I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 181: Boss Cowhide! ~ (Broken Sound!) No. 8!

Although very excited, the boss of Huanju still learned the lessons he had learned from George, and chatted with Jiang Xiaobai in detail about some detailed issues on the Internet live broadcast platform.

As for these problems, Jiang Xiaobai calmly-solved them. In many aspects, even the boss of Huanju himself hadn't considered it. Jiang Xiaobai had already explained it to him clearly and clearly, as if he had put a complete plan in front of him and asked him to follow it!

And George and Yaoyao, who sat beside and listened to this, were stunned for a while, as if they were listening to a scripture!

In the end, the boss of Huanju finally confirmed that this young man really has real talents, and he even felt that if he entrusted Huanju to the other party, he might be able to do better than himself!

After a detailed chat, the boss of Huanju immediately signaled the assistant next to him to take out the contract that had been interrupted before signing, then signed his name in a hurry, stamped it with the official seal, and handed it to Jiang Xiao-Bai.

Jiang Xiaobai handed over the contract to George, who signed his name and stamped the official seal on it—after all, the legal person of this investment company is George.

According to the requirements of the contract, the California Jianghe Venture Capital Company will inject 50 million US dollars into the Juanju era, so as to obtain 10% of the shares of Juanju, and Jianghe will also become the fourth shareholder with the most shares in the company after the three founders of Juanju!

Not only that, the two parties also exchanged opinions on the webcast platform, and finally Mr. Huanju suggested that the two parties jointly fund and build a YY live broadcast platform based on the YY voice customer base!

Therefore, YY provides the platform, managers and customer base to occupy 51% of the shares, and Jiang Xiaobai invested 10 million US dollars, accounting for 49%. At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai Japanese will become the technical consultant of the live broadcast platform!

This contract was signed in Jiang Xiaobai's personal name!

When George saw that in less than half an hour, his boss not only successfully got the boss of Huanju to sign the contract, but even asked the other party to offer to recruit Jiang Xiaobai to start a new business. This series of operations immediately stunned George!

In the end, as the two parties signed the second agreement, George suddenly shouted in his heart: "Boss Cowhide~~~Broken sound!"

"Boss Jiang! You are really a fearsome young man!" After signing the contract, the boss of Huanju held Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly and said, "Actually, I have a merciless request here."

Jiang Xiaobai said: "You say."

"I would like to invite you to join our company as our company's chief operating officer, and specialize in researching and formulating the company's development direction. I wonder if you are interested in this?" The boss of Huanju looked at Jiang Xiaobai expectantly.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Mr. Li," Jiang Xiaobai shook his head with a smile, "I'm not interested in going to work."

"You don't count as going to work," the boss of Huanju immediately said, "As a shareholder, this is your company, isn't it? What's more, it's not that we don't pay wages! The chief operating officer of our company is also paid well..."

When the boss of Huanju said this, George beside him couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Li, our boss is not short of money.

It wasn't until this moment that the boss of Huanju realized that a person who can invest 50 million US dollars to invest in their company is not a person who is short of money!

Thinking of this, Mr. Huanju couldn't help but blush!

Hey! It's really because Jiang Xiaobai's talent surprised him so much that he made such a joke!

However, it is really a pity that such a talented young man cannot be used by him!

But... There is no way... Who makes people rich!

"Huh?" At this moment, the female assistant who had been silent at the side suddenly noticed something, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, with a hint of excitement on her face, "You, you...... Are you that Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile: "I don't know which Jiang Xiaobai you are talking about?"

...asking for flowers...

"That's right! It's that Jiang Xiaobai!" The other party was so excited that he was a little incoherent!

"Xiaoyou, what's going on?" Huanju boss frowned and gave a soft drink.

"Dad! It's Jiang Xiaobai! That American Emperor's Jiang Xiaobai!" the female assistant excitedly grabbed the boss's father's arm and said.

"What American Emperor Jiang Xiaobai?" The boss was a little puzzled.

"That's what I told you a few days ago! That Jiang Xiaobai who bought a town in the United States, and then an earthquake occurred in the town, shaking out a diamond mine!" The assistant's daughter said excitedly, he is really not short of money, he has ten diamond cloth mines!"

Happy Gathering Boss:

got it!

Now Huanju boss is completely desperate!

A family has a mine, and it is the most valuable diamond mine, so how can you recruit others at this time?

Even if you give your entire company to others, it won't necessarily make them take a second look!

Hey wait!

The boss of Huanju suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Boss Jiang, logically, why would someone as rich as you invest in a small company like ours?"

"Although it's not that I'm underestimating myself, but because of inherent limitations, our company is doomed to be impossible to develop into a super company like Microsoft and Google!"

"That's true," Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile, but this doesn't mean that the Era of Happy Gathering has no investment value!"

"Companies like Microsoft and Google are indeed more conducive to investment, but because they have become bigger, even if they invest, the returns they can get are limited, far less than the returns from investing in small companies!"

"But...why did you choose us alone?" Mr. Huanju asked, "In China, besides us, there are several other platforms of this type."

"Well..." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Because I have a friend who is YY's number one ghost swordsman!"

Huanju Boss: "?!!!"


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