Chapter 1032 Death!


Chen Mo probably guessed something.

He didn't think that he had just met her, and then Leng Xi cried and said that if you don't marry, what he likes has helped you, and fell in love with you and can't help yourself... how is it possible?

It is probably just to protect yourself.

Chen Mo smiled.

This Fengxue Palace is not bad.

Then he didn't see Feng Xueling just now...

Otherwise he would have to vomit blood.

And how could those in the Huang family not know? What couple? This is obviously just protecting the Chenmo, but, a Leng Xi, can she keep the Chenmo?

If it is any elder in the Palace of Wind and Snow, or even any mentor-level figure in the Palace of Snow Wind, they will not be able to beat them, but you are just a genius who has not fully grown up yet, what's the deal?

"Girl Leng, are you sure you want to do this?"

Huang Dalu asked coldly.


"Then what do you want to do?"

"Step over on me."

Leng Xi stretched out his hand and offered a sword.

At the same time, Chen Mo came over and held her hand.

Leng Xi turned his head and glanced, then winked at Chen Mo.

"How can a man hide behind a woman."

Chen Mo said, then walked in front of Leng Xi!

"You are Chenmo?"

Huang Dalu and others clenched their fists tightly.


Those people in the Snow Palace frowned.

"Why did he come out?"

Feng Xuening frowned tightly.

"God knows."

Feng Xueling shrugged helplessly, looking at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

"But since he dared to come out, does he have any confidence?"

Feng Xueling thought slightly.


Leng Xi looked at Chen Mo.

"My business, I will solve it myself."

Chen Mo then walked a few steps forward, looking at the people in the Huang family.

"How do you want to solve it?"

Chen Mo asked lightly.

"How to solve it? Of course it killed you!"

Then Huang Dalu looked at Feng Xuening and the others.

He doesn't worry about anything else, just worry about these people in the Snow Palace.

"Everyone in the Snow Palace, he, you should not be protected now, right?"

"If you don't guarantee it, you won't guarantee it."

Feng Xueling said.

Chen Mo; "..."

"But, Chen Mo is also a disciple of my Fengxue Palace anyway. How could my Fengxue Palace watch my disciple die here? Therefore, if you want to deal with him, you can't come out together. Do it, do you understand what I mean?"

Huang Dalu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He probably understands!

This is Fengxue Palace giving them a chance to kill this Chenmo, but also to save them some face.

"Of course, we must give the face of Fengxue Palace! That's it!"

Then Huang Dalu pointed at Chen Mo and said angrily: "You singled out with the deity, you win, we are wiped out, you lose, naturally you will die ugly!"

The people around were secretly speechless.


It can be said that a new disciple is singled out against a person with the lowest super **** level strength.

But what can we do with the enemy of murder?


Chen Mo replied lightly.

Everyone in the Snow Palace frowned!

Is this person Shabi? Can't he run? Must pick it up?

How does he fight the super **** level powerhouse?

"Hey, take care of you then."

Feng Xueling quietly approached Feng Xuening and whispered.

"You guarantee."

"You keep the loss small, I don't need to return the millions of amethyst coins."

"My image of the Snow Palace is gone."

Wind and snow condensed road.

"Okay! You are cruel! You are forcing me to pay back millions of amethyst coins!"

Feng Xueling gritted her teeth.

Anyway, no matter who protects him, when Chen Mo is in danger, someone will definitely take action.

Huang Dalu sneered in his heart.

A person of what realm dare to fight himself? He is dead.

"Then let's start, I hope everyone in the Snow Palace will witness it!"

Huang Dalu reminded that the main purpose of this sentence is actually to hope that people in the Palace of Snow and Wind will not interfere!

Afterwards, Chen Mo and him stood on the open space of this wind and snow palace!


Chen Mo stretched out his hand, and the sword of disaster appeared in his hand.

The people around hurriedly moved away and looked at them nervously.

Those people don't know who Chen Mo is, only that he killed Huang Dalu's son.

"court death!"


Huang Dalu stretched out his hand, a sword appeared in his hand, and then rushed to Chen Mo mercilessly.

"I want to kill you with one sword and one sword!"

Huang Dalu's eyes were dark.


Chen Mo's figure directly disappeared in place.

"Is this... the space teleport skill?"

Their eyes brightened when they saw this scene.

What are the rarest martial arts on the mainland?

That's right! Just teleport!

For a top powerhouse, possessing a teleport, even a small-scale teleport, it may turn the tide of battle! This skill is really strong!

"Also teleport! Heavenly Thunder Tribulation!"

The sword in the Yellow Continent's hand pointed towards the sky, and then shouted angrily, the sky showed a heaven and earth vision.

"Thunder Cage!"

In the next instant, Chen Mo was first surrounded by a thunderstorm.

"Give it to Lao Tzu!"

boom! ——


Everyone saw this scene and felt the terrible breath, their pupils suddenly shrank!

"So strong! Is this the power of the Super God Rank?"

"He is trapped, he should be... he will be given a moment by this trick, right?"


Feng Xueling glanced at Feng Xuening, she finally did not choose to shoot!

Shouldn't! He shouldn't have had an accident like this! Although he doesn't understand this kid, he is definitely more than that simple!

There was dust everywhere where Chen Mo was.

"This deity has specially reduced its power, just not letting you kill it directly!"

Huang Dalu looked at the dust and said lightly.

When the dust slowly dissipated, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

I thought that the person was already lying there dying, but he... stood there intact, with a black breath entwined with him!

"This breath..."

Fengxue Ning Dai's eyebrows suddenly frowned!

What kind of breath is this...? Why does it feel... so terrible? There is a feeling of angina!

"Sure enough!"

Feng Xueling let out a long sigh of relief!

"It's over!"

In the next instant, his momentum suddenly rose again under the increase of Shura's will.

[Invincible Heart]: Shura is undefeated, and Shura will not be Shura must uphold the heart of invincibility, become more and more courageous, and destroy the dead. After active opening, if the attacker is against the mortal level, If the level is higher than Shura, the damage caused by Shura will be increased by ten times, and each attack will be accompanied by an additional 1,000,000 mandatory damage, but the damage suffered by itself will be increased by ten times, and it will be automatically cancelled after one minute from the battle. Mana consumption: 10000, cooling time: seven days.

"Tian Ni Zhan!"


The pupils of the yellow continent shrank suddenly!

"just you?"

Then he directly blocked!

However, in the next instant, his pupils shrank suddenly!

"My son!!"

The pupils of Huang Dalu's father suddenly shrank, and the old man shouted, but it was too late.


(End of this chapter)

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