I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 306: New Moon Unlimited Successive Acquisition

  Zhao Yingmeng has a long mouth, is that over?

  Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou stood aside, their level increased to 30, they are gaining their own power, which means they will unlock new skills.

   "Ding... Since you killed the Faerie Beast for the first time, the system is about to make an announcement for you."

  "Ding...all players, please be aware that the player Chenmo and the female heroine of the old mother killed the fairy beast for the first time. This is an announcement."

  "Ding...all players please pay attention..."


   Once again, the system prompts that some players who heard it are numb!

   "Chen Mo, it is Chen Mo again. I am used to his first kill of all kinds of bosses. How can I do it? My idol is Gongzi Mo. Why is this Chen Mo first kill every day?"

  "Fairy beast? The blood of the fairy beast has more than five million blood, right? It's difficult for us to break defenses, so people will kill for the first time? Nima!"

"No, is this Chenmo really so strong? He has a large range of damage, and we have all seen it, but the damage value should not be high. How can it be possible to kill the fairy beast for the first time? Now! Son Mo, Qingcheng, what are you doing! Stand up! Don’t let Tianlin become this Chen Mo’s game alone!"



  After Feiheng heard this system prompt that day, he punched a tree!

   "Grass Mud Horse Chenmo!"

  Tian Feiheng's face was extremely ugly. Needless to say, all the more than 10,000 people led by Qin Heyu were poisoned to death.

  Tianfeiheng is called an anger! What did you get after spending tens of millions? After fighting against the poison for a while, he died! In the end, the boss didn't even see him, and now he is still killed by that Dust Mo! Otherwise this boss is his!

  Grass! Grass mud horse!

How to do? How can I relieve my breath?

  He doesn’t know, he only knows, he really wants to kill this Chenmo! Big idea!


  Tian Feiheng suddenly thought of something.

  With the player’s abilities, it may indeed be difficult to have any substantial impact on this Chenmo, and it is difficult to make him hang up, but what if you use nc?

He is a disciple of the elder of Lingjian Pavilion. He knows that the king of Lingjian Pavilion has enmity with Chen Mo. He also knows something about him. Without substantive evidence, he can only doubt him. , You only need to know that this disciple has an enmity with Chen Mo!

As for whether he can get rid of Chenmo, this is not what Tian Feiheng needs to know. He only needs to know that this Wang Shi and the great brother Lin Tianqi of Lingjian Pavilion are very close, then Lingjian Pavilion is very powerful, if he can inspire What about the hatred between them?

   "Chenmo, first defeat you. One day I believe you will show your feet. One day your real identity will be revealed. One day, this young master will solve you by himself!"

   Tian Feiheng's face was gloomy.


The seventh elders of the New Moon Unlimited Link Weiyang Palace created their own martial arts. In a sense, the New Moon Unlimited Link and even the strong magical skills. As long as the target can be captured, the New Moon Unlimited Link will be able to combo infinitely until the end and Fallen! The damage may not be the highest, and there may be no group damage effect, but the infinite combo of Crescent Moon is the most in the world. The effect locks on a target to start the new moon infinite connection. The new moon infinite connection causes damage equal to its own attack power to the target. As long as there is an attack target in the surrounding 20 meters, as long as the new moon infinite connection predicts the target's moving position, it will be removed. Hit, you can perform infinite combos until the crescent moon infinitely empty the attack, otherwise there will be an infinite combo if there is a target. During the release, you cannot be captured. After the release, the cooldown will be calculated. The cooldown time is six hours. Attack cost 50 mana

  This is the New Moon Unlimited Link!

The simple meaning is that when you encounter the opponent's position, strike, as long as your attack can hit every time without being dodged by the opponent, then you can perform infinite combos until it is empty, and it is not aimed at one person. Even if there are ten thousand people, as long as your new moon is not free, no matter who you attack, even your teammates will continue to move, so in a certain way, this skill is invincible! What does it mean that you cannot be captured during release? Almost the same as invincible!

Maybe for others, even if you have learned the New Moon Infinite Link, it’s not too exaggerated, because every attack consumes 50 mana. Even if you have 5,000 mana, you can only attack a hundred times. However, Chen Mo has no consumption. In the true sense, he only needs to release, as long as he hits, as long as there are many enemies, then he can connect the enemies to death.

  For now, this skill has three drawbacks. No, it is not a drawback to be precise, but the way to break this skill, which is teleportation, or extremely fast speed, or anti-prejudgment.

  Anyway, as long as you have the ability to dodge, the new moon infinite connection will be broken. It is not difficult for the monsters of the great batch, the expert players are actually not difficult, but for 90% of the ordinary players, it is a nightmare.

  "It seems that I learned it in one day, and I don’t know whether it is qualified or not."

  Chen Mo pondered slightly. Anyway, he remembered Xiao Ruhan saying that this new moon is normally learned in a week, and he should be considered a genius level if he is one day? Chen Mo couldn't be sure, because he had never been confident in his talents, mainly because he was not so diligent in reality.

   Then Chen Mo walked over and put away the equipment he had exploded.

  One piece of fairy, one piece of ghost, two pieces of gold.

  Hell armor grade faeries, the use requires various occupations, and cannot be used without identification.

  Hell’s Boots grade ghost, use requires assassin, unidentified, cannot be used.

This fairy armor Chen Mo naturally wants ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Guixuan's boots, which are exclusively for assassins, they can be given to Zhao Yingmeng. As a member of the Fengshen Sect, it is impossible to treat others badly. Zhao Yingmeng is also a veteran. Although he is an iron man, existence has meaning and reason.

  Zhao Yingmeng ran over with Xiaoyuan.

   "Brother Chenmo, I...I'm level 25, I'm on the top ten of the ranking list, let me go!"

  Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly!

  Following him to level up, it's so cool! What's wrong with the bastard? The **** is also very comfortable.

  Chen Mo threw the ghost boots to Zhao Yingmeng and said, "This is for you."

  Zhao Yingmeng glanced at her small mouth slightly.

   "No...no, I was mixing experience, so I don’t need equipment."

  Zhao Yingmeng is embarrassed.

  The main reason is that the ghost and mysterious artifacts are too expensive, and she can't afford it.

  "Fengshenzong member welfare, don’t you?"

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   "Hehehe, yes, yes!"

  Zhao Yingmeng then took it.

   "Thank you, Brother Chenmo, I will definitely become very strong in the future, and I will give back to you!"

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