Legend, in the mine outside Beech City...

Seeing the scene of people digging in full swing, Qin Sheng, who was in a great mood, also took out a hoe.

It’s not that he lacks money to mine here, but he just wants to experience it and dig for a while before leaving.

The hoe in his hand was taken from home when he returned to his hometown last time.

At that time, I was wondering whether it could be used for mining in the future.

Now, he is also very curious, can the hoe outside be mined?

He also doesn’t worry about others seeing his hoe differently.

There are so many people here, and many of them use the same style of pickaxe, which is a pickaxe sold in a store.

But there are also hoes for many people, of all kinds.

Qin Sheng guessed that it was probably made randomly by the blacksmith apprentices.

By the way, are the weapons randomly crafted?

Anyway, Qin Sheng hasn’t seen it yet.

After taking out a hoe, Qin Sheng looked left and right, but there was really no place to start.

There are really too many people, and there is not even a little space.

In addition to him looking for a place, there were many players holding hoes milling around. Seeing that there was really no place, they headed inside.

Qin Sheng did not go inside. His goal was not the mining area, but to go to Mengzhong.

Seeing that there was no place left, Qin Sheng turned around and walked out of the cave. After taking a few steps, the man digging next to him suddenly disappeared with a hiss.

Are you returning to the city filled with good stuff? !

Qin Sheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped up and occupied the pit.

He raised the hoe in his hand and dug into the mine wall.


"Ding dong! You have entered mining mode. You can choose to mine automatically or stop mining."

Automatic mining... thinking silently...

Qin Sheng's character automatically bent down and dug. His posture was standard and he didn't have to think about how to dig.

When I dug, I didn’t feel anything at all. It was like watching someone else dig, and I didn’t feel any tiredness at all.

This is much more convenient...

Qin Sheng began to look around. People around him were chatting. He didn't know anyone, and it was hard to talk to anyone.

While looking around, a system prompt sounded.

"Dingdong, congratulations on getting a silver mine."

How did you find something good so quickly?

Qin Sheng opened the package and looked at it in surprise.

Silver Ore: Quality 10

Note: The ore used to make advanced weapons is very needed by the blacksmith shop owner.

(Games can be brought out)


I wonder how much I can get by selling silver mines directly outside?

It probably won't be too valuable, after all, silver isn't very valuable in the first place.

Thinking about these messy things, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding dong! Congratulations on getting a piece of iron ore."

When he opened it, he saw that it was garbage with purity level 4. Qin Sheng threw it away casually.

After digging for a while, Qin Shenglu found more than ten pieces of ore one after another, all of which were iron ore and copper ore.

Most of them are below purity 5, and there is only one piece of iron ore with purity 10 and one piece of copper ore with purity 10.

Qin Sheng did not continue digging, but planned to leave.

At this moment, a man digging nearby suddenly started shouting.

"Golden pit for sale, 2,000 gold coins. Come here if you want it!"

"I come!"

"I want!"

"I want it!"

As soon as the words fell, the players who were wandering around waiting for mining immediately rushed over.

As a result, this person made a deal with the person at the front and immediately flew away, giving up his position.

Depend on!

I can still sell a place before I leave!

Qin Sheng was stunned.

He followed suit and shouted:

"Gold pit for sale, 2,500 gold coins, come if you want it!"

Sure enough, someone still wanted the extra 500 gold coins.

After Qin Sheng easily obtained 2,500 gold coins, he ran out of the mine.

As soon as I went out,

Click, click, click...

Boo hoo hoo…

Qin Sheng was attacked by five people in an instant!

Two level 14 warriors and three level 12 mages!

Obviously, these people were here to ambush and rob someone on the road.

As a result, something surprising happened to the five people!

All attacks failed!

"Fuck! Is his agility so high?"

"Oh my God! Magic dodge is also high! How is that possible?"

The five guys who robbed looked shocked!

Seeing that he could indeed dodge the opponent's attack, Qin Sheng laughed, put on his bronze ax, raised his hand and hit a mage with a poison spell.

Turn the other party red and green in the blink of an eye!

Then it was a slash.

The blood volume is reduced by 15!

A level 12 mage only has 45 drops of blood!

Instantly cut off one-third of the opponent's health!

"Continue to chop him! I don't believe it anymore!" The leading soldier called on everyone to continue hacking at Qin Sheng.

But no matter how they fight, the opponent just won't lose blood!

On the contrary, the mage who was slashed by Qin Sheng couldn't bear it at first. After being slashed twice, he quickly turned around and ran away.

Qin Sheng is chasing after him!

Four more people were chasing him!

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with him, Qin Sheng didn't bother to chase him.

He has not yet reached level 18 and cannot learn long-range attacks.

Fighting here is a complete waste of time.

Instead of continuing to fight with them, he turned around and ran towards the Viper Valley.

The five robbers looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

He was also too lazy to chase the pervert and returned to the entrance of the mine.

"Boss, how about we go inside and kill the miners? It's a bit difficult to stay here." One of them suggested.

"Idiot! I used to run inside to kill miners, but a group of miners surrounded me."

"oh oh……"

On the other side, Qin Sheng ran for nearly an hour before arriving at the entrance of the Viper Valley.

There are also bow and arrow guards guarding here. What is different from the outside game is that there are six bow and arrow guards here.

The entrance is also much larger.

Qin Sheng swiped and entered the passage. The next moment, his figure flashed and appeared in a huge valley.

The terrain at the entrance is still familiar, but it has become much larger.

There are also six bow and arrow guards here.

After opening the map and looking at it, Qin Sheng felt pain in his balls again.

It takes about an hour to run to the Viper Valley Village from here.

He regretted not checking in Beach City to see if he could teleport directly to Viper Village.

Here, he didn't dare to use randomness, because the Viper Valley was also huge.

Open the map here and check it out. Although it is not as exaggerated as the outskirts of Beach City, if you really fly to a far distance and run back, you will probably not be able to come back for a long time.

The depressed Qin Sheng had no choice but to run to the village.

On this road, there are many people running back and forth.

There are also many people staying in the shade of the trees in groups, obviously waiting for refreshment.

However, those who form a team to spawn monsters here are generally around level 15!

My day!

It seems that the Viper Valley is also overcrowded, otherwise these people would not wait for the refresh near the passage where the refresh is slow.

Qin Sheng ran all the way over, and while he was running, it suddenly refreshed.

A red venomous snake more than two meters long and thick in thigh appeared next to him.

He slashed it with a knife!

The blood volume is reduced by 14!

The red snake bit him, but it bit Lonely.

The skeleton can beat Qin Sheng without losing blood. This snake is lower level than the skeleton. How can it beat Qin Sheng?

He was hacked to death by Qin Sheng with four knives!

After exploding 10 gold coins and stepping on it, Qin Sheng dug up the red snake's body with a thought.

"Dingdong, congratulations on getting a piece of snake meat."

Thank you guys for your votes and rewards!

Good night!

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