely quickly.

Directly reached level 98!

It is only one step away from level 100.

At this time, everyone came, some to do tasks, and some to witness Qin Sheng's strength.

Qin Sheng didn't have any ink marks either, so he entered the Dark Holy Land first.

Countless monsters around him hit him, but they didn't lose any health at all.

With a casual blow, all the monsters in the holy world were killed instantly.

Countless equipment potions exploded on the ground...

After picking up the sound of the bell, Qin Sheng did not continue to kill the mobs here. After several teleports, he came to the last floor.

When we arrived not far from the BOSS, we cleared an open space and teleported everyone else over.

"Haha! Prodigal son, can you kill him instantly?" Yuku Wu Lei asked.

Romantic Aristocrat: "Yes, can you kill it instantly?"

How ridiculously gentle: "It's hard to tell. Didn't he say he has the power of more than 30 saints?"

Lonely Snake: "But with the power of more than thirty saints, it's impossible to kill him instantly, right?

After all, there are thousands of us, and we still have to fight for a few minutes. "

"I don't know, but the little monster can do it in seconds!"

"Let's see."

Qin Sheng chuckled, and then he teleported to the BOSS.

Cold! Open the sky and slash! Assassin combo...

Follow the clone, Yue Ling, and do a combo...

The BOSS fell in response!

Damn it!

What an instant kill!

Everyone was stunned!

Qin Sheng himself was shocked!

It can really kill instantly!

After the shock, Bai Chan frowned and said, "It doesn't make sense. A few minutes of attack by thousands of us can't compare to the power of more than 30 saints of yours?"

When everyone heard this, they also felt it was unreasonable.

Qin Sheng smiled at this time and said: "Hey, I feel that the power of the saint should have an extra bonus on the monsters here."

Extra bonus?

Everyone was a little confused.

Qin Sheng explained: "Haha, have you forgotten? If the equipment from the New World is brought to the Old World, it will suppress the Old World.

I guess the same is true for this Hongmeng equipment. "

When everyone heard it, it really seemed like that...

Thanks to the big guys for your subscription, reward and vote.

Good night!

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