I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 157: One Willing To Hit And The Other Willing To Suffer (Part 5)

After talking about the diamond mine, Jonathan discussed some details about tourism development with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang, I think about it this way," Jonathan said, "I plan to invite a group of reporters into the town for on-the-spot interviews in a few days, and let them freely take pictures of the diamond mine and the town.

Although the Bolton family has made public the news that there is a diamond mine in the small town of Cerro Gordo, until now, the small town of Cerro Gordo is still in a closed state, except for a few members of the Bolton family, no one is strictly allowed to enter or leave.

Therefore, until now, no reporter has been able to enter the small town of Cerro Gordo.

Because of this, the outside world of "Three Four Seven" is becoming more and more curious about this town!

Hearing Jonathan's words, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help raising his eyebrows [Stupid way: "Your movements are quite fast! Have you cleaned up all the diamonds scattered on the ground?"

Jonathan smiled: "That must be!"

In the beginning, the reason why Jonathan closed down the small town of Cerro Gordo was not only because he was afraid of leaking the news and letting other chaebol families cut off his beard, but also because of the scattered little diamonds!

These diamonds are scattered in every corner of the town, and there are quite a lot of them!

If journalists or ordinary people are brought in, someone will definitely find some diamonds. If a few of them are picked up, it will be a property loss for Jonathan!

Don't take this loss!

"It's almost cleaned up," Jonathan said with a smile, "most of the rest are some inconspicuous small particles.

Jonathan paused, and said, "I'm going to use these small particles to make something!"

"Are you going to let those reporters wander around the town, and let them pick up those small diamonds, um...let me guess," Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Will you announce that all the diamonds you pick up don't need to be handed in, and they can be theirs? And announce the decision to build a diamond-themed tourist park on the spot, and announce that all tourists who visit here, but whoever sees the diamonds, don't need to hand in the diamonds?"

"Bingo! You hit the spot! Haha! As expected of Jiang!" Jonathan laughed and said, "I just made a slight extension of your previous plan. What do you think of this plan?"

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile, "Those reporters who have picked up diamonds will definitely be willing to help us do this publicity. As for those who haven't picked up diamonds, they will probably release the news with envy! This way, more and more people will definitely be attracted to our Diamond Park! When the park officially opens, there will definitely be a large number of tourists coming!"

This is not only the effect of publicity, but also involves a hunger marketing strategy!

This Jonathan can do it! Even Jobs’ hunger marketing technique has been mastered?

"Yes! That's what I mean!" Seeing Jiang Xiaobai fully comprehend his intentions, Jonathan seemed very excited. He suddenly discovered that Jiang Xiaobai was really his bosom friend!

"Let's do it!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile, "But the total amount of diamonds must be controlled, neither too many nor too few, and the expectations of tourists must be maintained, but we must not let us lose money!"

For example, if the entrance fee for a tourist is 10 US dollars, and 1,000 tourists enter the Diamond Park a day, then the ticket revenue is 10,000 US dollars, and once these 1,000 people find a diamond of more than two carats in the park, it means that the park is losing money!

Because if you sell these two carats of diamonds, you will definitely earn more than ten thousand dollars!

Of course, if the other consumption of these tourists in the scenic area is included, such as accommodation, meals, entertainment, etc., then the total amount of diamonds picked up can be appropriately increased!

There is a balance of payments issue involved here!

"Don't worry! I have asked my subordinates to check and calculate a detailed income and expenditure data comparison program! How many tourists we receive every day and how much they spend will all appear on this program. We only need to arrange the number of diamonds according to this program!"

This is called technical adjustment!

In fact, the method discussed by Jiang Xiaobai and Jonathan is often encountered in daily life, and the most typical one is the claw machine!

Many people never get tired of catching claw machines, thinking that they can catch claw machines because of their own skills, but it is not at all!

There is a chip inside each claw machine, and the operator can freely adjust the probability of the doll being caught through this chip...

For example, throwing coins ten times, let you catch one!

This way you are happy, and he is also full of money 2.11064107224 Feilu 121210210]

Many people will say that this is not a scam!

Of course this is not a fraud! Because first of all, this claw machine is positioned as a game machine!

Throw two coins to let you play the game once, and if you can catch the doll, it will be an extra reward!

So no problem at all!

For the same reason, the Diamond Park run by Jiang Xiaobai is also under a similar banner.

The park in the gate is a tourist attraction, mainly to welcome tourists to enjoy the scenery and relax. As for the tourists who picked up diamonds during the tour, it is their luck!

Therefore, in fact, it is a commercial behavior that is willing to fight and suffer!.

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