I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 655 Level 18 Saint! The demon’s decision!

Legendary game, in the world of dragons...

"Wow! This is the world of dragons!"

He Jianhong looked at the huge Demon Dragon City and let out a sigh of relief.

"Haha! Let's go, I'll take you to level up!" Lin Shuya waved his hand.

"Haha! I'll take care of you too!" Feng Yingxiu said with a smile.

"Add one more." Dongfang Bubai was unwilling to lag behind.

It had only been a short day in Dixing, but they already knew He Jianhong's position in Qin Sheng's heart.

The earliest first love!

It can be said that besides Shuya, this is the woman he cares about most.

Therefore, with the arrival of He Jianhong, Feng Yingxiu and Dongfang Bubai must have a good relationship.

As for going to Hongmeng World, it doesn’t matter if you go slowly.

But it is obviously inappropriate for three people to lead one person.

One person is enough!

They don’t even need to take care of them, just make arrangements and someone will take care of them.

They are all the closest people to Qin Sheng, and their cultivation level must not be lowered.

He Jianhong saw this, so she smiled and said: "Thank you, Sister Ya, but you can just ask others to take me.

You should go to Hongmeng World as soon as possible. If you have a high level of cultivation, you won’t hold him back. "

"Okay, then I'll arrange for a few people to take you."

Lin Shuya thought about it for a moment and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Even though there may seem to be a lot of husband’s brothers, people like myself are the ones my husband trusts the most.

So, after some discussion, they called the Romantic Noble, Wolf King Totem, Mu Shui and others to come over and bring He Jianhong.

The romantic nobles and others are already over level 100 and are about to complete all tasks.

With them taking care of He Jianhong, there would be no problem at all.

They went to Hongmeng World.

At this time, many more people went to Hongmeng World.

How ridiculously gentle, lonely Snake, Pale Chant, Ren Tianqu Lei and a group of original top bosses.

All have arrived.

This is all the result of leveling up in a private venue!

A big boss owns a top-level map, and there is a group of people dedicated to helping him fight monsters.

This upgrade speed is naturally accelerated countless times!

Even though I didn’t have double the experience, I was still rushed by them!

After all, their original level was not low.


Lin Shuya and everyone came to Hongmeng World, but Qin Sheng did not come to pick them up.

Because he set fire to the monsters on the third floor of Hongmeng Holy Land. If you leave, the flames will go out and you will have to set fire again.

Anyway, it doesn't matter that I see my wife every day and can talk to her at any time.

It was Shen Feiyu who came to pick up Lin Shuya and the others.

This time, he will bring some gods to lead Lin Shuya and the others...

On the other side...

Qin Sheng continued to level up with the God Clan Princess and the others...

In the blink of an eye, a few hours later, Qin Sheng hadn't upgraded yet, and Yujie and the others had already reached level 15 first.

Therefore, Yujie and Tang Ruoxuan also joined Qin Sheng's upgrade army.

It's just that Qin Sheng has to work harder to upgrade and set more fire walls outside.

The territory continues to expand!

Actually, just put the wall of fire once and it will burn for a long time.

"That's yours."

When Yujie and the others arrived, Qin Sheng threw them a lot of Hongmeng equipment.

Yujie just made four sets first, so take them with you first.

I'll change it to the Pangu God outfit later.

Seeing the arrival of Yujie and the others, the God Clan princess and others were thoughtful.

The human race is too scary!

They upgraded with 13x experience scrolls provided by the unknown prodigal son, which is simply beyond imagination!

Plus the prodigal’s explosion rate!

If this continues, the human race's high-end combat power will soon surpass them.

And the human race’s population is a hundred times theirs!

Yes, humans can give birth!

Compared with the gods and demons, they can give birth to too many children!

This is another reason why the gods and demons have been coming to Hongmeng World for so long, but there are still not many people.

In addition to the news just received, more than twenty human races have entered the Hongmeng world.

Including the original people, there are more than thirty people.

Super high explosion rate!

Unexplainable PK function!

There are so many people!

Therefore, they concluded that the human race would soon take a dominant position here.

In the blink of an eye, a few hours later, Qin Sheng finally upgraded again.

Unknown Prodigal Son: Saint level 18.

Experience value: 688-1500000

The experience value has increased a lot again.

But that’s not a big deal, you’ll catch up soon.

On the other side...

After finding out that the unknown prodigal son's level had been upgraded to level 18, everyone in the demon clan fell silent.

After a while, someone said anxiously:

"We can't continue to let the nameless prodigal son level up like this! He's growing up too fast!"

"What nonsense! Of course I know it! But tell me, how do we need to solve it?" Mo Zhentian said a little frantically.

No one dares to answer this!

Because I don’t know how to answer…

The current situation is that they are mortal enemies with the human race and the god race!

There is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation!

In the past, they could still overwhelm the Gods!

Now that the human race has come up, the gods have all stood up!

The most hateful thing is,

You clearly know that the human race is developing super fast, but you can't stop it!

This damn experience is beyond words.

Just like their demon clan has an incurable disease but cannot cure it, and can only die slowly in pain before their eyes...

If the unknown prodigal son continues to develop like this, he will soon surpass them...

It makes them anxious...

"I don't think we can sit still and wait for death..." the demon princess gritted her teeth.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Mo Zhentian asked.

"Let's contact the Machine Clan first. See if we can join forces to suppress the unknown prodigal.

If that doesn't work, we will launch a holy war against the gods and humans in advance!

First destroy the body of the unknown prodigal! "


Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Holy war, that is, a full-scale war with the gods in reality!

As for the human race, they never paid attention to it before.

Even some of the top masters of the human race have cultivated all the way to the realm of gods and entered the world of gods.

But there are still very few...

Imagine, among many mortals, one qualified practitioner can be found?

How many cultivators can become immortals?

How many immortals can become gods?

This probability is extremely rare.

Therefore, the demons have always looked down upon the human race...

But now the demon princess actually includes the human race, which means that she has raised them to an equal level.

Just because of the nameless prodigal!

In the past, demons used demonic energy to slowly transform into demons and assimilate all the heavens and worlds...

But if the holy war starts, it will be a frontal attack!

Obviously, the demon princess wanted to go to the outside world to destroy the body of the nameless prodigal before the human race completely rose up.

In this way, the physical body is gone, and the nameless prodigal son naturally ceases to exist.

They no longer have to worry or be afraid.

It’s just that the stakes are too high to launch a jihad.

After all, the Protoss is not a vegetarian either.

What's more, there is a mechanical tribe that is eyeing him!

In the end, Mo Zhentian made the final decision:

"I'll go talk to the Machine King first and see what they say first..."

"Notice: The new book is about returning to the place where the legendary dream began in 2001. It has been signed and will be uploaded around the 25th. We will notify you then.

The book will be completed this month.

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