I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 209 Abducting Brother-In-Law (Part 6!)

Of course, George really felt that his boss was right!

Joining Jianghe is indeed the wisest decision I have ever made in my life!

Who let his boss have a mine! And it's a diamond mine!

Although I heard that the boss sold most of the shares in the diamond mine some time ago, he still has his share in the diamond mine!

And I heard that the boss didn't cash out the shares, but converted them into shares of major listed companies. He is more optimistic about several companies, and feels that there will be a lot of room for development in the future!

Therefore, the bosses who hold the shares of those companies will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future!

As a wage earner, is there anything more fortunate than being able to have a boss with a strong background and absolute trust in himself?

Because of this, George has long since made up his mind that he will leave his life to his boss!

Well, give him a lifetime job!

"By the way, boss, there is one more thing I want to tell you about Haigou.com." After chatting for a while, George brought the topic to Haigou.com again.

Jiang Xiaobai asked: "What?"

"Actually, not all shareholders agreed to this acquisition," George said, "One of the shareholders has always opposed it, and he resigned after the company was confirmed to be acquired."

George paused, and said: "He is responsible for the operation and management of the Haigou platform. Once he leaves, there will be problems with the operation of the entire platform, so we must find a suitable candidate to take his place as soon as possible!"

"Is there a management candidate?" Hearing George's words, a figure suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind!

"Yes, boss!" George said, "Do you need me to find a few candidates from a headhunting company? I'm afraid this matter can't be delayed for too long."

Once it is delayed for a long time, and there are problems with the platform management, it will trigger a series of chain reactions. Once the platform collapses at that time, the investment of 200 million yuan will be in vain!

"Don't worry, I have a candidate here, but I have to confirm whether the other party is willing to come." Jiang Xiaobai said, "I'll ask him first, and I'll contact you later, that's it!"

George: "Okay, boss, goodbye!"

After finishing the call with George, Jiang Xiaobai immediately made a call.

The signal was quickly connected after two rings.

"Hello? Miss husband, why did you call me? Is there something good for you?" The call was connected, and Pan Xiaoshuai's hearty voice came from the receiver.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "Xiaoshuai, I just acquired a company here, and I still need a company director. Are you interested?"

"What? You bought a company?" Pan Xiaoshuai on the other end of the phone opened his mouth!

What the fuck?! How old is this young lady? He even started buying companies before he even went to university?!

Think back on your own life...

mmP! Immediately, I felt that I had lived my whole life on huskies!

"Huh? Wait a minute!" In the next second, Pan Xiaoshuai, who came back to his senses, grasped the key information in Jiang Xiaobai's words, "You said you want me to be the supervisor?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "Yes!"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll screw up your company?" Pan Xiaoshuai said, "I'm a college student who just graduated, so I don't have any experience in management!"

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Sister Bingbing didn't say that!"

"My sister?" Pan Xiaoshuai blinked his eyes immediately, "What did my sister tell you?"

"Sister Bingbing said that you are the best manager she has ever seen! You are a natural managerial talent!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Didn't you work in Xiangrui Group every summer vacation? This also counts as work experience?"

Seeing that his old background had been leaked by his old sister, Pan Xiaoshuai felt a little depressed: "Uh... my old sister really tells you everything!"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Xiaoshuai, I'm not lying, but I know why you don't want to work in Xiangrui."

"You know what I think?" Pan Xiaoshuai suddenly looked surprised!

"You do this because you don't want to occupy your sister's hard work for many years!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, am I right?"

Since Pan Xiaoshuai graduated, both the old man and Qin Bing have urged him several times to go to Xiangrui to work.

After all, he is the future first heir of Xiangrui Group!

However, what surprised them was that Pan Xiaoshuai was very resistant to this, and even said that after studying for so many years, he finally graduated, so he must let him take it easy? How about playing for a year or so?

Qin Bing was very angry at his younger brother's attitude towards life at that time!

Playing for a year or so? If you play for a year, the energy of the whole person will not be lost, so how can you have the heart to devote yourself to work!

Brother and sister had a big fight because of this, and they didn't even contact each other for several days.

Later, the old man was found to have terminal cancer, and the relationship between the two began to ease.

It's just that the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear!

As a bystander, Jiang Xiaobai saw through Pan Xiaoshuai's thoughts!

He did this, in fact, for his sister!

He knew that compared to himself, his sister had a much deeper feeling for Xiangrui Group!

He didn't want his sister to hand over to him the company that had cost her countless efforts, painstaking efforts and support for many years just because he was the only male in the Pan family!

"Hmm!" Hearing Jiang Xiaobai broke his mind, Pan Xiaoshuai was silent for a moment, then nodded, "You didn't tell my sister about this, did you?"

"Of course I didn't say it!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "~But, do you think your sister won't understand what you've done for her?"

"On the contrary, I think it is precisely because of your refusal that Sister Bingbing is more eager to return Xiangrui to you!" Jiang Xiaobai said, "I bet, since Grandpa returned home after recovering, she has told you several times about letting you work for the group, right?"

Pan Xiaoshuai couldn't help but fell silent.

"So," Jiang Xiaobai's tone revealed a hint of bewilderment, "Since your sister is always urging you to go to work, but you don't want to go to Xiangrui, why don't you come to my place?"

"Of course, the company I acquired is not big, with only twenty or so people. It is small in scale, but it has great potential for development! I don't think its future potential will be inferior to that of Xiangrui!"

Hearing this, Pan Xiaoshuai couldn't help but be moved!

From childhood to adulthood, he grew up under the care of his sister, and he heard many stories about her sister's outstanding deeds!

As a man, his sister's excellence made him proud, but it also made him feel unwilling to admit defeat.

Now, Xiangrui Group is getting better and better under the auspices of his sister. Pan Xiaoshuai knows that even if he joins the group, it is just icing on the cake, and he has no way to prove whether he is better than (Li Zhaohao) sister!

So, the best way is to find a company, and then do better than my sister, to make her happy and gratified!

But, let me ask, which company would hire a freshly graduated college student as a supervisor?

It was precisely because he couldn't find such a company that Pan Xiaoshuai simply "resigned himself to depravity" and lived the life of an idle rich second generation!

Unexpectedly, a company actually came to ask me to be the supervisor now!

And the boss of this company is still my brother-in-law!

Faced with such a good thing, it's no wonder Pan Xiaoshuai is not moved!

However, Pan Xiaoshuai still hesitated: "Miss husband, are you not afraid that I will ruin your company? If this thing makes a mistake, the company will be ruined..."

"Hehe, with me here, the company can't be finished!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Since the company is entrusted to you, then you can do it with confidence! If something goes wrong, I'll make a noise!"

Jiang Xiaobai's words made Pan Xiaoshuai's heart warm, and a long-lost blood rushed into his heart!

"Okay! Brother-in-law, I fucked you!".

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