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Chapter 305 Baize System

"Okay, ok, ok, I say, I say!"

Under Xia Xu's torture offensive, the enemy had no power to resist, and soon succumbed and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, Xia Xu could only let go of his hand with a little regret, and frowned: "Then say it quickly."

"Hey, what you guessed is actually very close. I also plan to do the function of data detection and analysis, but I haven't started yet. This function is not in a hurry."

Xiao Baihua looked like she was asking for compliments, and said with a playful smile, "You should know that, according to the legend, Bai Ze can know the past and the future, and can also seek good fortune and avoid evil to identify ten thousand monsters."

"Could it be that you can still use programs to seek good fortune and avoid evil?"

Xia Xu frowned slightly.

It is definitely unrealistic to predict the future, and it is useless to know the past. In a sense, using search engines to search for historical information on the Internet means knowing the past. Xiao Baihua is so proud.

"Who says it can't, clang clang clang, look."

Xiao Baihua trotted to a nearby workbench with a grin, and handed over a pair of smart glasses with the casing dismantled as a gift.

"A miniature laser ranging sensor?"

Xia Xu and Tang Youxin had carried out a fundamental upgrade to the smart glasses before, and they knew their internal structure clearly, and they could see at a glance that there was an extra small component on the smart glasses.

It's only the size of a little thumb, so the overall change to the smart glasses is not that big, but with the super-brain potion's photographic memory effect, he still easily compares and distinguishes the type of this component.

"Hee hee, that's right. With this, the smart glasses can measure the distance of objects with an accuracy of one millimeter. By measuring the distance change per unit time, it can also achieve the effect of speed measurement."

Xiaobaihua explained: "After the early warning mode is activated, the Baize system will call the laser ranging sensor to measure the distance of the surrounding objects. Once the object approaches the user and the speed reaches a critical value, the early warning will be triggered, and the vibration of the vibration motor will be used to remind .”

There was pride on her face, but more of it was a kind of joy and a sense of accomplishment from the heart: "In this way, the Bai Ze system can protect you instead of me, no matter who wants to sneak attack you, it is impossible to succeed." , hum."

Seeing Tang Youxin's beaming face, Xia Xu's heart twitched for some reason, and he couldn't help but gently embraced her petite body in his arms.

"Silly girl……"

The hands are getting tighter and tighter, as if they want to knead them into one.

To seek good luck and avoid evil, it turns out that this is to seek good luck and avoid evil.

Xiao Baihua has locked herself in the studio day and night these days, and she is actually making this.

As for the reason, I probably feel very insecure when I think about it.

Duan Zhiyi's armed drone strafing and long-range sniping still caused a lot of shadow to this little white flower who just graduated from high school, but he didn't show it because he didn't want to cause people to worry.

And compared to herself, she is probably more worried about him who often goes out and encounters such situations.

Especially last week when she was attacked by killers and werewolves one after another, how scared and terrified she must have been at that time. It is no wonder that she has locked herself in this studio even more these days.

"You are stupid."

Tang Youxin's face was slightly red, but she didn't struggle. She pressed her cheek lightly against Xia Xu's chest, and her voice became weaker: "It's a pity that the power of this miniature sensor is too small, and the effective range is only ten meters, and it can't prevent sniper rifles. ..."

Depressed, slumped, seems to blame himself, but also seems to seek comfort.

"It's okay, enough is enough. Technology always develops slowly. Let's take it step by step. It is already very powerful to prevent melee attacks."

Xia Xu touched her growing silky long hair and comforted her softly.

Technology requires trade-offs, and the more miniaturized, the harder it is.

There are naturally higher-power distance measuring sensors, but the volume will also be multiplied many times. Right now, Xiaobaihua is using the most high-end miniature sensors on the market.

The most important thing is that even if a higher-power ranging sensor is used, it is actually meaningless. The speed of a bullet from any gun can easily exceed the speed of sound, and it will be impossible to dodge it with a few tens of meters.

If it is farther away, the power volume of the ranging sensor will increase sharply, and factors such as obstacle occlusion and error sensitivity must be considered. The step-by-step increase in demand will lead to the anti-missile system.

"It's not just about preventing close-up sneak attacks."

Xiao Baihua's sudden retort gave Xia Xu a surprise: "The Baize system just can't detect ultra-long-range sniper bullets, or it can't buy enough time for people to dodge, but it can Guard against ordinary firearms."

"Can it protect against ordinary firearms?"

Xia Xu was a little surprised when he heard the words, but also a little surprised and unbelievable: "How did you do it?"

"Image processing technology."

Tang Youxin explained honestly: "Although the speed of the bullet exceeds the speed of sound, the movement of a person shooting with a gun is not as fast as the bullet.

The front-end lens of the smart glasses will capture the image, and we can also install two at the end of the temple. Hey, it’s like having eyes on the back of the head.

Then I use image processing technology to recognize the shooting action of the firearm, and immediately give an early warning when I recognize such a scene. If the reaction is fast enough, I should be able to dodge it. "

"Student Tang, you are really my lucky star."

Xia Xu was overjoyed when he heard that, and couldn't help but kissed him hard on the forehead.


This is definitely a big surprise!

You know, firearms have always been his number one confidant.

Now with his strength and the protection of Atuo and the spider predators, even a dozen or so strengthened werewolves could hardly cause him any fatal danger, let alone ordinary people.

But only firearms are a hurdle.

The gun is fast ten steps away, and the gun is accurate and fast within ten steps.

Don't look at how easy it is to dodge bullets in movies, but in fact, even a bullet from a small pistol can easily break through the speed of sound.

Unless it is the opponent's deflection or a pre-judged dodge based on factors such as shooting actions, there is basically no possibility of dodging after the bullet is ejected.

No matter how good he is in sword fighting, he still has to throw himself on the street when he encounters someone who shoots a black gun. This is also thanks to being in the country of Xia. If it were a foreign country, his grave would be several feet high.

But in front of Xiaobaihua's Baize system, all this is easily solved. As long as the shooting action is within the sight range of the lens of the smart glasses, the shooting action can be identified and warned, and there are eyes on the back of the head, asking if you are afraid.

As for reaction speed?

You must know that the super brain potion can speed up the thinking speed, and the mechanical centipede spine can also enhance the explosive power and movement speed. The combination of the two can't dodge the bullets from the chamber, but it is still no problem to dodge the early warning shots.

It can be said that with the Baize system, unless it is an ultra-long-distance sniper or a large number of firearms, the firearms are no longer a fatal threat to him.

Originally, he had always been envious of Uncle Luo's keen sense of danger, but that ability relied on the intuition formed by wandering between life and death for a long time and Uncle Luo's super high fighting talent, so he couldn't envy him at all. .

But now... I have a little wife to write about!

What kind of dangerous intuition do you want, isn't he good at Bai Ze system?

Accurate program calculations are much more reliable than the intuition of not knowing when it suddenly fails!

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