I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 934: Are you Chenmo?

Chapter 925 You Are Chen Mo?

Chen Mo and the three of them entered an inn.

"What do you want to eat?"

Xiaoer quickly walked over.

The meaning of these people here is to maintain the operation of a city, and there is free coolies. Some of them may have lived here for many, many generations. This place does not see the sun, and they may not know that there is sun outside. Right...

"Just go on a little bit." Chen Mo said.

"Okay, please wait for the three of you."

Soon, a few dishes and drinks came.

In the inn, Chen Mo and the others have a table of guests. After all, besides the common people, there are those outside wanted people. These people still seldom like to go out and hang out. They either practice somewhere or go out to do a task, and they can breathe. fresh air.

"Little Er, I want to ask you something."

Chen Mo put a pile of money by the table.

The Xiao Er's eyes lit up, and then he quickly sat beside Chen Mo.

Earlier, he saw Chen Mo with jealousy, because he knew that the people here were some terrible characters, but he even asked him something and even gave him money. This person doesn't seem to be that bad.

"You ask, young man, as long as the little ones know, they will tell you everything."

The people here can also be regarded as normal lives. After all, there is a rule that those people cannot kill the people at will. They also need money and live a life.

"Do you know some history of this city? Or any secrets, or some things, tell me what you know."


Then the little second told everything he knew.

He was born in this place. He knows that there is a bigger world outside, but he has only heard of it. His grandfather’s grandfather has been here for generations. There are about 200,000 people here. Their lives are fairly normal, but basically every hundred years, because of the massive reproduction of 200,000 people, there will be a massacre here. As for who is killed, it’s pure luck. 100,000 people.

Every time it is a nightmare, after all, we have to control the population...

"Two hundred thousand people, half of them are arrested every day to work as laborers. My brother is working now. There is no way he will be killed if he doesn't go. There is no benefit, but at least he can survive." The second sighed and said.

"Labor? What is the purpose?" Chen Mo asked.

"Some raise all kinds of chicken, duck and fish meat, some grow vegetables, some build houses, and more are to open up a larger space. We are underground here, but we are expanding our scale every moment."

Chen Mo frowned.

"Oh? The reason?"

Xiao Er said: "I've heard that Yangshen Sect may send all the members of the above world in some time in the future."

Chen Mo looked at each other.

There are so many foreign teachers of Yangshen Sect on the whole continent!

It seems that the ambitions of the foreign teachers of Yangshen Sect are not small. They want to build an empire under the ground, grow it in a long time, and then let the people here multiply and cultivate Yangshen Sect exercises, which is strong! Attack Terra in one fell swoop!

This is one thing Chen Mo could directly think of when he heard the news.

"What scale is it now?" Chen Mo asked.

"It is said that I have also heard that it has been digging large underground and building houses while expanding. It is said that the underground can accommodate tens of millions of people, but it is indeed very, very large. It’s just that no one lives there.” The Xiaoer continued: “I heard that they will be big enough by then, and they won’t kill us. Hey, I don’t know if it is true or not. From the upper world, is the upper world beautiful?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Very beautiful."

"I don't know if there is a chance to go out in this life. I heard that there is light outside. There is something called the sun that can illuminate the whole world." Xiao Er said full of hope.

"There will be a chance." Chen Mo said.

He was right when Chen Mo was talking nonsense.

"If the three guest officers are all right, the little ones will clean the table."

"Go ahead."

Then Ran Qingqiu poured wine for Chen Mo, and said, "It seems that this Yangshen Sect foreign teacher has already had this plan a long time ago. Since this place is about to accommodate tens of thousands of people, I am afraid that they should not be far from their plan. ."

Han Jiangxue suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Master Chenmo, remember what was being transported by so many people on the street just now?"

Chen Mo thought for a while.

"You mean..."

"Could it be food or some necessities?"

They then looked out the door, a steady stream of people were transporting poultry.

"If it is, if they continue to transport on such a large scale, maybe they are going to gather the members of the above million sun gods here." Ran Qingqiu said.

Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

"In this way, Qingqiu, I will send you back to Fengshen Sect first. Tell the Seventh Elder about this matter. She should have a way to inform the major sects in the mainland, and then Senior Sister Han and I will continue to look for her enemies here, and see if we can After finding the tricks left by those people here, there must be. I will talk to you at that time. If it is destroyed, the major sects of the mainland can flood here."

Ran Qingqiu nodded.

As long as the teleportation formation here is destroyed by Chen Mo, then these people will be the turtles in the urn, and there will definitely be some. No one would be so stupid not to set up a teleportation formation or leave a second move.

"Well, I will send you out with an empty magic stone after dinner."

"it is good."

At this moment, several figures walked in.

"Little Er, serve wine!"


Then the Xiaoer rushed over, and the four of them sat at the table next to Chen Mo. There was also a woman. This woman was also wearing a veil, she was graceful, and her temperament was not bad at all. It felt very unconventional to be with them. with.

"Oh Huo, I have been eating here for a month, and I have never seen a woman come here to eat."

A man with a scar on his face looked at Ran Qingqiu and Han Jiangxue, his eyes brightened.

Wearing a veil, he can't see his face clearly, but his skin has an unparalleled temperament.

He then winked at the two people beside him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the three people walked over.

"Which team did I teach this little brother?"

Chen Mo originally thought that these people were fugitives from outside. They were originally from Yangshen Sect, but that is not necessarily true. Fugitives can also formally join Yangshen Sect.

"Not a member of Yangshen Sect." Chen Mo said.

Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, the three looked at each other.

The rules here are that you can't take action against the people, and members of the Yangshen Sect are not allowed to fight privately, and since he is not the Yangshen Sect, there are no rules.

"If you are not a person of Yangshen Cult, then you are welcome."


The woman who had been sitting still said coldly, then walked over, looking at Chen Mo and the second daughter with beautiful eyes.

"Are you Chenmo?"

(End of this chapter)

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