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Chapter 402 Engine Roaring

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Brother Dong, look what this is!"

In the dormitory of the National University of Science and Technology, Zhang Meng watched the new video sent by his friend on his mobile phone, and jumped up from the bed.

"What is it, you're so excited, you're still watching your shitty monster video?"

Lu Dong, who had just closed his eyes and lay on the bed, struggled to get up speechlessly.

But he only took a look at Zhang Meng's mobile phone, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"Do you think this thing looks familiar?"

Zhang Meng said.

"It's more than familiar..."

The corner of Lu Dong's mouth twitched.

The video was shot from a window of a building.

On the slightly trembling screen, first a group of people ran away in the street screaming in fear, followed by a monster with a wolf head and a muscular body chasing after it.

Then, a figure in a black combat uniform went upstream, passed through the crowd, and stood between the two like a man guarding the gate.

With one blow, he sliced ​​across the abdomen of the giant werewolf, and dodged behind him like a ghost, almost dismembering the wolf giant alive.

And most importantly, the tight-fitting combat uniform with the hood and scarlet V-shaped armor is more than familiar to them, it was designed and manufactured by them bit by bit.

"Could it be that when Brother Xu wore a graphene combat uniform to shoot a movie?"

Lu Dong turned his head a little stiffly, and asked a nonsense that even he himself didn't believe.

"Do you think it's possible? The combat uniform hasn't been finished yet, and it's been lying in the activity room these days."

Zhang Meng was speechless.

"That is to say, this video was just shot, and it is likely to be true?"

Lu Dong's scalp was numb and he took a deep breath.

The previous video was a scene of a monster running amok in the city center, and Zhang Meng's friend who filmed it claimed that it was filmed on the spot.

But not long now, the graphene passive exoskeleton that they had just designed and produced, and had not yet completed the final test, was worn and appeared in the screen.

"Brother Xu just received some call and left in a hurry, right?"

Zhang Meng didn't answer, but twitched the corners of his mouth and asked back.

The identity of the person wearing the graphene combat uniform in the picture is really easy to guess.

The key to the activity room is in Brother Xu's hands, and the thermal retractable knife made of special alloy is completely clear to their roommates who stay together day and night.

Brother Xu just took a call and left in a hurry, and then he was wearing a graphene combat uniform and ran to kill monsters with a single-handed thermal energy sword?

No matter how powerful the special effects production is, it is impossible to be so fast.

Doesn't that mean that this video is real, and so is the terrifying giant werewolf in the video?

There are really surreal things like werewolves or giants in this world?

The long-standing world view is facing collapse and reshaping at this moment, and both of them began to have some doubts about life.

Since there are monsters like wolf giants, are there other supernatural creatures and phenomena? Could all the anecdotal and strange things that have suddenly increased recently be true?

Most importantly, brother Xu is so fierce?

"Old Zhang, as I remember, it seems that we haven't developed any additional power systems, have we?"

Lu Dong said as if his breath was stagnant.

"I thought it was an exaggeration to say Brother Xu was comparable to an ancient warrior last time, but I didn't expect the reality to be even more outrageous."

Zhang Meng also took a deep breath, looking numb.

Graphene combat suit, this is not a powered exoskeleton armor, but a passive exoskeleton.

Although it also has the effect of increasing strength to a certain extent, its main purpose is to enhance defense and load-bearing capacity.

After all, there is no power source, and no matter how much power can be increased by relying on materials and structures alone, even relying on the elasticity of graphene sponge to accumulate kinetic energy requires its own power base.

In other words, Brother Xu's explosive speed in the video has nothing to do with the graphene combat uniform, but his own physical fitness has reached an inhuman level.

Even if it can't compare to that monster, it is definitely not something that normal people can have.

martial arts master?


Transformation of people?


In an instant, countless guesses flooded their minds.

"I remember Brother Xu just answered a phone call before going there?"

Zhang Meng's expression suddenly became excited: "Do you think Brother Xu is dedicated to handling these incidents? Like a special organization like the Dragon Group or a superhero in a movie?"

The more he talked, the more reasonable he felt, and the more he talked, the more excited he became: "No wonder, no wonder we are asked to study robots and exoskeletons. This is to make equipment for ourselves!"

"It seems really possible."

Lu Dong was also aroused.

After all, he participated in the design of the graphene combat uniform. If it can be used to fight supernatural creatures and contribute to public safety, they will be honored.


Zhang Meng was still about to say something, but the notification sound came from the phone again, and another video clip was sent by a friend.





Stone piles, stone balls, these objects on the sidewalk that were originally used for decoration and blocking vehicles became the best throwing objects for the wolf giant.

Every stone pile is like a javelin under the terrifying force of the wolf giant, and the stone ball has become the most perfect shell.

Swish Swish Swish!

Xia Xu dodges and moves, his figure nimbly dodges the incoming heavy objects, and when he can't dodge in time, he swings a single heat sword like a lightsaber, splits it in two, and deflects it to the sides.

However, he was clumsy on the left and right, and it took time to move whether it was to dodge or to take out the knife. Although these throwing objects with terrifying power could not hit him, they still held him back after all.

But at this time, the wolf giant, who threw a large amount of heavy objects in one breath, has keenly seized this opportunity, and took advantage of his inadvertent opportunity to rush up like a tank.

It has to be said that his fighting instinct is terrifying.

At this moment, there was a time gap. Many heavy objects were thrown over like cannonballs just now, especially the stone ball that contained nearly ten tons of strength.

Xia Xu would be dead if he didn't dodge, and there must be some delay in dodging. Even if it was only for a moment, it would be enough to cover the distance of only ten or twenty meters and catch this little bug in his hand.

As long as you can catch this little bug, even if you just touch it a little, it will be easy to kill the opponent with its power.

No, it will tear the bug alive!

RIP! Chew!


It roared, watching itself getting closer and closer to the little black bug, the cruelty and excitement in its eyes became more intense.

The development of things is also all as it expected.

The little black bug swung its long knife vigorously and split its throwing objects, but it also lost the chance to escape and counterattack, so it could only watch it approach.

The little black bug also seemed to be completely desperate at this moment, giving up his escape measures, and actually stood there, with his arms open, with an appearance of calmly accepting death.

Woo! Woohoo!

A strange roar echoed in the already empty streets.

It's... Roar!

The roar of the engine!

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