I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1148: Thanks to Snow Elf

Chapter 1139

Leng Xi, Mu Yao, and Chen Mo are separate, and they will buy whatever they think they can.

Leng Xi and Mu Yao are both girls, and their hearts are kind. When they see a group of snow elves surrounded by them, drinking the simple plain soup but relishing, their hearts are indeed very touched.

Obviously they are such a beautiful and kind-hearted race, but they...

And they also know why the snow elves don't go out, because they can't help it. Their kindness, their beauty, and the elves' temptation to mainland men are destined to be very dangerous after they go out! That was the case back then!

Chen Mo was also helpless!

This is true of the Tianlin Continent, and the same is true for the Demon God Continent. I just don’t know if this Snow Elf belongs to the Tianlin Continent Elf Clan, or does the Demon God Continent also have an Elf Clan?

The elves are actually very panicked!

Although Chen Mo gave them a lot of food, they were really very grateful, but...

They are still worried about whether they will bring some people to them after they leave, which will bring danger!

After all, they don’t know each other!

"Boss, as long as you have all the pie, take as much as you have."

Chen Mo said.


On the other hand, the elves didn't listen to Chen Mo's words, and were not willing to eat all the delicious ones. There were not many at first, so everyone just took two bites and was reluctant to eat.

"Sister Yao, do you think they will come back?"

A snow elf asked.

They gathered here, and of course the most worrying thing was that they actually went out and brought the bad guys here.

"do not know."

Xue Yao also shook her head.

"However, that girl is from the Snow Wind Palace, and the two girls are also very beautiful. They should be good people."

She was not very sure.

Xue Yao is the boss of the snow elves, with the strongest strength and the strength of the Sky Forbidden level, but the Sky Forbidden level is strong, but she can't do whatever she wants!

She alone is not enough to protect these girls.


In the next instant, the three Chen Mo appeared in front of them again.

"Why didn't you eat it?"

Chen Mo glanced at them.

Then Chen Mo, Leng Xi, and Mu Yao opened the space ring, and piled up various foods in front of them.


The elves swallowed.

"You are welcome, I am friends with the elves, everyone eat as much as you want."

Chen Mo said.

The elves looked at these delicious foods eagerly, but no one moved.

"The son has seen the elves? They are in Tianlin Continent."

Xue Yao said.

"It's Tianlin Continent. Now they are basically in my sect. The city is being built there. By then, the city belongs to the dwarves and the elves. The elven goddess is also my friend. By the way, there is Princess Xue Feifei, she seems to be a snow elf too."

Chen Mo said.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Xue Yao and other elves showed shock and surprise expressions.

"The son actually knows Xue Feifei?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes."

When Chen Mo said this, they basically dispelled their suspicion of Chen Mo.

"Feifei is also a snow elf, yes, they... are they okay in Tianlin Continent?"

Xue Yao asked excitedly.

"Fortunately, they were similar to you before. They had to hide for some reasons, and they did suffer some suffering. For some special reasons, I met them. Now the people in Tianlin Continent are afraid to treat the elves anymore. What did you do with the dwarves, and will protect them very well," Chen Mo said.

"Thank you, thank you son, I don't know the names of son and two girls yet."

Xue Yao asked excitedly.

"My name is Chen Mo, they are Leng Xi and Mu Yao."

"I have seen Master Chenmo, and Leng Xi, Mu Yao."

They bowed slightly.

"Well, now you can rest assured to eat it boldly." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Thank you so much."

Xueyao saluted, then looked at the girls and said, "Everyone, eat."

"Thank you, Mr. Chenmo, sister Leng Xi, sister Mu Yao."

They then ran over happily, and distributed them to others in an orderly manner.

"Master Chenmo, here."

A girl ran over and handed Chen Mo a cake.

Chen Mo smiled and took it.

"Go eat."


The cheers of these beautiful elves are in my ears.

Xue Yao looked at them, feeling a little guilty in her heart.

She failed to give them a better life, but instead allowed them to continue to suffer along with her.

"So you are also a member of the Celestial Continent Elf Clan, are you?"

Chen Mo asked.

Xue Yao nodded; "Yes, the mainland elves are a family, whether it is snow elves, fire elves or whatever, everyone lives together, just talking about the change many years ago..."

She sighed.

Leng Xi and Mu Yao followed these snow elves to eat and chat happily.

"Then why didn't you come with them?"

Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"Master Chen Mo, please sit down."

She then sat down and poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo.

Here, what they lack most is water, after all, it's all snow.

Xue Yao then said: "We ran away back then. It happened to be the time when the human race and the demons were fighting, and the elves and dwarves were also bullied among the human races. The last time we were attacked by many powerful men. ."

"They are just for the beauty of the elves?"

Xue Yao said slightly: "For men, maybe our elves are a more well-behaved race."

Chen Mo, an understandable, powerful man who doesn't want to have an elf maid? Because of this, the elves are miserable.

"Then we scattered and fled. The Snow Elves and the large forces ran away. At that time, because of the war, the mainland was very chaotic. On the contrary, the Humans became more unscrupulous. In the end, I really had no choice but to bring them to the Demon God Continent. Fantasy Demon God Continent might be better, but I don’t know it is still so~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I finally brought them here."

Xue Yao looked around and said, "It's inaccessible here and it's extremely cold. It's no problem for the snow elves. Sometimes we go out to buy some food, but since we were discovered a few years ago, we never dare to go out again."

"It doesn't matter, I'll take you back to Tianlin Continent." Chen Mo said.


When she heard Chen Mo's words, she showed a shocked expression.

"Aren't the two continents blocked?"

Chen Mo said, "I have time for Magic Stone."

"Moreover, I can open the channel between the two continents! I believe they will be very happy to see you." Chen Mo said.

Xue Yao's body trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes flushed.

"Master Chen Mo, thank you! Thank you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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