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Chapter 427 Dezhou God-Building Project

"Mr. Xia! Mr. Xia..."

"Excuse me……"

With the launch of the enhanced canine serum, all the reporters present went completely insane.

Countless questions and hoarse roars gathered together.

Everyone is scrambling to ask questions and be the first to get the buzz.

Many of them started rushing drafts back to the company directly on the spot, or simply stopped doing traditional business such as TV and print media, and released them on various social networking platforms on the spot, which indirectly promoted the arrival of the new media era.

However, Xia Xu had just answered a few questions selectively, and before everyone could calm down from this crazy scene, the situation at the press conference changed again.

Among the reporters at the scene, the craziest ones were undoubtedly the foreign media.

Many Western countries have a kind of self-confidence in their scientific and technological strength, but in fact they are indeed one step ahead in many fields, and even reach the level of monopoly.

However, they are now hearing about exoskeleton armor, bio-enhanced transformation, etc., from the press conference of an unknown Xia Guo Group, things that even for them only exist in science fiction movies and concepts. How not to shock them.

After the shock, doubts came along with it, but it was even more panic.

Xia Guo (crab) threat (crab) theory is not a new phenomenon. Many foreign media are keen to distort and uglify the image and publicize that it is a threat and disaster to the world.

The strength of Xia Kingdom scares them far more than the strength of any other country.

Now a Xiaguo company has researched passive exoskeleton armor, produced combat robots that are actually used in actual combat, and even super serum that transforms and strengthens dogs. What terrible news is this.

No matter how much they question and condemn indignantly, the basic rationality in their hearts cannot be erased.

Since the Xinghai Group dared to hold a press conference, publicly admit these things and even announce a cooperation with Xia Guo officials, then such news cannot be faked.

It is about the image of a big country, and Xinghai Group dares to make fun of this point, and it is absolutely doomed.

With so many advanced technologies like science fiction movies, just thinking about it is enough to make people shudder.

not only that.

The reason why they traveled across the ocean to participate in the press conference of such an unknown Xia Guo Group was not to listen to some technology announcement.

Their original purpose is only one, and that is the truth and the whole story of the wolf giant incident.

In fact, Xia Guo's show operation this time caught the whole world by surprise.

Many self-made countries are far less stable than Xia Guo. Xia Guo dared to directly announce the special events caused by biochemical monsters such as wolves and giants and black technology, but they did not dare.

So far, countries around the world have basically tacitly held an attitude of keeping such incidents secret, and even secretly researching and making a fortune silently.

As a result, Xia Guo came up with such a show operation this time. It did not cover up the wolf giant incident at all, did not control public opinion and influence at all, and even went to the field to confirm it in person. This made other countries numb.

In the past few days, not only Xia Guo panicked about this incident, but the news also spread to the external network to a certain extent, and the public opinion it aroused was not small at all, even far worse than Xia Guo.

First, the wolf giant itself, and then various biochemical experiments, secret research bases, and special events that were exposed based on this as the fuse, all kinds of news were exposed one by one.

These rumors could not be verified at first, but following the wolf giant incident and Xia Guo's official statement, it is tantamount to confirming the possibility of all these existences.

Countless people resisted Y, protested X, condemned, demanded the right to know, demanded an apology, used panic to attack political opponents, coupled with racial conflicts, class conflicts, religious conflicts, and ideological conflicts, it can be described as a group of demons dancing wildly.

The reason why these well-known foreign media came to participate in the Xinghai Group's press conference was precisely because the Mordor Wolf giant incident was the trigger of all this, and the boss of Xinghai Group, as the person involved, was willing to respond publicly.

As a result of such an interview, the incident was true, and domestic panic intensified.

Xia Guo has mastered advanced technology, and the government has already laid out countermeasures, and the performance of rescue and disaster relief in the past has also been amazing to the world.

On the other hand, in their country, the government has done nothing, and even the basic right to know is blocked. As for the image, they themselves can only say that they understand everything.

Almost as soon as the news spread back, they were completely blown up in the country.

You must know that the wolf giant incident has caused a lot of uproar, and countless eyes are focused on this matter.

At this moment, not only they, the media reporters, arrived at the scene, but also countless people watched the live broadcast, rebroadcast, and edited clips on the Internet, and these could not be concealed at all.

Originally, these foreign media were questioning the authenticity with fierce words after Xia Xu announced the news about strengthening dogs, condemning the inhumanity of using dogs to study biotechnology, and even claiming that these cross-age technologies belong to the world and should be shared by everyone.

But now, these people suddenly stopped, and they even showed expressions of ecstasy, joy, and pride.

The people around them keenly noticed that these seemed to have changed after they answered the phone calls one after another.

"Boss, you'd better look at these."

Taking advantage of the chaos in the audience and no one having time to look after him, Chen Leyao quietly walked to Xia Xu's side and handed over a tablet.

With just a glance, Xia Xu's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Dezhou announced that it will join hands with the Ambride Group to execute the god-making project to create a super soldier comparable to a god, and declares that it will participate in the governor's election and become the real patron saint of Texas. "

A ridiculous title, all in English.

However, it was not the entertainment media that released the news, but an official account of Millikin.

"When did this happen?"

Xia Xu looked awe-inspiring, and looked sideways at Chen Leyao.


Chen Leyao's expression was also very serious: "The press conference they held almost at the same time as us was just a normal product release of the group at the beginning, and it was only just now that they suddenly announced this news."

An official of a country announced the creation of a god, a super creature, and became its own ruler or even a god. This news can be called absurd anywhere.

But in Millikin, it doesn't seem so incomprehensible.

After all, in terms of the system, most of them operate independently, and the laws of various places are not unified or even conflict with each other, and this kind of unbelievable and strange incident is not the first time.

Celebrity campaigns are routine, cats and dogs campaigns still have examples to follow, and there are countless strange events such as pets inheriting billions of fortunes and becoming rich.

No matter how unbelievable things are, it is a normal phenomenon after the political (crab) is correct.

This is just a gimmick to make a god, but it seems ordinary.

"More than that, there's more in the back, let's take a look, boss."

A wry smile suddenly appeared on Chen Leyao's face, and she shook her head.

Xia Xu flipped the screen according to his words, and reports in different languages ​​and countries passed by in front of his eyes, which made people's eyebrows jump.

"The Japanese empire announced the latest super artificial intelligence [Turing], saying that it will be connected to the official network to assist in the monitoring and handling of vicious incidents. It is reported that it can predict criminal tendencies..."

"A quick look at today's press conference of the island country Sanchuan Group, new bionic robots, industrial robots, combat robots..."

"Xiong Kingdom individual combat armor is about to be installed, including advanced technologies such as powered exoskeleton armor and flying backpacks. The main body adopts hybrid power..."

"Deguo Byberg Group stated that it has already reached a cooperation with the official, and the super soldier project is nearing completion. "

"The Kingdom of Li claims to have developed the latest type of electromagnetic gun, and the carrier-class can annihilate a whole city!" "

"Is this all just out?"

Xia Xu's mouth twitched slightly as he read the news one by one.

"Boss, you are very good at predicting things. Most of them happened just now, and a few happened this morning."

Chen Leyao seemed to be having fun while suffering, and flattered her with a smile.

"This is really more fun than one."

Xia Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and after a while in his mind, he understood the whole story.

Coincidence, of course, cannot be a coincidence.

Although three days is not long, it is enough for a country's officials to prepare countermeasures. Announcing these seemingly high-end black technologies at this time is the best way to stabilize people's hearts.

And the reason why he waited until now, after he announced the information about strengthening the dog, to follow up, was nothing more than worrying about revealing his hole cards and being drawn into the equipment competition.

They had obviously already made up their minds. They would follow up on any hidden super technology that Xia Guo dared to throw out, and if they didn't, they would continue to wait and see what happened. Anyway, they were not the only ones who were in a hurry.

"Boss, do you think these are real or fake?"

Chen Leyao found that she could not understand the world more and more.

"It's true and it's false."

Xia Xu shook his head.

Not to mention, the third brother's news is not very reliable, and this is also a master who can do all kinds of weird things and make all kinds of jokes appear.

Why not destroy the star directly by destroying the city with a carrier-class electromagnetic gun.

And to be honest, the technologies thrown out by these countries are actually mostly gimmicks.

It may be true, but far from being powerful and influencing the international situation, it is only used to calm people's hearts. The real truth must still be hidden.

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