I can travel into the legendary game

Chapter 80 Harvest! Tingyucheng

Legend, behind the Zuma Temple, Qin Sheng opened the package to check the harvest.

The first is the pass token for the natural cave, which is the Skull Cave.

He spent nearly 200,000 gold coins on it.

Sell ​​it and get rid of it cheaply. It will definitely be no problem for 180,000 yuan.

Next item,

Light Armor (Male):

Attack 0-1, defense 3-3, magic defense 1-2...

Qin Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally had something good that he could wear.

The cloth he originally wore had 1 attack point and 1 defense point added to it. Compared to this, the defense and magic defense were worse.

So this dress was just right for him to put on.

As for the cloth, I can put it on for my son.

Next item,


Attack 4-12…

He has no use for ordinary weapons, and this one is not intended to be sold to players or stores. It is suitable for family use, so there is no need to buy it.


Yellow crystal necklace:

Taoism 0-1, durability 8-8, weight 1.

Required level: Level 13.

This is an ordinary necklace worn by a Taoist priest. Compared with the gold necklace worn by Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng still prefers to wear a gold necklace.

After all, that thing adds 1 point of attack and 1 point of agility, which is very useful for him now.

However, you can save it for later.

the last one,

Cast iron ring:

Defense 0-2, Magic 0-1, Durability 5-5, Weight 1.

Requires Magic 9.

It's an ordinary thing for a mage. You can throw it to Yujie next time you see her.

After packing these things, Qin Sheng continued to level up.

After practicing for more than an hour, he had to stop.

The parcel slot is full.

His parcel column only has 40 slots. Although some slots were opened before, they were for warehouses.

Now in the package, there are various drinks, people eating, tobacco and alcohol, random teleportation scrolls, as well as the equipment and potions picked up during leveling. The package is full.

He even had no place to put the equipment he acquired later and drank a lot of small potions, but it was still full.

Let’s use the random teleportation scrolls of these parts first.

call out!

Qin Sheng appeared in the forest, still far away from the city.

Fly again!

This time he suddenly landed outside the main entrance of a city.

This city looks about twice as big as Ginkgo Village.

He looked up at the main entrance, which was more than ten meters away, and saw three large gilt characters!

Listen to Yucheng!

at this time,

There are four broadsword guards and four archers at the door, and several Taoist priests are constantly summoning skeletons and mythical beast babies here.

As soon as these mythical beast skeleton babies were summoned, the body of the sword guard next to him suddenly flashed, the sword light flashed, and the mythical beast baby was chopped into nothingness with a roar.

The baby skeleton fell to the ground and turned into a pile of debris.

They are practicing their skills!

As a hardcore player, Qin Sheng could tell what the opponent was doing at a glance.

After the Taoist priest reaches level 19, he can summon a baby skeleton.

The newly summoned skeleton baby has low blood volume and low attack power. It needs to upgrade its skill level to the full level three before it will become powerful.

The mythical beast baby is a Taoist priest's level 35 skill. If you want the mythical beast baby to be powerful, you must upgrade this skill level.

If you want to improve your skills in summoning babies, you have to keep summoning them, and each time you summon them, you will gain some proficiency.

Once their proficiency reaches a certain level, their skill levels can be upgraded.

But in the legend, after the Taoist baby is summoned, it is usually not easy to die.

Therefore, it is difficult for Taoist babies to develop their skills.

Unlike a warrior or a mage, it can continuously increase its proficiency by continuously releasing skills.

Therefore, in the outside computer legend, later players invented the method of summoning skeletons or babies next to the sword guards to practice skills.

There is no room for monsters in the eyes of the sword guards, including Taoist priests' babies, and they will kill them with one knife.

This also resulted in the unique scenery of Taoist priests cultivating babies next to the broadsword guards in various cities...

But here, why is there no one in Novice Village and Beech City to summon babies to practice next to the sword guards?

Qin Sheng doesn’t understand either…

After looking at it for a few times, he walked over.

When he was still a little far away, he shouted: "Brothers, can I go in here?"

"Haha, of course. Welcome to Tingyu City. We can buy potions, repair, sell equipment, etc. here, and they are all cheaper than Tucheng." A Taoist priest answered with a smile.

"Oh, then I'm going to go in and have a look." Qin Sheng felt relieved after receiving a positive reply.

Walked over.

He finally saw the guild names behind a few people,

Listen to Yucheng!

“Little brother, there is a teleporter at the door, just look for him wherever you want to go.

Also, if you want to buy a house, go to the Royal Palace. It’s not expensive here. "

"Come here often when you have nothing to do. Once your level reaches level 22, you can also apply for membership."

Several Taoist priests greeted him warmly, making Qin Sheng nod his head.

However, can a house be sold here? What the hell is this!

After entering, he found the teleporter at the entrance and Qin Sheng teleported directly to the clothing store.

In the clothing store, there were many high-level players buying and selling things. After taking one look at Qin Sheng, they ignored him.

Qin Sheng found the owner of the clothing store and after some deception, he sold fifty pieces of clothing for ten thousand gold coins each.

Earned half a million gold coins!

Including the original, there are more than 7 million gold coins!

He then teleported to jewelry stores and weapons stores to sell the unused junk equipment.

He also wanted to sell clothes in other clothing stores in the city, but he didn't sell any more clothes.

He had no choice but to clean up the package, add some randomness, and continue flying randomly!

As a result, after flying,

He actually flew under the wall of another huge city!

The majestic mottled rock wall is about ten meters high!

Looking around, he couldn't even see his head!

And around, many players are killing sheep here!

Click, click, click... The player slashed with his sword!

Uh-huh-huh... the sheep fell to the ground!

Players go up and start digging for meat!

It seems that we should have reached the foot of Tucheng.

Qin Sheng opened the map and checked, and sure enough, he had arrived next to Tucheng.

What surprised him was that this earth city also had four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

According to the legend on the outside computer, there are only two portals in Tucheng, but there are two more here.

Apparently it’s because it’s so big here!

If the two city gates are still open, the one who has wandered a little further will be exhausted trying to get back.

After all, this city is not much different from Beach City.

It's also huge. Running around in a circle will probably make you exhausted...

No wonder the Town Return Scroll is so expensive, the map is just too big.

It’s not convenient at all without the need for a town return scroll.

He was near the west gate at this time, but wanted to run to the entrance. He looked at the map and estimated that it would take about an hour.

Qin Sheng didn't have time to waste here, he planned to use the scroll to return to the city. We are already close to the city wall here. If you use the scroll to return to the city, you will not return to the previous village or city, but will only return to the resurrection point of this city.

When he had no money, he was reluctant to use the scroll to return to the city and chose to run away.

But when you have money, it would be silly to run around and waste time.

Anyway, I just drew a bundle of scrolls to return to the city in the lottery, so I don’t use them in vain.

call out!

With a thought, Qin Sheng used a scroll to return to the city!

The next moment, he appeared in the familiar yet unfamiliar safe zone of Tucheng.

As far as the eye can see, there are all high-level players from Wuyang Wuyang...

"I beg you to keep reading!" 》

Thank you guys for your votes and rewards!

Good night!

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