I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 102 Is Just A Game (Chapter 10!)

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Jonathan's pupils suddenly shrank!

When "Xiaobai" heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, Nicole on the side suddenly held his hand uncomfortably, "Don't mess around!"

Now, Nicole has fully realized that the younger brother she met by chance on the plane may really have an unusual background, and she also knows how much this younger brother cares for her. She is really afraid that the other party will do something stupid for her!

"What's the mess?" Looking at the uneasy Nicole, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "You don't think I'll do anything to that fat pig, do you? I don't think "Qi Liu Qi" is a mafia! 17

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Nicole couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then laughed too.

Yes! Xiaobai is still a student! How could he do such a thing!

Jonathan on the side couldn't help but smile, but his heart was full of awe.

Relying on his natural keen intuition for dangerous things, Jonathan clearly felt that just now, what emanated from Jiang Xiaobai's body made him feel as if he was being pricked by needles!

Jonathan knew that Jiang Xiaobai definitely didn't just say something casually just now!

Jonathan said very solemnly: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer to today's matter!"

At this moment, the originally soothing music in the palace suddenly stopped, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, a well-known talk show host who often appeared in awards shows appeared in the palace, and started the opening remarks of tonight's charity dinner!

"Distinguished guests, gentlemen and ladies! Welcome everyone..."

After a brief but passionate opening speech, the host invited Mr. Jonathan, the organizer of the charity dinner tonight, to give a speech.

"Dear Jiang, I'll go up first, and we'll talk later." Amidst the enthusiastic applause of the guests, Jonathan patted Jiang Xiaobai's arm, then walked to the stage while beckoning to the surrounding guests, and began his speech.

In fact, this kind of speech is not much to look forward to.

It’s all about talking about how many poor people in the world need help, how bad their living conditions are, etc., and then calling on everyone to contribute their own strength to bring care and help to those difficult earth and people...

Jonathan didn't speak much. After speaking for a few minutes, he walked off the stage amidst the elegant and warm applause of the crowd.

Next, the stage was returned to the host.

In the next three hours, the host will work with a professional auctioneer to auction off the items contributed by celebrities, rich people and even politicians.

Of course, during this process, these top stars on the scene will also present their performances as an adjustment between the auctions.

Seeing the auction items displayed on the big screen at the scene, Jiang Xiaoyou couldn't help but wondered: "Uh... this...do all the guests who come to participate need to provide a piece of auction?"

"No, this is completely voluntary," Nicole said with a smile on the side, "Also, not everyone is eligible to take their own things as auction items.

When Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, he understood!

After all, this is known as the top charity dinner in the global entertainment industry!

If you can show your face here, it will definitely help improve your status and reputation in the entertainment industry!

However, if you don't have a certain status and reputation, who will give you this opportunity to show your face!

After all, no matter who contributed the lot or bought the lot with money, they will show their faces in front of the global audience and win a good reputation for charity!

It is precisely because of this that no matter who contributed to the auction or participated in the charity auction, they are all top celebrities in Hollywood, or rich people and political figures!

Putting aside the cloak of charity, this is just a game about fame and fortune!

Of course, for those in deep trouble, the more charity games like this the better!

After all, it really helped a lot of people 2.3!

"Then do you have a favorite?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his chin and gestured towards the ranking list on the screen, "Tell me which one you like, and I'll give it to you! It's a celebration of your favorite role!"

"I don't need it," Nicole said softly, leaning on Jiang Xiaobai's arm, "I already have the best gift!"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and looked down, only to see that Nicole just raised her head, and there were rippling eyes in those eyes looking at him!

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to go back to the hotel and have a good time with Nicole!.

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