I Can Zoom In And Zoom Out

Chapter 80: Sensation! (8Th Update!)

George paused, and said, "However, sir, I still want to confirm with you one last time, do you really want to buy this town?"

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled and handed the contract to a lawyer next to him.

Before coming here, Jiang Xiaobai found a Queen's lawyer of the Waldorf Astoria Group through David. After all, this is a transaction involving a small town.

Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid of losing money. After all, it is only more than one million US dollars. If he gets some gold and diamonds, he will get it back.

What he is worried about is the small town. Once there is any problem with the contract, which leads to disputes when he develops the small town by himself, it will be a bit troublesome!

However, the facts have proved that the ability of JP Morgan Bank is still trustworthy!

After carefully reading the contract, the Queen's lawyer confirmed that there were no clauses that were unfavorable to Jiang Xiaobai.

So, Jiang Xiaobai signed with confidence and transferred 1.3 million US dollars to the other party's account.

From this moment, Jiang Xiaobai officially owns a small town in Vulture Country!

In the afternoon of the same day, a news suddenly appeared on the local social platforms in Los Angeles, saying that a mysterious buyer from Dongfang Kingdom bought a small town 200 kilometers away from Los Angeles!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the local forums in Los Angeles and quickly spread to the Internet of Eagle Kingdom!

"Oh my God! Is this news true or false?"

"Yeah! Could it be fake news? An oriental guy bought one of our towns? That's crazy!"

"It's not surprising at all! Orientals are famously rich!"

"Will we wake up that day and find that the land under our feet has been bought by the Orientals? [Manual Funny]


That night, the news about the purchase of a small town in Honshu, Condor Country by an oriental buyer was broadcast by CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, and CW, the five well-known TV networks in Condor Country, and instantly caused a sensation in the entire Condor Country!

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