I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 86: The strongest power, Shura and disaster

The mark on    disappeared, but Chen Mo could make it appear at any time.

Then the voice came: "The light of the chosen heaven is a symbol of status. It proves that you are the son of the chosen heaven. Even the five emperors must be polite when they see you, but that is only in front of the public. If you provoke a lot of people, they secretly It’s okay to destroy you, so don’t think that you can do whatever you want with the light of this day’s choice."

   This is easy to understand. For example, killing is illegal. No one will kill in front of the public, but they can kill secretly! This status symbol is nothing more than an identity. Others will recognize your identity in places where many people are, but it is hard to say whether you accept it in your heart.

   "Why does this thing make the five emperors give three points?" Chen Mo asked.

"You are an adventurer in another world. Maybe you don’t understand. In the Tianlin Continent, the human race and the monster race are fighting every day. With each passing day becoming stronger and stronger, the territories of the human race are gradually being eroded. Mankind needs a savior to save them and lead them to fight against the monster race. Therefore, those who pass the calamity trial are the saviors!"

   "Why did you pass the trial of disaster?" Chen Mo asked in surprise.

The voice said: "This is what the person who set the trial left in the world! And that person is standing on top of the five emperors! No one, even the five emperors, dare not disobey her ideas and prophecies. I will completely believe it."

"She is?"

   "You don't need to know, at least you don't need to know now."

   "Then does she know the existence of this trial Shura?"

   Chen Mo asked.

"No, except for you, only me and the one who has passed the trial of disaster knows that this trial of disaster is the trial of Shura!" The voice said confidently: "The trial was set by her, but the trial of disaster The content of the exercise has been changed, and she does not know, nor does she know."

   Hearing these words, Chen Mo showed a surprised expression!

   "Who is Senior?" Chen Mo asked, always feeling unusual.

   The voice smiled.

"You don’t need to know, take the light of the heavenly choice. The way to leave the sea of ​​death has been opened for you. As for whether to shine the light of the heavenly choice, it is your freedom. You choose by yourself, remember, the trial of disaster If the content is revealed, it will be condemned by God!"

  Chen Mo saluted: "The juniors are leaving! If you have fate in the future, I hope to hear about it."

  Perhaps because this secret will involve a lot of things, Chen Mo will not even have a system prompt to broadcast through the trial of disaster, and it has been kept secret for the players! There is a wave of high-profile opportunities missing, and a wave of opportunities for those self-righteous people to be frantically looking for, pretending to be B may be late, but will never be absent.

   After talking, Chen Mo walked to the shore, and the boat appeared again. Chen Mo got on the boat, and the boat drove automatically towards the distance.

   A figure slowly walked out of the fog on the shore, and slowly became clear. He looked at the small boat that Chen Mo was going away...

"The chain of calamity... just didn't notice the thing on his wrist. In this world, there are two powers that are the most special. One is Shura and the other is disaster! You may have missed Shura, but But there may be calamity, but I missed it again, but calamity is not weaker than Shura!"


   At this moment, Chen Mo was taken by the boat and slid forward. The difference was that there was no thick fog on the sea, and he could see clearly.

This day coming out of the village is different from any game that Chen Mo has come into contact with before. Even till now, no player knows the specific method of leaving the village. Chen Mo is the first player closest to leaving the village. He really doesn't know how to get out, it depends on where the boat takes him.

   The previous game is to enter a teleportation formation, usually the teleportation formation of the village chief, and then the village chief will ask you which empire to go to which main city, and then the player will be directly teleported over, but this is not!

   "I don't know what Xiaoyuan and Shuishui are now."

Of course, Chen Mo cares about them very much. He separated inexplicably before. He went to trial and didn’t know where they are now, but Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui should be together, and Xiao Yuan should not be in danger, but they should be looking for By yourself.

   But Chen Mo couldn't find them either, so he could only follow the boat to the place where he left Xinshou Village for the time being!

   Actually, if you can't find it, you can count it as fate. Chen Mo is not very convenient to take them with them. They also have their own lives, and separation is not necessarily a bad thing.

   separate is for better together.

   About ten minutes later, Chen Mo saw the shore in front of him, and then he went ashore, but his brows were frowned in front of him!

The light here is very dim, the sky is dim, and the front is like a reddish aurora, more like a barrier, rising from the horizon to the sky. When Chen Mo approached, he realized that it was more than just Just light, more like a barrier! Behind this barrier are five mountains with five caves.

   But Chen Mo saw three figures.

   As if feeling the breath from the rear, the three figures turned their heads~www.wuxiaspot.com~Big brother..."

   Xiaoyuan ran over after seeing Chen Mo, then threw himself into Chen Mo's arms and started crying.

   Chen Mo put his hand on her little head, and then touched it lightly.

   "Xiao Yuan thought... Big Brother doesn't want Xiao Yuan anymore."

   Chen Mo said softly, "Why? It's just a force that attracted me to other places. Look, isn't this coming?"

   Then he gently wiped Xiao Yuan's tears.

   This little girl is too dependent on him, but in Chen Mo's view, this is not a good thing! She deserves to have her own life.

   But it seems that there are not many ways.


   Xiao Yuan nodded his head aggrievedly, then laughed, holding Chen Mo's big hand and not letting go for a moment.

   "Chen Si Niang?"

   Chen Mo showed a stunned expression when he saw the two in front of him clearly. One was naturally Shui Shui, and the other was Chen Siniang.

   "Young Master Chenmo."

  Chen Siniang bowed slightly. For her, there is no strength or weakness. Chen Mo saved her life. Chen Mo is her lifesaver. She should bow to Chen Mo.

   "Why are you all here?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   Chen Siniang pointed to the front and said: "The five caves in front are the teleportation formations of the five empires. After entering the corresponding cave, they will randomly appear in any one of them. This is the only way to leave the sea of ​​death and go to the five empires."

   Chen Mo suddenly realized that this was the way to leave the Novice Village, but...appearing in a random place corresponding to the empire, which is a bit pitted, but also full of unknown excitement.

   "Then why are you all standing here?"

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