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Chapter 224 Let go of that girl

"Stop! Let go of that girl!"

As soon as Xia Xu supported Tang Youxin, who was wearing a dinosaur doll costume, an angry roar came from the storefront behind him.

As the saying goes, when you see injustice on the road, let out a roar, which can be said to be upright and righteous.

"Let go of him, or I'll call the police."

A boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old rushed out, followed by a masculine girl with short hair.


Xia Xu couldn't help laughing when he saw this visual scene.

"No, no, he is..."

Tang Youxin had already reacted after the initial shock. After she broke free from Xia Xu's arms and stood firm, she hurriedly wanted to explain, but she paused slightly when she mentioned Xia Xu's 'identity'.

"Boy friend."

Xia Xu added forcefully.

"Don't, don't talk nonsense."

Tang Youxin refuted Ai Ai eagerly, but that soft and waxy voice was really harmless, and it didn't seem to be a negative tone, but rather coquettish and coquettish.


At this moment, it seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

But the boy who chased him out first opened his mouth and was stunned.

Looking at the obvious intimacy between the two, he also heard his own heartbroken voice.

"Youxin, are they your colleagues?"

Feeling very interesting, Xia Xu inadvertently put his hand on the shoulder of the doll costume again, and looked at the man and woman with a playful expression.

"Well, this is sister Yanan, and this is sister Yanan's friend."

Tang Youxin took off the dinosaur's head with great effort, revealing her suffocated red face, and introduced the two of them to Xia Xu without taking a breath.

However, after introducing the more masculine girl first, her words paused for a moment when the boy was introduced.

Based on Xia Xu's understanding of Xiaobaihua, it was probably because he didn't know the boy's name, and then he quickly thought of a word.

"Look, Youxin doesn't even know your name, and you two haven't even spoken a word, so don't act like you're broken in love."

The girl Tang Youxin called Sister Yanan mercilessly exposed the truth, and once again pierced the boy's heart with a sharp knife, and then greeted Xia Xu with a cheerful and generous smile: "Hello, my name is Xu Yanan, from Youxin. colleague."

"Hi, my name is Xia Xu."

Xia Xu smiled and nodded.

"This guy is Zhang Kai."

Seeing that the boy was still deeply shocked and hadn't recovered, Xu Yanan took the initiative to introduce again, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, your appearance directly extinguished the little flame of his secret love that just rose, and now he is probably autistic. I have to secretly wipe tears in my heart.

But don't worry, this guy is timid, he didn't even say a word to Youxin, and he has no threat. "

It seems that Xu Yanan and Zhang Kai should be close friends, so they are very ruthless when they make up the knife.

"What secret love, Xu Yanan, don't talk nonsense, it's not good if people misunderstand you."

Zhang Kai came back to his senses, his powerless mouth stiffened.

"Yes, yes, I'm talking nonsense, I don't know who just got angry and became a beauty."

"I was complaining."

"Are you still fighting? You beat a goose first."

The two bickered as if no one else was around.

Xia Xu and Tang Youxin looked at each other speechlessly, and Tang Youxin leaned into Xia Xu's ear, as if whispering a little secret: "Let me tell you, Sister Yanan seems to like him."

The slightly moist and warm breath poured into the ears, and the vague fragrance flowed from the nose to the mind, making Xia Xu feel a little distracted.

Having not been tempted by the little white flower for nearly a month, he said that he couldn't bear it, and quickly avoided it a little, and said, "Is your job timed or piecework? Is there a rule when you get off work?"

Just now he saw the little white flower handing out leaflets.

This kind of part-time job is relatively common, and usually it is enough to distribute leaflets for a fixed time or a fixed amount.

"It's fine as soon as these leaflets are distributed."

Tang Youxin pointed to a pile of leaflets on the ground next to her.

"Okay, I'll send it for you."

Xia Xu didn't say anything about quitting, but took the head of the dinosaur doll that Xiao Baihua was holding and put it on her head again, and handed out a bunch of leaflets with her.

"Your boss has taken advantage of this time."

"Why do you say that?"

"He hired you, a beautiful woman, with a small salary, and he also hired a handsome guy like me for free. He made a lot of money. I earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute. The most important thing is that I am so handsome."

"Bah, narcissist."

The two chatted and whispered while handing out leaflets, and soon...well, none of them were sent out.

The flow of people around is not low, but the performance can be said to be real in the world. Seeing them handing out leaflets is like seeing obstacles blocking the road.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect that the big boss who has hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute can't even distribute leaflets."

I don't know if she was infected by Xu Yanan, but Xiao Baihua made up the knife "without showing affection".

This little girl is introverted and introverted. In fact, she still has a bit of playfulness in her bones, but it is not very obvious usually, and she rarely shows it in front of people who are not close to her.

"Hey, then I have to let you learn a lot today."

Xia Xu really liked this kind of intimate interaction, so he immediately put on a displeased look, rolled up his sleeves fiercely, as if he wanted to stop someone from forcing him to stuff the leaflets.

"Why don't we send it for you, since Xiaoxin and your boyfriend are looking for you, let's go first."

Xu Yanan also heard the commotion here, and walked over with Zhang Kai.

"No need, I have to let her know a lot today."

Xia Xu declined with a smile, then squatted down, and passed the leaflet in his hand to Atuo's mouth: "Come on, Atuo, this difficult task is entrusted to you, hurry up and stop someone from distributing the leaflets."

Ato: "???"

I may not be human, but you are a real dog!

Give me a dog to hand out flyers?

"What's your expression? Other people's cats and dogs can look at the store's sales. It's too much for you to send a flyer?"

Xia Xu showed a threatening smile: "Do you still want your dinner?"

"How could a dog..."

Xu Yanan and Zhang Kai thought Xia Xu was joking and were about to say something, but they saw A Tuo succumb to Xia Xu's threatening smile in an instant, honestly holding a stack of leaflets in his mouth, and went on like a thief. He stopped two girls who were shopping.

"Huh? Dog, are you going to give us flyers?"

"Really, he seems to understand, and really put the flyer in my hand."

"It's so smart, is this what you raised?"

Furry pets are always easy to conquer girls. Although Atuo's wolf dog is not as lovable as a serious pet dog, it is also easy to get close to a little cute.

After a while, Ato sent out more than a dozen leaflets in a row, and many of the people who were handed out the leaflets did not leave for a while, but continued to watch Ato's actions.

There is nothing extraordinary about a person handing out leaflets, but it is novel and rare for a dog to hand out leaflets. This is the importance of gimmicks.

Soon more and more people gathered around, and a large number of people gathered around to watch. In the end, Ato didn't even need to distribute the flyers.

That posture was a little bit like the groceries shopping aunts vying for discounts in the supermarket.

"Look, it's easy to post this."

After the leaflets were distributed, and after spending a lot of time trying to persuade the crowd to leave, Xia Xu faced Xiao Baihua and spread his hands with a smile.

"I know how to bully Ato."

Tang Youxin was not surprised by A Tuo's behavior, but she complained coquettishly, then raised her head slightly and said, "This is A Tuo's contribution, what does it have to do with you."

"Ato is raised by me, and its work is of course equal to my work, and it is also credit for persuading it to help distribute leaflets. Without me, no one can command it to distribute leaflets."

Xia Xu said with a grin.

"Excessive words!"

"This is a fact!"


"Ah, this sour smell, let's get rid of it."

The two who were suddenly stuffed with dog food retreated silently.

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