They didn't send troops to fight, nor did they hear of where there were troops to fight. At most two days ago, there were 200,000 troops. I don't know where they were sent. Could it be that the 200,000 troops did meritorious service?

Impossible, they all know that now it is the strength of the six countries, and they are attacking by the whole army. They are not in small batches, 200,000, how can they fight against millions of others? Their general did another miracle?

Nangong Yu is really in a good mood. Although the current crisis has not been resolved, she has a feeling that she is really hopeful! It used to be hopeless!

That Zhuang Bifan didn't choose to do it directly. Seeing this, they must have a chance to get closer within fifty meters, so to him, the good news that Nangong Yu wants to announce is very curious.

Nangong Yu then glanced at the crowd and said: "Just now, the 2.5 million troops from the Yunhai Empire were almost wiped out. Our opponent of the Linfeng Empire, the soldiers of the Six Nations, has already eliminated one country!"


Hearing Nangong Yu's words, everyone showed an expression of disbelief, followed by high-pitched cheers and shouts!

When Zhuang Bifan heard this, he was also puzzled!


Do they send troops to defend?

how is this possible? 2.5 million will be destroyed if it is destroyed?

Then he continued to look here, trying to hear more news.

"General, general, what happened? Have we sent troops?"

"Yes, General, how did you defeat the 2.5 million army of the Yunhai Empire? Tell us."


The group of soldiers asked excitedly when they heard the exciting news.

It was impossible to reveal these words before, but now it is over, and it has ended perfectly, then it can naturally be revealed.

"Everyone must know that 200,000 troops were sent out two days ago, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"The two hundred thousand troops spent two days in the Falling Phoenix Ridge. They secretly built a huge artificial lake. With the help of hundreds of diversion canals and two days and two nights of downpour, an unimaginable amount of water gathered in the artificial lake! "

Then Nangong Yu told everyone about the matter!

Hearing Nangong Yu's words, everyone cheered in excitement.

"This group of dogs are raised by niang, it's not a pity to die! Your empire is not going to be treated well, and you want to annex our empire! That's it!"

"That's right! Too much relief! Look at their Yunhai Empire and dare not to ignore our Linfeng Empire again!"

"General, you have created a legend once again, and our Linfeng Empire is fortunate to have you!"

"Yes, thank you for your presence, General!"


The crowd chanted.

Nangong Yu shook his head slightly.

"No, it's not me!"


Hearing Nangong Yu's words, everyone was taken aback.

"It's Mr. Chen Mo! This method was also mentioned by him. To achieve this, we only provided manpower, nothing more!"

Nangong Yu said.

"Young Master Chenmo!"

"It turned out to be Young Master Chenmo! I knew that Young Master Chenmo had extraordinary destiny!"

"Young Master Chenmo! Young Master Chenmo!"


For a time, I don’t know how many people were cheering there, making it really embarrassing!

"Master is great."

Lin Xiaoyu stood far away, looking at Chen Mo obsessively.

In her eyes, Chen Mo is really the most outstanding man.

"Chen Mo!"

Zhuang Bifan gritted his teeth!

"Damn it!"

"But... you did a good thing."

Zhuang Bifan sneered inwardly.

Now they are standing together, and they will detonate later. Nangong Yu will die at this distance. Nangong Yu will die. At the same time, they have destroyed such a large number of troops in the Yunhai Empire. Then, for the Kamikaze Empire, it will be strong for the first one. Isn't it a good thing to hurt?

He stood up and walked back gloomily! Then he murmured a spell in his mouth.

"Ding... After three seconds, the seal will loosen and the player [Chen Mo] will die."

Suddenly a system reminder sounded in Chen Mo's mind, sounded inexplicably.

Chen Mo frowned suddenly.

He didn't know what happened, but he knew what was going on in three seconds.

seal? What seal?

Chen Mo suddenly felt a sense of anxiety! At that moment, many things popped out of his mind! There are a million possibilities in an instant!


Chen Mo's first reaction was to leave here first, because his instinct was...

Nangong Yu!

Poison Pill!

Then Chen Mo disappeared in place!

The sudden disappearance of Chen Mo shocked Nangong Yu and the others.

"Young Master Chenmo?"

Nangong Yu shouted, but Chen Mo was not seen.

That Zhuang Bifan sneered, but after more than ten seconds, he didn't feel any power or heard any sound.

He quickly turned his head, through the crowd...

What about Chenmoren?


Falling Phoenix Ridge, there was a loud noise, a huge deep hole was blown up somewhere, and the sky was full of dust!

" are dead."

"Ding... You have successfully resurrected by using the law of soul."

"Ding... Your equipment [Hell Armor] is damaged."

"Ding...your equipment [Storm Thunder Boots] is damaged."



Chen Mo's figure walked out of the pit!

Except for the powerful one, the infinity ring on his hand was not damaged. All the other equipment was damaged. Even the clothes on his body were broken. Fortunately, he still had several spare parts with him. After being equipped, he lost the weight of the equipment. , It feels very light.

"Fortunately, it is a game, otherwise I would have become countless beaches of meat foam."

Chen Mo murmured.

Although the player's arm can also be cut off here, it is normally similar to a bomb in Chen Mo's body that explodes, and the person will be torn apart, but after all, there is still a system in existence. Chen Mo mainly has immortal capital! Because it is judged that Chen Mo has the law of soul, his body is not serious! Even if such a big hole was exploded.

This may be the advantage of players in the sky.

"It looks like it should be the poison pill."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

After being here for so many days, this is the only thing that has happened to Chen Mo that is not right. It can't be the bones of Shura, right?

And he just stood with Nangong Yu...

Actually, I don’t want to kill but I want to kill Nangong Yu!


Chen Mo's eyes flashed with sharp light!

There must be someone among that group of soldiers! Because only by ensuring that he and Nangong Yu stand together can this force be detonated! So someone must have seen them together at that time, maybe even Zhuang Bifan!

Very close!

There are a lot of people there. Seeing them together, it must be within a hundred meters!

Can find it!

Chen Mo then returned to the place again with the empty magic stone.

Like I can release infinitely the big move, please collect it: () I can release the big move infinitely, the hottest update speed.


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