I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 966: Let's get started!

Chapter 957 Let's Get Started!

Chen Mo's gaze was looking for the corpse king.

If the corpse king doesn't come, then Chen Mo doesn't need to find him!

Then Chen Mo's gaze fell on a mountain in the distance, on which several figures stood vaguely!

It should be seven figures.

"Humph! These humans still have some brains!"

At the forefront, a long-haired man is standing there! It looks no different from ordinary people, except that his skin is terribly pale!

Standing beside him were six lieutenants wearing armor and holding various weapons.

"General, shall we do it?"

A lieutenant was respectfully by his side.

"No hurry, can these people hold it?"

The long-haired corpse king sneered and looked at Chen Mo who was watching him in the distance.

"But... in this way, sacrifice is somewhat unnecessary."

A lieutenant corpse general saluted and said.

They are all corpses, but they are no different from ordinary people, but they are no longer humans, but they have judgment, IQ, and memory, and even their memories are many, many years ago!

The corpse king felt it.

"There are hundreds of thousands of fresh lives in the city. They didn't run, why didn't they run in a hurry?"

Obviously this corpse king is extremely conceited.


"The king's army, where are you!"

Then the corpse king opened his arms, and a thousand troops suddenly appeared behind him!

"My Nima? Why did you bring it with you?"

"Damn? These... these are all infected people equipped with armor? No, right? This is not an infected person. This TM seems to be a corpse soldier, right?"

"This is the original corpse soldier of the corpse king...I rely on it? This...Isn't it 200,000?"


Suddenly appeared in the distance that might be close to 200,000 corpse soldiers, the kind of corpse soldiers Chen Mo and the others saw in the tomb!

"Brothers, kill crazy! This TM is all money!"



It may be very scary for NPCs, but for players, they don’t need to be responsible. Isn’t it possible to beat me and run? Can't I go offline, can't I?

Before that, the most important thing is to kill more. Killing one is money. It's so intensive. I don't know how many skills can be killed by throwing it out. Moreover, the blood volume of these soldiers and ordinary infected people is not high.


But the NPC looked at the dense corpse soldiers that suddenly appeared in the extreme distance, all of them were shocked!

"So much! How come there are so many!"

The Lord of Snow City clenched his fists!

Now I can only pray for one thing, pray that those adventurers in other worlds can block it longer! Otherwise it will die!

Chen Mo took a look. These monsters are not high in level. Except for some special ones, there are monsters. The monsters are a bit more powerful, and the others can be killed in seconds!

Not much experience, but a lot!

"Kexin, just use any range skills you have. If you can weaken some monsters, then weaken them!"

Chen Mo said to Lin Kexin.

"I know Brother Chen Mo!"

Then Lin Kexin raised her scepter.

"Holy Light!"

In the dark night, golden light burst out!


In the next instant, thousands of monsters under the entire earth flow wall instantly turned into nothingness.

Chen Mo; "..."

Well, this Lin Kexin is stronger than he thought.

"General, that human race has a master!"

A person in the distance said.

"Huh, play slowly."

The corner of the corpse king's mouth was slightly hooked, and then he walked back. There were two girls behind, the people of Liuxuecheng. Then he directly hissed their clothes and dashed there...

Chen Mo raised his brows, the corpse king was gone?

"Young Master Chenmo!"

The City Lord of Snowy City and other masters flew to Chen Mo's side, watching the horrible scene ahead.

"The corpse king hasn't come out yet, don't worry!"

"But...there are too many!"

The City Lord of Snowy City looked shockingly at the corpse army that was madly galloping in the distance.

"For the time being, I can hold it, it's fine if I can hold it. If I make a move, I'm afraid the Zombie King will also make a move. Isn't it a better result if the Zombie King does not make a move now?" Chen Mo asked.

"This... also."

The city lord glanced at these players. Fortunately, they were there. Not to mention that he could kill them all, at least he could hold them for a while!

Time passed slowly, Chen Mo didn't do it! And these players can't keep up with their skills because of the gradual decrease in mana! One after another infected people climbed up the adult ladder.


A player was pulled directly by one of his legs, and was instantly killed by the dense crowd below!


More and more climbed up!

"I'm paralyzed! I can finally do it!"

Are they useful when they climb up?

It's useful, but for players, it's exciting!

Those players who are in close combat can finally do it!


One hour, two hours...

They held it for two hours and it was already very good!

The players hung up one by one, and finally, the entire dirt flow wall was full of infected persons and soldiers!

"Hurry up! This place has fallen! We retreat to the city!"

Then everyone backed back!

And the dense army of infected people crossed the earth flow wall and rushed towards Snow City.


The soldiers in Snow City swallowed after seeing this scene.

"Fire attack!"

The players have bought so much time for them, and they can naturally prepare a lot!

Whoosh whoosh——

Rockets shot out one by one, and when the rocket fell on the ground, the entire front was lit up for several kilometers!

The group of infected people was not afraid of death, and rushed into the sea of ​​flames frantically. When they rushed out, a huge fire ignited all over their bodies. Some of them stopped after a few steps, and then fell down.

"Continue archery!"


The sky of arrows shot wildly at the front!

And those players kept knocking on the medicine, restoring their blood and mana!

Killing a monster can cost ten dollars, some of them can't kill more than a thousand in just two hours, that's tens of thousands of dollars! The temptation of money is really unstoppable!

Chen Mo still didn't do it! Because for now, it can be held for the time being! Because players can still play again!

"Brothers, are you recovering! Let's make money!"


In the next instant, nearly 40,000 players rushed out again! Charged into the group of corpse soldiers!

Chu Naihe is among them!

Damn it!

He has to support his family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has to make money too!

Chen Mo looked into the distance!

"finally come!"


Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo.

"let's go!"

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin jumped off the city wall.


Chen Mo sacrificed the sword of calamity and aimed... the six corpses who rushed over!

"Holy Storm!"

"The meaning of Shura!"

"Tian Ni Zhan!"

(End of this chapter)

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