It is the most uncomfortable when a person is confused. He doesn't know what he is going to do. What is he doing here? Level up?

But why did he raise the level?

Chen Mo feels that he needs to know a lot of things, he needs to remember, he has an intuition that this place can make him remember.

Chen Mo wanted to see his list of friends, but found out why his friends are gone? Or did he never add friends?

The reason for the system is that Chen Mo is Shura. Although player and player, player and NPC are two concepts, in the eyes of NPC, Chen Mo is dead. He is no longer a player in the ordinary sense, so everything about the system has disappeared. Automatically erase Chen Mo's friends.

"Let's level up first!"

Then Chen Mo subconsciously stretched out his hand, and the two Supreme Fronts flew out, surrounded by Chen Mo's side, and Chen Mo was playing with skillfully but dazedly.

"Is this my weapon? It looks very powerful...but..."

Chen Mo raised his hand and looked at the chain of disaster on his wrist, and then probed it.

"The Chain of Calamity... The Law... Transformation..."


In the next instant, the sword of disaster appeared in Chen Mo's hands!

There is an intuition that this thing is very important to oneself, but a voice in my heart tells it that it is also very dangerous.


Then Chen Mo put away the Sword of Disaster, and at the same time put away the Edge of the Ultimate.

When Chen Mo died, many things in his infinite ring disappeared, but the system automatically kept the most important ones in the player's backpack! So those things are still there.

The novice sword is still...

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, holding the Novice Sword in his hand, and then looked for a place to brush the level.

"Hey hey hey, brother, don't you team up? There is an eighth-level bronze BOSS in front of you. Team up together. Let's share experience and share the rewards. How about?"

Walking to the front, a group of people stopped Chen Mo.

Chen Mo subconsciously took out the player's mask and put it on.

"Brother, don't ask him to team up. Look at him. He is covered in novice outfits, novice swords, and no equipment. It is estimated that he is a small player at level zero. How can he help us?"

A girl next to Chen Mo took a look and said.

"Yes!" Then they walked away.

Chen Mo followed their gazes and then glanced at his skills.

Oh, there are so many skills, and they seem to be quite powerful, and then Chen Mo followed them.

BOSS, should he improve his level faster, right?

In front, a group of players gathered around a bronze BOSS, circling incessantly.

"Go! Come on! Whoever grabs it will get it!"

The people in front rushed up.

Chen Mo glanced at it, then his figure galloped away.


Some players in the rear looked over, and the previous players who rushed up earlier than Chen Mo were caught up in an instant.

"Why is this player so fast? Did you use skills?"

"You can't use skills so fast, right?"


"Quick! Boss in seconds, someone will grab it!"

"Grass mud horse! Do you dare to **** Lao Tzu and kill you!"

At this moment, Chen Mo's new hand sword pierced the BOSS.


An explosion damage appeared on the head of the boss, and then the boss was gone.

"Ding... your level is raised to 4."

Everyone;? ? ?

"Wh...what's the situation? A normal attack is close to 10,000 damage? Nima is dead, right?"

"Mist grass? Fuck?"

"I am shocked, is this the player or the boss?"

"..." 85

And the person who was clamoring to destroy Chen Mo was completely stunned, afraid to move.

When Chen Mo saw the equipment on the ground, he felt that he had no desire to want it at all, he only needed a level! Then Chen Mo walked away directly.

" seem to have missed it, it seems like a great god."


Three hours later.

"Ding...Congratulations on reaching level ten, you can try and leave Novice Village."

Chen Mo then returned to the village and came to the courtyard of the new village chief.

"The village chief, I want to try."

"Oh, brave adventurer, congratulations on your qualifications for the trial, please come with me!"

Then the village chief took Chen Mo to the yard.

"There are a total of red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple among the trials. What level of trials do you want to choose?"


Chen Mo said without hesitation.

He is like this. Although he doesn't remember anything, he will definitely choose the hardest. At the same time, he feels that his attributes are very exaggerated, and the hardest may be easy for him.


The village chief showed a shocked expression, and then said: "Young man, this purple door trial..."

"It's okay, just try the Zimen."

Chen Mo said.

The previous trial was when the Sea of ​​Death passed by itself, and this time, no, only 99999 Novice Village was different, but Chen Mo didn't remember it.


In the next instant, Chen Mo stepped into the teleportation formation.

"Ding...You have come to the final trial of the Purple Door Trial."

Chen Mo:? ? ?

what's the situation? How could it be the final trial directly?

Chen Mo furrowed his brows, his eyes scanned everything around him.

At this moment, Chen Mo's chest flashed with a ray of light, and then the light was projected into the distance, and a figure slowly appeared.

"who are you?"

Chen Mo looked at him with his eyes.

The man looked at himself, and then at Chen Mo.

"Damn it, isn't this remnant soul already gone? Why is it back?"

Shura stroked his forehead.

He didn't understand why.

Then he looked at Chen Mo.

"I said kid, your life is big enough."

"What do you mean?"

Chen Mo looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Can't remember? Shura is forgiving, and you forgot everything, which is interesting."

Shura walked towards Chen Mo, and then said: "I didn't expect that we would see each other again, but I expected you to fall to where you are today. No, we can't say that we are falling, but we are accomplishing!"

Chen Mo:? ? ?

"Tears of Shura out!"

Shura said to Chen How do you know I have Shura's tears? "

"It seems that since the day I left, there was a remnant in your body. I know what happened to you. Take it out!"

Chen Mo then stretched out his hand, and a drop of sky blue tears fell on Chen Mo's palm.

"The tears of Shura... the three former Shura, including me, got it, but unlike you, we got it but can’t use it, because there is no chance. We are completely eroded by Shura’s will, but you are different. I didn't tell you the way to become a real Shura, because only the unknown is possible, and once you know it, everything will be impossible!"

Chen Mo looked dumbfounded as he listened to him.

"The tears of Shura are the most important thing! He can make you a Shura, a real Shura, and will not be eroded away!"

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