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Chapter 309 The Best Times

Time came two days later.

The medical insurance negotiations were in full swing, and Xinghai Biotech naturally sent Chen Leyao as planned.

As for Xia Xu, he was not good at and didn't like this kind of occasion. He didn't plan to go, let alone he had other things to do today.

Early in the morning, he was woken up by Gu Haiming's excited and impatient phone call.

"How is it, Mr. Gu, what's the situation?"

Xia Xu rushed to Xinghai Biological Research Institute in a hurry.

"Basically, it has been successful, and the next step is to do clinical trials."

Gu Haiming personally came out to meet Xia Xu and quickly walked inside, and soon entered the biology laboratory he was in charge of, which had been separated and occupied a single floor of the research institute.

After undergoing complicated disinfection and changing of clothes, Xia Xu saw a scene that made him slightly uncomfortable in a transparent glass cage in a sterile room.

In a pure transparent glass cage, a small macaque is imprisoned inside, but the macaque is basically in a state of complete confinement and anesthesia. There is no wound on the chest, but there are blood vessels spreading out, and a small dark red heart the size of an egg. is beating outside the body.

Undoubtedly, this is exactly the 'second heart' proposed by Gu Haiming more than two months ago.

"The second heart is actually relatively simple in terms of genetic technology, but thanks to the experimental monkeys of Yingke Biotech in terms of organ cultivation..."

Gu Haiming introduced the experiment situation and progress in detail.

Biological and medical research has never been a career that can be pursued by those with excess love, because neither biotechnology nor medical technology can escape the hurdle of clinical trials.

Before conducting clinical experiments, in order to control the success rate and risk, it is natural to only use animals for experiments. Even a medical school professor does not know how many frogs and mice are dissected every year.

After all, it is better for animals to die than for humans to die.

Being born as a human being should always be human-oriented.

As the species closest to human genes, monkeys and orangutans are undoubtedly the most advanced human substitutes, with a genetic similarity of more than 90%.

However, monkeys are not just ordinary monkeys. To be used in medical experiments and biological experiments, they must first be docile and cooperative enough.

Therefore, orangutans that are too big and difficult to control are excluded first, and they basically select a few specific species from monkeys, such as small macaques such as cynomolgus monkeys and rhesus monkeys.

And in order to be healthy enough and not have other factors affecting the experimental results, all wild monkeys are not good enough, and all of them need to be carefully cultivated and bred in a highly clean environment.

Because of this, there are actually many biological companies that specialize in cultivating this kind of experimental monkeys. Even so, the supply is still in short supply, and the market price is increasing day by day. Now there are basically more than 100,000 monkeys.

However, the experimental monkey in front of him is even more exaggerated, it has doubled by a hundred times, a total of 10 million!

A while ago, when Gu Haiming asked him for money to buy this so-called 'Yingke No. 1', he almost lost his temper when he heard the price.

After all, during this period of time, the three companies are all in the initial expansion stage, and the capital chain is really not very abundant. If the 10 million is taken out, his pockets are basically empty.

But since he has already boasted to Gu Haiming and asked for money and people, what else can he do? He can't refuse to give it the first time he opens his mouth to apply for funds, so he can only grit his teeth and agree.

But now it seems that all this is obviously worth the money.

There is a reason why Yingke Biology dared to bid this price. Yingke No. 1 is not a healthy and docile experimental monkey in the routine demand, on the contrary, it is a kind of 'sick' monkey.

Perhaps due to careful selection and a little bit of luck, Yingke Biotech has bred this kind of experimental monkey with innate immunity to diseases. It can only stay in a sterile environment for life. Once it leaves, it will be threatened by various threats such as bacterial infection and quickly die.

But this is a boon for medical experiments and biological experiments.

Not to mention, Yingke No. 1 itself has immunodeficiency, and the entire immune system is in a state of being extremely weak or even shut down. Any drug effects, side effects, and microbial infections can quickly take effect and expand in its body.

This also means that any experiment can obtain the fastest and most intuitive results on Yingke No. 1!

The most important thing is that without an immune system, it means that there will be no rejection. This kind of experimental monkey is the best biological experiment subject, and it can ignore the rejection and carry out cloned organ cultivation.

To put it simply, it's like grafting.

Due to the existence of the immune system and rejection among normal organisms, any transplantation, even blood transfusion and skin grafting, is very difficult and risky.

But plants are different. Many plants can survive perfectly when grafted with each other, and Yingke No. 1 is the perfect carrier to make organ transplantation as simple as grafting.

The entire second heart project has thus become extremely simple, editing genes, adjusting stem cells, interfering with cell differentiation and proliferation, preliminary cultivation, and 'grafting' to Yingke No. 1 experimental monkey to grow to maturity.

Uh, well, it seems that it is quite difficult, but it is not a high difficulty for Gu Haiming.

Although the gene editing technology has not obtained the convenient and efficient scalpel virus of Andra, there are actually many inconvenient methods, such as homologous recombination and modified nucleases. , but most of them are limited to professional environments such as laboratories.

Genetic modification sounds lofty, but in fact, both the Earth and Seablue Planet have a large number of products flowing into the lives of ordinary people.

Leaving aside genetically modified fruits and vegetables, there are many pets alone. The most common ones are those messy glowing fish, which are basically the products of implanting fluorescent genes.

This type of technology may be immature, but it is by no means mysterious.

It may be difficult to transform adult individuals, but the transformation of cloned embryos can be done using technologies such as ES cell targeting, EPS cell targeting, and CRISPR/Cas9, and they will mature indefinitely.

"We live in the best of times and the worst of times."

Listening to Gu Haiming's eloquent talk, Xia Xu couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

This is the best of times, and countless technologies that should only exist in fantasy seem to be only one step away.

But this is also the worst era, because it may take dozens or even hundreds of years to get away from this one step. Perhaps it is after they age and die that these technologies will truly mature, be released, commercialized, and enter the public eye.

"Boss, what you said is wrong. It should be said that I was born in the worst era, and you were born in the best era."

When Gu Haiming heard Xia Xu's emotion, his expression was even more complicated.

He is really old.

Although he is only in his fifties in terms of age, due to mental and psychological problems, his aging is very obvious, and he is not much different from the ancient and rare old man.

It's just like the melancholy that the king was born and I was not born, but I was old when I was born.

Obviously a magnificent world can be foreseen, but I don't know how much time I have to wait, and whether I can still witness and participate in it in my lifetime.

"No, Mr. Gu, you are also wrong. It should be said that we were all born in the best age."

Looking at Gu Haiming's melancholy and lonely appearance, Xia Xu suddenly smiled.

It was only after he got rid of the sentimental indulgence that he realized that what he was on now was not the Earth, but Seablue Planet.

This is a world with countless 'dramas'.

Since it is the world, it is impossible to only have the protagonist and supporting roles, and there are more forces and characters that may not even be called supporting roles, and are generally background boards.

For example, in a certain plot, a villain organization has developed biotechnology such as biological transformation, and a certain character has developed mechanical technology such as robots. There must be a series of related equipment, materials, patents, researchers, technology origins and other derivative issues.

The more technology develops, the more detailed the division of labor will be. Even a screw and nut may be developed and produced by a professional group. No matter how powerful the organization is, it is impossible to fully consider and be completely self-sufficient.

Therefore, whenever an advanced product appears in the plot, it must mean a complete technological and industrial system, which means countless manufacturers, suppliers, and R\u0026D institutions.

In fact, Yingke No. 1 of Yingke Bio in front of you is the best example.

This special experimental monkey can't be called black technology, it should just be a product of intentional selection and luck, but it is of extraordinary significance to biological research, and there is absolutely no such thing in the normal earth in his memory.

In fact, even the spider-shaped predator he designed is like this. Many of the components used in it are specially customized from Spot Industries and other groups, and its performance far exceeds that of commercial products on the market.

Whether it is Yingke Bio or Spot Industries, perhaps even the names may not be mentioned in each plot, but in reality, they are indispensable "background boards" for the plot to run reasonably.

It's just a plot, and a "black technology" involves a large number of companies and organizations, so how many plots will there be in the endless streams of the world?

Nowadays, these companies, manufacturers and research and development institutions have not shown up. Firstly, they may be relatively low-key, and various high-tech products are still in the experimental stage of research and development. They have not yet been released or commercialized, and the situation has not yet developed to that point.

The second reason is that these companies and organizations are only acting as background boards behind the scenes. Not only will they not be mentioned in the plot, but as a pure supplier or partner, their own sense of presence in the production process is also weak.

For example, you know the brand of the computer, but do you know the manufacturers behind the components of the computer?

Except for a few manufacturers such as Intel and TSMC who are still familiar with the development of the Internet, 99% of the component manufacturers are probably little known.

Not to mention that behind the components are small components further downstream, a large number of patents and licensors involved in the components, important artificial materials such as photoresist, basic raw materials such as gold, silver and ferrosilicon, each of which involves many behemoths, but Each is silent.

They are not well-known, but it does not mean that they do not exist, on the contrary, they have already taken root in all directions into the entire era.

And these things that are not even counted as background boards in the plot are actually the biggest source of variation in reality.

Even if each of them mastered something that was only a little ahead in a certain aspect and could not be called black technology at all, under the influence of multiple overlapping and mutual influence, it was countless giant butterflies that set off a storm.

It can be said that even if all the plots end here, the trend of the technological explosion is already rolling in, unstoppable.

Born in this era, he doesn't need to wait too long! They don't have to wait long!

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